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6, 1936


6:15-6:30P. M."Back to Business," Victor Ridder, Former New York
City WPA AdministratorWNYC.
8:00-11:00 P. M.Opera, "Carmen"; New York Philharmonic-Symphony,
Alexander Smallens, Conductor, Lewisohn StadiumWOR.
8:00-8:15 P. M."G-Men," Attorney General Homer S. CummingsWJZ.
8:00-9:00 P. M.Portland (Ore.) Symphony Orchestra ConcertWABC.
9:80-10:00 P. M."Revolt in Spain, Europe and the United States," Ray-
mond Leslie Buell, Director Foreign Policy AssociationWABC.
6:45-10:00 P. M."German Persecutions Before the League of Nations,"
Sol M. Stroock, President American Jewish CommitteeWMCA.
10:00-11:00 P. M.Great Lakes Symphony Orchestra ConcertWJZ.
10:00-10:30 P. M.Armin Hand Band, Grant Park, ChicagoWABC.
10:45-11:00 P. M."The Robinson-Patman Bill," Representative Emanuel
Celler of New YorkWABC.
Note: Olympic Games will be broadcast at intervals with the main
schedule of events listed in the WEAF, WJZ and WABC pro-
grams below. (Times may vary.)

Where there is no listing for a station, its preceding program is on the air
WMCA.. 570 WEAF . .660 WOR.. 710 WJZ 760 VINYC .. 810
WABC..860 WHN .. 1,010 WLWL...1,100 WEVD 1,300
45-W0RGambling's Musical Clock 9:35-WHCATalkVietor H. Lindlahr
1:00-WMCA.Early Risers' Club 9:45-1VABCBill and Ginger, Songs
WNYCStudio Musicale 9:55-WABCPress-Radio News
WFDEblorning Exercises
WEVDPopular Music 10:00-WEAFPress-Radio News.
V:15-WHNNews Bulletins WOEVariety Musicale; Elinor
7:30-WEAFMur1el Pollock, Piano Sherry, Songs; Isabelle Guarnieri,
WORSorey Orchestra Soprano; Jess Wolk, Baritone
WJZJolly BM and Jane WJZPress-Radio News
WABCOrgan Recital INABCBetty and Bob: Modern Cin-
WNYCGym Class derella; NewsJohn It Watkins;
WEINEarly BirdRuss Clancy MenusBetty Crocker; Hymns
7:45-WEAFMartha and Hal, Songs WMCAViews of the News
WJZYoichi Hiraoka, Xylophone WNYCNews; Market Specials
WNYCVieveing the News WENNews; Con Maine, Organ
WEVDMorning Devotions 10:05-WEAFAlden Edkins, Baritone
V:55-WJZNews: Morning Devotions WJZVaughn de Leath. Songs
8:00-WEAFMalcolm Claire, Stories 10:15-WEAFViennese Sextet
WOENews; Studio Music WJZDance Orchestra
WABCSong Stylists Quartet WMCAMme. Baranowsky, Piano
WMCABarnacle Bill, Songs WNYCMusic Album
WNYCMorning Serenade 10:30-WEAFRalph Kirbery, Baritone; Al
WEVDTalkJacob List; Music and Lee Reiser, Piano
8:15-WEAFNews; Blaufuss Ensemble WJZJosh HigginsSketch
WJZRichard Leibert, Organ WMCAMedical Side of BeautyTalk
WHCANews; Fern Scull. Organ 10 :45-WEAFToday's ChildrenSketch
5:25-WEAFCity Consumers' Guide (Also WJZDan and SylviaSketch
WNEW. WEVD) WNYCLeisure GoldJohn Gunning
8:80-WEAFCheerio Musicale WHNBeautyEthel Thorsen
WOETalkMartha Manning 11;00-WEAFDavid HarumSketch
WABCSalon Musicale WORBeautyNell Vinick
WNYCAviation Weather; Music WJZXylophone-Plano Duo
WENLaymen's Fellowship WABCBlue Flames Quartet
WEVDItalian Music (Off to 3) WMCATalkMadeline Gray
3:45-WOETea Fletcher, Songs WNYCMusical EssaysDr. Alvin
WJZLandt Trio and White Krartich; Dr. Lionel Sinclair
WMCAStudio Music WHNStudio Music
WFINNews Bulletins 11:15-WEAFFrom Berlin: Olympic Games,
9:00-WEAFStudio Musicale 1,500-Meter Finals
WORConjur and CarolineSketch WOEOrgan Recital
liVJZVariety Musicale; Helen Jane WJZHome. Sweet HomeSketch
Behlke, Songs; Clark Dennis, WABCSame as WEAF
Tenor; Cadets Quartet WMCARuth Robbins, Songs
WABCLarry Vincent. Songs WENPeter StuyvesantSketch
WMCATalkHelen Leighton 11:25-INNYCWeather Report
WNYCSymphonic Music
WEINArt Egan. Poet 11:30-WEAFFiddlers Three
DM-WRAFLevey Orchestra; Alice JOY. WJZVic and SadeSketch
Contralto; Sizzlers Trio; Frances WABCChicago Musicale
Adair, Soprano WHOAStudio Music
WOEModern LivingJ. X Loughran WNYCItalian Lessons
WABCStudio Musicale 11:45-WEAFThe Wife SaverSketch
VSTMCAJack Ward. Organ WORHitmakers Orchestra
WENVariety Musicale WIZEdward McHugh, Songs
9:30-WOROrgan Recital WMCAHealthDr. Shirley Wynne
WMCAPress-Radio News WNYCFolk Lore Group
WEINOrgan Recital WENStudio Musicale
12:00-WEAFGirl AloneSketch 3:00-WEAPPepper Young Familysketch
WJZFive-Star JonesSketch WORMolly of the MoviesSketch
IVABCString Ensemble WABOIdabelle Jennings, Comment
WMCAHousehold Hints WHOABaseball Game: Dramatized
WNYCCare of the Skin in Summer Re-enactment
Dr. Daniel H. Kuhlthau WENStudio Musicale
12:15-WEAFOld Doctor JimSketch WEVDString Ensemble
WORFashionsPrunella Wood 3:15-WEAFMa PerkinsSketch
WJZInstrumental Ensemble WORHawailan Music
WABCRhythm Boys Quartet WJZAngelo Vitale Band, Great
WAWANews; Phyllis Howe Trio Lakes Exposition, Cleveland
WNYCMuseum Art Course WABCHowells and Wright, Piano
WISHNews Bulletins WEVDSymphonic Poems
12:25-WJZNews; Plano Recital 3:30-WEAFVic and SadeSketch
12:30-WEAFDan Harding's WifeSketch WORFreudberg Orchestra
WOENews; Frank Ricciardi, Songs wABCStudio Musicale
WJZFrom Berlin: Olympic Games, WHNStock Quotations
High Hurdles Finals WEVDString Ensemble
WABCStudio Musicale 3:45-WEAFThe O'NeillsSketch
WNYCBeatrice Kleunter, Organ WJZKing's Jesters Quartet
WHNStock Quotations 3:55-WNYCWeather Report
12:45-WEAFCloutier Orchestra WENHorse Racing Results and
WMCANick Kenny Commentator Baseball Scores
1:00-WEAFNews; Market Reports 4:00-WEAFWoman's Review; Books and
WOEOrgan Recital AuthorsHarry Hansen, Critic
WJZRuth Lyon. Soprano; Edward WOEVariety Show, Great Lakes
Davies, Baritone; Organ Exposition, Cleveland
NVABCRich Orchestra; Caroline WJZFoxes of FlatbushSketches
Francis, Soprano; Donald Dewhirst, WABCFrom Berlin: Resume Olym-
Baritone; Girls Trio pic GamesBill Henry
WMCABobby Worth, Tenor WNYCTemperament and Thyroid
WNYCMissing Persons Bulletins Dr. Solomon Ginsburg
WENStudio Concert WEVDPolish Musicale
1:03-WNYCDance Orchestra 4:15-WJZJackle Heller, Tenor
1:15-WEAFMary Dietrick, Soprano WABCSt. Louis Musicale
WOEMusic; Talk WNYCSalon Ensemble
WJZDot and WillSketch 4:30-WEAFRanch Boys. Bongs
WMCAYouth at the Crossroads-. WORMcCune Orchestra
Rev. Dr. Philip D. Bookstaver, WJZMario Cozzi, Baritone
Rabbi, Reformed Temple. Barrie- WABCVariety Musicale
burg, Pa., at Rotary Club WEVDItalian Music
1;30-WEA.FStenross Orchestra 4:45-WEAFV ass Family. Songs
WJZFarm and Home Hour WJZMagic VoiceSketch
IVNYCLyric Artists
WABCSafe Relief From Pain Dur- 4:35-WORDramatic
ing LaborDr. James T. Gwathney. Sketch
New York University :00-WEAFMadge Marley and Carl
WE:VCDictationArthur Gaskill Landt, Songs
WHNWelfare Bureau Talk WOENews; Stern Orchestra
WJZSouth Sea Islanders
1:55-WORFreudberg Orchestra WABCBluebirds Girls' Trio
WABCDoris Kerr, Songs WEVDMinciotti CompanyDrama
WMCAVariety Music :15-WABCClyde Barrie, Baritone
WNYCTo Be Announced WNYCSalon Ensemble
WEINStudio Musicale 5 :30-WEAFAnswer Me ThisSketch
5:00-WEAFVariety Musicale WJZSinging Lady
WOEMartha Deane's Program WABCStudio Orchestra
WABCEton Boys Quartet WMCAJerry Baker, Tenor; Roy
WNYCOpera: Barber of Seville Gobey. Baritone; Fenton Orchestra .4
' S:15-WABCSidney Raphael, Plano WEEMcCoy Orchestra
WMCASong Recital WEVDCliglio Players
Ille30-WEAFLittau Orchestra; Carol Deis, 5:45-WEAFTunetwisters Trio
Soprano WOEDick TracySketch
WJZMusie Guild Concert; Vladimir WJZLittle Orphan AnnieSketch
Brenner Plano Quartet WABCWIlderness RoadSketch
WABCVariety Musicale WNYCVeronica Rey, Songs
WMCAFeathered Choristers WEEMarriage ProblemsMrsE John
WENDay by DaySketch S. Reilly
1:45-WOEString Ensemble WEVDGiulia Bergamo, Soprano
WhiCATalkHelen Leighton (Off to 8)
6.164-VVEAFFrom Berlin: Resume, Olym- 1VABCPortland (Ore.) Symphony
plc GamesBill Slater Orch., Basil Cameron, Conductor
WOEUncle Don WMCAFive-Star FinalSketeh
WJZNews; James Wilkinson, Songs WNYCYour CityAlfred W. Barrett
WABCLoretta Lee, Songs WENHealth TalkSidney Home
WMCASportsBob Carter WEVDBryce _Oliver, Commentator
WNYCVacation Guide 8:15-WJZLeafer Orchestra
WHNSportsMonie Bellinger WDICARubinoff Orchestra
WLWLCencert Orchestra WNYCBeth Moore, Soprano
8:15-WEAFNews; Collegians Quartet WENVincent Orchestra
WJZAnimal Close-UpsDon Lang WEVDThe Legislative Investigation
WABCNews of YouthSketch of the SchoolsProfessor Robert K.
WMCAInvestmentsE. C. Olsen Speer of N. Y. U.
IVNYCBack to BusinessVictor Bid- 8:30-WJZShield Orchestra; Vivian Della
der, Former WPA Administrator, Chiesa, Soprano; Edward Davies, .1
New York City Baritone; Charles Sears. Tenor
WHNCrime PreventionJudge Fred- WMCALondon Four, Songs
erick Kernochan, Court of Special WNYCDance Orchestra
Sessions WISEThompson Orchestra
6 :20-WMCAPress-Rad10 News WEVDStudio Musicale (Off to 10)
:25-WMCAProgram Resume 8:45-WMCA.Detective Dramas
6:25-W.17.Piano Recital 9:00-WEAPShow Boat Concert; Rex
Ingram, Actor; Dorothy Maine!,
6:30-WEAFPress-Ra1110 News Soprano; Hall Johnson Choir
WOEMale Trio WJZDeath Valley DaysSketch
WJZPress-Radio News WABCwarnow Orchestra
WABCPress-Radio News WIVICAJohnny Muldowney, Baritone
WMCASportsDick Fishell WNYCStudio Musicale
WNYCJunlor Inspectors Club WEINDon Albert arch., Al Shayne
'WEEMusic' News and Baby Rose Marie, songs
i3:35-WEA.FBaseball Resume :15-WMCANewe Bulletins
WJZRevelers Quartet 9 :30-WJZWillson Orchestra
WABCSportsPaut Douglas WABCRevolt in Spain, Europe and
11:45-WEAFBi1ly and BettySketch the United statesRaymond Leslie
WOENews; Metropolitan Travelogue Buell, Director, Foreign Policy
WJZLowell Thomas, Commentator Association
WABCRenfrew of the Mounted WMCAThree Little Punsters
WHOAClaire Carroll, Songs WENThe Curies and RadiumPlay
WNYCStudio Music
WLWLTomorrow's HeadlinesCap- 9:45-WHOAGerman
the League
Persecutions Before
of NationsSol M.
tain Gordon Heriot Stroock, President American Jew-
:be-WRAFAmos 'n' AndySketch ish Committee
1VJ ZEasy AcesSketch 10 :00- WEAFDorsey Orch., Bing Crosby,
WABCBob Hope, Comedian; Songs; Bob Burns, Comedian;
Nichols Orchestra Ernest Hutcheson, Piano: Interviews
WMCABaseballWynn Cooper With Robert Taylor and Ann
wNyCPeggy Grady, Readings Sothern
WEEWhere to FishTalk WJZGreat Lakes Symphony orch.,
WLWLSportsAndy Burke Guy Fraser Harrison, Conductor,
1:05-woRsports Resume From Cleveland
:16-wEAFTantJacoh Tarshish WABCArmin Hand Band, Grant
WOEHollywoodSam Taylor Park, Chicago
WJZPoliticsWilliam Hard WHOAElder Horn Revival
WbICASid Gary, Baritone WHNStuff Smith Orchestra
WNYCNews; SportsJoe Hassel WEVDEdith Friedman, Piano
WLWLMildred Gardner, Soprano 10:15-WEEThompson Orchestra
WHN-1511ver Orchestra WEVDSwing Low Choir
7:20-WEAFBdw1n C. Hill, Commentator 10:30-WABCMarch of TimeDrama
WOEThank You, StusiaSketch wmcaQueen's Pages. Songs
WJZLura and AbnerSketch WENWarren- Orchestra
WABOKate Smith's Band WEVDWorld Labor Athletic Carni-
WHOAMid-Week Forum
WNYCMadame Voccoli, Soprano
WEINAmateur Hour Winners 10:45-WABCThe Robinson-Patman Bill
WLWLTalkRev. C. V. Fennell Representative Emanuel Celler of
New York
45-WEAFSunset Serenade WHOANews' Song Recital
WOEVariety Musicale WENNews:
WJzMusic Is My Bobby; Edna WEVD-,E,Tulius Risman, Violin
May Wester, Songs 11:00-WEAFSportsClem McCarthy
WABCBoake Carter, Commentator WOENews
WNYCRadioAaron Stein, Radio WJZNews; Morgan Orchestra
Editor, New York Post, Interviewed WABCKemp Orchestra
by John Black 11:15-WEAFKing Jesters Orchestra
WLWLDance Orchestra WOERoosevelt Cannot WinFormer
5:00-WEAFVallee's Varieties: Niela Alderman Lambert Fairchild
Goodelle, Songs; Interview With WMCAOrgan and Soloists
Mrs. William Underwood, Cham- WEEThompson Orchestra
pion Husband-Caller; Dramatic U:343-WEAFNews; Henderson Orchestra
Sketch, With Ricardo Cortez; Lulea WJZDonahue Orchestra
Rainer, Actress WABCStabile Orchestra
WOENew York Philharmonic-Sym- WEEDance Music (To 2 A. EL)
phony Orchestra; Alexander 11:45-WEAFJesse Crawford. Organ
Smallens, Conductor, Levelsohn Sta- WMCAThree Knaves, Songs
dium; OperaCarmen, With Bruns 12:00-WEA3'Busse Orchestra
Castagna. Contralto; Armand To- WJZShandor, Violin: La Marr Orcb.
katyan, Tenor; Carlo Morelli, Bari- WABCGoodman orchestra
tone; Louis D'Angelo, Baritone, WMCADance Music (To 1 A. M.)
and Others WEVDMidnight Jamboree
WJZG-Men--Attorney General 1ZI30-WEAF'Watkins Orchestra
Homer S. Curaminge. From Wash- WJZDuchin Orchestra
ington WABCBarnet Orchestra

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