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1. Here you have some sentences in present simple and continuous. Some of them are
wrong, correct them. There may be some correct sentences. (1p)

1. Does you live in Amsterdam?

2. Look! The baby is walking!
3. I am going to school every day.
4. Tim makes his homework after school.
5. It’s time to go to school! Why do you look at the TV?
6. He no like orange juice.
7. I am thinking you are wrong.
8. Do your mother work in the hospital?
9. She is reading a book right now.
10. I am wanting a new smartphone.

2.Match each question with the correct answer. Then, write the questions according
to the answers you have below. (2p)
· Who are those people? A. The blue one
· When is the meeting? B. It's at half past two
· Where do you live? C. The blue one
· Why do you take the bus to school? D. In Madrid
· Which dress should I wear? E. Because it's cheap

· ______________________________? She lives in London.

· _____________________________ ? He is here because I invited him.
· ______________________________? My piano teacher is Mr Brown.
· ______________________________ ? My classes start at 8:30.
· ______________________________ ? I want to do my homework.
3. Choose the correct pronoun: subject or object. (1p)

1. Paul and Tim are best friends. THEY/ THEM are both in 4th grade
2. There's a nest on the tree. Can you see HER/ IT?
3. I / ME like football. It's my favourtie sport.
4. The cats are eating. Look at THEY / THEM!
5. Where is dad? I want to talk to HE/ HIM.
6. I hate dogs. I'm afraid of HIM/ THEM.
7. I want that book. Please give it to ME/HIM.
8. We are going to a restaurant. Do you want to come with YOU/ US?
9. I / HE enjoys going to school.
10. Is this your book? No, IT / HIM isn't
4. Complete the questions with HOW MUCH or HOW MANY. (0'5p)
· ______________ chairs are there?
· ______________ beer did you drink?
· ______________ does a room cost?
· ______________ tickets do you want?
· ______________ people live here?
5. Write the steps to prepare spaghetti with tomatoe sauce. Remember
to use connectors. (2p) Kitchen utensils:
_____________ _____________
_____________ _____________
_____________ _____________
_____________ _____________
_____________ _____________
_____________ _____________
6. Here you have a weather forecast of some european countries.
Answer the questions below. (1p)

· What is the weather like in the UK?

· What is the weather like in Norway?
· What is the weather like in Germany?
· What is the weather like in France?
· What is the weather like in Italy?
7. Listen and answer the questions. Then, decide which of the sentences
describe the man in the restaurant and which Russel Crowe. (1p)
· Sarah and Mark think that they saw someone famous. Who is he?
· Is it really him?
· He is tall .........................................
· He has got a round face ...............................
· He has got black hair ..................................
· He is fat ...............................................
· He is Australian ......................................

8. Complete the sentences with some, any, few, little or a lot of. (1p)
· Are there _______ tomatoes left?
· Did you see _______children in the playground?
· Sorry, I haven't got _________ money for you.
· Ther are ________ of shops and restaurants in our district
· They have __________ time to play football.
· There are __________ questions he can answer.
· I'm going shopping. I need to buy _______ things for tonight’s party.
· I can’t wait for you. I’ve got _______ time.
· There isn’t _____ water in the glass.
· I love vegetables. I don’t eat __________ meat.
9. Write the translation of this verbs and a sentence with each of them. (0'5p)


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