Lecture - Performance Based Assessment

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authentic assessments, and scoring often requires

subjective judgment”.
Performance – Based Alternative, Authentic and Performance-Based
Assessment Assessment

Lesson 01 – What is Performance-Based The term performance-based assessment is

Assessment? synonymous with performance assessment.
Performance assessments are also sometimes
One of the prominent advocates of referred to as “authentic assessments” or
performance-based as an assessment tool design is “alternative assessments”. But the terms are not
James Mcmillan (2018). According to him, interchangeable. The alternative assessment
performance-based assessment involves a highlights the contrasts to traditional paper-and-
student’s acquisition and performance of a skill or pencil tests while authentic assessment
competency in creating a product, constructing a emphasizes the practical application of the tasks in
response, or making a presentation. He continued real-world settings.
in saying that the term performance is shorthand
for performance-based or performance-and- Educators, commonly teachers that are
product. assessing the learners of students and are
advocates of performance assessments sometimes
A rudimentary definition of performance prefer the use of authentic assessments (because
assessment offered by projectappleseed.org the assessment tasks more closely coincide with a
(2018), a recognized organization known for its real-life, non-school task) or alternative
advocacy of performance assessments, states that assessment (because such assessments constitute
a performance assessment should allow students an alternative to traditional, paper-and-pencil
not only to acquire knowledge and skills but at the tests) – Phopham, 2014.
same time it must be coupled with the process by
which the students solve problems. Portfolio Assessment (which is also
considered as an alternative form of assessment),
Performance-based assessment are better on the other hand, is also a particular types of
tools for describing the thought processes and performance-based assessment but should not be
metacognitive strategies used by a learner or the considered a synonymous descriptor for the
abilities with which learners reflect upon, performance-based approach.
evaluate, and monitor their own learning
processes, as a necessary condition for learning Why Use Performance-Based Assessment
and intellectual development – (Chatterji, 2003). According to Chatterji (2003), the
Author Chun, 2010 advocated reserving constructivist movement in cognitive psychology,
performance assessment for those learning targets concerned with how the learners actively construct
that require skills, products, and some forms of meanings about this world, hold the idea that it is
reasoning. The most important determiner for beneficial to assess both the processes and
using performance assessment is the nature of products of learning through applied activities.
learning target. We must recognize that the “achievement”
domain could be made up of two kinds of learning
Chun seems to find support from Hilliard outcomes – process and product outcomes.
(2015) when he wrote that performance-based
assessments are fundamental in accurately Characteristics of Performance-Based Assessment
measuring the majority of course standards and  Students perform, create, construct,
they are characterized by being authentic, process produce, or do something.
and product-oriented, even open-ended and time-  Deep understanding and/or reasoning skills
bound. Frey and Schmitt (2010) state that are needed and assessed.
“performance tests measure skills or ability; are  Involves sustained work, often days and
sometime called alternative assessments or weeks.
 Calls on students to explain, justify, and make problems more engaging for students, and
defend. help the teacher evaluate whether a student who
 Performance is directly observable. can solve a problem in one context can solve it in
 Involves engaging in ideas of importance another. Hence, it is desirable to increase the
and substance. authenticity of tasks to whatever extent possible.
 Relies on trained assessor’s judgments for
 Multiple criteria and standards are
prespecified and public.
 There is no single correct answer,
 If authentic, the performance is grounded
in real world contexts and constraints.
Why Performance-Based Assessment
As with any other method, performance
assessment can be constructed and used well or
poorly. This method has seen a resurgence of
interest due to several reasons as stated in the
figure below.

Real-life learning from the learner’s

perspective is often playful, recursive, and
nonlinear, engaging, self-directed, and meaningful
(Mccombs & Miller, 2007). These authors
maintained that school learning experiences
Authenticity of Performance-Based Assessment should prepare learners to be knowledge
producers, knowledge users, and socially
Performance assessments need to be
responsible citizens. And it is assumed that these
authentic. An authentic assessment involves a
are enough reasons to prove that authenticity in
direct examination of a student’s ability to use the
performance-based task is of great significance in
knowledge that is likened to what is encountered
in a real-life setting (Mcmillan, 2018). The goal of
authentic assessment is to enhance the learning Guidelines to Constructs Well-Designed
process and help students gain knowledge while Performance-Based Assessment
completing tasks that are beneficial to their “real-
It is significantly important that
world” experiences.
performance based assessment should be well
Grant Wiggins (1998), clarified the constructed. Gallagher (1998) gave the following
characteristics that would tell if an assignment is steps in designing a performance-based
authentic. According to him, a task or an assessment. We are going to use these steps for
assessment is authentic if it has the characteristics the initial phase of developing a performance-
as shown in the figure below. based task.
Based on the facts below, authenticity is,
obviously, a matter of degree. Although
authenticity is usually approximated, it is an
important goal of performance-based assessment
(Mcmillan, 2018). Providing realistic contexts can
Determining the Purpose Process-Oriented and Product-Oriented
Performance-Based Assessments
The first step in designing a performance-
based assessment is determining the purpose for Process-oriented performance-based
which the results will be used because the purpose assessments measures the ability of students to
drives other decisions in subsequent steps in the perform tasks that corresponds to important
process. instructional objectives. In many areas,
achievement is expressed specifically through
Chatterji (2003) in his book identified
student’s performance and then measures the
some of the specific purposes that can be used for
skills involved while such performance is ongoing
classroom assessment. They are as follows:
and being observed.
1. To identify student needs before the
Process-Oriented Learning Competencies
beginning instruction,
In the second step of the design process,
2. To set instructional goals.
the one who will do it must determine the form
3. To plan or improve instructional and substance of the performance assessments.
strategies. Clearly defined instructional outcomes
(objectives) are the backbone of a good
4. To place students in temporary performance-based assessment and it may
instructional groups. incorporate one or a meaningful cluster of
5. To track student growth. outcomes from one or more disciplines
(Gallagher, 1998).
6. To communicate expectations to
students, to motivate students. Learning competencies can be stated as
instructional objectives, learning outcomes, or
7. To diagnose students strengths and learning targets to others.
weaknesses. The learning objectives in process-oriented
8. To provide coaching and feedback to performance-based assessments are stated in
students. directly observable behaviors of the students
(Santos, 2007).
9. to provide a basis for grading/marking Competencies are defined as groups or
involving: clusters of skills and abilities needed for a
a. Criterion-referenced approach particular task just like what (Gallagher) had
stated. A competency is said to be more complex
b. Norm-referenced approach when it consists of two or more skills.
c. Combination of the two. Designers of performance-based
10. To communicate student progress to assessment tasks usually ask the following
parents. questions to guide their initial selection of
objectives as enumerated by Borich and Kubiszyn
11. To make decisions on student retention (2000):
or promotion.
What kinds of essential tasks,
achievements, or other valued competencies am I
missing with paper and pencil tests?
What accomplishments of those who
practice my discipline (historians, writers,
scientists, and mathematicians) are valued but left
unmeasured by conventional tests?
Product-Oriented Performance-Based Assessment
Performance-based assessment can be an
assessment of product. Products for performance-
based assessment are completed works that
include most of the characteristics needed for a
good and authentic performance test (Linn, 2000).
The emphasis is on the student’s ability which is
expressed through a product such as completed
paper, project, or solution.
Product-oriented learning competencies
The rules for designing product-oriented must be evidence-based that the student has
performance-based assessment tools overlap achieved the competence required of the
considerably with the guidelines in designing submitted products or projects. In some tasks, we
process-oriented. However, consider the could emphasize both process and product
following recommendations that are offered by outcomes during an assessment, such as in the
Chatterji when developing product-oriented tools. “use of a writing process (process outcome) to
compose a story (product outcome).” If both the
1. The product-oriented method should be
process and product are valued parts of the
a justifiable match for the targeted content,
curriculum, we might have to decide as to whether
behaviors, and conditions in the domain.
we wish to assess both or just one of the two
2. The assessment conditions, prompts, targeted outcomes.
and directions must clearly define the product
expected of students. Constructing Performance-Based Tasks
3. To achieve reliability, an adequate Mcmillan (2007), suggested that once we
number of products or work samples should be have identified the learning targets and have
gathered. decided that a performance-based assessment is a
method we want to use, these three steps remain.
4. Well-designed scoring rubrics must
accompany product-oriented assessments.
Product oriented learning
as a learning target, each product needs to be Description of performance-based tasks
clearly described in some detail so that there is no
The tasks can vary by subject and by the
misunderstanding about what students are
level of complexity. Some performance tasks are
required to do. Mcmillan (2007) said that one
specific to a content area, while others integrate
effective way to do this is to show examples of
several subjects and skills.
completed projects to students
The performance-based task needs to be
specified and clear to students so that it meets the
criteria for good performance-based assessment.
This is accomplished by preparing a task  Role playing
description. The purpose of the task description is
to provide a blueprint or listing of specifications to
ensure that the essential criteria are met, that the
task is reasonable and that it will elicit desired
student performance. The task description is not
the same as the actual format or wording of the
question that is given to students; it is more like a
lesson plan. The task description should include
the following:
 Content and skills targets to be assessed.
 Description of students activities.
 Group or individual help allowed.
 Resources needed.
 Teacher role.
 Administrative process.
 Scoring procedures.
Once the task description is completed and we
are satisfied that the assessment will be valid and
practical, we are ready to prepare the specific
performance-based task question.
The task design has no specific format. It
depends upon the teacher to decide on how the
task can be more authentic, creative and
challenging just like the following examples,
Mcmillan (2007) adapted the following example
of a performance-based task prompt:
Task Design on Graphing Skills:
Take note of how the authenticity of the
graphing skills had been established by the task of
recording the average daily temperatures.
Where it utilized the GRASPS model
where g-goal, R- role, a-audience, S- situation, p-
product, and s-standard. Standard stands for the
scoring criteria
Another way of coming up with a task
design is through the RAFT model where R- role,
A- audience, F- format, and t-topic. This time, we
will use our product-oriented example no. 2
Other ways of task designing are provided
to help you in designing your process-oriented and
product-oriented performance-based tasks.
 Emergency task
 Description tasks
 Sequence task
 Persuasion task

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