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Shia Salat: Step by Step


Before Salat, we want to make sure we are physically clean and spiritually ready, so we begin with wudhu as follows:

Make sure to remove makeup, pen marks, or anything that will prevent water from reaching the surface of your skin.
Make sure the top of your head or top of feet aren’t already wet.

1) Make the intention of wudhu in heart or out loud: I intend to do wudhu seeking nearness to God

2) Take a handful of water with your right hand and wash your face (making downward strokes)


a. Take water with your left hand and wash your right arm from elbow down to the hand until the arm is all wet
(downward strokes only)

b. Take water with your right hand and wash your left arm from elbow down to the hand until the arm is all wet
(downward strokes only)

3) Wipe your head (with your already wet right hand) from middle of head to the hairline (just once)

6) Wipe your right foot with your right hand once.

7) Wipe your Left foot with your left hand once.

All done, you are now physically cleaner and spiritually ready!


There are optional prayers to say as you do wuddu:

(skip right to the dua of washing the face)

“When the servant performs ablution (Wudhu), his sins shed away from him just as leaves
shed away from a tree.”

The Prophet (S) said:

The daily prayer is like a fountain of clean water right in your home, which removes, five
times a day, the dirt, which settles on your body and soul.

Verily! Prayer restrains one from filth and evil. And certainly, the remembrance of Allah
(SWT) is the greatest (duty of the believers) and God is aware of what you do.
(al-Qur'an - Chapter 29, Verse 45)

Time to perform Salat:
Morning Prayer (Salat Al-Fajr)

1) Raise your hands behind your ears (recommended)

2) Make your intention of prayer in heart or loudly:

Oo-sal-li Salat Al-“Fajr” Qurbatan ila Allah

(I pray the morning prayer seeking nearness to Allah)

3) Say out loud: Allahu Akbar as you lower your hands down to your sides.

4) Recite Surat Al-Fatiha

a. Bismillahil-Rahmanir-Raheem

b. Al-Hamdu-lillahy Rabbil Aalam-een

c. Ar-Rahman-ir-Raheem

d. Maliky Yaoum ed-Deen

e. Iyyaka Na’bodo wa iyyaka Nasta’een

f. Ihdinas-Siratal Mustaqeem

g. Siratal-Latheena An’Amta ‘Alay-him

h. Ghay-ril Magh-dhooby ‘Alayhim

i. Wa ladh-dhaaaalleen

5) Recite Surat Al-Ikhlas (Or you can pick any Surah instead of Ikhlas):

a. Bismillahi Ar-Rahmanir-Raheem

b. Qul Hoo-Allahu Ahad

c. Allahu-s-Samad

d. Lam Yalid wa Lam Yoolad

e. Wa Lam Yakun-Lahoo Kufwan Ahad

6) Do Rukuu (bow): Subhana Rabbiyal-Atheemy wa Behem-dih

7) Stand back up and say: Sami’aa Allahu Li-men Hamidah, Allahu Akbar

8) Go down to Sujood (Prostration) and say: Subhana Rabbiyal-A’alaa wa Behem-dih

Raise your head from Sujood and say: Allahu Akbar, again Allahu Akbar as you go down for a second sujood:
9) In second Sujood: Subhana Rabbiyal-A’alaa wa Behem-dih

10) Raise your head from Sujood and say: Allahu Akbar

11) Stand up and as you’re standing up say: Behawlillahy Wa Quwwatihee, Aqoomo wa Aq-ood


13) Then stay seated and say:

b. Ash-hadu An-la-ilaha illa Allah

c. Wah-dahoo La Shareeka Lah

d. Wa Ash-Hadu Anna Muhammad-an ‘Abdu-hoo wa Rasooluh

e. Allahumma Sally ‘Ala Muhammad-in wa Aaly Muhammad

f. Assalamu Alaika Ayu-han-Nabiy Wa Rahmatu-llahi wa Barakatuh

g. Assalamu Alayna wa ‘Ala Ibadillah-es-Saleheen

h. Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatul-lahi wa Barakatuh

End with Allahu Akbar 3 times as you lightly tap your thigh. (recommended)

Congrats! You successfully completed your first salat of the day ☺

Noon Prayer (Salat Al-Dhuhr)

1) Raise your hands behind your ears (recommended)

2) Make your intention of prayer in heart or loudly:

Oo-sal-li Salat Al-“Dhuhr” Qurbatan ila Allah

(I pray the Noon prayer seeking nearness to Allah)

3) Say loudly: Allahu Akbar as you lower your hands down to your sides.

4) Recite Surat Al-Fatiha

a. Bismillahil-Rahmanir-Raheem

b. Al-Hamdu-lillahy Rabbil Aalam-een

c. Ar-Rahman-ir-Raheem

d. Maliky Yaoum ed-Deen

e. Iyyaka Na’bodo wa iyyaka Nasta’een

f. Ihdinas-Siratal Mustaqeem

g. Siratal-Latheena An’Amta ‘Alay-him

h. Ghay-ril Maghdhooby ‘Alayhim

i. Wa ladh-dhaaaalleen

5) Recite Surat Al-Ikhlas (Or you can pick any Surah instead of Ikhlas):

a. Bismillahi Ar-Rahmanir-Raheem

b. Qul Hoo-Allahu Ahad

c. Allahu-s-Samad

d. Lam Yalid wa Lam Yoolad

e. Wa Lam Yakun-Lahoo Kufwan Ahad

6) Bow down(Rukuu): Subhana Rabbiyal-Atheemy wa Behem-dih

7) Stand back up and say: Sami’aa Allahu Li-men Hamidah, Allahu Akbar

8) Go down to Sujood(Prostration): Subhana Rabbiyal-A’alaa wa Behem-dih

Raise your head: Allahu Akbar, again Allahu Akbar as you go down for a second sujood:

9) Second Sujood: Subhana Rabbiyal-A’alaa wa Behem-dih

10) Raise your head from Sujood and say: Allahu Akbar

11) As you stand back up say: Behawlillahy Wa Quwwatihee Aqoomo wa Aq-ood


13) Stay seated and say:

b. Ash-hadu An-la-ilaha illa Allah

c. Wah-dahoo La Shareeka Lah

d. Wa Ash-Hadu Anna Muhammad-an ‘Abdu-hoo wa Rasooluh

e. Allahumma Sally ‘Ala Muhammad-in wa Aaly Muhammad

(*Note the above part was exactly like the 2 rakaat morning prayer, but now we add 2 more rakaat)

14) As you stand back up say: Behawlillahy Wa Quwwatihee Aqoomo wa Aq-ood

15) Then when you’re standing repeat this phrase 3 times:

“Subhanallah, Wal-Hamdulillah, Wa La ilaha illa Allah, Wa Allahu Akbar”

16) Do Rukuu (Bow down): Subhana Rabbiyal-Atheemy wa Behem-dih

17) Rise back up and say: Sami’aa Allahu Li-men Hamidah, Allahu Akbar

18) Go down to Sujood (Prostration) and say: Subhana Rabbiyal-A’alaa wa Behem-dih

Raise your head from Sujood and say: Allahu Akbar, again Allahu Akbar as you go back down

19) Second Sujood also say: Subhana Rabbiyal-A’alaa wa Behem-dih

20) Raise your head from Sujood and say: Allahu Akbar

21) REPEAT STEPS 14-20

22) Stay seated and say:

a. Ash-hadu Alla Ilaha Illa Allah

b. Wahdaho La Shareeka Lah

c. Wa Ash-Hadu Anna Muhammadan ‘Abduhoo wa Rasooloh

d. Allahumma Sally ‘Ala Muhammadin wa Aaly Muhammad

e. Assalamu Alaika Ayyuhan-Nabiyyo Wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh

f. Assalamu Alaina wa ‘Ala Ibadillah-es-Saleheen

g. Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatul-lahi wa Barakatuh

End with Allahu Akbar 3 times as you lightly tap your thigh. (recommended)

Congrats you’re done with the longest type of prayer! (4 rakaas)

It is highly recommended that you recite few prayers after each Salat. Especially reciting

34 x Allahu Akbar, 33 x Al-Hamdulillah and 33 x Subhanallah, which is known as Tasbeeh Az-

Zahraa (peace be upon her)

Note: The two other prayers that were unmentioned; Afternoon Prayer (Asr) and the Night Prayer (Isha) are
exactly the same as Dhuhr, except the intention and time changes.

“The best of deeds to Allah is prayer in the beginning of its time” –Prophet Muhammad (S)

Evening Prayer (Salat Al-Maghrib)

1) Raise your hands behind your ears (recommended)

2) Make your intention of prayer in heart or loudly:

Oo-sal-li Salat Al-“Maghrib” Qurbatan ila Allah

(I pray the Evening prayer seeking nearness to Allah)

3) Say loudly: Allahu Akbar as you lower your hands down to your sides.

4) Recite Surat Al-Fatiha

a. Bismillahil-Rahmanir-Raheem

b. Al-Hamdu-lillahy Rabbil Aalam-een

c. Ar-Rahman-ir-Raheem

d. Maliky Yaoum ed-Deen

e. Iyyaka Na’bodo wa iyyaka Nasta’een

f. Ihdinas-Siratal Mustaqeem

g. Siratal-Latheena An’Amta ‘Alay-him

h. Ghay-ril Maghdhooby ‘Alayhim

i. Wa ladh-dhaaaalleen

5) Recite Surat Al-Ikhlas (Or you can pick any Surah instead of Ikhlas):

a. Bismillahi Ar-Rahmanir-Raheem

b. Qul Hoo-Allahu Ahad

c. Allahu-s-Samad

d. Lam Yalid wa Lam Yoolad

e. Wa Lam Yakun-Lahoo Kufwan Ahad

6) Bow (Rukuu): Subhana Rabbiyal-Atheemy wa Behem-dih

7) Rise back up and say: Sami’aa Allahu Li-men Hamidah, Allahu Akbar

8) Go down to Sujood (Prostration) and say: Subhana Rabbiyal-A’alaa wa Behem-dih

Raise your head from Sujood and say: Allahu Akbar, again Allahu Akbar as you go down for a second sujood:

9) In second Sujood also say: Subhana Rabbiyal-A’alaa wa Behem-dih

10) Raise your head from Sujood and say: Allahu Akbar

11) As you stand back up say: Behawlillahy Wa Quwwatihee Aqoomo wa Aq-ood


13) Stay seated and say:

b. Ash-hadu An-la-ilaha illa Allah

c. Wah-dahoo La Shareeka Lah

d. Wa Ash-Hadu Anna Muhammad-an ‘Abdu-hoo wa Rasooluh

e. Allahumma Sally ‘Ala Muhammad-in wa Aaly Muhammad

14) As you stand back up say: Behawlillahy Wa Quwwatihee Aqoomo wa Aq-ood

15) Then when you’re standing repeat this phrase 3 times:

a. Subhanallah, Wal-Hamdulillah, Wa La ilaha illa Allah, Wa Allahu Akbar

16) Do Rukuu (Bow down): Subhana Rabbiyal-Atheemy wa Behem-dih

17) Stand back up and say: Sami’aa Allahu Li-men Hamidah, Allahu Akbar

18) Go down to Sujood (Prostration) and say: Subhana Rabbiyal-A’alaa wa Behem-dih

Raise your head from Sujood and say: Allahu Akbar, again Allahu Akbar as you go down for a second sujood:

19) In second Sujood also say: Subhana Rabbiyal-A’alaa wa Behem-dih

20) Raise your head from Sujood and say: Allahu Akbar

a. Stay seated and say:

b. Ash-hadu An-la-ilaha illa Allah

c. Wah-dahoo La Shareeka Lah

d. Wa Ash-Hadu Anna Muhammad-an ‘Abdu-hoo wa Rasooluh

e. Allahumma Sally ‘Ala Muhammad-in wa Aaly Muhammad All Done with the only 3
f. Assalamu Alaika Ayu-han-Nabiy Wa Rahmatu-llahi wa Barakatuh rakaat prayer! May
g. Assalamu Alayna wa ‘Ala Ibadillah-es-Saleheen Allah accept your deeds
h. Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatul-lahi wa Barakatuh ☺
End with Allahu Akbar 3 times as you lightly tap your thigh. (recommended)

= Takbir
(The first part of salat, it enters you into salat mode)

= Rukuu

= Sujood

Rakaa = one cycle of standing, rukuu, and 2 sujood’s

Rakaat = Plural of Rakaa

Surah = A chapter (of the Quran)

Salat = Muslim Prayer (5 times a day)

Du’aa or Dua = supplication, or recited prayers at any time

Qunoot: The Act of raising hands in supplication while praying

(It is done after you finish reading Ikhlas in the second Rakaa, but it is optional)

Useful links:

To recite and read Quran:

To read on the deeper meanings of Salat:

Translation of the Salat

Allahu Akbar: God is the Greater

Imam as-Sadiq (AS) says: “When you are reciting the takbir, everything must be
insignificant in your sight except Him.”

A. Al-Fatiha:
"In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful."
2. "(All) praise is due to Allah's, the Lord of the Worlds."
3. "The Beneficent, The Merciful."
4. "Master of The Day of Judgement."
5. "Thee (alone) do we worship and of Thee (only) do we seek help."
6. "Guide us (O' Lord) on the Straight Path."
7. "The path of those upon whom Thou bestowed Thy bounties, not (the
path) of those inflicted with Thy wrath, nor (of those) gone astray."
B. Al-Ikhlas:
"In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful."
1. “Say: He, Allah, is One,"
2. “Allah, the Eternal,"
3. “He begets not, nor is He begotten,"
4. “And there is none like Him.
C. Rukuu:
1. “Glory be to my Lord, the Great, and praise belongs to Him.”
D. When you Rise from Rukuu:
1. “Allah listens to the one who Praises Him.”
E. Sujood:
1. “Glory be to my Lord, the Most High, and praise belongs to Him.”
F. As you rise from Sujood:
1. By the strength of Allah I rise and sit
G. Tasbeehat (the words you repeat three times while standing in rakaa 3 &4)
1. SubhanAllah: Glory be to Allah
2. Wal Hamduliallah: And Praise be to Allah
3. Wa la ilaha illa Allah: And there is no God but Allah
4. Wa Allahu Akbar: And God is Greatest
H. Tashahud (The part that you say while seated after second Rukaa and at the
1. I bear witness that there is no God but Allah alone with no partners
2. And I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.
3. O Allah, send blessings upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad
I. Tasleem: (The second part after Tashahud , only at the end of a prayer)
1. Peace be upon you oh Prophet, and the Mercy and blessings of Allah.
2. Peace be upon us, and upon Allah’s righteous servants
3. Peace be upon you all, and Allah’s mercy and blessings


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