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depression hates a moving target


Scene 1:
Mani is an average student who is sitting and preparing very
sincerely for his next day's physics exam. His mother asks him
to go to the shop, but Mani refuses, saying that he needs to
study for his physics exam. However, seeing the physics book,
he can’t study more than 10 p.m. and goes to bed.

Scene 2:
The next morning, Mani gets ready for school with joy. His
mother asks why he is very happy, and he replies that he was
well prepared for his exam. He thinks that he has the exam in
the evening. While walking to school, he meets his topper
friend Parthi. Mani asks Parthi how he studied for the physics
exam, and he replied that he went to a function at which his
sister is getting married, but the truth is he studied till 3 pm.
Mani had hope that everyone is going to fail, but he is going to
pass. And there he saw his friend Frank and asked him how he
prepared for the exam. Frank said he could just get a pass
mark. When they both asked Mani, he replied very happily that
he would get a centum.

Scene 3:
(At Classroom)
The whole class is very peaceful and they have two physics
periods they can revise well at that time. The exam in charge
gave the shocking news that they had the exam in the morning
first two periods, and every single student was running. The
friends confirm that they all are going to fail this exam. They
asked who is the person who changed the exam timing. The
whole class was revising for the exam at that moment. The in-
charge mam with full anger shouted and asked them to move
out of the class. It was already 9.40; everyone within a second
moved out of the class.

Scene 4:
(At Exam Hall)
The teacher entered the hall and gave the questions and the
answer sheet. Mani was very happy before getting the question
paper. After seeing it, he was so sad and depressed that he
confirmed he was going to fail the exam. His last option was to
ask onwards to Parthi, but Parthi said he didn't know the
answers. His next hope is Frank, who said the answer that time
was English mam caught them and scolded both of them and
asked to write the exam. Mam said the sir. Sir entered the hall
and reduced 10 marks. After the exam was over.

Scene 5:
(Out of the Exam Hall)
While others were taking their bags, only Mani was standing.
His friend Saravnan asked how he returned your exam. Mani
said he needed to wait for the result day. At night, only physics
mam's face is coming in the dream that he was going to fail.

Scene 6:
(Result out)
After 2 days, Mani and his friends were playing inside the class.
The physics teacher entered the class and asked the students
how they wrote the physics exam, especially Mani. Then she
distributed the papers to the students and said that Mani had
failed marks.

Scene 7:
(At School)
Mani is sitting inside the classroom. At that time, the first
period was biology, which was his favourite subject. But,
thinking about his physics marks and his friend's teasing, he
couldn't concentrate on the class. Bio mam got very angry and
asked them to stand out, and she gave the advice that he
needed to focus on his studies. His friend teased him, and the
school was over.

Scene 8:
We should not tease others by their studies and their
appearance. If Mani's friends encouraged him, he would
become a very successful person. Thank you.

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