Presentation of Data and Case Study

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NIPA-KAIBA: A Conducive Working Environment for an Eco-efficient Agro-Industrial Development in Paombong, Promoting Renewable Energy Source from Nipa

Almoete, Almira C. | Bernardo, Joyce Ann B. | Nogales, Kevin E. BSAR-5D


The chapter is about the report

and presentation of data which
were gathered during the
research. The topics and data
presented on this chapter is
necessary as it will be the basis
for the interpretation of the

following chapters. This
chapters are the fact that were
segregated from the concept.

The proponents have already
collected sufficient data in this
chapter to assess the existing

DATA AND CASE condition of the chosen study as

well as observations necessary
to come-up with appropriate

STUDY methods to deal with the

problem stated in the previous

Chapter 2: Presentation of Data and Case Study 63

NIPA-KAIBA: A Conducive Working Environment for an Eco-efficient Agro-Industrial Development in Paombong, Promoting Renewable Energy Source from Nipa
Almoete, Almira C. | Bernardo, Joyce Ann B. | Nogales, Kevin E. BSAR-5D

A. Data Management

Existing data, conceptual data, and secondary data will be used to support the study. These data are important to determine
the topics that should be included or not in the research. Topics which are related to each other and to the main topic to be integrated
in the design of a Conducive Working Environment for an Eco-efficient Agro-industrial Development in Paombong, Promoting
Renewable Energy Source from Nipa.

a. Present Condition

1. Demographic Data

Projected Population and Distribution of Paombong, Bulacan

Paombong is a municipality in the province of Bulacan. In the 2015 census, the population of Paombong, Bulacan,
was fifty-three thousand two hundred ninety-four (53,294) people with a density of one thousand two hundred (1,200)
inhabitants per square kilometer or three thousand one hundred (3,100) inhabitants per square mile.

The municipality of Paombong has fourteen (14) barangays. Barangay San Isidro II has the biggest population with
ten thousand six hundred forty (10,640), accounting to nineteen-point zero four percent (19.04%) of the total population
(Table 2.1). This could be attributed to the fact that the said barangay is near the highway. Its accessibility has most likely
drawn a large number of people to reside in the barangay. Moreover, San Isidro II is one of the biggest barangays in
Paombong in terms of density (population per area in hectare in each barangay).

Chapter 2: Presentation of Data and Case Study 64

NIPA-KAIBA: A Conducive Working Environment for an Eco-efficient Agro-Industrial Development in Paombong, Promoting Renewable Energy Source from Nipa
Almoete, Almira C. | Bernardo, Joyce Ann B. | Nogales, Kevin E. BSAR-5D

Barangay Malumot is the densest Barangay with three hundred ninety-four point four thousand one hundred sixty-
two (394.4162) while Barangay Binakod has the smallest density with only three point one thousand nine hundred forty-
five (3.1945). This due to its relatively small areas, compared to the other twelve (12) barangays. (as seen on Table 2.1)

Population Density of each Barangay in Paombong

POP 100*)

1. Malumot 2,331 4.17% 394.4162

2. Poblacion 1,442 2.58% 156.7511
3. San Isidro I 3,390 6.06% 74.7267
4. Sto. Nino 4,082 7.30% 38.0727
5. San Vicente 2,989 5.35% 29.6412
6. Sto. Rosario 8,897 15.92% 33.0901
7. San Isidro II 10,640 19.02% 21.0474
8. Kapitangan 4,018 7.19% 19.5006
9. Pinalagdan 3,048 5.45% 10.7275
10. Sta. Cruz 1,478 2.64% 4.7269
11. San Roque 4,180 8.61% 7.6393
12. San Jose 5,064 9.06% 5.7766
13. Masukol 1,848 3.31% 3.8582
14. Binakod 1,859 3.33% 3.1954
TOTAL 53,294 803.1699
Table 2.1 Population, percentage and density in Paombong (2015)
Source: Paombong Municipal Planning and Development Council Office

Chapter 2: Presentation of Data and Case Study 65

NIPA-KAIBA: A Conducive Working Environment for an Eco-efficient Agro-Industrial Development in Paombong, Promoting Renewable Energy Source from Nipa
Almoete, Almira C. | Bernardo, Joyce Ann B. | Nogales, Kevin E. BSAR-5D

The average population per hectares in Paombong is eight hundred three point one thousand six hundred ninety-nine
(803.1699) based on the 2015 Census of Population and as seen on Table 2.1
The graph is a graphical representation of Table 2.1: San Isidro II has the largest percentage of population with a total of
ten thousand six hundred forty (10,640) while Poblacion has the least with a total of one thousand four hundred forty-two (1,442).
As of the year 2015, the population of Paombong is fifty-three thousand two hundred ninety-four (53,294).
Population census of Paombong
Year Pop. ±% p.a.
1903 8,554 — Population Growth (1918-2023)
1918 9,260 +0.53%
1939 11,269 +0.94%
1948 13,437 +1.97%
1960 16,677 +1.82%
1970 20,636 +2.15%
1975 24,383 +3.40%
1980 26,267 +1.50% 65,604
1990 32,052 +2.01% 50,798 50,940 53,294
1995 33,149 +0.63% 32,052 33,149
2000 41,077 +4.70% 24,383 26,267
16,677 20,636
2007 50,798 +2.97% 9,260 11,269 13,437
2010 50,940 +0.10% 1918 1939 1948 1960 1970 1975 1980 1990 1995 2000 2007 2010 2015 2023
2015 53,294 +0.86%
2023 65,604 + Population
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority
Table 2.2 Population growth of Graph 2.2 Population Growth of Paombong based on Table 2.1, the graph
Paombong since the year 1918 up to shows the constant increase in population
2015 Source: PSA
Source: PSA

Graph 2.2 shows that the population in Paombong is continuously growing each year, the highest growth rate is in
2000 having four-point seventy percent (4.70%) increase of population. The highest number of populations is predicted to
be in 2023 with a total of sixty-five thousand six hundred four (65,604).

Chapter 2: Presentation of Data and Case Study 66

NIPA-KAIBA: A Conducive Working Environment for an Eco-efficient Agro-Industrial Development in Paombong, Promoting Renewable Energy Source from Nipa
Almoete, Almira C. | Bernardo, Joyce Ann B. | Nogales, Kevin E. BSAR-5D

Historical and Projected Population per Barangay, 1990-2023








1990 2000 2010 2011 2012 2015 2023

Graph 2.3 Historical and Projected Population per Barangay, 1990-2023

Graph 2.3 is based on Table 2.3; San Isidro II has the largest population increase while Sta. Cruz decreased in population

Household Size
The municipality of Paombong has a total of eleven thousand one hundred fort eight (11,148) households with an
average of five (5) members per household (Table 2.4). Barangay San Isidro II has the biggest number of households with
two thousand one hundred twenty-eight (2,128), eighteen-point fifty-one percent (18.51%) of the total number of
households. On the other hand, Barangay Poblacion has the least with only two hundred eighty-nine (289) or two-point five
percent (2.5%).

Chapter 2: Presentation of Data and Case Study 67

NIPA-KAIBA: A Conducive Working Environment for an Eco-efficient Agro-Industrial Development in Paombong, Promoting Renewable Energy Source from Nipa
Almoete, Almira C. | Bernardo, Joyce Ann B. | Nogales, Kevin E. BSAR-5D

As of 2015 (Barangay Survey), total population is fifty-three thousand two hundred ninety-four (53,294). The male-
female ratio in the municipality is almost one is to one (1:1). The male population in the said year was twenty-six thousand
seven hundred (26,700) while the female populace was twenty-seven thousand eight hundred twenty-five (27,825).


Binakod 1,859 372
Kapitangan 4,018 804
Malumot 2,331 467
Masukol 1,848 370
Pinalagdan 3,048 700
Poblacion 1,442 289
San Isidro I 3,390 678
San Isidro II 10,640 2,128
San Jose 5,064 1,013
San Roque 4,180 836
San Vicente 2,989 598
Sta. Cruz 1,478 296
Sto. Nino 4,082 817
Sto. Rosario 8,897 1,780
TOTAL 53,294 11,148
Table 2.4 Number of Households and Household Size in Paombong as of 2015
Source: Paombong MPDC

Chapter 2: Presentation of Data and Case Study 68

NIPA-KAIBA: A Conducive Working Environment for an Eco-efficient Agro-Industrial Development in Paombong, Promoting Renewable Energy Source from Nipa
Almoete, Almira C. | Bernardo, Joyce Ann B. | Nogales, Kevin E. BSAR-5D

Number of Household and Average Household Size per

Barangay, 2015

San Vicente
Sta. Cruz
Sto. Nino
San Isidro I
San Roque
San Jose
Sto. Rosario
San Isidro II
0 5,000 10,000 15,000
Total Population Households

Graph 2.4 Number of Household and Average Household Size per Barangay, 2015 the graph shows the
ratio between the population and the number of household
Source: Paombong MPDC

Graph 2.4 is a graphical representation of Table 2.4; San Isidro II has the largest number of household size with a
total of two thousand one hundred twenty-eight (2,128) while Sta. Cruz has the lowest number of household size with a total
of two hundred ninety-six (296). Some of the factors includes the total land area and the economic profile of each barangay.

Chapter 2: Presentation of Data and Case Study 69

NIPA-KAIBA: A Conducive Working Environment for an Eco-efficient Agro-Industrial Development in Paombong, Promoting Renewable Energy Source from Nipa
Almoete, Almira C. | Bernardo, Joyce Ann B. | Nogales, Kevin E. BSAR-5D

Population Distribution

Gender (2015)
Population Distribution Population Distribution (Age
Males 26,705
Females 26,589 (Gender)
Table 2.5 Population 60.00% 0-14 years
Distribution (Gender) 49.9% 50.00%
Source: PSA 40.00% 15-64 years
30.00% 66.30%
50.1% 20.00%
Age Groups (C 2015) 65+
10.00% 28.20% 5.50%
0-14 years 15,034 MALE FEMALE 0.00%
15-64 years 35,353 0-14 15-64 65+
65+ years 2,907
Graph 2.5 Population distribution by Graph 2.6 Population distribution by Age
Table 2.6 Population Gender Group
Distribution (Age Groups) Source: PSA Source: PSA
Source: PSA

As of 2015 (Philippine Statistics Authority), total population is fifty-three thousand two hundred ninety-four
(53,294). The male-female ratio in the municipality is almost one is to one (1:1). The male population in the said year was
twenty-six thousand seven hundred five (26,705) while the female populace was twenty-six thousand five hundred eighty-
nine (26,589).

Chapter 2: Presentation of Data and Case Study 70

NIPA-KAIBA: A Conducive Working Environment for an Eco-efficient Agro-Industrial Development in Paombong, Promoting Renewable Energy Source from Nipa
Almoete, Almira C. | Bernardo, Joyce Ann B. | Nogales, Kevin E. BSAR-5D

More than sixty-six-point three percent (66.30%) of the population was in the productive age group (fifteen to sixty-
four (15-64) years of age). Less than one-third was less than fifteen (15) years of age (28.30%) while only five-point five
percent (5.50%) was at least sixty-five (65) years of age and above.

Age Distribution (2015)

0-9 years 10,121
Age Distribution (2015)
10-19 years 10,017
20-29 years 9,575
30-39 years 7,834
40-49 years 6,516
50-59 years 4,686
60-69 years 2,897
70-79 years 1,201
0-9 years 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80+ years
80+ years 447 years years years years years years years

Age Groups
Table 2.7 Population
Distribution (Age Groups)
Source: PSA Graph 2.7 Population Distribution (Age Groups)-the graph shows a detailed distribution of age
Source: PSA

The highest age distribution is from the year zero to nine (0-9) years with a total of ten thousand one hundred twenty-
one (10,121) while the age distribution with the lowest number is from eighty (80) years and above accumulating a total of
four hundred forty-seven (447).

Chapter 2: Presentation of Data and Case Study 71

NIPA-KAIBA: A Conducive Working Environment for an Eco-efficient Agro-Industrial Development in Paombong, Promoting Renewable Energy Source from Nipa
Almoete, Almira C. | Bernardo, Joyce Ann B. | Nogales, Kevin E. BSAR-5D

Municipality/ Number of Number of Major Sources of LGU Annual

Population Farmers1 Fisherfolk2 Income
City Income
Internal Revenue
PAOMBONG 67,386 349 2,484 106,095,097.17
Table 2.8 Average Annual Income, 2016
Source: Paombong MPDC

1. Source is RSBSA version 1.2

2. Source is Fisher Folk Registration System (FishR)

3. Available municipal level data is from 2012 Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP)

Average annual income

a. Farmers
i. From farming : 70,200.00
ii. Other sources of income :
Tricycle : 30,000.00
Landscaping : 50,000.00
b. Fisher folk
i. From Fish farming : 98,000.00
ii. Fishing : 52,000.00
iii. Other sources of income :
Tricycle : 30,000.00
Vinegar Peddling : 35,000.00
c. Farm laborers :
i. As farm laborer : 21,800.00
ii. Other sources of income :
Tricycle : 30,000.00

Chapter 2: Presentation of Data and Case Study 72

NIPA-KAIBA: A Conducive Working Environment for an Eco-efficient Agro-Industrial Development in Paombong, Promoting Renewable Energy Source from Nipa
Almoete, Almira C. | Bernardo, Joyce Ann B. | Nogales, Kevin E. BSAR-5D

Number of Dwelling Units by: Type of Construction Materials, Structure, Ownership

Construction Material of Total Occupied Galvanized Iron/ Half Galvanized Iron
Concrete/Clay Wood
the Outer Wall Housing Units Aluminum and Half Concrete
Total 10,995 8,926 167 1,093 157
Concrete/Brick/Stone 7,390 6,970 145 168 11
Wood 637 398 5 33 119
Half 2,161 1,143 16 881 14
nd Half Wood
Galvanized 311 306 1 1 1
Bamboo/Sawali/Cogon/ 386 82 - 8 8
Asbestos 1 - - - 1
Glass - - - - -
Makeshift/Salvaged/Imp 77 15 - 2 1
rovised Materials
Others 2 2 - - -
No walls 1 - - - -
Not Reported 29 10 - - 2
Table 2.9 Number of Dwelling Units
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority

Majority of the housing unit’s exterior in Paombong are made from Concrete/Brick/Stone with a total of seven
thousand three hundred ninety (7,390) and Galvanized Iron/ Aluminum with a total of eight thousand nine hundred twenty-
six (8,926), the least used material is asbestos. There are still household who use nipa and bamboo as construction material
but compared to concrete, concrete is mostly used.

Chapter 2: Presentation of Data and Case Study 73

NIPA-KAIBA: A Conducive Working Environment for an Eco-efficient Agro-Industrial Development in Paombong, Promoting Renewable Energy Source from Nipa
Almoete, Almira C. | Bernardo, Joyce Ann B. | Nogales, Kevin E. BSAR-5D

2. Physical Data


Paombong is located at the low land area southwestern part of

the Province of Bulacan. It is bounded on the east by the City of
Malolos with just three (3) kilometer distance. On its west side is the
Municipality of Hagonoy, Municipality of Calumpit on the north and
on the southern part by the Bay of Manila. Paombong is forty-seven
(47) kilometers from Manila.

Fig. 2.1 Paombong Location Map

Source: Paombong MPDC Fig. 2.2 Map of Bulacan
Source: Paombong MPDC

Chapter 2: Presentation of Data and Case Study 74

NIPA-KAIBA: A Conducive Working Environment for an Eco-efficient Agro-Industrial Development in Paombong, Promoting Renewable Energy Source from Nipa
Almoete, Almira C. | Bernardo, Joyce Ann B. | Nogales, Kevin E. BSAR-5D

Political Boundaries

Paombong is a third-class municipality in

the Province of Bulacan which occupies the one
point seven percent (1.7%) of Bulacan’s two
hundred sixty-two thousand five hundred hectares
(262,500 h). The municipality has a total land area
of four thousand six hundred thirty-four hectares
(4,634 h) with fourteen (14) barangays. Mainland
barangays in Paombong are seven (7) and three
Fig. 2.3 Municipal Complex of Paombong
(3) are coastal (Figure 2.5: Administrative Photo taken: October 10, 2018
boundary and location of Paombong, Bulacan).

There are rivers that transverses the town

of Paombong ending at Manila bay. These rivers
serve as busy arteries of commerce and trade in
transporting local products. Coming from
Pampanga river, these branches are the Santa Cruz
river, Malumot river, Sukat river, Bakawkaw river
and Masukol river which are all navigable.

Fig. 2.4 Municipal Hall of Paombong

Photo taken: October 10, 2018

Chapter 2: Presentation of Data and Case Study 75

NIPA-KAIBA: A Conducive Working Environment for an Eco-efficient Agro-Industrial Development in Paombong, Promoting Renewable Energy Source from Nipa
Almoete, Almira C. | Bernardo, Joyce Ann B. | Nogales, Kevin E. BSAR-5D

Administrative boundary and location Geographic location

of Paombong, Bulacan of Paombong, Bulacan
Municipality of
Calumpit Travel Distance
Metro Manila – forty-
seven (47 kms.)
Provincial Gov’t –
three (3) kms.
of Bulacan

Municipality of City of Malolos


Bay of Manila
Fig. 2.5 Administrative Boundary of Paombong
(2008-2023 CLUP) Fig. 2.6 Geographic Location of Paombong
Source: Municipal Planning and Development (2008-2023 CLUP)
Office Source: Municipal Planning and
Development Office

Chapter 2: Presentation of Data and Case Study 76

NIPA-KAIBA: A Conducive Working Environment for an Eco-efficient Agro-Industrial Development in Paombong, Promoting Renewable Energy Source from Nipa
Almoete, Almira C. | Bernardo, Joyce Ann B. | Nogales, Kevin E. BSAR-5D

Area and Land Uses

With a total land area of four thousand six hundred thirty-four hectares (4,634 h), Paombong has three thousand
three hundred nine point three thousand eight hundred forty-seven hectares (3,309.3847 h) land area of fourteen (14)
inland barangays and one thousand four hundred twenty-nine point six hundred seventy-five hectares (1,429.0675 h) of
three (3) coastal barangays.

(in Hectares) (in Hectares)
1. Poblacion 9.1993
2. Kapitangan 206.0454
3. Malumot 5.9100
4. Pinalagdan 284.1303
5. San Isidro I 45.3653
6. San Isidro II 505.5264 3039.3847
7. San Jose 876.6411
8. San Roque 629.6400
9. San Vicente 100.8394
10. Sto. Niño 107.2159
11. Sto. Rosario 268.8716

1. Binakod 581.7689
2. Masukol 478.9835 1429.0675
3. Sta. Cruz 368.3151

ALL NATURAL WATERWAYS 165.5478 165.5478

TOTAL 4,634

Table 2.10 Areas of Mainland and Coastal Barangay (2008-2023 CLUP)

Source: Paombong MPDC

Chapter 2: Presentation of Data and Case Study 77

NIPA-KAIBA: A Conducive Working Environment for an Eco-efficient Agro-Industrial Development in Paombong, Promoting Renewable Energy Source from Nipa
Almoete, Almira C. | Bernardo, Joyce Ann B. | Nogales, Kevin E. BSAR-5D

Percentage of Land Distribution Area, 2009
900 19.62%



400 8.24%

6.36% 6.02%
2.26% 2.40%
100 1.02%
0.20% 0.13%

Poblacion Kapitangan Malumot Pinalagdan San Isidro I San Isidro II San Jose
San Roque San Vicente Sto. Niño Sto. Rosario Binakod Masukol Sta. Cruz

Graph 2.8 Percentage of Land Distribution Area, 2009

Source: Paombong MPDC

San Jose has the largest land area out of the fourteen 14 barangays in Paombong with a total of eight hundred seventy-
six point six thousand four hundred forty-one hectares (876.6441 h) followed by San Roque which has a total land area of
six hundred twenty-nine point six thousand four hundred hectares (629.6400 h). The two barangays with the least land area
are Malumot (five point nine thousand one hundred (5.9100)) and Poblacion five point nine thousand one hundred (5.9100))

Chapter 2: Presentation of Data and Case Study 78

NIPA-KAIBA: A Conducive Working Environment for an Eco-efficient Agro-Industrial Development in Paombong, Promoting Renewable Energy Source from Nipa
Almoete, Almira C. | Bernardo, Joyce Ann B. | Nogales, Kevin E. BSAR-5D

Existing General Land Use

Built-Up Areas

Residential areas and commercial establishments

are primarily concentrated on major roads and transport
routes. In the year 2009, there is a total of three hundred
eighty point seventy hectares (380.70 h) of built-up area
comprises the eight-point twenty-two percent (8.22%) of
the total land area of municipality, institutional facilities
and government offices (Figure 2.7).


The agricultural area of the municipality includes

fishponds, farmlands and other agricultural uses such as
nipa palm swamp areas where the famous “sukang
paombong” came from. Ninety-one-point seventy-eight
percent (91.78%) of the total land area of Paombong are
agricultural lands.

Seventy-six-point eighty-eight percent (76.88%) of

the total land area are fish ponds, while four point seventy-
two (4.72%) are farmlands, and all other nine-point Fig. 2.7 Existing Land Use Map (2008-2023 CLUP)
Source: Paombong MPDC
eighty percent (9.80%) of the total land agricultural

Chapter 2: Presentation of Data and Case Study 79

NIPA-KAIBA: A Conducive Working Environment for an Eco-efficient Agro-Industrial Development in Paombong, Promoting Renewable Energy Source from Nipa
Almoete, Almira C. | Bernardo, Joyce Ann B. | Nogales, Kevin E. BSAR-5D

areas are for nipa, swamps, fruit bearing trees, vegetables garden, and others. There is also Bermuda grass plantation
located in Barangay Kapitangan and Pinalagdan with an area of seventeen point seventy-five hectares (17.75 h), a
zero point thirty-eight (0.38%) of total land area of Paombong.

Primarily, mostly of the farmlands is located in Barangays Kapitangan and Pinalagdan. Also, farmlands can
be found in other barangays which are Barangay Sto. Rosario, Sto. Niño and small portion at barangay San Isidro I
and San Isidro II. While fishponds are in majority at Barangays San Jose, San Vicente, San Roque, San Isidro I, San
Isidro II and the three coastal barangays of Sta. Cruz, Binakod and Masukol.


In hectares In total area

Built-up Areas/ Barangay Roads/ Infrastructures 380.70 8.22


Farmland (irrigated) 218.90 4.72

Fishponds 3562.63 76.88

Bermuda Grass 17.75 0.38

Others (nipa, swamps, etc.) 454.02 9.80

TOTAL 4634.00 100%

Table 2.11 Existing General Land Use of Paombong according in CLUP

Source: Paombong MPDC

Chapter 2: Presentation of Data and Case Study 80

NIPA-KAIBA: A Conducive Working Environment for an Eco-efficient Agro-Industrial Development in Paombong, Promoting Renewable Energy Source from Nipa
Almoete, Almira C. | Bernardo, Joyce Ann B. | Nogales, Kevin E. BSAR-5D

Existing Urban Land Use

In 1981, There are six (6) barangays that are

considered urban areas which are Poblacion, San Isidro I, San
Isidro II, Malumot, Sto. Niño and Sto. Rosario, but it’s
according to the 1981 Comprehensive Development Town
Plan of Paombong.

In the year 2005, Barangay Malumot, Poblacion, San

Isidro I, Sto. Niño, San Vicente, portions of San Isidro II,
Kapitangan and Sto. Rosario are considered urban areas based
on the population density of each barangay.


Residential areas are mostly concentrated on

transport routes and spreads among commercial uses.
There’s high concentration of residential areas in
Poblacion, Malumot, San Isidro I, portions of Sto.
Niño, San Vicente, San Isidro II, Kapitangan and Sto.
Fig. 2.8 Existing Urban Land Use Map (2008-2023 CLUP)
Source: Paombong MPDC

Chapter 2: Presentation of Data and Case Study 81

NIPA-KAIBA: A Conducive Working Environment for an Eco-efficient Agro-Industrial Development in Paombong, Promoting Renewable Energy Source from Nipa
Almoete, Almira C. | Bernardo, Joyce Ann B. | Nogales, Kevin E. BSAR-5D


Commercial areas in Paombong are composed of four-point zero two percent (4.02%) total of the built up
areas. Commercial uses are also concentrated on transportation routes. There is a total of fifteen point twenty hectares
(15.20) of commercial areas in the town.


The public and private elementary and secondary school buildings, health facilities, churches and government
offices are part of institutional areas.

In the urban area, the public schools are the Paombong Elementary School in San Roque, Pulo Elementary
School in Barangay San Isidro I, Sto. Niño Elementary School and the Sto. Rosario Elementary School. While the
private elementary schools include St. Martin de Porres Catholic School in Poblacion, Voice of the Lord Christian
School in Sto. Nino. Schools for secondary level are the Paombong High School located in Poblacion, San Roque
High School and Kapitangan High School which also located in the urban area of Paombong. There is a health
facility also which is in barangay Sto. Niño, San Pascual Baylon General Hospital. Rural Health Units are available
that offer free medical services, these local health facilities are the located in Barangay Poblacion and San Isidro II
and in each barangay there’s a barangay health center. The institutional area of Paombong includes Municipal Hall,
Catholic churches and other places of worship.

Chapter 2: Presentation of Data and Case Study 82

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