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29th, 2023

Lesson Plan - Dance


Grade(s): 5&6

Subject(s): Physical Education

Long-Term / Big - Understanding how to move their bodies in a pattern or

Picture Sequencing sequence
and Scaffolding: - Aware of their spatial awareness
- Understanding dances and the steps of each dance


Curricular Gr 5: Students demonstrate and adapt various movement patterns

Expectations: to enhance skill development (Movement patterns can include
locomotor and non-locomotor)
Gr 6: Students adapt and apply movement patterns in controlled
and dynamic physical activities (Creativity in movement can be
supported by including objects and changing tempo and rhythm.
Patterns are movements that enable the body to move in response
to a stimulus)

Implicit Learning: - Movement of dance

- Students have danced before


1. Cha Cha Slide Dance

- Music/Speaker (Cha Cha Slide)
2. Hoop Dance
- Hula hoops
- Music/Speaker (My Way by Calvin Harris)


1. Cha Cha Slide Dance

- Students listen to the music and complete moves that are being spoken
2. Hoop Dance
- Hula hoops are set up in rows of 3 all the way down the middle of the gym
- Students must jump into the hoops (one side starts on the left on one end,
the other starts on the right on the other end)
- Once they jump in, they jump over, back over to where they started, and
then up to the next row
- The next student starts when there is one empty row between each
- Once the two side come together, they should create a weaving pattern
3. **Extra Game (?)
- Soccer, handball, kickball, tag, dodgeball, solo Dodgeball mission, pick


Nov. 29th, 2023

Introduction / Hook “Hello students. Today we are going to be learning some dances.
(2 mins) Why do you think dance is important to learn?”

Cha Cha Slide - Students listen to the music and complete moves that are
Dance (4 min) being spoken

Transition (30 sec) Students come to centre

Hoop Dance - Hula hoops are set up in rows of 3 all the way down the
Explanation (5 min) middle of the gym
- Students must jump into the hoops (one side starts on the
left on one end, the other starts on the right on the other
- Once they jump in, they jump over, back over to where they
started, and then up to the next row
- The next student starts when there is one empty row
between each student
- Once the two side come together, they should create a
weaving pattern

Hoop Dance (15 Students perform the hoop dance


Extra Time? Play a game listen above

Conclusion / Debrief:
Wrap up (5 mins) - What was the most challenging about the Hula Hoop
- What was the easiest part of the Hula Hoop Dance?
- What would you change up next time we perform the Hula
Hoop Dance?


Formative - Observation
- Students are able to follow instruction and steps of each dance
- Students are participating and cooperating in the lesson

- Students enjoyed dancing to the Cha-Cha Slide, as it is a good warm-up dance that
everyone can dance too
- The Hula Hoop Dance was a little more challenging, as students had to have a
rhythm to perform it properly
- Have the class practice without hoops before performing with hoops (gain an
understanding of foot work before)
- Breaking up students into smaller groups to perform the dance before coming
together, worked better than starting off with a big group (as some students can
understand it more that others)
- Students figured out that if they copied and followed the person in front of them, it
was easier to perform the rhythm of the dance

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