Final Task

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Hello, I’m Othmane Senhaji. Firstly I wanted to thank you all for your attendance.

I’m here
because I saw. In effect I noticed that in every country we find slavery and it made me upset.
When I talk about slavery to someone he directly refers to the past slavery in the 17th
century. Nowadays slavery is still a common phenomenon but in a different way. Do you
want to know about modern slavery ? Give me your attention for the coming minutes.

So, modern slavery is a phenomenon where people are forced to work and all the rights of
work as holidays, or else are deleted.
In fact modern slavery is always around us but it’s hidden. Just look at all your stuff, it is
probably made by a chinese child in a dilapidated factory.
Nowadays, 49.6 million are trapped in modern slavery. I know you think that this value is too
high but in effect it is because modern slaves have a lot of categories such as human
trafficking, forced labor, forced or early marriage and child slavery, how can you visualize
that child slavery. Just look at us, we have everything we need. We go to school meanwhile
some children have been working for years and haven’t passed a single day at school. In
numbers 27.6 million are in forced labor, 6.3 million are in sexual exploitation, and the rest is
shared in the other different types of slavery.
In your opinion, who are the victims of modern slavery? and yes they are kids. Roughly a
quarter of the victims are kids. How can we envisage this?
Recently we’ve faced a big issue: the coronavirus pandemic. This worldwide problem has
exacerbated the conditions that lead to modern slavery. Also, researches have proved that
migrant workers are particularly vulnerable to forced labor. As you can guess when you
arrive in a place that is uncommon for you you could be attracted by any opportunity to get
some money although it’s not a lot.
Finally if we want to tackle this severe problem we should buy local productions and if there
is no local production on a special item you can search about the manufacturer.
Thank you all and if we speak out loud against this problem we will stop this crime.

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