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JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 24 ( 1 9 8 9 ) 3421-3440

Zirconia-toughened alumina (ZTA) ceramics
School of Materials, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2, UK

In the previous decade, a considerable amount of work has been done on the alumina-
zirconia ceramic composite system with a particular emphasis on improving the mechanical
properties utilizing the recognized toughening mechanisms. Zirconia-toughened aluminas
(ZTA) can be regarded as a new generation of toughened ceramics; for example, a toughness
of > 12 MPam °5 has been obtained, compared with 3 MPa m°5 for commercial alumina
ceramics. The fracture strength of ZTA is also greatly in excess of that for alumina. The
mechanical properties of ZTA are critically dependent on their microstructures, which can be
designed in terms of specific applications and controlled by means of powder preparation and
densification processes. This review also includes details of the possible future development of
ZTA; these are expected to involve the development and measurement of the mechanical
properties for high-temperature engineering applications.

1. I n t r o d u c t i o n volume expansion and shear strain associated with the

The introduction of zirconia into alumina as a sinter- tetragonal ~ monoclinic transformation. There are
ing aid has long been practiced for densification of two well-accepted mechanisms which have been dis-
alumina engineering ceramics [1]. However, the con- cussed in great detail in the literature [2, 5, 6, 8-11]
cept of toughening alumina ceramics by dispersing stress-induced transformation toughening and micro-
zirconia particles in the matrix has only been recog- crack toughening. Other possible mechanisms which
nized in the last ten years [2-6]. enhance the mechanical properties have also been
The introduction of a small amount (1000 to 2000 discussed, including the development of compressive
p.p.m.) of zirconia into alumina as a sintering aid surface stresses and crack deflection [8-12]. There
allows the formation of a solid solution which pro- follows a brief description which reviews these mech-
motes the densification processes by the introduction anisms individually.
of lattice defects. In contrast, the microstructures of
ZTA are characterized by the presence of the two 2.1. Stress-induced transformation
distinct phases, which do not react with each other to toughening
form a solid solution [7]. The toughening of alumina It is known that the metastable tetragonal zirconia
by dispersing zirconia particles was first encouraged inclusions which are dispersed in a ceramic matrix will
by the development of the partially stabilized zir- transform to their thermodynamically stable mono-
conias (PSZ) [4]. The presence of zirconia grains in the clinic form on application of an external tensile stress
alumina matrix as a discrete second phase enables the around a crack tip [4, 5]. The phase transformation,
former to behave in an intrinsic manner, that is, to which is accompanied by a volume expansion (~ 4%)
undergo the tetragonal --* monoclinic transformation and shear strain (,-~6%), will provide a compressive
or to be retained as the metastable tetragonal form stress which acts to reduce and eventually stop the
during cooling of the composites from the fabrication propagation of the crack, necessitating extra work for
temperatures. It is the volume expansion and shear further crack propagation. Ruhle et al. [13] observed
strain associated with the tetragonal ~ monoclinic in situ the stress-induced transformation in ZTA using
transformation that results in various toughening a high-resolution transmission electron microscope
mechanisms in these composites, including stress- (HRTEM) which was fitted with a double-tilting strain-
induced transformation toughening, microcracking ing stage. A great deal of intellectual energy has been
toughening, compressive surface stresses and crack expended in attempts to devise theories and develop
deflection. mathematical frameworks to model the mechanism
The ZTA composites considered in this review are, [14-21].
therefore, those that have a microstructure in which One of the well-established models is that developed
alumina and zirconia are present as two distinct by Evans et al. [11, 14-18, 22], who considered the
phases, rather than as a solid solution. transformation toughening as a crack-shielding
process. They explained the shielding in terms of a
2. Toughening mechanisms process zone, Fig. la, which is a source of stress and
The toughening mechanisms in ZTA are related to the displacement disturbance that tends to shield the
0022-2461/89 $03.00 + .12 © 1989 Chapman and Hall Ltd. 3421
..... ~Process Poisson's ratio, h is the transformation width, Vris the
4:.h zone volume fraction of the material susceptible to trans-
j ooo*
Crock V'Y
,, " ° '~ ~ - : - ~ T r f l n s f o r m e formation, and ev is the dilatation strain associated
~ "particles d with the transformation.
PorHde s+ze,.~ptf =ET r a nsf orm ed (iii) When a transformation zone extends partially
Stressl ,Temn. , / . over the crack, R-curve behaviour occurs, AKc increas-
ing with crack advance, Aa. An analytic expression
EUnfron s_ [/" - ,!
formed Sfroin,E A with the approximate form of Fig. Id is given by
I\'" /(~ (2nr) l/z
Stress I ~ " ' . . *~pA AKc ~
re(1 - v) EeT tan-I
Two advantages of the model discussed above are:
Distence from crock: r (i) the ability to relate the toughness increment directly
to the characteristics of the transformation (volume
Crack--Extend ed zone expansion and shear strain, transformation zone size);
and (ii) the ability to explain the R-curve behaviour of
ZTA, which describes the increase in toughness with
increasing crack length [24].
AKc / * ~ ' ~ i o l zone
Clarke et at. [25] appreciated the existence of the
Fr'bntol Aath transformation zone and estimated its size as approxi-
zone ~ Transfarmahon mately one alumina grain using Raman spectroscopy
(d) Cr~ck
diffraction (RSD), even though this was the resolution
limit of the technique. Ruhle et aL [13] estimated, on the
Figure 1 Schematic drawings illustrating the basis for crack shield- basis of HRTEM observation, that the transformation
ing by a transformation zone: (a) the process zone; (b) the stress- zone was -,~ 5 #m. It is noticeable that the estimated
strain curve of the transforming materials; (c) the modified stress values are dependent on the techniques used. In
field ahead of the crack tip; (d) the R-curve and the associated
transformation zone shapes [I5],
addition, the observation of the transformation zone
using the various techniques provided indirect evidence
for the mechanisms proposed by Rice et al. [26, 27]
crack tip from the applied stress, in a manner anal- to explain the grain-size dependence of fracture tough-
ogous to a plastic zone [14, 15, 22, 23]. The charac- ness in alumina ceramics [24].
teristics of crack shielding are predicated by the non- An alternative approach by Lange [5, 28] and Garvie
linearity of the stress-strain curve at stresses exceeding et al. [29, 30] was based on a thermodynamic analysis.
a critical transformation stress (P~)c,
A Fig. 1b. Specific- They considered both the conditions for retaining the
ally, upon transformation, the strain exhibits a discon- metastable tetragonal zirconia particles in the matrix
tinuity related to the transformation strain, eT 0 [14, 15, and the toughening increment that can be achieved.
22, 23]. This strain discontinuity is reflected in a cor- The condition for a crack to propagate is a reduction
responding change in the stress ahead of the crack tip in the total energy of the system, including chemical
within the transformation zone. The crack tip stress is free-energy associated with the transformation, sur-
therefore lowered by the transformation, resulting in face energy, strain energy, and the external applied
crack shielding, Fig. lc, provided that the transform- energy. Their energy balance analysis deduced the
ation strain has the same sign as the crack tip strain. existence of a critical size for retention of the meta-
On basis of these concepts, the crack-shielding process stable tetragonal particles, which implies the possibil-
associated with the transformation in the process zone ity of increasing the toughening by controlling the
is most conveniently examined for a ditatational trans- grain size of the constrained zirconia particles. Lunge
formation strain, ev. [5] demonstrated that one of the determining factors
(i) When the process zone is contained ahead of the for toughening is the free-energy change associated
propagating crack, i.e. when the crack is embedded in with the transformation, AG, which could be altered
an untransformed solid, the load application results in via temperature and the alloy content. Although the
a frontal transformation zone of dilatational profile, transformation zone was considered as one of the
intersecting the crack tip. Integration of the tractions factors which influence the toughening, it was assumed
along the transformation zone boundary reveals that to be more or less the inclusion size. In contrast, Ruhle
AKc, the toughness increment associated with the et al. [13], using TEM, noted that the transformation
transformation, is zero. Therefore no toughening zone was ,~ 5 #m, which was much larger than the
occurs. inclusion size. On the basis of the Griffith criterion,
(ii) When a transformation zone extends fully over Lange [5] also concluded that the transformation
the crack surfaces, closure tractions are exerted over toughening concept not only resulted in toughening,
the crack surface in addition to the zone-boundary but also in strengthening of the ceramics.
tractions. Integration of these tractions over the trans-
formation zone yields a maximum toughness increment 2.2. M i c r o c r a c k t o u g h e n i n g
Microcracks in zirconia-toughened ceramic materials
AKc = 0.21Ee T V f h m / ( 1 - v)
can be subdivided as residual microcracks and stress-
in which E is Young's modulus of the composite, v is induced microcracks [2, 6, 31, 32]. The residual
microcracks are due to the volume expansion and density of microcracks. However, a too-high density
shear strain associated with the tetragonal --, mono- of microcracks can result in a reduction in the fracture
clinic transformation which takes place on cooling toughness, instead of giving toughening [38, 42].
from the sintering temperature [2, 6]. The stress- Unlike the stress-induced transformation tough-
induced microcracks are those caused by the volume ening, the presence of either the stress-induced micro-
expansion and shear strain associated with the sub- cracks or the residual cracks could result in a reduc-
sequent stress-induced transformation during fracture tion in the fracture strength, as a consequence of either
process [31]. It is considered that residual stresses are the presence of subcritical flaws or an increased critical
required for the formation of stress-induced micro- flaw size. The stress-induced microcracks associated
cracks; however, the magnitude of the stresses is insuf- with the transformation have been suggested to be the
ficient to cause spontane6us microcracks. Thus when mechanism which controls the limit of strengthening
the external stress and the tensile stress associated with achieved by the transformation toughening mechanism
the tetragonal -* monoclinic transformation are [43, 44]. The failure strength of the stress-induced trans-
linearly superimposed on the residual stresses, micro- formation-toughened ceramic is determined by the
cracks will be induced. critical transformation stress, which refers to the stress
The residual microcracks, which have been studied required to induce the tetragonal grain to undergo the
by numerous researchers [2, 6, 33-40], are considered tetragonal--, monoclinic transformation. The link-
to be the most commonly occurring toughening mech- up or coalescence of the residual microcracks has been
anism in ZTA. With particles larger than the critical shown to reduce the fracture strength significantly [42].
size for tetragonal retention during cooling, the zir- Ruhle et al. [45], based on their experimental
conia particles transform to the monoclinic phase, and results, considered the transformation toughening and
tangential stresses are generated around the transfor- microcrack toughening as complementary processes
med monoclinic ZrO2 particles. These, in turn, induce in ZTA and showed that both tetragonal and mono-
microcracks at the boundaries between the inclusions clinic zirconia particles in ZTA could give rise to
and the matrix. The microcracks, by their ability to toughening concurrently. In the stress field of propa-
extend in the stress field of a propagating crack, or gating cracks, the tetragonal particles could undergo
deflect the propagating crack, can then absorb frac- the stress-induced transformation toughening and the
ture energy. residual stresses around already transformed mono-
In modelling the mechanism, it has been recognized clinic zirconia particles could cause microcracks. It
that both the density and orientation of microcracks was argued that the tetragonal zirconia particles
are two determining factors for the degree of toughen- which transformed in the crack-tip stress field did not,
ing. A similar model to that for the stress-induced however, cause appreciabl e microcracking. The tough-
transformation toughening has also been developed ening increments obtained via these two distinct
by Evans et al. [9, 11, 14, 41], who deduced from the mechanisms were comparable. It was therefore con-
change in the Young's modulus and dilatation, that cluded that the highest toughness could be achieved in
microcrack toughening was also a crack-shielding the composites containing both tetragonal and mono-
process. Consequently, the toughening is dependent clinic zirconia particles. This conclusion was also sup-
on the development of a process zone at the crack tip. ported by the results obtained by Hori et al. [46].
(i) When the process zone is contained ahead of the
crack tip, crack shielding occurs only by virtue of the 2.3. Other toughening mechanisms
reduced modulus of the process zone. However, this Other toughening mechanisms considered to operate
reduction is largely offset by the reduced crack in ZTA include crack deflection and the formation of
propagation resistance of the microcracked material compressive surface stresses.
within the process zone. Thus the overall toughening Evans et aI. [9, 11, 14, 15, 47] considered that cracks
is not substantial. can be deflected by localized residual stress fields
(ii) As with the stress-induced transformation which are developed as a result of phase transform-
toughening, maximum toughening is achieved when the ation, thermal expansion mismatch or by the fracture
propagating crack is completely embedded by the pro- of a second phase. The deflection results in a degree
cess zone. The resultant toughening can be expressed of toughening dictated by the reduced force on the
as: deflected portion of the propagating crack. For the
deflection by a second phase in the matrix, the par-
AKo = Ko(0.04f~ + 0.25f~2h'/2EO)
ameters which have been shown to influence the
in which f~ is the saturation density of microcracks, h toughening include volume fraction, particle mor-
is the process zone width, E is elastic modulus and 0 phology and aspect radio of the second phase.
is the dilatational strain that results from partial relief Evans and Cannon [9] considered that the nuclea-
of the residual stress by microcracking. tion and formation of twins and the loss of coherence
(iii) When the process zone extends partially over associated with the tetragonal --* monoclinic trans-
the crack length, the toughening achieved can be formation could also contribute to the expenditure of
analyzed in terms of the density of microcracks and energy and result in toughening.
the dilatation strain caused by the microcracks. Coyle and Cannon [48] noted the substantial influ-
Again, Evans et al. [11] considered the R-curve ence of reversibility of the stress-induced tetragonal --*
behaviour of the microcracked materials. It is known monoclinic transformation on toughening. This has
that the toughening increases with increase in the also been recognized by Rice [49] and, more recently, by
Figure 2 A transmission electron micrograph showing the microstructure for alumina containing well-dispersed unstabilized zirconia
particles, The microcracks at the grain boundaries are due to the volume expansion and shear strain associated with the tetragonal --*
monoclinic transformation of the dispersed zirconia particles, (b-d) scanning electron micrographs showing the microstructures of aluminas
containing well-dispersed PSZ single crystals, TZP agglomerates and alumina-zirconia duplex structured composites, respectively.

Marshall and James [50]. The significance of this effect associated localized stress fields. Crack branching
is the possibility that all of the transformed mono- has been noted by Wang [58] in his study on the
clinic ZrO 2 in the entire transformation zone can fully ZTA duplex structures, in which large PSZ or TZP
reverse when the applied stress is removed, because agglomerates are dispersed in a matrix of alumina or
the transformed zone is in residual compression. ZTA.
The compressive surface stresses, which are a result
of the compressive strain induced by the volume 3. Microstructures and mechanical
expansion and shear strain associated with the tetra- properties
gonal --* monoclinic transformation on the surface, is Microstructurally, ZTA can be divided into four
an apparent toughening factor for ZTA. The tough- groups (Fig. 2):
ening induced by these compressive surface stresses (I) alumina with dispersed unstabilized zirconia
will also have a positive effect on the fracture strength (Fig. 2a);
of the composite. A compressive surface stress of 500 (II) alumina with dispersed PSZ (Fig. 2b);
to 1000MPa has been calculated by Claussen and (III) alumina with PSZ agglomerates (Fig. 2c);
co-workers [10, 51]. It is estimated that the com- (IV) alumina-zirconia duplex structures (Fig. 2d);
pressive stresses are concentrated in a depth of only The mechanical properties of these materials are
about 20#m at the surface [52]. The generation of closely related to their microstructures, each of
these compressive surface layers has been achieved which exhibits its own combination of toughening
using techniques such as grinding [10], impact [53, 54], mechanisms.
surface chemical reactions [55] and low-temperature
quenching [56]. 3.1. Alumina with dispersed unstabilized
Evans [57] has also considered and analysed the zirconia
case in which cracks in a brittle material are impeded In 1976, Claussen [2] first reported fracture toughness
by obstacles in the form of a second phase with a results for alumina with dispersed unstabilized ZrO2
greater toughness than the matrix. It is apparent that particles Fig. 3. The composites were fabricated by
ZTA could satisfy this requirement. sintering using commercial alumina and two sizes of
Finally, it is possible for a crack to be branched unstabilized ZrO2 powders: (i) 0.3 #m and (ii) 1.25/lm,
by a secondary phase present in the matrix or by as the starting materials. Both a density of microcracks


Q- .-~\
t EL
7 400 6

=~ 6 ~ ~300 13_
Fs \ od
2 r i _l

0 00z, 0.08 012 0.16 0.20

3 i i i i i i
Volume fr(~ction in A[205 matrix
5 10 15 20
Figure 3 Fracture toughness and strength of alumina matrix con- Volume frGction of Zr02
taining unstabilized zirconia particles as a function of the volume
fraction of the zirconia additions [2], Figure 4 Fracture toughness of an alumina matrix containing unsta-
bilizedzirconiaparticlesas a functionof the volumefractionof the
zirconia addition,fabricatedby Langeusinghot-pressing[5].
and tensile stresses were induced by the volume expan-
sion and shear strain associated with tetragonal --* ZrO2 particles usually decreases with increasing vol-
monoclinic transformation of the dispersed ZrO2 ume percentage of the ZrO2 added. The explanation
particles. The extent of the energy dissipation zone given by Claussen et al. [2, 3, 59] is that the average
was markedly increased by the presence of the induced flaw size in all composites is increased by addition of
microcracks. Because of the presence of the induced ZrO2 particles when compared to pure alumina. It is
tensile stresses, certain ZrO2 particles (small sized) also suggested that certain flaws are due to an inhomo-
could become microcrack formers, limiting the inter- geneous dispersion of ZrO2 in the composites, i.e. that
nal flaws to smaller sizes. Therefore, the resulting clustering of the ZrO2 precipitates is taking place.
toughness increase over the samples containing no Green [61] analysed the critical microstructure for
zirconia was due to the opening and propagation of microcracking in ZTA. He considered that the internal
the microcracks associated with dispersed zirconia strains associated with the tetragonal --* monoclinic
particles. Claussen concluded that the fracture tough- transformation were able to introduce microcracks in
ness could be increased further when uniform, evenly the composites. However, the ability of the zirconia
dispersed ZrO 2 particles with a diameter slightly particles to transform and therefore to cause micro-
greater than the critical value (Dc) were used [59]. cracks was size dependent. The critical size was affec-
Later, Claussen et al. [60] provided further experi- ted by thermal treatment and the quantity of the
mental evidence to support the above mechanisms. zirconia addition. For ZTA containing more than
They fabricated a composite consisting of alumina 7.5vo1% ZrO2, the ZrOz particles ( ~ 1 #m) were
and 15 vol % monoclinic zirconia, which was dispersed found to pin alumina grain boundaries, thus limiting
at the grain boundaries of the matrix. The composite the grain growth of alumina grains. Green also con-
exhibited very high room-temperature fracture tough- sidered the mechanical properties of the composites
ness (11 MPam °'5) on cooling from 1275°C when which exhibited microcracks associated with the
microcrack precursors nucleated at T < M, the tetragonal ~ monoclinic transformation and con-
tetragonal ~ monoclinic (ransformation starting cluded that microcracks would substantially reduce
temperature. With increasing time (up to 12h) at the fracture strength.
room temperature, toughness and Young's modulus Recently, a criterion for microcrack propagation,
decreased when dilational and thermal expansion which is a determining factor for both the fracture
strains subcritically propagated intergranular cracks. strength and fracture toughness of microcracked ZTA
Thus it was concluded that the toughening of alumina containing high ZrO 2 contents (usually > 10 to
with intercrystalline unstabilized zirconia dispersions 15 vol %), has been developed by Wang and Stevens
is to a great extent caused by microcrack nucleation [42] based on the energy-balance approach given by
and extension. Lange [62]. They considered the opening and conse-
Lange [5] also extensively studied composites con- quent stability of cracks associated with the tetra-
sisting of alumina and dispersed unstabilized zirconia. gonal ~ monoclinic transformation in ZTA. The
The toughness results of the composites fabricated by condition for crack opening and propagation was the
hot pressing are shown in Fig. 4. Although he did not reduction of the total internal energy of the system.
give a clear explanation for the results, it is now accep- The crack stability and instability were defined as
ted that toughness enhancement by incorporation of crack arrest and crack extension, respectively. It was
unstabilized zirconia particles with sizes greater than shown that the dependence of the microcrack develop-
the critical values (De) in alumina is related to micro- ment on the size (R) and the degree (6) of the stabiliza-
crack toughening. The exceptionally low hardness tion of zirconia inclusion could be expressed as
values reported for the composites indicated the
presence of a high density of microcracks.
The strength of alumina with dispersed unstabilized
C = R [ ( 1 +-----~-] 1]

~C Z
300 I v 6

c k .E: Z,
oJ 200

100 ~- 2

0 4_ B 12 16 20 8 12 16 20
(a) ZrO 2 (vo[°/o) (b) ZrO 2 ( rot %)

Figure 5 (a) Three-point bend strength of alumina with well-dispersed zirconia single crystals as a function of the zirconia addition. It is
interesting to note that the fracture strength shows a fall at a volume fraction of ~ 12%. (b) Indentation toughness of the alumina with
well-dispersed zirconia single crystals as a function of the zirconia addition. It is important to learn that the toughness increases almost
linearly with increasing volume fraction of the ZrO 2 addition initially, followed by a slight increase with further increase in the ZrO2 addition.

in which C is the half toroidal crack length around the buted the strength decrease to the inhomogeneous
ZrO: particle, 7 is the effective fracture surface energy dispersion of zirconia particles which increased the
of alumina, K is the overall reciprocal modulus of the critical flaw size, especially at the high volume fraction
composite, a n d / / a constant. of ZrO:. One of the more important observations
On the assumption that a number of identical zir- from Fig. 6 is that the fracture strength decreased
conia inclusions are dispersed in the alumina matrix, suddenly over a narrow range of ZrO2 fraction for
it could be shown that the critical volume fraction of each grain size; this is considered to correspond to the
the zirconia addition which causes crack link up or critical volume fraction. The indentation toughness as
coalescence can be expressed as a function of zirconia volume fraction indicates that
( f12~2R)-3/2
the over extended microcracks did not give toughen-
V2 = 0.52 1+ ing; this was shown as a decrease in the toughness,
following the initial increase with the increasing vol-
The significance of the equations above is twofold: ume fraction of zirconia additions. Another important
(i) the size ofmicrocrack generated by the transformed observation is that the critical volume fraction which
monoclinic ZrO2 particle is dependent on both the causes a fall in the fracture strength is dependent on
particle size and the amount of stabilizing agent the particle size of zirconia introduced.
present; and (ii) when the volume fraction of zirconia Based on their analysis and experimental support,
addition of a given particle size is less than the critical Wang and Stevens [42] concluded that the stability of
value the microcracks are stable and do not coalesce. microcracks played an important role for both the
However, the distance between the microcracks will fracture toughness and strength. Only those stable
decrease with increasing volume fraction of the microcracks, which exist in the composites containing
zirconia. When there are many microcracks close
together, coalescence occurs spontaneously [42].
10 (5
The above criterion was supported by the experi-
mental results obtained for alumina containing unsta-
bilized zirconia [42]. Fig. 5 shows the mechanical
properties of the composites, as a function of volume
fraction of the unstabilized zirconia. Microstructur-
ally, the composites are composed of large alumina }°

grains ( --~5 #m) and small zirconia grains (-,~ 1 #m). It

is seen that when the ZrO2 addition is less than
12 vol %, the fracture strength decreases gradually [ I i
/ I
with increasing volume fraction of the unstabilized ZrO 2 size (l-Lm)
zirconia. However, there is a dramatic fall in the three- 600 1.2~
point bend strength at ~ 12 vol % zirconia addition. It
is also apparent from Fig. 5b that the indentation ¢00
toughness increases rapidly with increasing volume
fraction of the ZrO2 for the composites containing low
volume fractions. When the zirconia addition is
greater than ~ 12vol %, further increasing the zir-
conia volume fraction results only in a slight increase ...... f I I 1

in the indentation toughness. 0 4 8 12 16 20

This analysis is also supported by the results of ZrO 2 (voL %)
Claussen et al. [6], who fabricated ZTAs containing Figure 6 Fracture toughness and strength results for the composites
various grades of zirconia additions with the particle containing well-dispersed zirconia single crystals fabricated by
sizes ranging from 1.25 to 5.4#m, Fig. 6. They attri- Claussen et al. 16].

tow volume fractions of small-sized unstabilized zir- is analogous to the ordinary PSZ ceramic in which tet-
conia, provided toughening. The factors which deter- ragonal precipitates exist in a cubic zirconia matrix
mine the stability of the microcracks included volume intergranularly or intragranularly [71, 72]. There has
fraction of zirconia, its particle size and content of been extensive research into both the fabrication and
stabilizing agent. the mechanical property-microstructure relationship
Microcracks in ZTA can also be introduced by a of alumina with dispersed PSZ. The alloy oxides
processing step. Noma and Samaoka [63] sintered which are used to partially stabilize the toughening
ZTA composites at a high pressure (6GPa) and agent have been, for the most part, Y203 and C e O 2 [5],
showed that their toughness values were much lower A toughness value of 10MPam °5 has been reported
than that for either ordinary alumina or ZTA fabri- for material fabricated by conventional sintering.
cated by conventional sintering or hot pressing. They It was Claussen and Jahn [3] who first reported
considered that the spontaneous cracks caused by the alumina toughened with PSZ dispersions. The initial
transformation (ZrO2) from the high-pressure phase study was on the dependence of the mechanical
to the low-pressure phase was responsible for the low properties on the PSZ volume fraction. Lange [5]
toughness. The cracks were observed by SEM and subsequently fabricated a series of samples using hot
TEM. pressing, starting with submicrometre alumina and
An interesting research area for alumina containing PSZ powders. The mechanical properties measured on
unstabilized zirconia is the study of R-curve behav- the samples included fracture toughness, fracture
iour. Such a study requires an understanding of the strength, Young's modulus and hardness, Fig. 7. A
microcrack zone and in particular of the effects of considerable increase in both the fracture toughness
density and orientation of microcracks on the dynamic and fracture strength is achieved by adding tetra-
toughening. Recent research includes computer simu- gonal zirconia particles into the alumina matrix. The
lation of microcracked microstructures [64]. increased fracture toughness is due to the stress-
Becher [65] studied the transient thermal stress induced transformation toughening of the metastable
behaviour of ZTA. The sizes of alumina and Zirconia tetragonal particles. The enhanced strength at the
grains for his composites which were fabricated by hot room temperature is due to both the stresg-induced
pressing were ~ 5 and 0.6#m, respectively. It was transformation toughening and the reduced grain size
found that the thermal shock resistance, as deter- of the alumina matrix. In contrast, an addition of
mined by quench tests, increased with increasing cubic zirconia particles into the matrix lowers the
amount of zirconia up to 15 vol %. For composites fracture toughness as a consequence of residual stresses
containing > 15 vol % ZrO 2 bulk microcracks could associated with the negative differential thermal expan-
become extensive and resulted in a degradation of sion and shrinkage of the cubic zirconia particles with
both the room-temperature properties and the ther- respect to the alumina matrix. Both the Young's mod-
mal shock resistance. ulus and hardness of the composites containing PSZ
The mechanical properties of alumina containing inclusions obey a linear Rule of Mixtures.
unstabilized zirconia at high temperatures have not Becher [73] considered that there was a critical vol-
been extensively studied. The understanding is that ume fraction of a given particle size to cause an auto-
the presence of the transformation-induced micro- transformation. This concept is based on the fact
cracks will enhance the nucleation and especially that an internal tensile stress is generated by the ther-
the growth of the mierocracks and cavitation, which mal expansion mismatch between tetragonal zirconia
are responsible for the high-temperature failure of and alumina matrix (~-A1203 = 6.0 x 10 6C-l,
ceramics [66, 67]. ~-ZrO 2 ---= 10.0 x 10-6C-l). The internal tensile
ZTA offers good thermal properties as a result of stress increases with increasing PSZ content in alumina.
the presence of microcracks and zirconia particles, When the PSZ content is at the critical volume frac-
both of which have low thermal diffusivity. Greve et al. tion, which generates an internal tensile stress equa ! to
[68] and Bentsen et al. [69] first studied the tempera- the critical transformation stress, an autotransforma-
ture dependence of the thermal diffusivity of these tion takes place. Becher proved experimentally the
materials. It was noted that the thermal diffusivity existence of the critical volume fraction, which is
values on heating and cooling above ~ 1000°C were solute and temperature dependent.
not reproducible, whereas the values below 800°C It should be pointed out that the decrease in the
were. The obvious interpretation is that the diffusivity fracture toughness when the Y203 content is
is affected by the microcracks in the composites. Hass- < 1 mol % is due to the spontaneous transformation
elman et al. [70] noted similar results for alumina and therefore a decrease in the amount of the available
containing unstabilized particles of ZrO2-HfO2 solid transformable tetragonal zirconia present in ZTA.
solutions. The solute dependence of the toughness is affected by
There are potential applications for unstabilized the temperature, which influences the chemical driving
zirconia toughened alumina in the refractory indus- force for the phase transformation. As shown in Fig. 8,
tries. The presence of the microcracks results in a a decrease in temperature will result in an increase in
useful enhancement of the thermal shock resistance the chemical driving force for the transformation,
for this class of materials. which is reflected by an increase in the toughness.
When the testing temperature is decreased to 78 K, the
3.2. Alumina with dispersed PSZ toughness peaks at a higher Y203 content and a high
The dispersion of PSZ particles in an alumina matrix toughness value is measured.
10 I I I I I
j J"
/ i i i i i I i
1200 25%
lOOO i

z 800
7 ~z

~ 600
' Predicfed from
6 4--
oo $00 Kc dafa


i I I I I t I I I I I I I I i I

0 20 tO 60 80 100 10 20 30 40

(Q) PSZ (vat O/o) (b) Zr02-2 mot % Y203 (vat %)

400 i i ( i 1 t t i 18

350 = 16 ©O
£ c

250 c3
~q 2Jz


150 I


/~0 60


I I I t [


20 40

60 80


(c) Zr02-2 mo[ % Y203 (vo[ °/o) (d} ZrO2-2 mo[%¥20 5 (vat%)

Figure 7 (a) The dependence of the fracture toughness on volume fraction of PSZ addition for the composites fabricated by Lange using
hot pressing [5]. (b) The dependence of the fracture strength on the volume fraction of PSZ addition for the composites [5]. (c) The
composition dependence of the elastic modulus for the composites [5]. (o) Extension (60 kHz); (zx) llexural (9 kHz). (d) The composition
dependence of hardness for the composites [5].

Another factor which influences the microstructure perature include surface and strain energy, the chemi-
and properties of ZTA is the grain size of the PSZ cal free-energy change of the transformation and the
inclusions. Heuer et aL [75] studied the stability of possibility of nucleating the martensitic transforma-
various grain-sized PSZ particles in ZTA with refer- tion [76, 77]. A high transformation temperature for
ence to the transformation temperature. The stability large tetragonal zirconia particles will result in a high
could be considered as a measure of the stress required toughness at room temperature as a result of the
to induce the transformation. Critical factors which enhanced free energy change of the system. Large
affect the size dependence of the transformation tern- particles undergo the martensitic transformation
more readily than do smaller particles. For example,
the transformation starting temperatures for 0.6 and
1.5 #m particles are 400 and 1000 K, respectively. It is
thus apparent that the large tetragonal zirconia par-
12 200 ticles will offer a more effective toughening than the
smaller ones.
d 10 I50~ It is interesting to understand the strength-toughness
E relationships of alumina containing PSZ single crys-
tals. It is considered that the fracture strength is con-
trolled by the largest flaws present in the structure.
From the modified Griffith equation [78], strength
should be proportional to the fracture toughness if the
processing defects are unchanged. The strength usually
reflects the increase in fracture toughness, with the
4 25 increase in the PSZ content in ZTA [5]. However, the
0 I 2 3
materials which offer the highest toughness are not
Y203 (reaL%)
generally those which offer the highest strength. The
Figure 8 The dependence of fracture toughness on Y203 content for materials with the highest strength usually contain
the alumina containing Y203 partially stabilized zirconia at room slightly more stabilizer than those offering the highest
temperature and at 78 K. Fabricated by Becher [73]. toughness. It has also been suggested that the critical
8 1300 knowledge of the mechanical properties at high tem-
7 peratures. A thorough study was made by Lange [5]
who reported the results shown in Fig. 10. The tem-
6 1100
~" 5 a_ perature dependence of the mechanical properties is
e 1000 related to the temperature dependence of the chemical
x 900 free-energy change associated with the tetragonal
%3 / ~ ® monoclinic transformation. The driving force or the
2 ~n
reduction of the free energy for this transformation
I decreases with the increase in temperature. The
I l I I r I I / I transformation toughening ceases to occur at the
20 40 60 BO 100
transformation temperature, as it becomes thermo-
Tetrogonot. ZrO2 (%)
dynamically impossible. This is clearly reflected in the
Figure 9 The dependence of fracture toughness and strength on drop in fracture strength and toughness with increasing
percentage of tetragonal phase for a composite containing a con- temperature. On the basis of his experimental results,
stant amount of PSZ addition [79].
Lange [5] proposed the following equation to describe
the temperature dependence of the fracture toughness
transformation stress determines the failure strength of ZTA
[43], the transformation-induced microcracks increas-
Ko = A-rnT
ing the inherent crack size until it reaches the critical
size. where Tis temperature, A and m are constants, respect-
Ruhle et al. [79] studied the phase dependence of the ively.
mechanical properties for a ZTA containing a con- Li et al. [81] measured the temperature dependence of
stant amount of PSZ addition, Fig. 9. It is apparent fracture toughness for a ZTA containing 5 vol % tet-
that a balance of fracture toughness and strength can ragonal zirconia using the three-point single-edge
be controlled by the percentage of the tetragonal and notch (SENB) method and noted that the toughness
monoclinic phases in ZTA. was almost constant at temperatures below 900° C; a
The characteristics of the tetragonal ~ monoclinic fall occurred at temperatures of ~ 1000° C. This was
phase transformation in ZTA is of importance. It has considered to correspond to the phase transformation
been noted that the transformation zone in ZTA is occurring at this temperature.
different from that observed in TZP [13]. The trans- It was suggested by Claussen and Ruhle [10] that
formation in ZTA is a geometrically inhomogeneous the microstructures for optimum toughening and opti-
process, indicated by the islands of transformed par- mum strengthening were similar. That is, all of the
ticles some distance from the process zone in ZTA. dispersed PSZ particles should be intercrystalline and
Angular zirconia particles at grain boundaries or junc- uniformly dispersed, of irregular shape and present as
tions preferentially transform to monoclinic phase on a high volume fraction. For the alumina matrix a
application of an external stress, a consequence of the small equiaxed grain was preferred. In practice, how-
higher stress concentration developed at the sharp ever, it has been found that these requirements are
points. more applicable to fracture strength optimization.
Becher [80] observed improved slow crack growth High fracture toughness has usually been obtained
resistance in alumina containing PSZ dispersions. The with intermediate (~ 5 pm) alumina grain sizes [26, 27]
contribution to the improved slow growth resistance and with both tetragonal and monoclinic particles
by the stress-induced transformation toughening was present [45, 46].
considered to be controlled by the degree of stabiliz- Pabst et al. [82] and Orange et al. [83] investigated
ation of the PSZ. Based on his experimental results, the dynamic fatigue and wear resistance of ZTA and
Becher confirmed that the stress-induced transform- discussed the optimum microstructure to balance
ation was a crack-shielding process. various mechanical properties. It was found that
The potential applications for ZTA necessitate a stress-induced transformation resulted in a decrease in

0 H
~ / 30voL°/oZrO~-2moL%V>03 ]
Sinfered /
I...AL203+29.3 voL % ZrO2
-2 tooL% Y20S

~" 8 I ~ . . I " ' . ~ 9 . 5 vot°/oZr02-2tooL°/oY203HPedI

:I- oZ O - mo O,o° Z | /\-T
= 800

Predicted from Kc date
4 L E I I r I I I I I i 400 I I i J I
-200 0 200 400 600 BOO -200 0 200 400 600 500
(o) Temperature (o C) (b) Temperoture (o C)
Figure 10 (a) The fracture toughness as a function of temperature for the alumina-zirconia composites fabricated by Lange using both
sintering and hot pressing [5]. (b) Fracture strength dependence on temperature for the hot pressed alumina-zirconia composite [58].

e lO
z 8 f
6 -Z/~ 1~A K-r ze 200
.C _~C__-Z- /
o= 2
...... ...... ,-KA
0 1 I I I I - I I I I

10 20 30 4-0 5 t0 15 20 25
(a) T7P Gcjcj[omerete (2.5 mo[ % Y203) (b) TZP acjg[omerate(2.5 mo[% Y203)
(vot %) (vo[ %)

Figure I1 (a) The indentation toughness as a function of volume fraction of TZP (2.5 mol % Y203) agglomerates for the sintered alumina
containing the large TZP agglomerates. (b) The three-point bend strength as a function of the agglomerate addition for the composites [58].

subcritical crack extension velocity and dispersion ture strength. It also suggested that close control
of pure or stabilized zirconia particles in alumina of the agglomerate size together with a fine-grained
increased the static fatigue performance of the mat- matrix should result in the development of a higher
erials. However, the wear resistance of ZTA was strength without a concurrent decrease in the tough-
reduced when compared with that of pure alumina. ness.
This could be explained by the friction stress-induced Recently, alumina with larger TZP agglomerates
transformation on the surface, resulting in microcracks. (20 to 50 #m) was fabricated by Wang and Stevens
It has been found that the composites of Y-PSZ [58, 89] by conventional milling, mixing and sintering.
(major-phase, 80vol %) and alumina (minor phase, The mechanical properties of the composites were
20 vol %), known commercially as super-Z materials characterized for the indentation toughness and three-
and fabricated by hot isostatic pressing (HIPing) using point bend strength, both of which increased almost
submicrometre powders as the starting materials, linearly with increasing volume fraction of TZP
exhibit remarkably high fracture strengths (2400 MPa) agglomerates, Fig. 11. Fabrication and characteriza-
at room temperature, the highest value reported for tion of these composites showed that the fracture
zirconia-alumina composites [84-86]. The materials toughness due to the different mechanisms could be
also display a high fracture toughness (17 MPa m°5) at demonstrated. Two mechanisms were operative in the
room temperature. The improved mechanical proper- composites, stress-induced transformation toughen-
ties at high temperatures are also attractive for engin- ing which occurred inside the agglomerates and crack
eering applications. Microstructurally, the materials deflection at the interface between the large agglom-
are characterized as a uniform dispersion of < 0.5 #m erates and the matrix.
alumina particles in a fine-grained zirconia matrix
(~ l#m). Their fractures are mainly intergranular. 3.4. A l u m i n a - z i r c o n i a duplex structures
The high fracture strength could be attributed to the Although there have been a variety of definitions for
fine-grained structure, which is a consequence of HIP- these structures, the ZTA duplex structures con-
ing and the presence of the grain growth-inhibiting sidered in this group are those containing both zir-
second phase. As yet, no plausable explanation has conia agglomerates and zirconia single crystals in an
been advanced to account for the mechanical proper- alumina matrix.
ties in terms of the toughening mechanisms discussed A comprehensive study on ZTA duplex structures
earlier. has been made by Wang and Stevens [58, 89]. The
microstructures were designed to combine the dif-
3.3. A l u m i n a w i t h d i s p e r s e d PSZ ferent toughening mechanisms synergetically. In-
agglomerates creased toughness could then be achieved by develop-
The composites consisting of an alumina matrix and ment of a microstructure containing both ZrO2
PSZ agglomerates were first fabricated by Evans and agglomerates and single crystals. If partially stabilized
Stevens using hot pressing [87, 88]. The microstructure and unstabilized zirconia particles are dispersed in an
was composed of an alumina matrix and uniformly alumina matrix, although the dilation from the trans-
dispersed large PSZ agglomerates ranging from 5 to formation and microcracks are additive at the trans-
25#m in size with occasional larger agglomerates formation boundaries, the lower modulus resulting
present. The average grain size of the alumina matrix from the presence of the monoclinic zirconia particles
was ~ 5#m, a small amount of porosity was also generates a small permanent strain and reduced hys-
present. An indentation toughness of 13.5 MPam °5 teresis [11]. This lower modulus results in a reduction
and a strength of 250 MPa were obtained for this in the amount of constrained metastable tetragonal
composite. The authors compared the structure with zirconia particles compared with in a high-modulus
the fine-grained ZTA composites for toughness and matrix.
the submicrometre grain sized ZTA composites for If, however, PSZ or TZP agglomerates and unstabil-
strength. It was suggested that the occasional large ized zirconia particles are introduced into an alumina
zirconia agglomerates together with the large pro- matrix, the lower modulus of the matrix, caused by the
cessing defects in the alumina matrix, were respon- presence of cracks associated with the discrete mono-
sible for the large flaw size, and hence the low frac- clinic zirconia particles, does not affect the constraint
12 300
8 f 200

o 4 ~n 100
....... _~___It . . . . KA
t r I I 0 ...... I .... L I I _ _

0 10 20 30 ~0 I0 20 30 40
TZP agg[ornerote (2.5 rnol. % Y203 ) (b) TZP ogcjtornerGte (2,5 m0E % Y203)
(rot %) (rot %1

E 500
7 400
c 5 ........................ /(M 300

o~ 3 200
F-- KA
1_ I 0 I I f I

10 20 30 ~0 10 20 30 40
(c) TZP oggtomerate (L5 tool.% Y203) (cl) TZP flgg[omerate (2.5 tool % Y203)
(vot %) (vot %)

figure 12 (a) Dependence of indentation toughness on the volume fraction of TZP (2.5mo1% YzO3) agglomerates for the sintered
lumina-zirconia duplex structured composites (Table II). (b) The three-point bend strength as a function of the TZP agglomerate addition
or the composites [58]. (c) Dependence of indentation toughness on the volume fraction of TZP (2.5 mot % YzO 3) agglomerates for the hot
pressed duplex structured composites (Table It). (d) The three-point strength as a function of the TZP agglomerate addition for the hot
~ressed composites [58].

m the PSZ or TZP grains inside the agglomerates mechanisms achieved are dependent on the degree of
vhich remain tetragonal due to their small grain size stabilization of the zirconia inclusions.
md mutual constraint. At the same time, the introduc- Fig. 12 shows two examples of the mechanical
ion of both large TZP agglomerates (20 to 50 #m) and properties of the duplex composites, both sintered and
nonoclinic of PSZ single crystals into an alumina hot-pressed, as a function of the volume fraction of
natrix, can result in crack deflection in conjunction TZP agglomerates in the matrices. The microstructure
vith other possible toughening mechanisms, enhancing characterizations of these composites are summarized
he toughening increment of the composite. in Table II.
One of the important steps in fabrication of the From their experimental results on the ZTA duplex
tuplex structures is retention and uniform distribution structures, Wang and Stevens established the following
)f the large PSZ or TZP agglomerates in the matrix. trends [58, 89]:
Fhis can be achieved by presintering spray-dried ZrO 2 (i) the indentation toughness increases linearly with
)owders, which have a spherical morphology, before the volume fraction of either TZP or Z r O 2 agglomer-
nixing with the matrix powder. The mixing can be ates, for both the sintered and hot-pressed specimens;
)erformed by either a wet or dry process. (ii) the fracture strength of the sintered samples
The ZTA duplex composites fabricated by Wang increases in the same manner as the fracture tough-
md Stevens [58, 89], using conventional sintering and ness. However, the strength-toughness relationships
rot-pressing routes can be subdivided into three for the hot-pressed samples are complicated as a result
groups on the basis of whether the zirconia single
:rystals and agglomerates are unstabilized or partially
;tabilized, Table I. It is apparent that the toughening T A B L E II Microstructural characteristics of the duplex struc-
tured alumina-zireonia composites (Figs 12 a to d). Matrix com-
position: alumina + 10vol% ZrO z single crystals. Wang and
Stevens [58, 89]
F A B L E I The duplex structured alumina-zirconia composites
Specimens Hot pressed Sintered
Nang and Stevens [58, 89]
Phases of ZrO2 single 79 wt % tetragonal 30 wt % tetragonal
)esigned structures Possible mechanisms
crystal 21 wt % monoclinic 70wt % monoclinic
l. Alumina with dispersed ZrO 2 Transformation toughening,
TZP agglomerates 100 wt % tetragonal 100 wt % tetragonal
single crystals and TZP microcracking toughening and
agglomerates (20 to 50#m) crack deflection Alumina grain size (/ma) 2 4-5
L Alumina with dispersed PSZ Transformation toughening and
Grain size of the 0.5 1
single crystals and TZP crack deflection
dispersed ZrO 2 single
agglomerates (20 to 50#m)
crystals (~m)
). Alumina with dispersed ZrO2 Microcrack toughening and
single crystals and ZrO 2 crack deflection Shapes of large TZP Ellipsoidal Sperical
agglomerates (20 to 50/~m) agglomerates
of the change in the critical flaw size present in the toughness and strength, which are great attractions to
different materials; engineering applications.
(iii) the indentation toughness is dependent on the
volume fraction of the PSZ or ZrO2 single crystals; 4. F a b r i c a t i o n
increased addition of PSZ and ZrO2 single crystals Like the other engineering ceramics, the fabrication of
results in an increased amount of stress-induced trans- ZTA is concerned with powder preparation, green
formation toughening and microcrack toughening, forming and the densification processes.
(iv) the fracture toughness of the samples contain- 4.1. Powder preparation
ing TZP-2 tool % Y203 agglomerates is higher than The following methods have been utilized as powder
that for the samples containing TZP-2.5 mol % Y20~ preparation routes for ZTA.
agglomerates. This is similar to the toughness depen-
dence on Y203 content for TZP ceramics [90]; 4. 1.1. Mechanical mixing
(v) the fracture toughness of hot-pressed specimens Mechanical mixing of alumina and zirconia powders
is slightly lower than that of the conventionally sin- is the most convenient and economic route for powder
tered specimens. preparation. It can be classified into wet and dry
Wang and Stevens [89] explained their results on mixings. The former route can produce a more uni-
the basis of the individual toughening mechanisms formly dispersed powder, whilst the latter route is
operative in the agglomerates and the matrices. The usually followed by a milling process to break down
toughness values were broken down into three com- any agglomerates which have formed.
ponents, namely the intrinsic toughness of alumina, Aksay et aL [91] studied the dispersion states of
KA, the toughening by the PSZ or ZrO2 single crystals, aqueous alumina/zirconia colloidal suspensions by
AKzsc, and the toughening by the agglomerates, measuring the particle size distribution as a function
AK~zP, Fig. 12. o f p H value. They showed that mutual dispersion was
achieved at pH values of 2 to 3.5. The consolidated
3.5. Comparison of the four structures composites formed by the colloidal filtration reflected
As discussed above, the four different-structured the uniformity of the colloidal state. The mean flexural
ZTAs differ in toughening mechanisms and therefore strength (896 MPa) of the sintered composites disper-
in the mechanical properties. Stress-induced trans- sed by the colloidal suspension was 1.6 times that of
formation toughening, compressive surface stresses the bodies consolidated by isostatic pressing.
and crack deflection can all result in both toughening
and strengthening [9, 11]. In contrast, microcracked 4. 1.2. S o l - g e l p r o c e s s e s
ZTA shows an enhanced toughness and a decreased When the individual components are mixed in the
strength, as a consequence of increased critical flaw form of sols, for example, aluminium nitrate, zir-
size associated with microcrack coalescence during conium oxychlorate, zirconium acetate, a good ZrO2
cooling from the sintering temperature or during the dispersion in alumina is obtained after calcination.
fracture process. A more important concept is that However, large quantities of powders are usually dif-
microcrack toughening is even a more effective mech- ficult and expensive to prepare.
anism than stress-induced transformation toughening Pugar and Morgan [92] obtained an extremely uni-
in ZTA. Microstructuralty, a tougher ZTA is achieved form dispersion of alumina containing 10 vol % zir-
when the TZP/PSZ agglomerates are dispersed in the conia by heating an amorphous precursor, an A1/Zr
matrix and a stronger one is achieved when PSZ single co-polymerized alkoxide network structure. It was
crystals are dispersed in the matrix. also noted that during crystallization, the grain
Structure I shows an increased toughness and a growth of the Z r O 2 w a s coupled to the 7,-~ phase
decreased strength as a result of microcracks in the transformation of alumina.
structure. Structures II and III exhibit both increased Hideyuki et al. [93] prepared alumina-zirconia
toughness and strength as a consequence of the stress- powder by spraying an alcohol solution containing
induced transformation toughening and crack deflec- 20% Zr-Al-organometallic compounds, followed by
tion, respectively. The duplex structure (structure IV, calcining at 800°C. Yoshimatsu et al. [94] used a
Fig. 2d) shows superior toughness as a result of a similar method to obtain balloon-like particles, with
combined mechanism, including stress-induced trans- the particle size being in the range 0.5 to 2#m. The
formation, microcracks and crack deflection. The resulting powders contained a high fraction of tetra-
strength of the duplex-structured ZTA can be increased gonal zirconia.
by careful control of processing parameters to reduce Murase et al. [95] prepared the well-dispersed pow-
the flaws associated with differential sintering of the ders by adding NH4OH to hydrolysed zirconia sols
large agglomerates with respect to the matrix. containing various amounts of aluminium sulphate, to
Selection of a specific structured ZTA will be obtain a mixture of ultrafine monoclinic zirconia and
dependent on the specific applications. A tougher aluminium hydroxide. The mixture was then heat
and more thermally shock resistant ZTA contains treated at temperatures between 500 and 1300°C to
unstabilized zirconia single crystals. A stronger decompose the hydroxide.
material with moderate toughness contains well- Debsikdar [96] systematically studied the influence
dispersed partially stabilized zirconia single crystals. of synthesis chemistry on alumina-zirconia powder
Hot-pressed duplex structured ZTA offers both the characteristics. Three different chemical processes
were employed to synthesize A1203-20wt % ZrO 2 4. 1.5. R a p i d sofidification
powders: (i) chemical polymerization; (ii) destabiliz- Claussen et al. [101] performed the rapid solidification
ation of mixed sols; and (iii) coprecipitation. The of ZTA ceramics by melting and rapidly solidifying
particle size of the powders produced was of the order the eutectic compositions of A1203 and ZrO2 by means
of 1.5 to 3.0nm, which appeared amorphous using of shock-wave quenching, flame-pressure and high-
electron diffraction. It was shown that the physio- pressure water atomization. The rapid solidification
chemical characteristics and crystallization behaviour resulted in amorphous particles, which, on annealing,
of these chemically derived powders were significantly crystallized at 1310° C. Microcrystalline particles with
influenced by the chemistry of the powder synthesis. t e t r a g o n a l Z r O 2 disturbed in an E-A1203 matrix
The powder produced by the chemical polymeriz- formed at a lower quenching rate. The E-A1203 trans-
ation and the colloidal processes retained the tetra- formed to A-c~-A1203 on annealing at 900 ° C. Echigoya
gonal phase completely after calcining at 600 ° C, but et al. [102-104] prepared and characterized unidirec-
significant transformation of the tetragonal to mono- tionally solidified ZTA eutectic prepared by the
clinic zirconia occurred in the coprecipitated powder floating zone melting technique. They showed that
under identical conditions. Furthermore, the 1550° C the fracture toughness of the eutectic was orien-
calcined powder derived from the chemical polymeriz- tation dependent. Maximum toughness values of
ation process retained a substantial amount of tetrag- 9 and 7.5MPam °5 were obtained in directions per-
onal zirconia even after annealing at 1000°C for pendicular and parallel to the solidification axis,
72h. respectively.

4. 1.3. Partial chemical methods 4. 1.6. Hydrothermal oxidation

The use of high-quality alumina or zirconia powders, Recently, ZrA13 and ZrsA13 alloys have been used as
together with sols of zirconium or aluminium com- starting materials to prepare mixed alumina-zirconia
pounds, respectively, yield uniform particle distri- powders by hydrothermal oxidation [105, 106]. Because
butions after decomposition of the sols. Wang [58] zirconium and aluminium atoms are distributed on
developed well-dispersed alumina-zirconia powders their respective crystallographic positions of the inter-
by mixing alumina powder and Zr[NO3]4 ° 5 H 2 0 metallic compounds, the experiment is expected to
in propanol, followed by drying and thermal treat- result in the fine dispersion of alumina-zirconia pow-
ment at 550°C. Sproson and Messing [97] achieved ders. It was found that the sizes of the respective
well-dispersed powders by decomposing alumina- oxides were less than those of the A1203 and ZrO2
ZrO[NO3] 2 slurry in an EDS furnace at 1000°C, powders obtained by the hydrothermal oxidation of
using an atomizer air pressure of 138 KPa and a solu- aluminium and zirconium metals separately [105].
tion flow rate of 4mlmin -~. The dispersed powder This reduction in particle size was considered to be
made in this way contained tetragonal zirconia due to the retarding effect of the alumina particles on
particles. the growth of the zirconia particles.
Fegley et al [98] prepared well-dispersed pow-
ders by controlled hydrolysis of zirconium pro- 4. 1.7. Wear of ZrOz milling m e d i a
poxide in an anhydrous ethanol solution containing Claussen and Ruhle [10] suggested that fine particle
a-alumina dispersions. TEM indicated the existence dispersion could be obtained by an extensive milling
of a fluffy zirconia coating on the individual alumina of alumina powder using ZrO2 milling media. The
particles. specific surface area of the resultant ZrO2 powder was
determined to be > 100 m 2 g-1. The volume fraction
4. 1.4. CVD p r o c e s s of zirconia was controlled by the milling time in this
Alumina-zirconia powders can be obtained via CVD technique.
reactions by feeding a mixture of gaseous aluminium
and zirconium compounds into an H2/O2 flame. The 4.2. Forming m e t h o d s
resultant powders show an average particle size rang- Forming methods for ZTA include die pressing, iso-
ing from 40 to 50 nm [99]. static pressing, tape casting [107] and slip casting [108].
Kagawa et al. [100] prepared alumina-zirconia Die pressing and isostatic pressing, which are standard
powders by spraying their corresponding nitrate sol- techniques in fabrication of engineering ceramics,
utions into an inductively coupled plasma (ICP) at have been described in the literature and textbooks.
ultrahigh temperatures (>2000°C). The resultant Tape and slip casting of ZTA, which contains two
powder was composed of metastable tetragonal zir- distinct phases with quite different densities (QAI2O3=
conia and c~-alumina. On calcining, the metastable 3.97, 0zro2 = 6.0), are considered to be more difficult
tetragonal zirconia was retained up to 1200°C. At than those of the single-phase materials. Requena et al.
1280° C the tetragonal zirconia transformed to mono- [108] slip cast alumina containing monoclinic zirconia
clinic on cooling to room temperature. It was also both in an acid medium using HC1 as deflocculant and
noted that the amount of the transformed monoclinic in a basic medium using an organic surfactant (Dola-
zirconia decreased with increase in alumina content, pix PC-33). They observed that slip casting in an acid
indicating stabilization of the tetragonal zirconia by medium resulted in an almost theoretically dense,
alumina. This could be explained in terms of the homogeneous microstructure and a toughness value
retardation of the grain growth by the presence of of 7 MPa m °5 after sintering. In comparison, casting
alumina particles. with a basic slip, especially in the presence of sodium
hexametaphosphate, resulted in a less homogeneous
microstructure and a toughness of < 6 MPa m °5.

4.3. Densification processes

The densification of ZTA has been achieved mostly by
hot-pressing (HPing), hot isostatic pressing (HIPing)
and pressureless sintering. Other fabrication methods
(such as, microwave sintering) have also been reported

4.3. 1. Sintering
The sintering of ZTA is believed to occur by a solid-
state sintering process, which is evidenced by the
phase relation in the alumina-zirconia system [7].
Hsuch et al. [110] overviewed the microstructure
development during final/intermediate stage sintering,
with emphasis on pore/grain boundary separation.
Their phenomenological analysis was essentially
based upon an interaction of a boundary with a rigid
second-phase particle. Their analysis is applicable to
the case of ZTA. It has been confirmed that zirconia
inclusions in ZTA inhibit both the grain growth of the
alumina matrix and the sinterability [111-114].
Lange and co-workers [112-118] extensively studied
the sintering of ZTA composites. He first [112] showed
Figure 13 A scanning electron micrograph showingthe large defect
that crack-like internal surfaces were present at the which is due to the differentialsintering of a large TZP agglomerate
fracture origins of the sintered specimens. These sur- with respectto the matrix.
faces were developed as a result of differential sinter-
ing of the agglomerates relative to the surrounding larly located ZrO2 using HRTEM, which provided
powder compact. Later, Lange et al. [115] further atomic level information on the interfacial structure.
considered two kinds of internal crack-like surfaces; Both ledge-like images and misfit dislocation-like
tangential and circumferential cracks around hard images were observed to accommodate the lattice mis-
and soft agglomerates, respectively. It was shown that fit, depending on the orientation of the interfaces. It
the low green-density regions sintered faster than the was noted that the faceted particles implied at least
high density agglomerates, although the high-density one low-energy interface.
agglomerates reached end-point density first. Regions Kibbel and Huer [120, 121] described the two kinds
containing low green density agglomerates produced of ZrO2 particles existing in ZTA as faceted inter-
circumferential crack-like voids at the agglomerate/ granular ZrO2 particles located between alumina
matrix boundaries. Regions containing higher green grains (generally at the grain corners)' and spherical
density agglomerates than the matrix were subjected intragranular ZrO2 particles, which were located within
to compressive strains by the matrix and even produced the alumina grains. The intergranular particles were
agglomerate motion when the resulting stress field was generally larger than the intragranular particles. They
nonsymmetric. For the composites containing large suggested that the large intergranular particles were
zirconia agglomerates (e.g. in the duplex structures), related to the faster coarsening kinetics associated
the agglomerates shrank away from the consolidated with the grain boundaries. For the sintering of ZTA,
matrix during sintering, producing crack-like internal zirconia particles could ripen by two possible pro-
surfaces around the agglomerates, Fig. 13. cesses, i.e. Ostwald ripening or coalescence during the
From the viewpoint of mass transportation, Lange later stages of sintering. During Ostwald ripening,
et al. [117] confirmed that the ZrO 2 inclusions exhi- large particles grow at the expense of small ones, a
bited sufficient self-diffusion to move with the alumina consequence of the variation of solubility with particle
four-grain junctions during grain growth. Thus the size. For coalescence, ZrO2 particles grow as a result
inclusions exerted a dragging force at these junctions, of being dragged together by migrating alumina grain
limiting grain growth of the alumina matrix. Abnor- boundaries. In this process, grain growth and the dis-
mal grain growth occurred when the distribution of appearance of small alumina grains caused particles
the inclusions was not sufficiently uniform to hinder to meet, coalesce, and thus formed larger particles,
the growth of every alumina grain. In their discussion, Fig. 14.
Lange et al., compared the ZrO2 inclusions to pore/ Based on their experimental observations, Kibbel
grain size phenomenon and suggested that the inclu- and Heuer [120, 121] concluded that the grain growth
sions in alumina would mimic the behaviour of pores of intergranular ZrO2 particles in the polycrystalline
in all ways except that pores could be removed by alumina appeared to occur by coalescence, as particles
mass transportation, whereas the inclusions could not. were dragged by migrating A1203 grain boundaries,
Kraus-Lanteri et al. [119] studied the microstructure and obeyed an r oct °25 law. The ultimate rate-
of the incoherent ZrO2/A1203 interface of intragranu- controlling process for such coarsening was the rate at

times smaller than the alumina grains. Lange also
noticed various drag/breakway configurations, includ-
ing ZrO2 grains near three-grain junctions and at two-
grain boundaries; a schematic diagram is shown in
Fig. 15.
The grain-growth hindrance in ZTA is mutual
during sintering, i.e. grain size of both the alumina
and zirconia is reduced compared with single-phase
alumina or zirconia materials. The retarding effects of
alumina particles on the grain growth of zirconia, and
therefore on the phase transformation has been well
documented in the literature. The zirconia particles in
chemically prepared alumina-zirconia powders were
found to be more resistant to transformation [96]. The
retarding effects of zirconia grains on grain growth of
the alumina matrix were clearly observed by Lange
et al. [117], though it was observed to be composition
and size dependent. Grain-growth control was achieved
Figure 14 A drawingshowinghow ZrO2 particles grow as a result when a majority of four-grain junctions contained
of being dragged by migratingalumina grain boundaries during zirconia particles. This required the presence of
> 5 vol % ZrO 2 inclusions, which needed to be well
which an individual ZrO2 particle could migrate. This dispersed and of fine size. Hori et al. [122] noted that
was dependent on the interfacial ZrOz-A1203 diffusion grain growth of alumina at 1550°C could be sup-
kinetics. On the other hand, the intragranular par- pressed effectively by addition of > 1 wt % ZrO2
ticles coarsened at a much slower rate which was still which had a particle size of 0.25 #m.
dominated by interfacial diffusion kinetics. This led to Recently, Lange and Hirlinger [123] studied the effect
growth kinetics much slower than an r Gct°'5 or of alumina inclusions, with a greater average size
r ~ t°25, at Ostwald ripening law and also to denuded (0.6 #m) than the average particle size of the major
zones adjacent to alumina grain boundaries. ZrO2 phase ( < 0.1 #m), on grain growth by sintering
Lange [1 17] also observed and discussed the micro- the composites at 1400°C and heat treating at tem-
structures of the ZTA, showing that the ZrO2 particles peratures up to 1700° C. The inclusions appeared to
were primarily located at four-grain junctions which have no effect on the grain growth until the zirconia
was believed to be due to the strong self-diffusion of grain was 1.5 times the average inclusion size. Grain-
ZrO2, although some small ZrO2 grains became relo- growth inhibition then increased with the volume frac-
cated within some large alumina grains and had a tion of the alumina inclusions. It was observed that
spherical geometry. It was suggested that this pheno- the inclusions were relatively immobile and most were
menon appeared to occur by the growth of groups of located within the zirconia grains for volume fractions
alumina grains, constrained by relatively few ZrO~ <20% at temperatures < 1600°C. At higher tem-
particles, into a single large grain which then "swal- perature, the inclusions could move with the grain
lowed up" surrounding alumina and zirconia par- boundaries and coalesce resulting in reduced grain-
ticles. Within regions containing only abnormally growth inhibition and a larger average grain size.
large alumina grains, the'zirconia grains were ten It is worth mentioning here that the sinterability of
ZTA composites is dependent on the powder process-
(b) ing route. Koh et al. [124] reported that plasma-
synthesized alumina-zirconia powder sintered much
more readily than the pure A1203 powder prepared
IQI /~ O using similar means.
Lange et al. [125] summarized the strength depen-
dence of ZTA on processing steps and indicated that
progressive incremental strengthening could be
achieved by examination of the fracture surface to
identify the inhomogeneity at the fracture origins and
thus relate the inhomogeneity to a processing step. The
development of a new method that has a high prob-
ability of eliminating the strength-degrading inhomo-
geneity could then be undertaken, Fig. 16.
As discussed earlier, crack-like voids could be
induced by large agglomerates in dry-pressed com-
pacts after conventional sintering. Wet milling and
colloidal consolidation could eliminate the large soft
Figure 15 Schematic drawings showing (a) arrowhead shape of agglomerates which are broken down and dispersed
inclusion being dragged along with a three-grain junction and with surfactant during these treatments. The strength
(b) observedbreakawayconfigurations[117]. of colloidally consolidated specimens is then determined
Zr02-2.3 mot% Y203 At203+1Owt%ZrO 2
Kc=5,8 MPo m '. , v
'5 3,0 .~
Z 99 'a

600 98
v0[ % Zr02 - off
La 4001~2.3m01% Y203 97 "2.0
200 - Kc= 6.9 MPo rn0.5
1000 2000 3000 ¢000 5000
1 2 3 MgO (p.p.m.)
Processing steps Figure 17 The effects of MgO sintering aid on the densification and
(Flow) grain size of alumina in zirconia-toughened alumina composites
Figure 16 The dependenceof fracturestrengthofzirconia-toughened
alumina compositeson the processingstep [125]. 1, Dry press; 2,
colloidalconsolidation;3, sedimentation;4, organicburn-out In a similar investigation, Osendi et al. [t28] in-
troduced TiO2 into ZTA and noted the following
by the defects caused by hard agglomerates greater phenomena:
than ~ 1 #m, which could be eliminated using sedi- (i) both the initial sintering rate and grain size of the
mentation methods. However, the fracture strength of alumina were increased;
such treated specimens is still much lower than the (ii) grain growth kinetics of zirconia inclusions
expected values as a result of presence of irregularly increased with annealing at 1570° C. They also obser-
shaped voids in the structure, which have been sugges- ved that toughness varied with the thermal treatment
ted to be produced by burn-out of organic inclusions. which resulted in a change in the number of trans-
The organic inclusion related voids could be elim- formable tetragonal zirconia inclusions.
inated by carefully controlling their burn-out during Recently, Na20 and SiO2 additions to ZTA have
sintering. It is Common practice to pre-sinter the green been made by Yang and Stevens [129], the results
compacts at low temperatures (500 to 800 ° C) for an indicating that the structures can be influenced by the
extended period of time (5 to 10 h). additions, notably that the shape of the zirconia par-
The addition of about 1000 p.p.m. MgO to A12Os, ticles can be modified.
followed by sintering, resulted in almost 100% dense
materials [126]. Similarly, the addition of a small 4.3.2. H o t p r e s s i n g
amount of MgO to ZTA has been observed to be Although the densification of ZTA has been largely
effective for sintering and microstructural evolution. achieved by hot-pressing routes, the actual densifi-
In ZTA, ZrO 2 is usually not regarded as a higher- cation processes have not been investigated in detail.
valence additive to the alumina. If MgO is added to One of the advantages of hot pressing over pressure-
these composites, however, two major effects will be less sintering is the avoidance of differential sintering
expected: which is considered to be critical for control of the
(i) a combined effect of MgO and ZrOz on the final microstructure and hence the mechanical proper-
densification; ties. On the other hand, the applied pressure during
(ii) possible stabilization of incorporated ZrO2 the hot pressing can lead to a build up of residual
particles by MgO. stresses which influence the tetragonal --* monoclinic
A systematic study on MgO addition into ZTA has transformation and can result in less isotropic
been made by Kosmac et al. [127]. The experimental properties.
results given by the authors suggested that: The method currently used is to hot press ZTA in
(i) small additions of MgO to ZTA had an effect graphite dies. The colour of the hot-pressed ZTA
similar to that in pure alumina, e.g. the highest den- changes from a light grey to black as the zirconia
sities were obtained when ~ 1000p.p.m. MgO was volume fraction increases. A colour gradient also
added, further MgO addition up to 5000p.p.m. exists within the hot-pressed pellets, darker on the
decreased the density slightly Fig. 17; outside, light near the centre. The colour is related to
(ii) the optimum addition (= 1000 p.p.m.) was rela- the oxygen deficiency of the zirconia inclusions, which
tively independent of the ZrO2 addition for the levels lose oxygen in the reducing atmosphere associated
investigated (up to 30 wt %). The presence of ZrO2 in with the graphite dies. A white appearance for the
ZTA apparently led to an increased solubility of MgO hot-pressed specimens can be achieved by thermally
in A1203; treating them at 1200 to 1400°C in air or oxygen for
(iii) the MgO addition preferentially dissolved in an appropriate period of time (20 to 30 h).
the A1203 then subsequently formed spinel before Another commonly observed phenomenon in the
significant amounts of MgO dissolved in the ZrO2 hot-pressing of ZTA in graphite dies is the formation
particles; of surface cracks. A suggestion made by Lange [5] is
(iv) strength and fracture toughness of ZTA were that it is due to the volume change of the zirconia
dependent on the level of MgO addition only insofar particles associated with the oxygen deficiency gradi-
as the MgO additions modified the grain size and ent, because oxygen-deficient ZrO2 has a smaller
density of ZTA. molar volume [130].

4.3.3. Hot isostatic pressing (HIPing) represents a new class of high-performance ceramics
Lange [5] reported that HIPing could improve the with spectacular high strength at low and intermediate
fracture strength of alumina-rich ZTA. Tsukuma et al. temperatures (< 700° C). However, at temperatures
[85-87] used HIPing to fabricate ZrOz-rich ZTA. above 700 ° C, these tough oxide ceramics, when com-
Their results can be summarized as follows: pared with the two current competitors, SiC and
(i) the strengths of HIPed ZTA are much higher S%N4, can no longer be used as load-bearing engin-
than those of the sintered ZTA at room temperature; eering parts because of the characteristic deficiencies
(ii) HIPed ZTA exhibits improved strength at high associated with the tetragonal --* monoclinic trans-
temperatures; formation, Fig. 18. Another deficiency in the thermo-
(iii) flaws responsible for fracture of the HIPed mechanical properties of certain ZrO2-based ceramics
ZTA are low-density regions, which are compared is the strength degradation when aged at low tem-
with the crack-like internal surfaces responsible for peratures in the range from 150 to 500°C [137, 138].
fracture of the sintered samples; Claussen [135, 136] has discussed strategies for the
(iv) the size of defects in the HIPed ZTA (~ 10 #m) microstructural design for high-temperature ZrO2-
is much smaller than that in the sintered specimens (50 toughened ceramics, as shown in Table III.
to 500 ,um); For ZTA, microstructure strategies 7 and 8 have
(v) an advantage of the ZTA fabricated by HIPing been extensively researched, whilst some of the others
over those fabricated by hot pressing is that the micro- are also currently being investigated.
structure and therefore the mechanical properties are Dispersing an oxide phase such as Cr203, mullite
more isotropic and uniform. and spinel, or a non-oxide, such as SiC, Si3N4, TiC,
Two distinct HIPing processes have been reported TiN, and B 4 C [ 1 3 9 - 1 4 2 ] into ZTA has been examined
for fabrication of ZTA: direct HIPing of as-formed because of the technological simplicity. Rather promis-
compacts, and post-sintering of pre-sintered speci- ing improvements have been obtained. At the moment,
mens by HIPing. most of these experiments have been directed toward
Hori et al. [131] studied both the microstructure and improving the toughness and strength at intermediate
properties of HIPed ZTA and found that the tetra- temperatures; however, some comparable improve-
gonal zirconia particles become more resistant to ments have been observed in the high-temperature
stress-induced transformation. This could account for performance.
the slightly lower fracture toughness of the HIPed Another strengthening method is to introduce H f O 2
specimens compared with those of the sintered speci- into ZrO2 inclusions to form Zr-Hf-O2 solid solutions
mens. It was also noted that a residual tensile stress [143, 144] which have higher tetragonal ~ monoclinic
occasionally remained in the surface of HIPed ZTA. transformation temperatures than for the pure ZrO2
(strategy 4) [145]. The mechanism behind this strength-
ft. F u t u r e a s p e c t s ening method is to disperse the high-temperature
Swain et al. [132-134] have attempted to estimate toughening agent into the matrix, and therefore to
the limit for the maximum strength obtainable by enhance the high-temperature mechanical properties.
zirconia-toughened ceramics. Their work was based on Although the theoretical transformation temperatures
a recent observation indicating an abnormal relation- are higher for the Zr-Hf-O2 solutions, the smaller
ship between the strength and the toughness in both
magnesia and yttria-PSZ. His suggestion was that the T A B L E I I I High-temperature microstructural design strategies
stress required to initiate the tetragonal ~ monoclinic of ZrO2-toughened ceramics [135, 136]
transformation might control the maximum strength. Strategies Experimental approaches
Another mechanism [134] was that the inherent R-
1. Prevention of glassy Grain-boundary crystallization;
curve behaviour of these materials limited the
intergranular phases reduction of grain-boundary
strength. wettability; hot isostatic pressing
Claussen et al. [135, 136] has considered that ZTA in an oxidizing atmosphere

1600 , i 2. Special grain-boundary Sliding resistant grain-boundary

design geometry; grain-boundary pinning
by hard particles
E 1200 F.\. N 3. Directional grain growth Controlled crystallization of
/<'34 plastically deformed materials
4. Increase in M~ * HfO 2 alloying
a00 \
5. Retention of compressive HfO 2 surface anneal; surface
surface stress destabilization.
6. Recipitation hardening Solution sintering followed by
~ T ~ . ,~ Tzp ageing
7. Dispersion strengthening Addition of hard and high
500 1000 1500 Young's modulus phases
Applied slress (HPa) 8. Fibre or whisker Introduction of fibre or whiskers
reinforcements of SiC, A1203, etc.
Figure 18 A drawing indicating the potential application range of
some engineering ceramics: ZrOz-toughened ceramics, SiC and *MS = the starting temperature of the tetragonal ~ monoclinic
Si3N 4 [135]. transformation on cooling.

volume expansion and shear component associated stronger composites are achieved in structures II and
with the transformation for the solutions, com- III, respectively.
pared with those for pure zirconia, limit their poten- The future development of ZTAs will involve their
tial application as a high-temperature toughening reinforcement, property measurements and use at
agent. elevated temperature. A popular strategy for high-
Although fibre or whisker reinforcement of ZTA is temperature property enhancement is SiC whisker
now widely assumed to be the best option for effectively reinforcement.
enhancing the high-temperature properties [146], the
specific requirements [49] for whisker or fibre rein- Acknowledgement
forcement of ceramic matrices limit the number of The authors thank Dr J. G. P. Binner, Department of
useful fibre or whisker-ZTA combinations. The fibres Ceramics, University of Leeds, for reading the manu-
or whiskers which have been used to reinforce ZTA at script of this paper.
present include SiC whiskers, Si3N4 fibre or whiskers
and A1203 fibres. SiC whisker-reinforced ZTA has
been extensively investigated by Claussen and co- 1. H . P . CAHOON and C. J. CRISTENSEN, J. Amer.
workers [147-149]. Ceram. Soc. 39 (1956) 337.
Two of the difficulties associated with the reinforce- 2. N. CLAUSSEN, ibid. 59 (1976) 49.
ment of ZTA by SiC whisker are uniform mixing and 3. N. CLAUSSEN and J. JAHN, Ber. Dtsch. Keram. Ges.
55 (1978) 487.
densification. The SiC whiskers will tend to be oxidized
4. R. C. GARIVE, R. H. J. HANNINK and R. T. PAS-
during pressureless sintering at high temperatures COE, Nature (London) 258 (1975) 703.
(e.g. 1600° C) [147]. Thus fabrication currently involves 5. F. F. LANGE, J. Mater. Sci. 17 (1982) 225.
hot pressing and HIPing, with pressures ranging from 6. N. CLAUSSEN, J. STEEB and R. F. PABST, Amer.
10 to 60 MPa, and temperatures from 1500 to 1800° C. Ceram. Soc. Bull. 55 (1977) 559.
7. "Phase Diagrams for Ceramists", No 4377-4388 (The
In order to understand and control the interaction
American Ceramics Society, Columbus, Ohio, 1975).
between SiC whiskers and the ZTA matrix it is 8. R . M . McMEEKING and A. G. EVANS, J. Amer.
important to study the structure and chemistry of the Ceram. Soc. 65 (1982) 242.
interfaces, which can be done using SEM ~/nd TEM. 9. A . G . EVANS and R. M. CANNON, Acta Metall. 34
As reported by Claussen [149], ZTA reinforced by SiC (1986) 761.
10. N. CLAUSSEN and M. RUHLE in "Advances in
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Ceramics", Vol. 3, "Science and Technology of Zirconia I",
erties, for example, a toughness of 8 to 12MPam °5, edited by A. H. Heuer and W. L. Hobbs (The American
and a strength of 700 to 1200MPa, compared with Ceramics Society, Columbus, Ohio, 1981) p. 137.
4 MPa m°5 and 500 MPa, respectively, for monolithic 11. A . G . EVANS (ed.) "Fracture in Ceramic Materials"
alumina. The authors concluded that the presence of (Noyes, New Jersey, 1984) p. 16.
12. J . C . LAMBROPOULOS, J. Amer. Ceram. Soc. 69
the SiC whiskers in ZTA could result in a larger
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transformation zone as a consequence of the stress 13. M. RUHLE, B. KRAUS, A. STRECKER and
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Ceramics Society, Columbus, Ohio, 1984) p. 256.
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F. F. Lange (Plenum, New York, London, 1983)
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stood. An optimum combination of the fracture 17. H. RUH and A. G. EVANS, J. Amer. Ceram. Soc. 66
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119. S.P. KRAUS-LANTERI, T . E . MITCHELL and Received 27 June
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