Teaching-Learning Process vs. Real Life.

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Teaching-Learning Process Vs. Real Contex.

Throughout our university life, our teachers try to give us all the academic bases to

prepare us for our working life, we are theoretically grounded to firmly base our pedagogical

practice, provide us with strategies and methodologies, and all the resources to become the

best teachers we can be; and thus, transform lives and facilitate meaningful learning.

However, at the moment that we have to face a classroom, we realize what comes into play

mainly is, who we are as people and the principles, values and beliefs that each teacher has

when faced with difficult situations and uncomfortable, for which; any institution of higher

education can prepare us; it is at that moment that our preparation has to be evidenced, since

we have to be professional, fair and impartial if we are to carry out a successful and fair


At the same time, it is important that each teacher understands that in each classroom,

different realities develop; and that each student is a different universe, so that they cannot

face in the same way, since they need to be approached in a different and individual way. In

this sense, it is necessary; that teachers knows its context and the needs of its learners, so that

it is possible to strengthen and develop skills, create improvement actions to help each

student move forward in their process (Graham Hall, 2011).

Adding to what has been said, knowing the context is not only important to know the

context to make plans for intervention and improvement, but also to take into account the

affective scheme of the students, the ages in which they are both physiologically; as a

cognitive level, in this way to enter to analyze the learning style of each, in turn consider the

different intelligences that come into play, with the aim of not making generalizations and

assume that they possess previous skills and knowledge without having done a correct study
of the context and the population (Lakoff and Johnson, 1980). It should be noted that

emotionality and the social reality that surrounds each individual within a classroom,

determines the degree of interest and learning that develops.

For this reason, a teacher to carry out effective teaching must be clear about what his /

her objectives are in and outside the classroom, but above all, he / she must have very

established values both as professionals; has to take very into account its real function is to

transform reality through the people to which it forms, due to this it is necessary to remember

that our function is not only to transmit a set of knowledge as simple instructors, but rather as

Giroux tells us to become transforming intellectuals who help students; by means of our

mastery of specific knowledges, to analyze the problems that afflict society, and in this way a

positive change that takes into account the common good, as well as the individual benefits,

will be intervened and produced. (Giroux, 1965).

Finally, I think it is necessary to touch on the subject of evaluation, because contrary

to what you can think is not only a set of notes and dice that are commuted at certain times of

the school year or certain deadlines set to reach a goal, but encompasses everything, both

academic and administrative, as well as organizational. It must always be carried out in a

continuous and systematic way, since at this point all the previously stated beliefs are

reflected; because this is where you know what kind of teacher you are, if you are one that

gives much importance to the results, or instead takes into account the entire process carried

out by the student, also noted in the methodologies and strategies used at the time of teaching.
The evaluation also shows the way in which the teacher applies his values and

principles since this is when one can show if the teacher has known how to apply their

knowledge in an effective, fair and transparent. Taking into account the abilities, weaknesses,

differences and multiple intelligences of the people to whom it forms; if it knows its context

and recognizes diversity. Not to mention the way he performs self-assessment; co-evaluation,

hetero-evaluation and feedback, whether or not this serves to improve knowledge and to be

agents of change in the environment in which we live.

"Above all, the discussion throughout this paper has placed English language

teaching-learning practices within a broader socio-cultural context, essentially entailing the

pedagogic characteristics of an EFL/ESL classroom. Although not all the issues presented

and discussed in this paper might be of interest to the ELT professionals and experts, the

classroom factors investigated and described above undoubtedly have influential impacts on

what we plan to implement in EFL/ESL teaching-learning contexts and how we maximize the

learning outcome. Analysis and investigation of some EFL/ESL classroom factors, thus, led

to the realization that teachers’ thoughtful observation and proper conceptualization of those

ca n ensure effective English language teaching-learning practices."

(Investigating Factors that Contribute to Effective Teaching-Learning Practices: EFL/ESL

classroom Context, 2017, page. 19-20)

 Gaetano, L. (2009, 16th January). Henry Giroux, “Los profesores como

intelectuales”. [Weblog]. Retrieved 5 September 2017, from
los- profesores-como.html

In-text citation: (Gaetano, 2009)


POR HENRY A GIROU. Giroux, Henry (1990) Los profesores como intelectuales,
Piados: Barcelona Pp 171-178, 01(1), 171-178.

In-text citation: (Giroux, 2005)

 Islam, R. (2017). Investigating Factors that Contribute to Effective Teaching-Learning

Practices: EFL/ESL classroom Contex. English Language Teaching, 10(4), 15-19.
In-text citation: (Islam, 2017)

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