Nemesis Lockdown Companion v1.2 en

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4 Introduction
5 Critical gameplay moments
6 Characters
8 Room Descriptions

18 Item descriptions
19 Negative Interactions
20 Losing conditions
21 Winning conditions

22 Actions: Movement types

24 Resolving exploration tokens

25 Mars surface, events
26 Actions pick up, trade, craft items
27 Resolving encounters

28 Intruder’s attack
29 Actions: shot and melee attack

30 resolving dice score
31 resolving dealt damage
32 resolving life pool of intruders
33 action cards and items
34 Event phase
35 Resolving event card
36 intuders bag development

37 Preparation of main board

39 Preparation of laboratory board
40 Preparation of intruder’s bag
41 Preparation of player’s space

42 addon: Chytrids
47 addon: void seeders
54 addon: carnomorphs
61 addon: Purge

Nemesis: Lockdown is a semi-coopera�ve game in which
you play the role of an employee of a base on Mars overrun
by hos�le intruders from space.

To win, you must complete one of the two objec�ves that

you receive at the beginning of the game and survive in
one piece un�l the arrival of the rescue team.

Critical Gameplay
During the game, there are four cri�cal gameplay
moments that are independent of the current round
and occur a�er certain condi�ons are met:
• First encounter with the Intruder.
• Death of the first character.
• Unlocking the isola�on room.
• Flip the autodestruc�on token red side up.

When you experience your first cri�cal gameplay

moment, you must immediately choose 1 of 2
objec�ve cards to complete.

The First encounter:
When the first intruder figure (of any type) appears on
the board, each player immediately chooses 1 of the 2
objec�ve cards. Unselected cards are removed from
the game without revealing their contents. The game
goes on.
Alterna�vely, the above rule should only apply to players who
are playing their first encounter, and enforced selec�on of
objec�ve card shoulf apply to all players at next, subsequent
cri�cal moment.

Death of the first character:

The system immediately opens the main gate so that
the rest of the characters can leave the base.

unlocking isolation room:

When the �me token reaches the first white space
(“08”) on the �me track, the isola�on room is
unlocked. The isola�on room can be unlocked earlier
by ac�va�ng the alert procedure.

When the autodestruc�on token is flipped red side up,
the system immediately opens the main gate to allow
other characters to leave the base and blocks the
ability to cancel the autodestruc�on sequence.

• Has an SMG, can get a combat suit.
• Can do reconnaissance.
• Can mobilize and neutralize players.
• Can remotely block access to unlocked rooms.
• Has discounts for carrying out ac�ons in white
and red rooms.

• Has repair equipment, can get intruder repellent
• Can do reconnaissance.
• Can carry out repairs / put out fires.
• Can use devices and rooms even if room has
mulfunc�on or no power.
• Has concessions for making DIYs in yellow rooms.
• Has discounts for carrying out ac�ons in white
and yellow rooms.

Lab rat:
• Has an advantage in the dark.
• Can carry out repairs.
• Can influence and manage noises.
• May divert intruders' a�en�on to others.
• May use Contamina�on cards.
(The character may have trouble defending against
intruders. Alterna�vely, assign "Shotgun" as a personal

• Can get an assault rifle.
• Can carry out repairs.
• May use the system of technical corridors.
• Can deal direct damage to intruders.
• May avoid encounters with intruders.
• May use Deep Wound cards.

• Has a gun, can get codes.
• Can reload energy weapons.
• Can use computer ac�ons more efficiently.
• Can use the computer's ac�ons bypassing the
mulfunc�ons or power constraints.
• Has discounts for carrying out ac�ons in rooms
with a computer and power supply.

• Has a robo�c arm, can get a thought booster.
• Has bonuses for acquiring knowledge.
• Can do reconnaissance.
• Can convert accumulated knowledge into
• Can use acquired knowledge to manipulate
events and encounters of intruders.
• Has discounts for carrying out ac�ons in white
and yellow rooms.

Room descriptions
To perform the ac�on of any room, your character
must be in that room.
You cannot perform a room ac�on if your character is
engaged in combat or there is a malfunc�on marker
in the room.

Computer action:
If the computer room has power and there is no
mulfunc�on marker in the room, you may perform
the computer ac�on.

Pay the cost by discarding one of the available Ac�on cards

and do the following:

1 Perform one of three possible computer ac�ons.

2 Place the played computer ac�on card at the bo�om of the
computer ac�on deck.
3 Reveal the next card from the computer ac�on deck.
4 If you revealed a "Lockdown" card, put a mulfunc�on marker in
room and shuffle the computer ac�on deck.

A�en�on! - The "Lockdown" card cannot be the first revealed card.

Alert Room:
Pay the cost by discarding two of the available Ac�on cards
and do the following:

1 Divide the number of the space containing the �me token by 2,

rounding down.
2 Then place an emergency procedure token on a space with the
value of the above equa�on.
3 If "Isola�on room" is locked, unlock it.

Pay the cost by discarding two of the available Ac�on cards
and take one Con�ngency Plan token from the neutral pool.
You can only perform this ac�on when your knowledge token
is inac�ve.

Pay the cost by discarding two of the available Ac�on cards

and do the following:

1 Increase your knowledge level by 2 and flip your knowledge

token to its ac�ve side.
2 Then look at any other player's con�ngency plan �le (even from
outside your sector) or from the neutral pool.

Backup power supply:
Pay the cost by discarding two of the available Ac�on cards
and do the following:

1 If the base has less than 3 power tokens ac�ve side up, reset
the power. Place power tokens 1 and 2 blue side up, and power
tokens 3 and 4 red side up.
2 Set the power. Place all power tokens freely in the sectors and
in the elevator.
3 If the �me token is inac�ve, flip the �me token ac�ve side up.

Cargo Sending system A/B/C:

You can only perform this ac�on if the �me token is on a
space that has any CSS token under it and the space of the
selected CSS pod is empty.


Pay the cost by discarding two of the available Ac�on cards
and do the following:

1 Discard all your cards and pass.

2 Place your character figure on the CSS pod space.
3a In the event phase, if the selected CSS pod has been launched,
the ac�on is successful and the character has escaped.
3b During the event phase, if the selected CSS pod has not
been launched, you suffer 1 deep wound, return your character
to its original loca�on.

Cave entrance:
Pay the cost by discarding two of the available Ac�on cards
and do the following:

1 Move to the selected outdoor room with the entrance to the

technical corridors.
2 Draw and resolve one intruder a�ack card
(Resolve an adult a�ack in the dark.)

Contaminated room:
Each time you use the "Search" action card in this room, place a slime
marker on your character board.

Pay the cost by discarding two of the available Ac�on cards
and do the following:

1 Take an autodestruc�on token and place it 3 spaces to the right

of the �me token with the yellow side up.

As long as the yellow side of the autodestruction token is visible, players

can interrupt the countdown in the generator room.

2a When the time token moves to the yellow autodestruction token

move the autodestruction token another 3 spaces to the right and flip
the red side up.
2b Open the main gate.
3 When the time token moves out of the space with the red
autodestruction token, the base is immediately destroyed.

Attention! - If the autodestruction token is to be moved off the time track, it

must be placed on the last space on the track. Its effect should be resolved
when checking end-of-game conditions.
Css control system:
Pay the cost by discarding two of the available Ac�on cards
and do the following:

1 View the content of the selected CSS token.

2 You may then move the token 1 space in any direc�on to an
unoccupied space by another CSS token, unless the
peeked CSS token is under the same space as the �me

Dekon room:
Pay the cost by discarding two of the available Ac�on cards
and do the following:

1 Scan all Contamina�on cards in your hand.

2 Discard all INFECTED.
3 If you have a larva on your character sheet, remove it.
4 If you have a slime marker on your character sheet, remove it.

DEFENSE CoNTrol room:

Pay the cost by discarding two of the available Ac�on cards
and do the following:

1 Decrease the value of items by 1 or place a mulfunc�on marker.

2 Choose a room with an intruder without a malfunc�on marker.
3 Place a mulfunc�on marker in it.
4 Each intruder takes 1 damage, each player gets 1 deep wound.

Elevator room S-01/02/03:
Pay the cost by discarding one of the available Ac�on cards
and take the elevator token and place it next to the elevator
room you are in.

If an elevator token is next to an elevator room in the same

sector, you can use the following ac�on.


Pay the cost by discarding one of the available Ac�on cards
and do the following:

1 Move and place your character's figure in the Elevator in

another sector, and place the Elevator Token next to it.
2 You can take any other character that is in the room with you (if
they agree).
3 Skip the step of rolling for noises.
Emergency room:
Pay the cost by discarding two of the available Ac�on cards
and choose one of the following op�ons:

• Dress up all your deep wounds.
• Heal 1 of your dressed deep wound.
• Heal all your superficial wounds.

GuARD Room:
Pay the cost by discarding two of the available Ac�on cards,
reduce the item counter by 1, and choose one:
• Tazer (DIY Equipment)
• Space Suit (DIY Equipment)

The rule of reducing the item counter can be problema�c in

some cases, e.g. an explora�on token with 1 item in a 3-5
player game, etc.

Alterna�vely, set the item count to half the number of players,

rounding up.
Isolation Room:
If your character is in this room at the start of a new round,
draw an addi�onal ac�on card.

Pay the cost by discarding two of the available Ac�on cards
and do the following:

1 Make a roll for noises.

2 If the result didn't lead to an encounter, you're locked out.

A�en�on! - The ac�on of the room is not one-�me. Every player can
use the ac�on. It does not block the autodestruc�on procedure.

You can perform the following ac�on if there is a heavy
object in the room.


Pay the cost by discarding two of the available Ac�on cards
and do the following:
1 Raise your knowledge level by 3.
2 If the test item is not on the lab board, place the item on an available
space on the lab board and reveal the Intruder Weakness card.
Main Gate:
If the main gate is open, pay the cost by discarding two of
the available ac�on cards and do the following:

1 A If there is a rover available, you escape to the bunker.

1 B If you have a spacesuit, roll for noises.
2 B If the score didn't lead to an encounter, you escape to the

The first character to explore this room raises their
knowledge level by one.


Pay the cost by discarding two of the available Ac�on cards
and do the following:

1 Take one egg token from the Intruder Lab board.

2 Roll for noises.

Pay the cost by discarding two of the available Ac�on cards
and do the following:

1 Perform a shoot or melee ac�on, each damage dealt destroys

one egg.
(For melee, skip drawing Contamina�on and Deep Wound
2 Roll for noises.

If the autodestruc�on token is yellow side up, pay the cost by
discarding two of the available ac�on cards and discard it.

Pay the cost by discarding two of the available ac�on cards
and flip the power token in the sector you are in to its other

Pay the cost by discarding two of the available Ac�on cards
and cra� a DIY item by discarding one of the required

Pay the cost by discarding two of the available Ac�on cards
and do the following:

1 Scan all Contamina�on cards, discard all INFECTED.

2 If you have a larva on your character board, remove it..
3 You receive a superficial wound and automa�cally pass.
4 Shuffle all the cards and create a new deck. The hand is empty.

Testing lab:
You can perform the following ac�on if you have knowledge
of level 4 or higher.

Pay the cost by discarding two of the available Ac�on cards
and take the Neutralizer from the DIY card deck.

TRANSMITTER Control room:
Pay the cost by discarding two of the available ac�on cards
and place a marker on the sent signal space on your board.

Pay the cost by discarding two of the available Ac�on cards.
Then select a player who has already sent a signal and check
their available objec�ve cards.

VENT CoNTRol room:

Pay the cost by discarding two of the available Ac�on cards
and do the following:

1 Select a room with a technical corridor.

2 Close doors in all corridors leading to the selected room.
3 If there is a fire marker in the room, remove it.
4 Place a ventilation marker in the room.

If any door is opened or destroyed that is within the ventilation range, it

immediately stops the action and the ventilation marker must be removed.

At the end of the player phase. If the vent marker is in the room, remove all
characters and all intruders from the game. they die.

A�en�on! - The corridors leading to the selected room must not

contain broken doors.

Item descriptions
The game is very random. Alterna�vely, draw 3 and choose 1.

Red deck:
• Weapon prototypes, upgrades.
• Energy weapon reload.
• Melee items.
• Demoli�on items.
Rare items:
• Key to the main gate.
• Sca�ergun.
(allows you to escape from the ba�lefield)
Yellow deck:
• Tools for repair, ex�nguishing fires.
• Objects to open and close doors.
• Reloading fire weapons.
• Demoli�on items.
• Items for dressing wounds and cleaning.
Rare items:
• Emergency access key.
(allows you to use the elevator without restric�ons)
• Cave plan.
Green deck:
• Items for healing and trea�ng wounds.
• Contamina�on card removal items.
• Items to remove slime.
• Reloading fire weapons.
Rare items:
• Scalpel.
(Allows you to remove the larva)
• Research tools.
(They allow you to discover the weaknesses of intruders)
Killing and wounding players directly is not possible.
(Shoo�ng players, throwing explosives at them)

You can cause indirect injury and death to other players by:
1 autodestruc�on the base.
(Can cause players to die before they can take cover)
2 Star�ng the alert procedure.
(Can cause players to die before they can take cover)
3 Grenade (Red Item)
4 Thermal Charge (Red / Yellow Item)

You can hinder other players by:
1 Closing the door.
(You can trap others in rooms with fire or intruders and slow
them down in reaching key loca�ons)
2 Se�ng on fire key rooms.
3 Causing mulfunc�on of key rooms.
(You can slow down others before they use key rooms)
4 Using the taser (DIY deck).
(Allows you to target a player directly i
forcing all ac�on cards from his hand to be discarded)
5 Using some ac�on cards, e.g.: "Obstruc�on".

Loosing conditions
An excessive number of room mulfunc�ons can lead to
premature destruc�on of the base and the death of

Excessive room fires can lead to the premature
destruc�on of the base and the death of players.


Failing the final scan:

At the end, each player must undergo a final scan:
1 If you have a LARVA on you, shuffle the deck and
then take a step 4.
2 If not, scan all contamina�on cards.
3 If any are INFECTED, shuffle all cards.
4 Draw 4 cards into your hand. If either of them is a
Contamina�on card, you lose.

No goal accomplished, no shelter in �me, premature

Winning conditions
You will die if you have 3 deep wounds and are about
to receive an addi�onal wound of any type.
Larva, event cards, and contamina�on cards can also
lead to the death of your character.

Accomplish your Goal:

At some point in the game, you will have to choose
one of the two objec�ve cards and try to fulfill the
condi�ons described on the card.

Infer a contingency plan:

You need to figure out what lies in the field of the
current corporate con�ngency plan.
(Remember, there is no way to see this �le)

Shelter yourself:
Lock yourself in the isola�on room:
• When a room is unlocked, perform a room ac�on.
Launch yourself in the CSS Cargo Shipping Pod:
• Check the CSS cargo system,
• Shoot yourself at the right moment in the game.
Hide in the bunker:
• Make a cri�cal moment (excluding a mee�ng),
• Ride a rover; or get your spacesuit ready and
head to the bunker.

undergo a final scan:

At the end, each player must undergo a final scan.

Basic Actions
Regardless of the combat:
Pay the cost by discarding one of the available ac�on
cards and move your character down the corridor to
an adjacent loca�on.
1 If you are going to an unexplored loca�on, turn
the explora�on and room �les over and resolve
the effects:

• There is a “silence” symbol on the �le :

You don't roll for noises. If you have a slime
marker, consider this result as "danger".
• There is a “danger” symbol on the �le :
If the intruder is not engaged in combat and is in an
adjacent loca�on, move him to your loca�on.
Otherwise, put noises in all corridors leading to the
current loca�on.
• There is any other symbol on the �le:
Roll for noises and resolve the result.
(If you need to add a noise marker to a corridor that already
has a noise marker, resolve the encounter)
2 If you are going to a revealed, empty loca�on, roll
for noises.

3 If you are going to a revealed loca�on that is

currently occupied by another character or
intruder, ignore the roll for noises.
out of Combat:
Pay the cost by discarding two of the available ac�on
cards and move your character down the corridor to
an adjacent loca�on. If you must resolve noises,
instead of rolling for noises, place a noise marker on
any unoccupied corridor leading to that loca�on.
The game does not have a rule for when a player wants to
perform this ac�on, but cannot, because all the corridors
leading to the des�na�on loca�on are already occupied by
noise markers. Alternately, ignore the rule of adding noises if
that's not possible.

Resolving Special Effects:
Resolve the effect of the explora�on token and return it to
the box.
Place a door token in the corridor you used to
enter this room.
You are covered in slime. Place a status marker on
your board.

Place a Malfunc�on marker in this room.

Place a fire marker in this room.

Draw and resolve 1 card from the deck of Mars

surface cards. A�er resolving a card effect, make a
roll for noises (or place a Noise Marker) as usual.

Draw 1 card from the green item deck.

Draw 1 card from the yellow item deck.

Draw 1 card from the red Item deck.

mars surface:

Surface-located rooms have different corridor markers to

indicate to players that the mars surface dice should be
rolled instead of the standard die when rolling for noise. In
addi�on, the area surrounding the building should be
treated as a technical corridor.
Mars surface cards:

radioaktywny pył



If an explora�on token or die roll shows a mars surface

symbol, resolve one Mars surface card.

A ) Event considered by
everyone on the surface without
B ) Event considered by
everyone on the surface in
buildings and spacesuits.

Pay the cost by discarding one of the available ac�on
cards and pick up one heavy object in the room you
are currently in.
Pay the cost by discarding one of the available Ac�on
cards and ini�ate a trade. All players (even those who
passed) in the same room with you can exchange any
number of items and objects to each other.
Pay the cost by discarding one of the available ac�on
cards. Then, as an ac�on, discard items (cra�ing
ingredients) and draw a cra�ed item from the DIY
You can do this at any �me during your turn without
using any ac�on.
Objects remain in the room where they were
Items are lost and their cards are returned to the
bo�om of their respec�ve decks.
This is an illogical rule. Alterna�vely, all heavy items
should be treated in the same way as heavy objects.

Resolving encounters:
An encounter occurs whenever an intruder appears in the
room where the character is.
These encounters can be followed by resolving explora�on
noises, event cards, and intruders’ bag effects.

The enconter with the intruder proceeds as follows:

1 Draw one token from the Intruders’ Bag.

2a If the drawn �le is empty, return it to the bag and add noise
markers in each corridor leading to the room where the
encounter took place. Finish resolving the encounter.
2b If the �le drawn is anything else, discard all Noise tokens from
all corridors leading to the room you are in.
3 Place an intruder figure in the room that matches the symbol
on the �le.

4 Compare the number on the �le with the number of cards you
have in your hand.
• If your character is in a sector with an ac�ve power,
resolve the lower value (blue).
• If your character is in darkness, resolve the higher value
5 If the token's value is greater than the number of cards in your
hand, resolve a surprise a�ack.
6 Discard the drawn �le, it does not return to the Intruders’ Bag.

Intruder ATTACKS:
(Sneak A�ack; A�ack during the Event Phase; Character Escape)

1 Larva - Draw no Intruder A�ack cards.

Instead, follow these steps:
• Remove the figure from the board, if you don't
have a larva on your character board, put it
• Draw a contamina�on card.

2 Other Types - Draw an Intruder A�ack card.


Otrzymujesz 1 powierzchowną
Ranę i 1 kartę skażenia.

Dodatkowo otrzymujesz
1 powierzchowną ranę.

A ) Check that the chosen Intruder type matches the

symbols on the a�ack card. If yes, go to B. If no, put the
card back, the a�ack fails.
B ) Resolve general effect. Go to C
C ) If your character is currently in darkness, also resolve
the effect in darkness.

In combat:

Pay the cost by discarding one of the available Ac�on
cards and do the following:
1 Choose a weapon and one intruder you want to
shoot at.
2 Discard 1 ammo from the weapon card.
3 Roll a combat die and resolve the result.
(If you are not in the darkness, roll an advantage die instead!)

Pay the cost by discarding one of the available Ac�on
cards and do the following:
1 Draw 1 Contamina�on card and add it to your
discard pile.
2 Select one intruder you want to a�ack.
3 Roll a combat die and resolve the result.
If you miss, draw 1 Deep Wound card.
(Only the following ma�ers in the results: and )

Resolving Dice results:
You miss.

If your target is a larva or a creeper,

deal 1 damage. If not, you are wrong.
If your target is a Larva, creeper, or adult, deal 1
damage. If not, you are wrong.
Deal 1 damage to your target (regardless of
Deal 2 damage to your target (regardless of
Discard an ac�on card to deal 1 damage to your
Deal 1 damage to your target. Discard an ac�on
card to deal 2 damage instead.

Resolving DEALt damage:
3 3

draśnięcie draśnięcie

Otrzymujesz 1 powierzchowną Otrzymujesz 1 powierzchowną

Ranę i 1 kartę skażenia. Ranę i 1 kartę skażenia.

Dodatkowo otrzymujesz Dodatkowo otrzymujesz

1 powierzchowną ranę. 1 powierzchowną ranę.

Draw an Intruder A�ack card. Compare the amount of

damage dealt with the amount of blood points in the upper
corner of the card.
A ) If the damage value equals or exceeds the blood points
value listed on the card(s), the intruder dies.
B ) If there is a “retreat” symbol instead of a blood points
value, the intruder is retrea�ng. Draw an event card
and move the intruder along the indicated corridor.

wyciek chłodziwa

Jeśli w Systemiechłodzeniajest
znacznik awarii,rozpocznij odliczanie
do autodestrukcji.Jeśli nie,
umieść tam znacznikawarii.
USUŃtowydarzenie z gry
i przetasujstoswydarzeń
(łączniezestosem kart odrzuconych).

If the indicated corridor leads to a technical corridor,

remove the intruder from the board instead.

health points of intruders:

Egg: 1 health point

Larva: 1 health point
Creeper: Health points equal to the blood point
value on 1 Intruder A�ack card.
Adult: Health points equal to the blood point
value on 1 Intruder A�ack card.
Breeder: Health points equal to the sum of the
blood points on the 2 Intruder A�ack
Queen: Health points equal to the sum of the
blood points on the 2 Intruder A�ack
If the health points are equal to or lower than the
current amount of damage, the intruder is killed -
remove his figure and place 1 corpse token in the room
where he died.

Action and
item cards



Each character has their own deck of 10 ac�on cards. The

decks of individual characters are par�ally different from
each other. Possible ac�ons are described in detail in the
text of the card.
To perform a card ac�on, you must discard the card from
your hand and pay the cost listed on the card.
A ) Condi�onal symbol indica�ng when a player can play a
given ac�on card ("In Combat" / "Out of Combat").
B ) The addi�onal cost that the player must pay by
discarding addi�onal cards from the available ac�on
cards to perform and resolve the described ac�on.
C ) Ac�on descrip�on.
D ) Component symbol. It is part of the required materials
for cra�ing items from the DIY deck.
E ) Condi�onal informa�on. It must be resolved when
performing the ac�on on the equipment card.

Event Phase:
Each round consists of two consecutive phases, the player
phase and the event phase.
When a player passes, he may discard any number of cards
from his hand. Passing counts as an action taken on a player's
This is a problematic rule, not fully balanced and unnecessarily prolongs
the game. Passing should be treated the same as "dropping" and should
be free and independent of the actions performed.

Once all players with Pass resolve the Event Phase:

1 If the CSS capsule token is under the �me token,
flip it over and resolve the effect.
2 Move the �me token one space to the right. Check
power thresholds and consider any effects.
3 Remove noise markers in powered sectors in all
corridors that do not lead to character rooms.
Not quite a well-chosen and logical step. Alterna�vely,
in addi�on, the lead player may remove a single noise marker,
ignoring the rule of powered sectors.

4 Each intruder in the same room with the character

performs an a�ack.
5 Consider the effects of the fires. Each intruder in the
room with the fire marker takes 1 damage.

RESolving event cards:
6 Draw and resolve one event card:

wyciek chłodziwa

Jeśli w Systemiechłodzeniajest
znacznik awarii,rozpocznij odliczanie
do autodestrukcji.Jeśli nie,
umieść tam znacznikawarii.
USUŃtowydarzenie z gry
i przetasujstoswydarzeń
(łączniezestosem kart odrzuconych).

A ) Intruder symbol. Resolve any Intruder that matches

the icons on the event card.
B ) Direc�on indicator. Move the indicated type of
intruder along the marked corridor.
If the indicated corridor leads to a technical corridor,
remove the intruder from the board instead.
C ) Event effect. This effect triggers a�er intruder
movement is resolved.
If an event effect has a “darkness” sec�on, everyone
currently in darkness also resolves it.

Resolving intruder
Population bag:
7 Draw one token from the Intruders’ Bag.
Remove the drawn �le.
Add one adult to the intruders’ bag.

Remove the drawn �le.

Add one breeder to the intruders’ bag.

Put the drawn �le back to the intruders’ bag.

Everyone rolls for noises, except for characters
engaged in combat.
Put the drawn �le back to the intruders’ bag.
Everyone rolls for noises, except for characters
engaged in combat.
If the character is in the Nest room, deploy or
move the queen to that loca�on. Resolve
encounter with the queen.
Otherwise. Return the drawn �le to the bag. If the
nest has not been destroyed, add an egg token to
the intruder lab board.
Put the drawn �le back to the intruders’ bag.
Add an adult token if possible.

Preparation of
Main board
1 Prepare the main board.
azy n
mag iestartowe izola tka
Pomieszczen bazy. rtowe
pracowników iot.
Zróbp rzedm Zamknijs ięwśrodks.

2 Place the special room �les:

a) Repository,
b) Isola�on Room,
c) Backup Power Supply,
d) Cargo Sending System A
(If you are playing on the mars surface site)
3 Shuffle and randomly arrange the remaining room �les
to match their levels on the board. Put the excess �les
back in the box.

4 Shuffle and randomly place one dungeon explora�on

token (with the dark back) on each facedown room
(If you are playing on the Mars surface side. Also place
surface explora�on tokens for all rooms in the minor buildings
and intersec�ons on the board.)
5 Place the rover �le and the main gate �le on the
appropriate spaces on the board.

6 Place the elevator �le next to the board by the elevator
room on level S-02.

7 Randomly place the power �les on the appropriate

spaces of the board and one on the elevator �le. Tiles
1-2 ac�ve side up. Tiles 3-4 with inac�ve side up.
Alterna�vely, for ease of use, also set the �le no.: 3
with the blue side up.

8 Shuffle and randomly place the CSS Capsule tokens.

9 Shuffle and deal one con�ngency plan token to each

player, place one at the end of the �meline, and the
rest on the designated space in the center of the
Board on neutral pool.
In a two-player game, deal each player 2 con�ngency
plan tokens.

10 Place the Emergency Procedure Token,

Autodestruc�on Token, and Ven�la�on Token by the
11 Place the �me token with the inac�ve side up.

Preparation of
Laboratory board
laboratorium GNIAZDO
obiekt badań: Intruzi

larwa pełzacz

dorosły reproduktor


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

przebadany przebadany
obiekt obiekt

słabość słabość słabość

intruzów intruzów intruzów



1 Place the Laboratory board next to the main board.

2 Place 5 eggs on the nest space.
3 Set the knowledge tokens on the knowledge track for
each selected character as indicated on the character
selec�on card.
4 Shuffle and deal out 3 random Intruder Weaknesses.
Discover the first weakness. Rest leave unrevealed.

Preparation of
Intruders’ Bag
1 Prepare the bag.
2 Put the following random chips into the bag:

Larva Tokens x4

Creeper Token x1

Adult Tokens x3 + x1 for each player in game

Queen Token x1

Preparation of
Players’ space

1 Prepare reference cards for each player.

2 A�er alloca�ng the order, give everyone a backpack of
the appropriate number.
3 Prepare the Corporate Goals and Personal Goals cards
by excluding cards from both decks for numbers
greater than the sum of the par�cipants.
4 Each player draws one objec�ve card from the
corporate objec�ve deck and the personal objec�ve
5 Shuffle the character selec�on cards. Each player takes
two cards in turn and chooses one character.
6 Each player receives a character board, a deck of ac�on
cards, star�ng items, and/or personal items.
7 Knowledge Token. Place the token on the knowledge
track of the intruder lab board.

Changes in preparation:
The add-on is compa�ble with the base side of the board.
The game with this add-on is played according to the
standard rules with the following changes.
1 Instead of using the cards from the base game,
prepare the appropriate cards from the Chytrids
2 Next to the main board, place the queen board,
and on it, place the queen figure and s�nkhorn
figures in the appropriate spaces (the queen figure
should stand in the middle, and the s�nkhorn figures
around it).
3 Put all the tokens into the Chytrids’ Bag.

Changes in exploration:
1 Addi�onal step. Place a spore marker in an adjacent
room whose corridor has the same number as the
number on the explora�on �le.
2 Extra ac�on. If you reveal a nest room, place a
mycelium marker in it.

Changes in Larva mechanics:

The mechanics of the larva were taken over by the spores.
When you are about to place a larva figure on your
character board, you must place a spore marker instead.
If there is a spore marker on your character board and you must
place another spore marker on it, your character dies. Place a
germinator and a character corpse token in the room where you

Growth and
evolution of spores:

Spore Level 1 Germinator Level 3 Germinator Mycelium

There can only be one marker in each room.

Spore markers are placed in rooms as a result of certain
ac�ons or game effects, such as Explora�on or the Event
When the spore is to be spread through a corridor with a
closed door, nothing happens and the door is destroyed.
If you are to place a spore marker in a room with a spore,
replace it with a germinator instead. If this is not possible,
place a mycelium marker instead.
If you are about to place a second germinator, nothing
Germinator markers will evolve from level one to level
three. If the germinator marker is already at level 3 and
you would need to evolve it to another level, replace it
with a Mycelium marker instead.
Markers in rooms do not affect characters in any way.

An excessive number of rooms infested with
mycelium can lead to premature destruc�on of the
base and the death of players.

Destroying germinators:
The germinator is not treated as an Intruder for the
purposes of Item and Ac�on cards.
You can perform a shoot or melee ac�on to deal damage
to a germinator. Each damage (regardless of source)
inflicted on a germinator lowers its level by 1.
If its level drops to zero, remove it back to the lab board.
If you perform a melee ac�on and miss, you do not suffer a deep

Additional fire effects:

In addi�on to the standard rules:
1 If there is also a spore marker in the room, remove it.
2 If there is also a germinator marker in the room, deal
one damage to it.
Event cards of chytrids:
All germinator markers and mycelium markers on
the board spread spores through the appropriate
All germinator markers of the corresponding color
on the main board expand. If there are 2 icons on
an event card, all germinator markers of these
colors expand twice.
Before you move a deathcap or queen, check to see
if there are any germinator or mycelium markers in
the room. If so, it moves. If not, place a spore

Encounters with chytrids:
If you draw a s�nkhorn token and there are no more
figures on the queen board. Instead, all s�nkhorns not
engaged in combat returns to the queen board.

Before placing a deathcap or queen, check if there are any

germinators or mycelium markers in the room. If so, it
appears and you must resolve the encounter. If not, place
a germinator marker.

Health pool of chytrids:

Germinator: Health points equal to the level of the

S�nkhorn: Health points equal to the blood point
value on 1 chytrids a�ack card.
Deathcap: Health points equal to the sum of the blood
points on the 2 chytrids a�ack cards.
Health points equal to the sum of the blood
Queen: points on 1 grapple a�ack card and the
lowest visible number on the queen board.
If the health points are equal to or less than the current
damage, the chytrid is killed - remove its figure and place
1 corpse token in the room where it died.

Chytrids’ bag:
During the Event Phase, draw one token from the Chytrids’
Put the drawn �le back to the intruders’ bag.
Everyone rolls for noises, except for characters
engaged in combat.

Put the drawn �le back to the intruders’ bag.

Everyone rolls for noises, except for characters
engaged in combat.

Put the drawn �le back to the intruders’ bag.

If the queen is on the main board, place a
germinator marker in adjacent rooms.
If the queen is not on the main board, the le�most
germinator on the lab board raises the level by 1. If
the germinator is already at level 3, resolve the
next one in order.
Return all tokens back to the intruders’ bag.
If possible, return the killed s�nkhorn to the queen

Killing the queen:

When the queen dies, from now on, whenever you draw a
queen token during an encounter or while resolving a
Chytrids’ bag, resolve the following effect.
The le�most germinator on the lab board raises the level
by 1. If the germinator is already level 3, resolve the next
one in order.

void seeders
Changes in preparation:
The add-on is compa�ble with the base side of the board.
The game with this add-on is played according to the
standard rules with the following changes.
1 Instead of using the cards from the base game,
prepare the appropriate cards from the Void Seeders
2 Remove the contaminated room from the pool of
rooms "II".
3 Remove 2 each of the "slime" and "silence"
underground explora�on tokens. Add 3 "lair"
underground explora�on tokens to the explora�on
token pool. Place one on each room �le and in each
elevator room.
4 Remove the void seeders weakness cards "Solid
Bulkheads" and "Wave of Calm" from the game.
5 Put the following tokens into the void seeder
intruders’ bag:
• Empty token x1
• Random chips x2 + x1 for each player
• Insanity tokens = x1 for each player
6 Each player receives an insanity track card, cover larva
and slime spaces on each character board. Then place
a status marker on the "1" space.
Mars surface:
Paths should be treated as corridors for traffic only. If any
game effect (such as the Panic Card "Insane Courage" or
the "Whispers" event card) affects a character at an
intersec�on, ignore the corridor rules.
Insanity mechanic:
5 In the void seeders expansion, characters
can go insane, which is indicated by a status

marker on the Insanity track card. Players
will also draw panic cards at appropriate
�mes during the game.
Insanity level:
The track reflects the character's level of insanity. When
an encounter with an intruder occurs, the type of void
seeder that appears depends on the insanity level of the
character who triggered the encounter. When a character
with level 5 insanity is about to increase his level of
insanity, he dies.
Panic cards:
When you draw a panic card and your character's insanity
level is lower than the value on the panic card, or the
card's effect cannot be resolved, increase your insanity
level by one. Otherwise, resolve the panic card effect.
The effect of a panic card can be canceled by another player if he
plays an "interrup�on" card!

Changes in item cards:

1 ”Neutralizer” - Instead of removing the larva, reduce
insanity level to 3.

Changes in lab room:

You can test a character's insanity level, there must be at
least 1 character with insanity level 3 or higher in the

Changes in resting:
When you perform the "Rest", "Rushed Analysis" ac�ons,
or the Decon room ac�on, you can:
1 Lower your character's insanity level by 1 or
2 Scan the contamina�on cards.
If the Contamina�on cards are INFECTED while scanning, increase
your character's insanity to 5!

Changes in corpses:
Void seeders do not die or leave a corpse token, so they
are not affected by the xerobiologist's "Robo�c Arm" card.
However, you can use the effect of this card to take a
corpse token from a destroyed lair.

Changes in slimes:
Slime does not appear in the void seeders expansion.
Ignore all slime marker rules.
The void seeders expansion is not fully compa�ble with the
alternate side of the board, the Mars surface. Many of the
elements relate to the "slime" mechanic and the "space suit"
protec�on mechanic. Ignoring the slime is problema�c and

Alterna�vely, the "slime" mechanic should be treated as

"insanity". Resolve a panic card

Encountering void seeders:
Check the insanity level of the character who triggered the
encounter. Place the intruder figure in the room that
matches the symbol on the insanity track. Resolve the
encounter. Set the drawn void seeder token aside.

Place a noise marker in each corridor leading to the room

you are in. The character that triggered the encounter
resolves the panic card. Return the drawn character
insanity token to the bag.

The color of the insanity token is irrelevant!

Place a noise marker in each corridor leading to the room

you are in. Return the drawn empty insanity token to the

Lairs share many characteris�cs with void seeders, but
unlike them, they have a material form. They appear in
the game a�er explora�on tokens are revealed.
When exploring or moving to a room containing a lair,
you do not roll for noise.
Lairs, like fire markers, have their effect at the end of a
player's turn. When a character ends his turn (each of his
turns) in a room with a lair, he rolls for noises.

Health pool of void seeders:

Lurker: Draw 2 void seeder a�ack cards. health

points are equal to the lower value of
blood points.
Whisperer: Health points equal to the blood point
value on 1 void seeder A�ack card.
Stalker: Draw 2 void seeder a�ack cards. health
points are equal to the greater value of
blood points.
Despoiler: The only way to kill the despoiler is to
destroy all lairs in the game. If this
happens, remove the desoiler figure
from the game.
Lairs: Draw 2 void seeder a�ack cards. health
points are equal to the greater value of
blood points. If any card has a retreat
icon, the lair takes no damage.
If there is a retreat symbol on the drawn card(s), the void
seeder escapes.
If the health points are equal to or less than the current
amount of damage, the void seeder is killed - remove its
Only the lair leaves a corpse behind!

void seeders’ bag:
During the Event Phase, draw one token from the void
seeder intruders’ bag.
Put the drawn token back to the intruders’ bag.
Everyone rolls for noises, except for characters
engaged in combat.

Put the drawn token back to the intruders’ bag.

The character matching the color of the insanity
token resolves the panic card.

Put the drawn token back to the intruders’ bag.

Add a random void seeder token to the bag if

In all rooms that contain a non-combat void seeder and
that are not adjacent to other character rooms:
1 Place noise markers in all corridors leading to the void
seeder room. Ignore corridors that already have a noise
2 Remove the void seeder figure from the board and
add a random void seeder token to the intruders’ bag.

void seeders’ movement:

Remember that void seeders do not have a physical form.
They ignore all obstacles while moving (ignore closed

Performing final scan:
At the end, each player must undergo a final scan:
1 Scan all Contamina�on Cards, raise your Insanity
Level to MAX Level 5 for each.
2 If you have insanity level at level 5. Draw 4 in your
hand. If you drew a Contamina�on card, you lose.

Changes in preparations:
The add-on is compa�ble with the base side of the board.
The game with this add-on is played according to the
standard rules with the following changes.
1 Instead of using the cards from the base game,
prepare the appropriate cards from the Carnomorphs

2 Place the Carno Lab board next to the main board.

Place the following in the appropriate boxes:
• 8 egg tokens on the nest space,
• 3 random facedown carno adapta�on cards.
• Prepare 1 shambler, fleshbeast and butcher
figures each, and then place them on the
appropriate Adapta�on cards.
3 Put the following tokens into the carnomorph
intruders’ bag:
• Empty token x1
• Blue metagorger tokens x2
• Red metagorger tokens x2
+ x1 for each player.
4 Place the character corpse token in the alert
Mutation mechanics:
In the Carnomorphs expansion, characters can mutate.
When this happens, the player draws a character
muta�on card and places a muta�on marker on his
character board.
Muta�on markers are ammo/damage markers from the
base game. When you are about to receive a muta�on
A ) If you don't have a muta�on card, draw two and
choose one of them.
B ) If you have muta�on cards, place a muta�on marker.
If you get a fourth muta�on marker, your character dies.

Changes during scanning:

If the Contamina�on cards are INFECTED while scanning,
place a Muta�on marker on your Character board instead
of a Larva figure.

Mutation actions:
To perform a muta�on ac�on, you must scan a chosen
contamina�on card from your hand and place 1 muta�on
marker on your character board (regardless of the scan
result). Depending on the scan result:
A ) If the Contamina�on card is INFECTED, you set it aside
discard pile and resolve an ac�on card effect.
B ) If the Contamina�on card is not INFECTED, discard it
and draw a new Contamina�on card, return it to your
discard pile cards and resolve the effect of the ac�on card.

Encountering carnomorphs:
Place a noise marker in each corridor leading to the room.

If the empty token was the last token in the intruders’

bag, add 1 metagorger token to the intruders’ bag. Then
put the empty token back into the bag.

When you are about to add a metagorger token to a

carnomorph intruders’ bag, always add a red
metagorger token (if available) instead of a blue one.

Metagorger attack:
A character a�acked by a metagorger does not draw or
resolve a carnomorph a�ack card. Instead of this:
A ) If you don't have a Muta�on card, draw 1 Character
Muta�on card, 1 Contamina�on card, and 1
Superficial Wound. Then, add a shambler token to
the carnomorph intruders’ bag and remove the
metagorger figure from the room.
B ) If you have a Character Muta�on card, he only gets 1
Contamina�on card and 1 Superficial Wound. Add a
shambler token to the carnomorph intruders’ bag.

An excep�onally large carnomorph specimen. The
butcher does not fit into the entrance to the technical
corridors. If it has to move towards the technical corridors,
it stays in the room.

Carnomorph adaptations:
Carnomorph Adapta�on cards replace Intruder Weakness
cards. Thanks to them, carnomorphs become stronger
and stronger.
The knowledge gained by the characters does not affect
the carnomorphs in any way, as is the case with the
Players can use the Laboratory room ac�on to research
one object, which increases their character's knowledge
level by 3 and addi�onally removes the revealed
adapta�on card from the game.
Health pool of carnomorphs:
When a carnomorph is damaged, draw 1 carnomorph
a�ack card and check the damage effect. There are 2
values on the card – the upper one is for the metagorger
and the lower one is for the other types of carnomorphs
represented by symbols.
If the number in the blood symbol is equal to or less than
the carnomorph's current damage, the carnomorph is
killed. However, carnomorphs don't die that easily:
Metagorger: Remove figure, place corpse marker.
Shambler: Remove figure, place corpse marker.
Fleshbeast: Remove the figure, place a corpse
marker and a shambler figure.
Butcher: Remove figure, place two shambler
figures. The Butcher will no longer be
in the game. Put it back in the box.

When a carnomorph not involved in combat is in a room
with a heavy object or metagorger, it begins to feed. The
order of feeding runs from the highest evolu�on to the
1 Remove that Carnomorph's damage.
2 Replace the figure with a figure with a higher
development level.
3 Remove the heavy object or metagorger from the
board that the carnomorph was feeding on.
Repeat these steps for all carnomorphs that meet the
above condi�ons.
Order of feeding on objects and metagorgers: red body crew
member, intruder egg, intruder corpse, metagorger, blue body
crew member.

Carnomorphs’ bag:
During the event phase, draw one token from the Carnomorph
intruders’ bag.
Remove this token from the bag and add 1 metagorger
token to the intruders’ bag. Everyone rolls for noises,
except for characters engaged in combat.
Put the drawn token back to the intruders’ bag.
Place a metagorger figure in every room that has a
metagorger or heavy object.

If the nest has been revealed and is not destroyed, place

a metagorger in it.
Put the drawn token back to the intruders’ bag.
Everyone rolls for noises, except for characters engaged
in combat.
Put the drawn token back to the intruders’ bag.
Everyone rolls for noises, except for characters engaged
in combat.
Remove the drawn token. Place a butcher figure in a
room with a character who:

1 a Has a slime marker;

1 b Has the fewest cards in hand;
1 C Is the earliest in play order.

2 First player.

Resolve the encounter.

Put the drawn token back to the intruders’ bag. Remove
all shambling figures not engaged in combat. Add the
removed shambler tokens and one metagorger token to
the intruders’ bag. Everyone rolls for noises, except for
characters engaged in combat.

Mars surface:
Any effect that men�ons tech corridors in their content
can't be applied to areas, so the rule that the butcher
doesn't move through tech corridors doesn't apply to
areas. If the butcher is to move to the area, remove his
figure from the board and add the butcher token to the
carnomorph intruders’ bag.

Performing final scan:

At the end, each player must undergo a final scan:
1 If you have a muta�on card, go to step 4.
2 If not, scan all contamina�on cards.
3 If any are INFECTED, draw a muta�on card.
4 If you have a muta�on card, shuffle the cards.
Draw 4 in your hand. For each contamina�on card,
draw a muta�on marker. If you have four muta�on
markers or more, you lose.

Nemesis: Purge is an unofficial mini-expansion, It works as
an extension of the "Alert Procedure" mechanic.
When the �me token leaves the alert procedure token
space, instead of checking the win condi�ons, place the
squad token in exit room 001* and con�nue the game.
Leave the alert procedure token on the �me track. The
alert procedure cannot be reac�vated.
The alert procedure does not open the main gate.

Use the "Squad" token provided with Nemesis: SG related
(Untold Stories #3).
The squad is invulnerable to any damage and cannot be
removed except by a control vent ac�on.

During the event phase, when resolving an event card,
a�er the intruder's movement step:
1 Move the squad for a number equal to the sum of
the numbers on the event card.
2 The squad moves towards the nearest Character.
3 The squad always moves along the corridor with the
lowest value.
The unit never adds or removes noise markers.

Obstacles (doors, intruders) reduce the value of movement by 1.

At any �me, if the character and/or the intruder are in the
same room as the squad:
Kill all characters and intruders in this room.
The process is automa�c and instant.

Mars surface:
The squad starts at the crossroads in front of the bunker.
In the event of a distans �e, the squad always moves
towards the area with the lowest value.
The Rover is able to pass through the Squad.


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