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Science 2/3, Energy, #2, Nov.



Grade(s): 2/3- Double block = 1 hour total, 50 minutes of usable teaching time.
Subject(s): Science

Sequencing and Some students reading and writing skills are weak, so they will need
Scaffolding: additional help filling out worksheets provided. Lesson should be
activity focused, and writing accompanied by art.

Curricular Organizing idea: Understandings of the physical world are

Expectations: deepened by investigating matter and energy.

Guiding question: Where do light and Sound come from, and how
do they move?

- Identify sources of sound.
- Sound is produced by vibrations of objects.
- Vibration is a rapid back-and-forth movement.

Additional KUSP’s
- Sound travels in waves.
- Physical representation of waves

Student Booklet Pg. 6 and 8, Teacher slides 17-18, Scientific method sheet, Trumpet,
Trombone, Bed sheet, guitar.

Music room set up: Turn on sound bar! Trumpet and Guitar accessible at the front of the
room. Put hypothesis sheet up on the board, and make sure you can write on it. Place 7
xylophones in a line with mallets for the final partnerships to use.
- Video on sound:
- Music room activity: Students investigate how different instruments vibrate to produce
sound. They experiment with ways to dampen this sound, or eliminate it all together.
They have the chance to play instruments, and feel vibrations for themselves.
- Bring a large sheet and demonstrate how a wave travels by waving it. Students should
be able to watch the wave of energy travel across the sheet. Show different speeds, and
how the wave looks different.
- Show students how to draw waves. Show students that there are many different waves
you can draw, depending on how fast the wave is moving.
Introduction / Hook - Hook: Video on sound.
(5 mins)
Music Room Take students to the music room to investigate how different
activity 20 min instruments vibrate to make sound. Use the following instruments,
and the scientific method to perform the following experiments:
Be packing up by
1:15. Use the mid- Question: How can I stop this instrument from making sound?
way bell as your Prompt: What is vibrating on the instrument?
indicator that you
need to wrap - Guitar
things up. - Xylophone
- Trumpet/Trombone (if there is time)

Post questions: Did we stop the sound completely? If not, why?

Transition to home Bring students back to the classroom, and have them fill in the first
room, SB. 6, part 1 section on pg. 6 of their work book. Give them some time, and then
10 min. fill it in on the board with the help of the group.
Demonstration of - Bring a large sheet and demonstrate how a wave travels by waving
Waves- 10 min it. Students should be able to watch the wave of energy travel
across the sheet. Show different speeds, and how the wave looks
different. This may work best either at the back of the room on the
floor, or on the long back tables. Think about what is going to
create the least amount of congestion with the students crouching
around to see. Might even work standing at the front of the room-
play with it.
- Show students how to draw waves ∿. Show students that there
are many different waves you can draw, depending on how fast the
wave is moving, just like the sheet demonstration.
SB. Pg. 6 part 2- Work with the students to fill in the second part of pg. 6 in their work
5 min books, and draw 2 different waves.
Conclusion / - Have the children pack up, then form a circle and hold hands.
Wrap up: Wave Begin an energy ‘wave’ by having the first child squeeze the hand
game (10 mins) of the student next to them. Their partner will then ‘continue’ the
(If there is time) squeeze onto their partner, and the ‘squeeze energy’ will go around
the circle. Have students to do different patterns.
Sponge activities - In partners, take 5 minutes to find something in the classroom that
vibrates and makes a sound, and present your work as a
‘researcher’ to the class.

Student Booklet Pg. 6. Class discussions.

- Set very clear boundaries and expectations for all the kids before entering the music room.
Tell them that they are going to be scientists conducting important experiments, and they
their number one job is to keep the people and the equipment they are working with safe.
- Set up the music room at lunch in advance so that there is no prep needed when the
students come into class. Remember that you will be going back to the music room after
for music, so don’t create a mess!
- Remember that your objectives today are 1) students identify sound as the result of
objects vibrating, 2) Vibration is a rapid back and forth movement, which can be
represented in the drawing of a wave. Resist the urge to go to deep with these concepts.
- Give yourself enough time to transition back to the classroom, and then consider doing an
‘attention grabber’ game to re-focus the students. You could do an action mimicking game
to get them back on track.

Scientific Method
Hypothesis: I believe this instrument
produces sound because

If I ____________________________________________
then the sound will

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