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Assignment No 02

Submitted to:

Ma’am Iqra Tariq

Submitted by:

Iqra saleem

M.Sc. Psychology (3rd)

Date: May 09,2022

Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 3

Family Media Use ......................................................................................................................... 3

Observation 1 ................................................................................................................................ 4

Advertisements during serials .................................................................................................... 4

Media influences the children ................................................................................................... 4

Observation 2 ................................................................................................................................ 5

Interpretation of observations in view of major theories .......................................................... 5

Cultivation Theory .................................................................................................................... 6

Social Cognitive Theory ............................................................................................................ 6

Uses and Gratification Theory ................................................................................................. 6

Observation of family members while using media

In today’s digitally connected world, parents have to manage their relationship with the internet
and mobile devices, along with managing their children’s use of and exposure to the same
technology. This brings with it a host of both benefits and challenges.

Nowadays not only children but also parents are using media. When considering family policies
for media consumption in the home, parents are understandably cautious. If unregulated, video
gameplay, MP3s, and TV viewing can promote weaker family relationships, and poor
communication and subject the family to unwanted immoral influences.

Family Media Use

TV and video games appeared to bring the family together television use appeared to be
opportunistic in nature families would watch whatever was on when they had time, instead of
making time to watch specific shows (though this also happened).TV use was often tied to a
channel, rather than specific shows there was a distinct difference between logistic interaction
(such as using texts to coordinate schedules) and relational interaction in regards to media
consumption (such as watching a movie).TV appeared to be the dominant form of joint media use,
but such conclusions must be tentative given the limitations of the data. Kids watch TV to be
entertained, while parents watch it to create shared experiences.TV connects within the family

Repetitive tasks are no longer boring if accompanied by an interesting television program. One
stay-at-home mom kept a TV running as she performed housework during her day. The kitchen,
living room, master bedroom, and even the laundry room were each equipped with a TV. If not
watching the TV directly, some moms would still run the TV simply for the background noise as
they worked through their household chores.

Observation 1
I am sharing my observation as an observer in my home. My mother and sister watch different
Pakistani dramas on television share their views on different dramas, especially those dramas that
are their favorite, and also share their opinions because

“Media is an opinion maker”

They try to predict something about the character in the drama means by saying. “Maybe he or she
will die in the last “(or the character’s mother will know everything) these types of dialogue
obviously, most of the characters do well in drams or in acting that seems real and they watch them
as real. and they were discussing by saying “this is the sad reality of world husband is breathing
her wife now she will get a divorce”

When their favorite drama comes on air, they do not let anyone watch anything else. And all
family members start watching that if it looks interesting (whether they know about it or not).

Drama on-air regularly from 9:00 to 10:00 pm. They have a curiosity to know what will happen in
the next episode and they wait for it, and discussing like “she is very innocent “she will move from
this place”

Sometimes if my sister misses an episode, she watches it on her mobile phone. She is sometimes
inspired by the style of Caracter dressing and her makeup

Advertisements during serials

Ads that appear again and again during the dramas also diverted their attention for example
advertisements for different cloth brands, soap which also let them know where and on which
brand offering a discount, and my mother and sister discussing like “we have to go there this is a
good brand” or “we have to try this” and wait for the drama which shows how much.

Media influences the children, On the other hand, my nephew watches cartoons on television and
they do not let anyone watch other programs they are so absorbed in the programs they sometimes
do not even respond when someone calls them. This shows how much media influences children.
They see the cartoon characters as real and try to copy their actions (their costumes and seven

styles of communication) and different ads they watch like (cake ad) with bright colors that attract
them they asked family members to buy them for them

Observation 2
The second observation was on my brother and father. when they were watching the news on
television. The geo news or ARY news especially the headlines that appear on the screen make
them listen carefully. The headlines appear on-screen to create suspense and insist they wait for
the full update after advertisements. They sometimes tried to keep silent everyone to listen to the
news and discuss the news about daily situations i.e., “Petrol prices are high” Or about the prime
minister by saying this PM is good, etc. The news repeatedly appears on the screen which they
talk about the current situation by saying “look what is happening in Pakistan”

“Brother was saying the previous PM was best and father was in the sport of new PM by saying I
think this PM did best in past”

Recently they listen to the news about the bomb blast in the university they were praying and
discussing the current situation in Pakistan. Also, the security has to be alert and careful. And also,
they were discussing the recent incident in Madina. Father was saying “these people are spoiling
the name of our country”

Interpretation of observations in view of major theories

Relationship of T.V with family was not so large but now with time, it was seen that the cost of
T.V has reduced a lot and therefore a home without television was not found anymore.

And now with the introduction of cable lines and dish TV, the scope of T.V had widen very much,
and therefore through the T.V, the family members can see different types of channels like
religious channels, adventures channel, sports channels, music channels, history channel, movie
channel, news channel, information channel, and cartoon channel and so the family members can
see the channel whatever they like to see .and also we had taken a note that these days most of the
people are devoting most of their time in T.V.

Different theories of media that are related to these observations are

Cultivation Theory

In the first observation cultivation theory play an important role. Repeated exposure to media over
time gradually shapes our view of the world and our reality. The more we are exposed to media,
the more our views of the world will come to resemble the media worldwide. For example, my
mother and sister were watching the violent drama and watching the drama as the reality of the

And in the second observation father and brother were seeing the reality of the world through the

Social Cognitive Theory

The basic premise of this theory is a simple one: we learn behaviors by observing others
performing those behaviors and subsequently imitating them ourselves. observational learning
from media as discussed earlier my nephew’s pay attention to it and translate the symbolic
conception into appropriate action for example my nephews copy the spiderman action by
watching it on screen.

Uses and Gratification Theory

This theory plays important role in all of this observation. uses and say that people have an active
role in making choices. people choose what they want to watch for example my mother and sister
like to watch drama, children like to watch cartoons, and my father and brother choose to watch
the news.


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