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Title: The Impact of Beauty Obsession on Teenagers Mental Health

People are worried about how much importance is given to beauty and how it affects the mental
health of teenagers. We need to look at both the good and bad sides of beauty standards from
society, media, and peers.

One big worry is that paying too much attention to beauty can make teenagers feel bad about
themselves and their bodies, possibly causing mental health problems like feeling very anxious or
sad. The way beauty is shown in modern media makes these problems worse, giving people a
wrong idea of how their bodies should look. On the other hand, some people say that focusing on
beauty can make teenagers feel more confident and bring them together through shared beauty
activities, making them feel like they belong.

To finish, even though there might be some good things in the short term, we can't ignore the long-
term problems that come with being too focused on beauty. Unrealistic beauty standards can cause
serious problems for teenagers' mental health. We need to find a better way that values who they are
inside and accepts everyone. Balancing things out and including everyone's perspective on beauty is
really important to keep teenagers well.

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