HERUELA - 2H (Activity 6)

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Name: Earl Christian N.

Section: BS in Architecture - 2H
Subject: Purposive Communication
Instructor: Mrs. Maria Recente Jagolino


Question: Some people think recess in school should be longer. They believe kids might learn
better if they had a longer break in the middle of the day. However, the extra class time after
recess would make the school day longer. Therefore, kids would get out later in the day. What do
you think?

Longer recess can improve well-being, creativity, and focus, but finding a balance with a
longer school day requires weighing trade-offs for optimal educational and child development

Longer recess periods can improve children's physical and mental well-being by increasing
unstructured play time, boosting creativity, social skills, problem-solving capabilities, and helping
them relax, reduce tension, and focus. Longer recess supporters believe that providing children
more time to exercise and interact will improve their academic performance. Mid-day breaks can
assist minimize fatigue and increase focus in later sessions. Longer recess may lengthen the school
day. This might have an impact on after-school events, homework time, and family schedules. It
may also have ramifications for transportation, extracurricular activities, and personnel. Priorities
must be balanced in schools to promote both academic learning and children's general well-
being. Extended recess may have advantages, but it is important to weigh the trade-offs and
develop a timetable that promotes both.

Finally, the length of recess is decided by a number of factors, including educational

objectives, student needs, and school resources. Schools and educational professionals should
carefully weigh the benefits and drawbacks of different recess periods for their students.


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