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ETSEIB – GTIAE - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technologies and Economic Analysis

Course: 240782 - Heat Transfer

Day 3. Analysis of Heat Transfer Problems:


ETSEIB – GTIAE - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technologies and Economic Analysis
Course: 240782 - Heat Transfer

What do we already know?

From Day 1
ETSEIB - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technologies and Economic Analysis

• Definition of heat transfer

• Relationship with Thermodynamics (1st and 2nd law)
• Energy conservation
• Flow direction
• Mechanisms
• Conduction
• Convection
• Radiation
• Energy balances per unit of time
240782 - Heat Transfer

    dEst
Ei + Eg − Eo = Est = q q q
dt = +
A cond A convec A rad
From Day 2
ETSEIB - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technologies and Economic Analysis

• Heat transfer by conduction

y • Fourier's Law
T ( x, y , z, t )
isothermal 
 q  ∂T  ∂T  ∂T  
n surface =−λ  i+ j+ k  =−λ∇T ( x, y , z, t )
z A ∂x
 ∂y ∂z 
 
x • Heat diffusion equation

∂  ∂T  ∂  ∂T  ∂  ∂T  ∂T
 λ  + ∂y  λ ∂y  + λ +g=ρ cp
∂x  ∂x    ∂z  ∂z  ∂t
240782 - Heat Transfer

From Day 2
ETSEIB - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technologies and Economic Analysis

• Heat transfer by conduction

• One-dimension steady state flux

3 dimensions One dimension

With generation Without With generation Without
generation generation
2 g 1 ∂T 2 1 ∂T ∂ 2T g 1 ∂T ∂ 2T 1 ∂T
Transient state ∇ T + = ∇T = + = =
λ α ∂t α ∂t ∂x 2
λ α ∂t ∂x 2
α ∂t
2 g ∂ 2T g ∂ 2T
Steady state ∇T+ 0
= ∇ 2T =
0 + =0 =0
λ ∂x 2
λ ∂x 2
240782 - Heat Transfer

d 2T g dT ( x ) dT
+ =0 T (x) q x = −λ A
dx 2
λ dx dx
From Day 2
ETSEIB - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technologies and Economic Analysis

    dEst
Thermal modelling of systems Ei + Eg − Eo = Est =
240782 - Heat Transfer

q dT q q
A cond
= −λ
= h (T∞ − TS )
A convec
= ε i σ T∞4* − Ts4
A rad
Stefan-Boltzmann +
Fourier Newton Enclosure balance
ETSEIB – GTIAE - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technologies and Economic Analysis
Course: 240782 - Heat Transfer

What do we want to know?

To solve heat transfer problems. Topic 1.
ETSEIB - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technologies and Economic Analysis

Q104 Plane wall with internal heat generation


g; λ

T(x) = a x2 + b x + 300

Calculate: E st
240782 - Heat Transfer


Deliverable 2
ETSEIB - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technologies and Economic Analysis

DEL 02 Q105 Solar panel

Surroundings at T∞*
• Solar radiation flux on the glass surface
• Glass transmissivity and emissivity. Glass surface.
Outside air: T∞ ; h • Outer air temperature and convection coefficient
q • Surroundings temperature
A solar • Water mass flow rate
ε glass , τ glass Tg
q a) The heat power supplied to the water
τ glass
240782 - Heat Transfer

A solar
b) The increase in water temperature

m; Ti m; Tf c) The collector efficiency

ETSEIB – GTIAE - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technologies and Economic Analysis
Course: 240782 - Heat Transfer

Analysis of Heat Transfer Problems:


Problem 1.1. Plane wall with internal heat generation.
ETSEIB - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technologies and Economic Analysis

Consider a large wall, whose thickness is L, its thermal conductivity is λ, its internal heat
generation is uniform, g, At a certain time t, the temperature distribution through the wall
is T(x) =-a x2 + b x + c

PART A. Transient state

For a wall surface A = 1 m2, what is the value of the stored energy per unit time (in W) at
the instant of time t if the values of a, b and c are those in the following table?

L 0.05 m a -900 ºC/m2

λ 17 W/(K m) b 0 ºC/m
g 93000 W/m3 c 40 ºC

Part B. Steady state.

After reaching the steady-state, what will be the value of a?
240782 - Heat Transfer

If the temperature of the surface is T(x=L) = 40 ºC, what is the value of c?

Problem 1.1. Plane wall with internal heat generation.
ETSEIB - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technologies and Economic Analysis

PART A. Transient state L 0.05 m a -900 ºC/m2

For a wall surface A = 1 m2, what is the value of the λ 17 W/(K m) b 0 ºC/m
stored energy per unit time (in W) at the instant of g 93000 W/m3 c 40 ºC
time t if the values of a, b and c are those in the
following table?

E i + E g − E o =
E st

Ac L 4650 [ W ]
E g g=
dT ( x )
E i =
−λ Ac −λ A b =
= 0
dx x =0
T ( x ) = ax 2 + bx + c → = ax + b
240782 - Heat Transfer

dT ( x )
dx E o =
−λ Ac = 1530 [ W ]
−λ A ( 2a L + b ) =
dx x =L

E st = E i + E g − E o = A {g L + 2a Lλ} = 3120 [ W ]
Problem 1.1. Plane wall with internal heat generation.
ETSEIB - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technologies and Economic Analysis

L 0.05 m Part B. Steady state.

λ 17 W/(K m) After reaching the steady-state, what will be the value of a?
g 93000 W/m3

E st = E i + E g − E o = A {g L + 2a Lλ} = 0 [ W ]

g AL g  ºC 
a= =
− −2735.29
=  m2 
−λ A2L 2λ

If the temperature of the surface is T(x=L) = 40 ºC, what is the value of c?

T ( x = L ) = a L2 + b L + c = 40 [ º C ]
240782 - Heat Transfer

dT ( x )
= b= 0
dx x =0
 2
= = T −
x L= a L2
= Tx L + = 46.8 [ º C ]

Problem 1.2. Calculation of the thermal conductivity of a sample
ETSEIB - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technologies and Economic Analysis

The heat flux through a metallic cylinder of length L, whose left and right
surfaces have temperatures of T1 and T2, respectively, has been
determined. What is the thermal conductivity of the metallic material using
the data in the table below?
T1 70 ºC L 0.2 m
T2 60 ºC q/A|cond 850 W/m2
240782 - Heat Transfer

 W 
Answer: 17  
K m  14
Problem 1.2. Calculation of the thermal conductivity of a sample
ETSEIB - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technologies and Economic Analysis

The heat flux through a metallic cylinder of length L, whose left and right
surfaces have temperatures of T1 and T2, respectively, has been
determined. What is the thermal conductivity of the metallic material using
the data in the table below?
T1 70 ºC L 0.2 m
T2 60 ºC q/A|cond 850 W/m2

∂  ∂T  ∂  ∂T  ∂  ∂T  ∂T
 λ +  λ  + λ
 ∂y  ∂y  ∂z  ∂z  + g = ρ c p
∂x  ∂x      ∂t

d 2T dT
=0 = C1 T (=
x ) C1x + C2
dx dx
240782 - Heat Transfer

• for x = 0, T = T1 x dT T2 − T1
• for x = L; T = T2
T ( x=) (T2 − T1 ) + T1 = C=
1 <0
L dx L

 W  q dT T −T
Answer: 17   −λ
= −λ 2 1 > 0 and constant
K m  Ax dx L 15
Problem 1.3. Refrigeration of an electronic chip.
ETSEIB - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technologies and Economic Analysis

A square section chip with a side of w = 100 mm is insulated on all its faces
except for the upper face. This face is exposed to a coolant at T∞ with a
convection coefficient h.
The chip top surface temperature must not exceed 65ºC.
What is the maximum allowable electrical power the chip can consume?
Analyse the 6 cases using the data for the coolant temperature and
convection coefficient shown in the table.

T∞ h
Case Fluid Phenomenon P [W]
[ºC] [W/(m2K)] e,max
A 15 Gas Free convection 15
B 15 Gas Forced convection 150
240782 - Heat Transfer

C 15 Liquid Forced convection 1800

D 25 Gas Free convection 15
E 25 Gas Forced convection 150
F 25 Liquid Forced convection 1800
Problem 1.3. Refrigeration of an electronic chip.
ETSEIB - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technologies and Economic Analysis

A square section chip with a side of w = 100 mm is insulated on all its faces
except for the upper face. This face is exposed to a coolant at T∞ with a
convection coefficient h.
The chip top surface temperature must not exceed 65ºC.
What is the maximum allowable electrical power the chip can consume?
Analyse the 6 cases using the data for the coolant temperature and
convection coefficient shown in the table.
Pe,max h A (TS,max − T∞ )
T∞ h Pe,max
Case Fluid Phenomenon
[ºC] [W/(m2K)] [W]
A 15 Gas Free convection 15 7.5
B 15 Gas Forced convection 150 75
240782 - Heat Transfer

C 15 Liquid Forced convection 1800 900

D 25 Gas Free convection 15 6
E 25 Gas Forced convection 150 60
F 25 Liquid Forced convection 1800 720
Problem 1.4. Power consumed by an electrically heated oven
ETSEIB - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technologies and Economic Analysis

In one stage of an annealing process, 304 stainless steel sheet is taken from 300 K to 1250 K as it passes through an
electrically heated oven at a speed of Vs = 10 mm/s. The sheet thickness and width are ts = 8 mm and Ws = 2 m,
respectively, while the height, width, and length of the oven are Ho = 2 m, Wo = 2.4 m, and Lo = 25 m, respectively.
The top and four sides of the oven are exposed to ambient air and large surroundings, both at 300 K. The
corresponding surface temperature, convection coefficient, and emissivity are Ts = 350 K, h = 10 W/(m2 K), and εs =
0.8. The bottom surface of the oven is also at 350 K and rests on a 0.5 m thick concrete pad whose base is at 300 K.
Estimate the required electric power input, Pelec, to the oven.


At a mean temperature of 775 K

for the 304 stainless steel:
ρ = 7900 kg/m3 and
cp = 578 J/(kg K).
240782 - Heat Transfer

For the concrete at 300 K,

λ = 1,4 W/(K m).

Problem 1.4. Power consumed by an electrically heated oven
ETSEIB - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technologies and Economic Analysis


Ti = 300; To = 1250 K
Vs = 10 mm/s; ts = 8 mm; Ws = 2 m.
H0 = 2 m, W0 = 2,4 m and L0 = 25 m
Walls and roof: Ts = 350 K, T∞ = Tsur = 300 K;
h = 10 W/(K m2); εs = 0,8.
Floor a Ts = 350 K
Concrete pad: ts = 0,5 m ; Tb = 300 K.
Estimate the required electric power input,
Pelec, to the oven ?

240782 - Heat Transfer

At a mean temperature of 775 K for the 304

stainless steel:
ρ = 7900 kg/m3 and cp = 578 J/(kg K).

For the concrete at 300 K, λ = 1,4 W/(K m). 19

Problem 1.4. Power consumed by an electrically heated oven
ETSEIB - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technologies and Economic Analysis

E i + E g − E o = E st = 0
E g = Pelec
E i mu
= =
 i m  c pTi

E o,=
steal =
 o m
 c pTo

E o,losses = ( qconv + qrad + qcond )

( )  (ui − uo ) − ( qconv + qrad + qcond ) = 0
E g + E i − E o = Pelec + m
240782 - Heat Transfer

 p (To − Ti ) + ( qconv + qrad + qcond )
  
useful heat losses 20
Problem 1.4. Power consumed by an electrically heated oven
ETSEIB - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technologies and Economic Analysis

qu = 694062 W
qconv = 84800 W
qrad = 53130 W
qcond = 8400 W

P= mc p (To − Ti ) + ( qconv + qrad + qcond

= ) 840392 W

 
240782 - Heat Transfer

useful heat losses

= × 100
= 82.6%
840.392 21
Problem 1.5. Surface temperature of the window of a building
ETSEIB - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technologies and Economic Analysis

During a winter night, the air temperature outside a building is

T∞,o. The temperature of the inner side of a glass window is T1.
The effective temperature of the surrounding is T∞*. The glass has
a conductivity λ and its thickness is L. The outer surface of the
window has an emissivity ε. The outside air convection coefficient
is ho.
Calculate the outer surface temperature, T2, and the heat flux
through the glass.

T∞,o 2 ºC 275.1528 K ho 20 W/(m2K) ε 0.84 -

T∞*. -30 ºC 243.1528 K L 0.006 m
T1 5 ºC 278.1528 K λ 0.96 W/(m K)
240782 - Heat Transfer

Problem 1.5. Surface temperature of the window of a building
ETSEIB - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technologies and Economic Analysis

Calculate the outer surface temperature, T2, and the heat flux through
the glass.

q q q
+ + 0
A cond . A convec . A rad .

(T1 − T2 ) + ho (T∞,o − T2 ) + ε r σ (T∞4* − T24 ) =

=T2 277.18
= K 4.03 ºC

q λ W
= (T1 − T2 )= 155.25  2 
240782 - Heat Transfer

A cond . L m 

Problem 1.6. Dew condensation on the pavement surface of a street.
ETSEIB - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technologies and Economic Analysis

During a winter night, the air temperature is T∞. The dew point temperature (the one
needed to condensate the water contained by the humid air) is Td. The effective temperature
of the firmament is T∞*. The street pavement surface has an emissivity ε. The air convection
coefficient is h.
Will water condense on the street pavement surface? Calculate its temperature, Tp (< Td?)

Td 5 ºC 278.1528 K h 5 W/(m2K)
T∞ 7 ºC 280.1528 K ε 0.9
T∞*. -5 ºC 268.1528 K
240782 - Heat Transfer

Problem 1.6. Dew condensation on the pavement surface of a street.
ETSEIB - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technologies and Economic Analysis

Will water condense on the street pavement surface? Calculate its temperature,
Tp (< Td?)

Td 5 ºC 278.1528 K h 5 W/(m2K)
T∞ 7 ºC 280.1528 K ε 0.9
T∞*. -5 ºC 268.1528 K

0 = ho (Tp − T∞,o ) + ε r σ Tp4 − T∞4* )
=Tp 274.76
= K 1.608 ºC

= 26.973 W
240782 - Heat Transfer

A convec .

= −26.973 W
A rad .
Problem 1.7. Fridge wall thickness calculation
ETSEIB - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technologies and Economic Analysis

The outer area of a fridge is As. Assume the bottom to be perfectly

insulated. The walls have an effective thermal conductivity λ. The
inner and outer wall temperature are Ti and To, respectively. The
electrical power consumed by the fridge is Pe watts.
What is the minimum thickness of top and side walls to ensure a heat
load of less than Pe,max. for the extreme temperatures shown in the
data table.

As 0.5 m2 Ti -5 ºC
λ 0.09 W/(m K) To 30 ºC
Pe,max. 200 W
240782 - Heat Transfer

L ≥ 0.0079 m

Problem 1.8. Gage for measuring heat flux
ETSEIB - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technologies and Economic Analysis

A gage for measuring heat flux to a surface or through a laminated material employs 5 thin-film,
chromel/alumel (type K) thermocouples placed on the upper and lower surfaces of a wafer with a thermal
conductivity of 1.4 W/(m K) and a thickness of 0.25 mm.
240782 - Heat Transfer

The Seebeck coefficient of the type-K thermocouple materials is approximately 40 V/K.

Determine the heat flux through the gage when the voltage output is 350 V.

q = 9800 W/m2
Ax 27
Problem 1.9. Temperature of the heatsink for an electronic device
ETSEIB - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technologies and Economic Analysis

An electronic power device is mounted to a heatsink having an exposed surface area of AS and an emissivity ε. When
the device dissipate a total power of Pe,1 and the air and surroundings are at T∞ = Tsur, the average heatsink
temperature is TS,1. What average temperature will the heat sink reach when the device dissipate Pe,2 for the same
environmental condition?
240782 - Heat Transfer

Problem 1.9. Temperature of the heatsink for an electronic device
ETSEIB - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technologies and Economic Analysis

An electronic power device is mounted to a heatsink having an exposed surface area of AS and an emissivity ε. When
the device dissipate a total power of Pe,1 and the air and surroundings are at T∞ = Tsur, the average heatsink
temperature is TS,1. What average temperature will the heat sink reach when the device dissipate Pe,2 for the same
environmental condition?
240782 - Heat Transfer

Pe,1 h As (Ts,1 − T∞ ) + ε σ As Ts4,1 − T∞4*
= ) (
Pe,2 h As (Ts,2 − T∞ ) + ε σ As Ts4,2 − T∞4*
= )
 W 
h = 80.73  2  =Ts,2 319.8
= [K ] 46.94 [ ºC]
m K 
Deliverable 2. Solar panel
ETSEIB - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technologies and Economic Analysis

Surroundings at T∞*
• Solar radiation flux on the glass surface: q/A|solar
• Glass transmissivity and emissivity: τglass; εglass
Outside air: T∞ ; h • Glass surface: Aglass
• Outer air temperature and convection coefficient: T∞; h
A solar
• Surroundings temperature: T∞*
• Water mass flow rate: m
ε glass , τ glass Tg

q Calculate:
τ glass
A solar 1. The useful thermal power supplied to the water per m2 of
collector surface
240782 - Heat Transfer

2. The temperature increase that the water experiences if the mass

m; Ti m; Tf
flow rate is 0.01 kg/s and its specific heat is 4179 J/(kg K)
3. If the efficiency of the collector, η, is defined as the relationship
between the useful heat supplied to the water and the solar
energy that falls on the solar panel, indicate the value of this
efficiency in %.

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