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BACHELOR OF PUBLIC RELATIONS/BUSINESS ADMINISTATION/ACCOUNTANCY AND FINANACE/HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT BPR/BBA/BAF/BHRM 1020 -PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING DECEMBER 2022 EXAMINATION TIME ALLOWED: THREE HOURS INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATE: mpt any FIVE (5) questions, Each 1. This paper contains EIGHT (8) questions. At ions are Six (6) and Eight (8) question carries equal marks, Compulsory Qi 2. Number each answer clearly in the left margin. 3. Start each answer on a new page. 4. No phones and any foreign materials are allowed in the examination room ct. With bref ex outline the M update once management approves your proposal. epee i it i inistrati forming into an . The National Institute of Public Administration (NIPA) is slowly transf c . Institute of choice through quality service delivery. As a marketing expert, advice the marketing department at NIPA on the extended marketing mix available for marketing strategy development. (20 Marks) QUESTION THREE A. Explain the 5 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and draw a diagram to show the a (20 Marks) QUESTION FOUR | ‘A. Through a thoroughly done marketing research, the marketing department of any organization gains vast consumer behavior insight, a process key for decision making. Wi brief examples, explain the factors that influence the consumer behaviour. (20 Marks) QUESTION FIVE ~~ a) Discuss the components of a Marketing Plan with examples & (10 Marks) b) SWOT Analysis (10 Marks) QUESTION SIX ~~ A. With an aid of a diagram identify Characteristics and discuss the (5) five stages of Produc Life Cycle (20 Marks) TON SEVEN A. Asa science and an art, Marketing follows a three-step route known as Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning. Explain with examples what each step is all about while highlighting advantages of each step. (20 Marks) QUESTION EIGHT 1~ A. What is meant by Marketing? Explain the nature of Marketi B the functions or scope and classification of #

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