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Katelyns are all around amazing girls extremely pretty
and known for they're beautiful hair and light
eyes.she is di!erent then other girls you can't find
anyone like her. Katelyns can turn a bad day into the
best day of your life. They are known to be extremely
shy but when you get to know them you'll fall deeply
in love.but don't be fooled katelyns are inner freaks
but are only down to ride for 1 person they are very
loyal and humbled.she is funny as shitt great
vibez.she likes attention but doesn't show it and she
is trustworthy.very adventurous loves animals and
nature but don't play her she's crazy but when you do
play her you become a ghost in her life completley
gone to her. So if you ever let her go your a dumbass.

Guy:omg that girls name is Katelyn I want her so bad

by Aqua princess June 17, 2017

592 67 FLAG

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buddy Manafort.

Katelyn is a badass bitch who isn't afraid to be herself
and stand up for what she thinks is right. She's
beautiful and confident and bubbly. She's hyper and
always up for a good game of whatever. She is an
animal lover, a people lover, and a book lover. Don't
mess with her though, she's tougher than you think!

Don't mess with her, she's a Katelyn

by ALittleCrazy February 07, 2017

250 27 FLAG

Word vellsaid

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mama Sarah. reeting,hey


She’s the most caring, sweetest, beautiful and overall
perfect!!! If you are dating her you are the luckiest
guy in the whole universe!!

I wish I was as perfect as Katelyn but nobody can be

as perfect as her!!

by Katekeithlyn November 27, 2017

57 4 FLAG

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girlfriend Zora.

Katelyn's are the best of the friends you can possibly
have. They are fun, loyal, and aren't afraid to throw a
cheese pu! at you. Katelyns tend to be extremely
musically talented and are really just like a Disney
princess- perfect in every way! They are quirky and
di!erent and march to the beat of their own drum.
Katelyns see life di!erently than other people and
that's ok. They dream big and have big expectations
in life. Oh and they are very outgoing

Katelyn is like a unicorn

by Sierra Paxton May 13, 2017

112 11 FLAG

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Katelyn is an amazing girl and when you look into her
eyes all you can see is your future together with her
and is a nice person to have around because she
always makes you laugh and has a perfect personality
once your her friend she never lets go of you (unless
you tick her o!) but all the bully's in school target
her for her good looks but she truly know that she is
loved for who she is even if she is weird she is perfect
in her own little way

Brad:"wow Kyle do you see that girl over there"

Kyle:yeah she looks like a real katelyn

by Mikethetrain73 January 12, 2017

668 91 FLAG

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Uncle Callisto.

Katelyn is the most amazing girl you will ever meet
basically. She is known to be the sexiest person who
walked the planet. Boys get nervous when around her
and a lot of boys have a crush on her. Katelyn is
aspired to by others. She will show you a good time
and also has a crazy/wild side to her. When you meet
a Katelyn, you will have a hard time forgetting her!
She falls in love easily and loves to laugh. But she has
a down side to her, she can take control sometimes.
She likes to be the leader in every situation and is not
afraid to voice her opinion. When she falls in love, she
falls deep. Boys love her! Katelyn in a term means
goddess. She has incredible looks. When you find a
Katelyn, don't let her go! Shes beautiful, talented
and has an amazing body. Guys like to o"en flirt with
her but she doesn't take that to heart. She isn't
perfect, but then again, who is? Shes very active and
likes to do very crazy and scary things. Katelyn likes
to dress kinda nice and when gets complimented,
denies all of it. Shes very artistic and is a great dancer.
Boys are lucky to have her! Shes also very supportive
and a great friend! She speaks her mind and doesn't
care what people think! She has great eyes and hair.
Katelyn is very loyal and open, her family value her a
lot. She is loved by lots of people and even people
whom she might not know about! She is an all round
amazing person who everyone is grateful to have in
their lives.

Damn! That Katelyn chick is fucking hot.

by tysmforapprovingthis February 11, 2021

22 1 FLAG

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girlfriend Helena.

She is not the skinniest but is far from fat, she is
beautiful in every way but denies it the minute you
say it. Katelyns are one of the funniest people you
will ever meet they have a way of being able to
lighten any mood. If you ever meet a katelyn dont
take them for granted or get on there bad side cause
Damn they can be mean.

"Hey who's the new girl?"

"Oh that's katelyn."

"Id bang her."
"Dude same"

by Katie.kat11 February 23, 2016

80 9 FLAG

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boyfriend Trump.

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