Bocs 1050 Computer Packages Dec22

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” (sp) ALL BACHELOR DEGREES BoCS1050 - PRACTICAL USE OF COMPUTER PACKAGES " DECEMBER 2022 EXAMINATION DATE: 6 DECEMBER 2022 SESSION: MORNING (09:00-12:00) VENUE: TBA DURATION: THREE HOURS INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATE 1. This paper contains Seven questions. Attempt any Five (5) questions in this paper. 2. Clearly Indicate the attempted questions on the answer booklet 3. Number each answer clearly in the left margin 4. Start each answer on a new page 5. Marks for each question are indicated at the end of the question 5. Total marks: 100 DO NOT TURN THIS PAPER UNTIL TOLD TO DO SO ‘ PLEASE LEAVE THE ANSWER SCRIPT BEHIN! i AFTER THE EXAMINATION ying Pa Disks (Box of 10) X26435__| Staple (® Give the cell reference that contains the cost of a stapler. tt ii) Give two cell references containing numeric data. 2 (ii) Identify a column that contains data that is left justified. ro] o) (iv) Identify one column that should be formatted as currency. (v) Give two advantages of entering just “Y” or ‘N’ in the “In Stock (Y/N)’ column rather than the full words “Yes” or ‘No’. 2) (vi) Which field in the file should be used as a key field and state why? BI a (vii) Give one benefit of using a template for this spreadsheet. Totals Travel Bus fares to school Bus fares to home Total bus fares L801 1802 Beauty G 26 2 90 1803 Carry on case B 2.0 18 170 : 1804 Day pack RY 0.6 22 90 1805 Rucksack ice 187 16 60 L806 Backpack B 3.8 7 76 L807 Portfolio fi Bx ae 20 25 L808 Travel bag GY 0.7% 16 70 1.809 Roller Bag B eT 19 180 L810 Deluxe case s 2.6 2 165 L8il Notebook pack Br 1” 25. 185 The following codes have been used. B= Black G=Green R=Red S = Silver i, State how many fields are shown in the diagram [1 mark] ii, State two advantages of coding the data in the colour field ii, State the datatype tat should be used for the WEIGHT (KG) a rn ' (©) What term will be used when you hold the left key on the slide? : (d) What is a slide sorter view? (c) Explain slide view (£) What does the PowerPoint environment contain? [4 marks] (g) List and explain any FOUR features of a presentation package such as Microsoft Power Point? [4 marks] [Total marks = 20] Question four (a) State and explain any TWO applications of word processors. [2 marks} (b) Outline FOUR advantages of using a word processor over the typewriter. [4 marks] (c) Explain the following terms in word processing: (i) Indentation [1 marks] (ii) Alignment [1 marks] (d) Give TWO advantages of previewing a document before printing. [2 marks] (c) Differentiate between headers and footers in a document. [2 marks] (f Differentiate between creating and editing a document? [2 marks] (g) Give and explain TWO text alignment features. {2 marks] (h) Microsoft Word is one of the most commonly used word processing packages inthe world. Discuss FOUR common features of word processors giving examples where GP Question two“ (a) Explain the following DBMS terms giving examples where appropriate: (i) Data [2 marks] Gi) Record [2 marks} (iii) Table [2 marks} (iv) Database [2 marks] (v) Database Management System (DBMS) [2 marks] (b) List and explain any THREE advantages as well as THREE disadvantages of using a database system. [3 marks] (c) Consider the table below: Roll Name Age Gender 1 ABC a9) M 2) DEF 22 M ey XYZ 28 ie 4 GHI 32. M 5 JKL 36 F ie (i) How many fields has this table? ‘many records are there in this table? he i Peer, reg Pr for your choice of field, Field (b) A database has been set up to compare certain features of freezers, A section of t database is shown below. Ktemid. | Price(s) | Lowest | Capacity | Warranty | colour a 9) | temp (c) | “tm (years) A 300 ~20 016 z white ce 250 -18 0.15 4 ‘silver c 400 7 22 0.25 = white « D 300° =20 0% 37 ‘white « ay 5207 -40 0.35 a ‘silver [eset 360, =25: 0.30, 4 white « GS 410 = 30 0.30 2¢ white «< Hy 290 = 18 0.20 af silver” i. How many records are shown in this section of the database? [2 mark] ii, What items would be output if the following search condition was input: (Price ($) > 300 OR Warranty (years) > 1) AND (Colour=“silver”)? [3 marks] iii, Give the search condition to find all freezers which operate below - 25 °C and have a Capacity of more than 0.25 m* [3 marks} (c) Explain the term RELATIONSHIP as it applies to Relational databases. [2 marks} [Total marks =20) (bere oro) £95) ana (eacsaly (mo?) > 0-98) BASIC PAY is the product of SALARY RA‘ BONUS is calculated at 12% of the BASIC PAY Sum oF the babrt poy ow GROSS PAY is the of the BASIC PAY, BONUS, and ALLOWANCE rae [2 marks] iv. NAPSA is calculated at 5% of the BASIC PAY [2 marks] y. PAYEis calculated at 10% of (GROSS — 4000) [2 marks} vi NET PAY is calculated by GROSS PAY less NAPSA, PAYE, LOAN RECOVERY [2 marks] Pere A B | 1 SALARY RATE 220 2D TOTAL HOURS WORKED | 98 3} ALLOWANCE 5800 4 BONUS Xxxx o 5 BASIC PAY XXxxx” 6 GROSS PAY Kaxx 5 5 ym 03/05) 7 NAPSA Kuxx = (Se OST 8 PAYE Xxxx vs (eh “COE b000) 9 LOAN RECOVERY 4000 NET PAY Kaw = (06 - (APE Orne juice. These are quantities ar Cost Price($) 7 Ice Cream 3 a 1 \Orange juice) 2 5 6 \/égeSales | Orange Juice sales Income ($) P 7\_ Week 1 300 40 is : s|_Week2 250 10 { 2 | Week3 450 10 I so Week 4 300 2 oe a a ae i. Insert formulae to Calculate the Income ($) from week 1 to week 4. Show the formula or function used =f BETO) #008 “SAE [5 marks] ji, Insert an IF function in cell F7, F8, F9, and F10 to find out whether the business was making a loss or profit from week | to week 4. Show the functions used in th ive cells indi DYE DT 16 LEE EH Om EF £055 JPM d. [5 marks] iii, Explain how to Format the spreadsheet such that it has a nice border, font type Palatino Linotype, and all money values have currency symbols [5 marks]

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