Vocab Unit 2

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Unit 2

My body | Feeling ill


ache A continuous dull pain. dolor

ankle The joint between the foot and leg. Tobillo

arm The upper limb of the human body, especially from shoulder to elbow. brazo

B espalda

back The rear part of the human body from the neck to the end of the spine.

backache A pain or ache in the back, especially in the lumbar region. dolor de espalda

black The colour at one end of the grey scale, opposite to white. Negro

blink, to To open and close (the eye). Parpadear

blue The primary colour between green and violet. AZÚI

bottom In humans, either of the two fleshy parts of the body Cielo
forming the lower and back part of the trunk.

brown The dark colour of wood, with a slight yellowish or reddish hue. marrón

burn, to To (cause to) be on fire. quemar


calf The young of the domestic cow or other cowlike animal. Ternero
cheek Either side of the face below the eye and above the jaw. mejilla
chest The front portion of the body enclosed by the ribs; thorax. Pecho

chin The lowest part of the face, below the mouth. barbilla
Unit 2 Vocabulary

clap, to To strike the palms of (one’s hands) together. aplaudir

clean, to To perform or undergo a process of cleaning: limpiar para

cold An illness of the lungs, throat, and nose, with

sneezing, coughing, etc., caused by viruses.

cough An illness characterized by coughing. TOS

cough, to To expel air from the lungs suddenly with a harsh noise.Toser

cut, to To divide with or as if with a sharp-edged instrument. cortar

dentist A person whose profession is the care and treatment of teeth. dentista

doctor A person licensed to practice medicine. doctor

ear The organ of hearing, including the outer part on either side of the head. oído

elbow The bend or joint of the arm between the upper arm and forearm. codo

eye The organ of sight. ojos

eyebrow The fringe of hair growing on the bony arch or ceias
ridge above the top part of the eye.

eyelash Any of the short hairs growing in a fringe on the edge of an eyelid.pestañas

face The front part of the head. cara

feel, to To perceive (something) by direct physical contact. sentir a

fever An abnormally high body temperature.

finger Any of the jointed end members of the hand, dedo

especially one other than the thumb.

flu Influenza. gripe

foot The end of the leg, below the ankle joint, on
which the body stands and moves.
forehead The part of the face above the eyebrows. frente

green A colour between yellow and blue. Verde

Unit 2 Vocabulary

hair Any of many small, thin, tiny, threadlike pieces

growing from the skin of mammals.
hand The part at the end of the arm in humans, or in other animals, mano
that consists of the wrist, knuckles, fingers, and thumb.

head The upper part of the body, containing the skull cabeza
with mouth, eyes, ears, nose, and brain.

headache A pain located in the head dolor de cabeza

heel The back part of the foot in humans, below and behind the ankle. taaan

hip The part on each side of the body where the thigh bone meets the pelvis.
↳ cadera

ill Sick, unwell. Of poor health. enfermo

illness Unhealthy condition. enfermedad

knee The joint of the human leg between the thigh and the lower leg. rodilla

leg Either of the two lower limbs of a two-footed animal, as a human being,
or any of the paired limbs of an animal, that support and move the body.

lip Either of the two fleshy parts or folds forming labio

the outside edges of the mouth.

mouth The opening through which a person or animal takes in food. boca

move, to To change the place or to (cause to) pass from one position to another.
mover a
muscle A tissue in the body made up of long cells that can
contract, causing movement of the body.

nail A thin, hard, horny area on the upper side of the end of a finger or toe. uñas

navel The hollow part of the surface of the abdomen where

the umbilical cord was connected with the foetus.
neck The part of the body that connects the head and the trunk. cuello

nose The part of the face above the mouth that contains the nostrils nariz
and organs of smell and through which a person breathes.
Unit 2 Vocabulary

pain Great discomfort. dolor

pat, to To strike lightly, as with the hand, to flatten, smooth, or shape. acariciar a

pink A colour that varies from light crimson to pale reddish purple. rosa

plaster A solid preparation spread upon cloth or other material

to form a case, then applied to the body, esp. for some Yeso
healing purpose, as holding a broken limb in place.

purple Any colour having both red and blue, esp. one deep in tone. morado

rash An area of spots or redness on the skin resulting Sarpullido

from an irritation or disorder of some kind.

red A colour resembling the colour of blood. rojo

rise, to To get up from a lying, sitting, or kneeling position. elevarse a

runny Giving off mucus. líquido

shoulder The part on either side of the body where the arm joins the rest hombro
of the body, from the base of the neck to the upper arm.

shout, to To call or cry out loudly. gritar

show, to To (cause or allow to) appear, be seen, etc. mostrar a

skin The outer surface of the body. piel

smell, to To detect the odour of (something) through the nose. oler a

soap A substance used for washing, made by treating a fat with an alkali. Jabón

sore Physically painful or sensitive. dolor

sore throat A painful or sensitive condition of the throat exaggerated by dolor de

swallowing or talking, usually caused by bacteria or viruses.
stomach A saclike part of the body where food is stored
and partially digested. Belly, abdomen.
stomach ache Pain or discomfort in the stomach or abdomen. dolor de tripa
stomp, to To walk on or step on heavily.

swallow, to To take (food or liquid) down the throat with a muscular action.

swollen Made large by or as if by swelling. hincharse

Unit 2 Vocabulary

temperature The degree of heat in a living body. A fever. temperatura

thigh The part of the lower limb in humans between the hip and the knee. muslo

throat The top of the passage from the mouth to the stomach and lungs. garganta

toe One of the five fingerlike parts at the end of the foot. dedo del pie

tongue A movable organ in the floor of the mouth, used

for tasting, eating, and speaking.

tooth One of the hard bony parts attached in a row to each jaw.

toothache A pain in or around a tooth. dolor de muelas

touch, to To put the hand, finger, etc., on or into contact Tocar a

with (something) so as to feel it.

waist The narrow part of the human body between the ribs and the hips. cintura

walk, to To move on foot at a moderate pace or speed, usually caminar

naturally, normally, and without hurry.

wound An injury, usually involving the cutting or tearing of skin or herida

tissue. An injury or hurt to feelings, emotions, or reputation.

wrist The part of the end of the arm where it joins the hand. muñeca

yellow The primary colour between green and orange. amarillo

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