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NAME: Assignment No.

02 VU-ID:
SADIA Semester: Spring 2023 bc230215375
CS625 – Professional Practices

Question No:01

Consider the scenario where a person bought a carrycot for his/her child and the safety straps got
loose while the child was in the cot and/or while the car was in motion. As a result, the child fell
out of the cot and got hurt. In addition, the carrycot did not have clear directions about how to
install it, and as a result, the child was injured. Most carry cots warn against dressing children in
bulky clothing when they will be sitting in the cot. This is because, in the event of an accident or
sudden impact, it is possible that the child could slip out of the clothing and the cot.
In this scenario, the carrycot manufacturing company failed to provide the safety instructions
clearly and consequently, the child was injured. You are required to identify in which type of
Liability Rules the above case falls, and under which act. Also, mention the reason.

Manufacturer' s and Company’s negligence:

In this case, the carrycot manufacturer did not provide clear instructions on how to install the
carrycot and insufficient warnings about associated risks.
The carrycot manufacturing company can be held responsible for the following reasons:

1. Malfunctioning Product: The carrycot had a problem as the safety straps became loose
while the child was in the cot or when the car was moving,
a. Consequence: causing the child to fall and get injured.

2. Unsatisfactory Safety Instructions: The carrycot did not come with clear instructions
on how to install it. This lack of clear guidance contributed to the child's injury.

3. Failure to give cautionary Notices: Many carry cots advise against dressing children in
bulky clothing while they are in the cot. By not giving these warnings, the manufacturing
company failed to inform customers about the potential risks and the importance of not
dressing children in bulky clothes. This could lead to a child slipping out of the clothing
and cot in case of an accident or sudden impact.

Based on the described scenario, it gives the impression that the case falls under the category of
product liability.
Product liability: refers to
Manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, and retailers are held responsible for any injuries caused
by their products. System designers or product designer may have legal responsibilities under
legislation such as the Health and Safety, Product liability, and the Consumer Protection Act

Regarding applicable laws:

 In the United States, product liability claims are typically governed by state laws.
However, the Consumer Product Safety Act (CPSA), enforced by the U.S. Consumer
Product Safety Commission.
 The purpose of this act is to protect consumer’ s rights and also ensure their safety when
using products. If product or any of its part is defective and cause harm or some injury (in
the given scenario child got hurt), the manufacturer can be held responsible under CPA
 This act also allows to the people who suffer from defective products seek compensation
for their damages. The CPSA could potentially be applicable in this scenario.

Manufacturer's liability:
Under the CPSA or similar acts, the manufacturer can be held accountable for injuries caused by
a defective product.

Question No:02

Question Answer based on the given scenario no 02

Is ABC Limited legally obligated to produce annual accounts as a publicly traded

ANS: Yes. ABC Limited is a publicly traded company and is legally obligated to produce annual
accounts. The scenario describes that the company is required to produce annual accounts and
provide a copy to the Registrar of Companies for filing.
Can the public access the files containing ABC Limited's annual accounts?
ANS: Yes, the public can access the files containing ABC Limited's annual accounts.
As ABC Limited is a public company, the annual accounts of publicly traded companies are
typically available for public access from Registrar of Companies.
However, the scenario does not explicitly mention the level of public access, still we can say
that public can access annual account files because this is a publicly traded company.


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