Multimedia Project 2

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‭Multimedia Project‬


‭ esign a website or a visual representation (poster) of an influential person in the‬

‭Renaissance. The website or poster will be graded according to the rubric below. I have‬
‭provided a checklist to help you complete this project. You will choose a person to do in‬

I‭nclude the name of the person‬
‭Facts and details about their life‬
‭Where are they from?‬
‭Date of birth and death‬
‭Other relevant and interesting life events‬
‭Why are they famous?‬
‭How did they contribute to the Renaissance?‬
‭What was their long term impact? How did they impact the world today?‬
‭Pictures and illustrations of their life and accomplishments‬
‭Excellent‬ ‭Good‬ ‭Satisfactory‬ ‭Needs Improvement‬

I‭ncludes the person’s‬ ‭ y website thoroughly and‬

M ‭ y website includes relevant‬
M ‭ y website includes some‬
M ‭ y website provides little to‬
‭accomplishments and‬ ‭accurately outlines the‬ ‭and accurate information‬ ‭information about the person's‬ ‭no information about the‬
‭how they contributed to‬ ‭person's‬‭accomplishments‬ ‭about the person's‬ ‭accomplishments‬‭during the‬ ‭person's‬‭accomplishments‬
‭the Renaissance and‬ ‭during the Renaissance and‬ ‭accomplishments‬‭during the‬ ‭Renaissance, but the details‬ ‭or contributions to the‬
‭long term impact.‬ ‭Renaissance and long term‬ ‭are incomplete or lack depth.‬ ‭Renaissance.‬
‭long term impact‬
‭ heir contributions include:‬
T ‭ heir contributions are:‬
T ‭ heir contributions‬
‭-‬‭specific detail‬ ‭ heir contributions are:‬
T ‭-‬‭somewhat mentioned but‬ ‭- are not mentioned or‬
‭- full understanding of the‬ ‭-‬‭broadly described‬ ‭lack details‬ ‭inaccurate‬
‭person's impact on the‬ ‭- adequately show their‬ ‭- do not clearly demonstrate‬ ‭- do not show their impact‬
‭Renaissance‬ ‭impact on the Renaissance‬ ‭impact on the Renaissance‬ ‭on the Renaissance‬
‭-full understanding of their‬ ‭- adequately show their‬ ‭- do not clearly demonstrate‬ ‭- do not show their long‬
‭long term impact.‬ ‭long term impact.‬ ‭their long term impact.‬ ‭term impact‬

I‭ncludes significant facts‬ T

‭ he piece thoroughly and‬ ‭ he piece includes a good‬
T ‭ he piece includes some‬
T ‭ he piece provides‬‭little to‬
‭and details about the‬ ‭accurately presents‬ ‭amount of accurate and‬ ‭basic facts and details‬ ‭no information‬‭about the‬
‭person’s life‬ s
‭ ignificant facts and details‬ ‭relevant facts and details‬ ‭about the person's life, but the‬ ‭person's life, including basic‬
‭ bout the person's life‬
a ‭ bout the person's life‬
a ‭information is incomplete or‬ ‭facts or significant details.‬
‭- birth‬ ‭- birth‬ ‭lacks depth.‬
‭- city/country of origin‬ ‭- major life events‬ I‭nformation is‬‭inaccurate‬‭,‬
‭- death‬ ‭- achievements‬ ‭ he information presented is‬
T ‭irrelevant‬‭, or‬‭insufficient‬‭.‬
‭- achievements‬ ‭not clear‬‭and‬‭disorganized‬‭.‬
‭ he details provided offer a‬
‭ he information is‬
T ‭reasonably clear‬
‭well-organized and‬ ‭understanding‬‭of the‬
‭comprehensive‬‭.‬ ‭person's life.‬

I‭ncludes relevant‬ ‭ he piece includes‬‭a variety‬

T ‭ he piece includes‬‭good‬
T ‭ he piece includes‬‭some‬
T ‭ he piece‬‭does not include‬
‭pictures and illustrations‬ ‭of relevant pictures and‬ ‭pictures or illustrations on‬ ‭relevant pictures or‬ ‭any relevant pictures or‬
‭of the person and their‬ ‭illustrations on every page‬ ‭some pages‬‭depicting the‬ ‭illustrations‬‭related to the‬ ‭illustrations‬‭of the person or‬
‭accomplishments‬ ‭that provide a comprehensive‬ ‭person and providing visual‬ ‭person or their‬ ‭their accomplishments.‬
‭representation of the person‬ ‭context to their‬ ‭accomplishments, but they‬
‭and their accomplishments.‬ ‭accomplishments.‬ ‭lack clarity or detail.‬ I‭mages are unrelated or‬
‭minimally informative‬
‭ he images are strategically‬
T ‭ he images are adequately‬
T ‭regarding the person.‬
‭placed and well-captioned.‬ ‭labeled and captioned.‬

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