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VIVETTE sts. at underarm. Starting at shoulder edge, bind off 7 sts. at the beginning of
every other row 4 times. On remaining sts. work 1 in. even. Bind off. Work
Sport Angora Blouse No. 3001 other side to correspond.

Size 14 Sew shoulder seams.

1 Pr. Standard No. 1 Needles—14 in. SLEEVES: With No. 3 Needles, on right side of garment, pick up 20 sts. across
1 Pr. Standard No. 3 Needles—14 in. top of shoulder. Work back and forth in rib Pat., picking up 4 sts. at end of each
row until 130 sts. have been picked up from end to end of armhole. Work 3 rows
Scale: 8 sts. to 1 in. even. Decrease 1 st. at each end every 3rd row to 100 sts. Work even until
sleeve measures 5 in. Change to No. 0 Needles, and work 1½ in. even. P. 1 row
Jack Frost Sport Angora—7 155-yd. Balls on wrong side of garment. Continue rib Pat. for 1½ in. Bind off.

BACK: With No. 1 Needles cast on 100 sts. Work as follows: (Right side). Sew underarm and sleeve seams. Turn cuff back on P. row. Crochet 1 row s.c.
Row 1—K. 1, P. 2, repeat across row ending K. 1. around front opening, making loops for buttonholes on right side. Turn collar
Row 2—P. 1, K. 2, repeat across row ending P. 1. tabs down and sew in place as illustrated.
Repeat above 2 rows for 3½ in. Change to No. 3 Needles, increasing to 119 sts.
at even intervals across the row. Then work as follows: (Right side).
Row 1—* P. 2, K. 7, repeat from * across row ending P. 2.
Row 2—* K. 2, P. 7, repeat from * across row ending K. 2. DREVON
Above 2 rows form Pat. Work in Pat. for 7 in., or desired length to underarm. Sport Angora Blouse No. 3003
Bind off 5 sts. at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 st. at each
end every other row 4 times. Work even until armhole measures 6½ in. from 1st Size 14
bound off sts. at underarm. Discontinue Pat., and starting on right side of
garment, work in ribbing as described for beginning of blouse, for 1 in. 1 Pr. Standard No. 2 Needles—14 in.
Continuing ribbing, bind off 7 sts. at the beginning of the next 6 rows. Bind off 1 Pr. Standard No. 3 Needles—14 in.
remaining sts.
Scale: 8 sts. to 1 in.
FRONT: With No. 1 Needles cast on 100 sts. Work in ribbing as described for
back for 3½ in. Change to No. 3 Needles, increasing to 137 sts. at even intervals Jack Frost Sport Angora—7 155-yd. Balls
across row. Work even in Pat. for 7½ in., or desired length to underarm. Bind
off 10 sts. at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 st. at each end BACK: With No. 2 Needles cast on 100 sts. Work in ribbing of K. 2, P. 2, for 2
every other row 8 times. Work even until armhole measures 6½ in. from 1st in. Change to No. 3 Needles, increasing to 123 sts. at even intervals across the
bound off sts. at underarm. Discontinue Pat., and starting on right side of blouse, row. Work in ribbing of K. 3, P. 3, for 8 in., or desired length to underarm. Bind
work in ribbing same as back. Continuing ribbing, bind off 7 sts. at the begin- off 6 sts. at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 st. at each end
ning of the next 6 rows. Bind off remaining sts. Sew shoulder seams. every other row 3 times. Work even until armhole measures 7 in. from 1st bound
off sts. at underarm. Work over 36 sts. Bind off 33 sts. On remaining 36 sts.,
SLEEVES: With No. 3 Needles, on right side of garment, pick up 27 sts. across work 2 rows even. Starting at shoulder edge, bind off 7 sts. at beginning of every
top of shoulder. Work back in Pat. as described for blouse, increasing to 54 sts. other row 4 times, then bind off remaining 8 sts. Work other side to correspond.
Pick up 4 sts. at end of row. Work back and forth in Pat., picking up 4 sts. at end
of each row until 126 sts. are on the needle, and sleeve has been picked up from FRONT: Work to correspond with back to underarm. Bind off and decrease for
end to end of armhole. Work even for 4½ in. Change to No. 1 Needles, underarm same as back. Work even until armhole measures 4 in. from 1st bound
decreasing to 70 sts. at even intervals across the row. Work in ribbing of K. 1, P. off sts. at underarm. Work over 36 sts. Bind off 33 sts. On remaining 36 sts.,
2 for 2 in. Bind off. work even until armhole corresponds with back. Starting at shoulder edge, bind
off 7 sts. at the beginning of every other row 4 times, then bind off remaining 8
Sew underarm and sleeve seams. sts. Work other side to correspond.

Sew shoulder seams.

THENON SLEEVES: With No. 2 Needles cast on 62 sts. Work in ribbing of K. 2, P. 2, for
Saxony Blouse No. 3002 2 in. Change to No. 3 Needles, increasing to 120 sts. at even intervals across the
row. Work even in rib of K. 3, P. 3, for 4½ in. Bind off 6 sts. at the beginning of
Size 14 the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 st. at each end every other row 3 times. Bind off
5 sts. at the beginning of every row until 42 sts. remain on the needle. K. 2 sts.
1 Pr. Standard No. 0 Needles—14 in. tog. across row. Bind off remaining sts.
1 Pr. Standard No. 3 Needles—14 in.
1 Size 3 Steel Crochet Honk Sew underarm and sleeve seams. Sew sleeves in place.

Scale: 8 sts. to 1 in. NECKBAND: Front—With No. 2 Needles, on right side of garment, pick up
32 sts. across front of neck. K. 2, P. 2, for 1½ in. Bind off. Repeat for back of
Jack Frost Saxony—6 1-oz. Balls neck. Right Side—Starting 2 in. before front of shoulder seam, on right side of
garment, pick up 20 sts. along neck edge. Work back and forth in rib of K. 2, P.
BACK: With No. 0 Needles cast on 120 sts. K. 2, P. 2, for 4 in. Change to No. 3 2, picking up 2 sts. at end of each row until 48 sts. have been picked up from
Needles, and continue to work in rib of K. 2, P. 2, for 7½ in., or desired length to end to end of side opening. Work even until band measures 1½ in. at widest
underarm. Bind off 5 sts. at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 st. point. Bind off. Work left side to correspond. Sew front and back neck bands to
at each end every other row 3 times. Work even until piece measures 7 in. from sides of blouse. Draw loose end of shoulder bands down to blouse below neck
1st bound off sts. at underarm, or desired length to back of neck. Bind off 7 sts. band, and sew to blouse as illustrated.
at the beginning of the next 8 rows. Work even on remaining sts. for 1 in. Bind
Check out other great patterns at
FRONT: With No. 0 Needles cast on 130 sts. Work in ribbing of K. 2, P. 2, for
4 in. Change to No. 3 Needles, and continue to work in rib Pat. for 8 in., or,
desired length to underarm. Bind off 7 sts. at the beginning of the next 2 rows,
then decrease 1 st. at each end every other row 3 times. Then work as follows: &
Starting on right side of garment, work over 55 sts. Place on st.-holder. On
remaining 55 sts. work even in Pat. until piece measures 7 in. from 1st bound off

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3 Digital Restoration © 2013 Purple Kitty LLC
CHATAIN Above 4 rows form Pat. Repeat them, increasing 1 st. at each end every 4th
row 5 times. Work even in Pat. until 11 drop st. rows have been made. Bind
Sport Angora Blouse No. 3004 off 7 sts. at the beginning of the next 2 rows, and work even in Pat. until 7
drop st. rows have been made from 1st bound off sts. at underarm.
Size 14 Discontinue drop st., and working in garter st., bind off 6 sts. at the beginning
of the next 2 rows, then bind off 12 sts. at the beginning of the next 2 rows.
1 Pr. Standard No. 0 Needles—14 in. Bind off remaining sts. for back of neck.
1 Pr. Standard No. 3 Needles—14 in.
1 Size 3 Double Pointed Needle RIGHT FRONT: With No. 6 Needles cast on 30 sts. K. 4 rows, then work in
Pat. as described for back, increasing 1 st. at underarm side every 4th row 5
Jack Frost Sport Angora—7 155-yd. Balls times. Work even until 11 drop st. rows have been made in all. Bind off 7 sts.
at underarm side once, then work even until 5 drop st. rows have been made
BACK: With No. 0 Needles cast on 124 sts. K. 2, P. 2, for 2½ in. Change to from 1st bound off sts. at underarm. Bind off 5 sts. at neck edge at the
No. 3 Needles, increasing to 126 sts. at even intervals across the row. Work as beginning of every other row twice, then continue to work even until 2 more
follows: drop st. rows have been made. Discontinue drop st. Pat., and working in garter
Row 1—* P. 6, K. 4, repeat from * across row, ending P. 6. st., bind off 6 sts. at shoulder edge once, then bind off 12 sts. at shoulder edge
Row 2—* K. 6, P. 4, repeat from * across row, ending K. 6. Repeat above 2 once. Work other side to correspond.
rows twice. On the 7th row cable over the K. 4 sts. as follows: slip the 1st 2
sts. onto a double pointed needle. Hold in back of work. K. the next 2 sts., Sew shoulder seams.
then bring the 2 sts. which were slipped, forward, and knit them. Repeat
cables every 6th row. Work in Pat. until piece measures 9 in. from 1st cast on SLEEVES: With No. 6 Needles, on right side of garment, pick up 22 sts.
sts. Bind off 5 sts. at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 st. at across top of shoulder. Work back and forth in garter st., picking up 10 sts. at
each end every other row 5 times. Work even until piece measures 7 in. from end of each row until 62 sts. have been picked up from end to end of armhole.
1st bound off sts. at underarm. Work over 35 sts. Bind off 36 sts. for back of Discontinue garter st., and work in drop st. Pat. until 7 drop st. rows have been
neck. On remaining 35 sts., starting at shoulder edge, bind off 8 sts. at the made. Then work as follows: K. 8, K. 2 tog. 5 times, K. 3 tog. 8 times, K. 2
beginning of every other row 4 times, at the same time decreasing 1 st. at neck tog. 6 times, K. 8. (35 sts. on Needle) Work in garter st. for 4 rows. Bind off
edge every other row 3 times. Work other side to correspond. loosely.

FRONT: With No. 0 Needles cast on 73 sts. Work in ribbing of K. 2, P. 2, Sew underarm and sleeve seams. Sew zipper in place at front opening. Work 2
keeping the 1st 7 sts. at front edge in garter st. for buttonhole band. When rows s.c. around neck edge.
ribbing measures 1 in., make 1st buttonhole as follows: K. 3, Y. O., K. 2 tog.,
K. 2, work across row. Repeat buttonholes every 1½ in. to neckline of blouse.
When ribbing measures 2½ in., change to No. 3 Needles, increasing to 79 sts.
at even intervals across the row. Work in Pat. as follows: LAURENT
Row 1—K. 7, * P. 6, K. 4, repeat from * across row, ending P. 2. Duveen Blouse No. 3006
Row 2—K. 2, * P. 4, K. 6, repeat from * across row, ending P. 4, K. 13.
Repeat above 2 rows, cabling as described for back, until piece measures 9½ Size 14
in. from 1st cast on sts. Bind off 8 sts. at underarm side once, then decrease 1
st. at underarm side every other row 8 times. Work even for 5½ in. K. over 7 1 Pr. Standard No. 0 Needles—14 in.
sts. for band. Place on st.-holder. Bind off 10 sts. at neck edge once, then bind 1 Pr. Standard No. 3 Needles—14 in.
off 3 sts. at neck edge every other row 4 times. Decrease 1 st. at neck edge
every other row 2 times. Work even until armhole corresponds with back. Scale: 7 sts. to 1 in.
Starting at shoulder edge, bind off 8 sts. at the beginning of every other row 4
times. Work other side to correspond, omitting buttonholes and reversing Pat. Jack Frost Duveen—5 2-oz. Skeins

Sew shoulder seams. BACK: With No. 0 Needles cast on 122 sts. Work in Pat. as follows:
Row 1—P. 1, K. 1, P. 1, * K. 6, P. 1, K. 1, P. 1, K. 1, P. 1, repeat from *
SLEEVES: With No. 3 Needles, on right side of garment, pick up 30 sts. across row, ending K. 6, P. 1, K. 1, P. 1.
across top of shoulder. Work back, increasing to 60 sts. Pick up 5 sts. at end of Row 2—K. 1, P. 1, K. 1, * P. 6, K. 1, P. 1, K. 1, P. 1, K. 1, repeat from *
row. Work back and forth in Pat., picking up 5 sts. at end of each row until across row, ending P. 6, K. 1, P. 1, K. 1.
140 sts. are on the needle, and sleeve has been picked up from end to end of Above 2 rows form Pat. Repeat them until piece measures 6 in. Change to No.
armhole. Work even for 5 in. Change to No. 0 Needles, decreasing to 72 sts. at 3 Needles and continue in Pat. until piece measures 10 in. from 1st cast on sts.
even intervals across the row. K. 2, P. 2, for 2 in. Bind off. Bind off 8 sts. at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 st. at each
end every other row 5 times. Work even in Pat. until piece measures 7 in.
NECKBAND: With No. 3 Needles, on right side of garment, pick up 112 sts. from 1st bound off sts. at underarm. Bind off 8 sts. at the beginning of the
from end to end of neckband, including the 7 sts. from each side which were next 8 rows. Bind off remaining sts. far back of neck.
placed on the st.-holder. Work in ribbing of K. 2, P. 2, keeping the 1st and last
7 sts. in garter st., for 10 rows. Make last buttonhole in center of band. Bind FRONT: With No. 0 Needles cast on 64 sts. Work in Pat. as follows:
Row 1—P. 1, K. 1, P. 1, * K. 6, P. 1, K. 1, P. 1, K. 1, P. 1, repeat from *
Sew underarm and sleeve seams. across row ending K. 6. (Front edge)

Row 2—* P. 6, K. 1, P. 1, K. 1, P. 1, K. 1, repeat from * across row, ending P.

TAVA 6, K. 1, P. 1, K. 1.
English Sport Zephyr Blouse No. 3005 Repeat above 2 rows until piece measures 6 in. Change to No. 3 Needles, and
continue in Pat. until piece measures 9½ in. from 1st cast on sts. Then
Size 14 decrease 1 st. at front edge every 3rd row 19 times, When piece measures 10
in. from 1st cast on sts., bind off 8 sts. at underarm side once, then decrease 1
1 Pr. Standard No. 6 Needles—14 in. st. at underarm side every other row 5 times, at the same time continuing to
1 Size 2 Steel Crochet Hook decrease at front edge as directed. When 32 sts. remain on the needle, work
even until armhole corresponds with back. Starting at shoulder edge, bind off
Jack Frost English Sport Zephyr—2 2-oz. Balls 8 sts. at the beginning of every other row 4 times. Work other side to
correspond. Sew shoulder seams.
BACK: With No. 6 Needles cast on 60 sts. K. 4 rows, then work as follows: (continued on page 6)
Row 1—K. 1, Y. O. the needle twice, repeat across row ending K. 1.
Row 2—K. 1, drop the 2 over sts., repeat across row ending K. 1.
Rows 3 and 4—Knit.

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LAURENT—(continued from page 4) GIROUX
SLEEVES: With No. 0 Needles cast on 78 sts. Work even in Pat. as
Duveen Blouse No. 3008
described for back of blouse for ½ in. Increase 1 st. at each end every 3rd row
Size 14
until piece measures 2 in. Change to No. 3 Needles, and continue to increase 1
st. at each end every 3rd row until 130 sts. are on the needle. Work 1 in. even.
1 Pr. Standard No. 2 Needles—14 in.
Bind off 5 sts. at the beginning of the next 2 rows. Decrease 1 st. at each end
1 Pr. Standard No. 5 Needles—14 in.
every other row 5 times. Bind off 2 sts. at the beginning of every row to 20
sts. Bind off remaining 20 sts. Sew underarm and sleeve seams. Sew sleeves
Jack Frost Duveen—4 2-oz. Skeins
in place, easing in extra fullness at top.
BACK: With No. 2 Needles cast on 98 sts. K. 1, P. 1, for 3 in. Change to No.
BAND: With No. 0 Needles cast on 9 sts. Work in ribbing of K. 1, P. 1, for 1
5 Needles and K. 1 row, P. 1 row, then work in Pat. as follows: (A multiple of
in. Then start 1st buttonhole as follows: Work over 3 sts. Bind off 3 sts. Work
10 plus 8)
over remaining 3 sts. On next row cast on 3 sts. over the 3 bound off sts.
Row 1—* Y. O., slip 1, K. 1, P. S. S. O., repeat from * across row.
Repeat buttonholes every 2 in. until 5 buttonholes in all have been made.
Row 2—Purl.
Continue to work even until band is desired length around neck and down
Row 3—* K. 8, Y. O., slip 1, K. 1, P. S. S. O., repeat from * across row,
other side. Bind off. Sew to sides and neck of blouse.
ending K. 8.
Row 4—Purl.
Repeat rows 3 and 4, 3 more times.
PLATIERE Above 10 rows form Pat. Repeat Pat. for 7½ in., or desired length to
Saxony Blouse No. 3007 underarm. Bind off 10 sts. at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then continue
to work in Pat. until armhole measures 6½ in. from 1st bound off sts. at
Size 14 underarm. Discontinue Pat., and work in garter st. for ½ in., or desired length
to back of neck. Bind off.
1 Pr. Standard No. 3 Needles—14 in.
1 Size 3 Double Pointed Needle FRONT: Work to correspond with back. Sew shoulder seams.
1 Size 3 Steel Crochet Hook
SLEEVES: With No. 5 Needles, on right side of garment, pick up 28 sts.
Scale: 8 sts. to 1 in. across top of shoulder. Work back, increasing to 60 sts. Pick up 5 sts. at end of
row. Work back and forth in Pat. as described for blouse, picking up 5 sts. at
Jack Frost Saxony—6 1-oz. Balls end of each row until 118 sts. are on the needle, and sleeve has been picked up
from end to end or armhole. Work even for 5 in. Change to No. 2 Needles,
BACK: With No. 3 Needles cast on 110 sts. Work even in stockinette st. for decreasing to 62 sts. at even intervals across the row. K. 1, P. 1, for 2 in. Bind
2½ in. Then decrease 1 st. at each end every 4th row to 100 sts. Work 1 in. off.
even. Increase 1 st. at each end every 4th row to 120 sts. Work even in
stockinette st. until piece measures 10 in. from 1st cast on sts. Bind off 5 sts. Sew underarm and sleeve seams.
at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 st. at each end every other
row 5 times. Work even until piece measures 7 in. from 1st bound off sts. at
underarm. Starting at shoulder edge, bind off 8 sts. at the beginning of the MOUTONNET
next 8 rows. Continuing in stockinette st., decrease 1 st. at each end every
other row 3 times. Bind off remaining sts. for back of neck.
Imported Cashmere Blouse No. 3009
Size 14
FRONT: With No. 3 Needles cast on 68 sts. Work in Pat. as follows:
1 Pr. Standard No. 2 Needles—14 in.
Row 1—K. 20, K. 4, P. 4, K. 4, P. 4, K. 4, P. 4, K. 4, K. 20.
1 Pr. Standard No. 3 Needles—14 in.
Row 2—P. 20, P. 4, K. 4, P. 4, K. 4, P. 4, K. 4, P. 4, P. 20.
Above 2 rows form Pat. Repeat them, cabling over the ribs of K. 4 on the 7th
Scale: 7 sts. to 1 in.
row as follows: slip the 1st 2 sts. onto a double pointed needle, hold in back of
work. K. the next 2 sts., then bring the 2 sts. which were slipped, forward, and
Jack Frost Imported Cashmere—6 1-oz. Balls
knit them. Repeat cables every 6th row. Work even until piece measures 2½
in., then, continuing Pat., decrease 1 st. at underarm side every 4th row to 63
BACK: With No. 2 Needles cast on 96 sts. Work in ribbing of K. 3, P. 3, for 3
sts. Work 1 in. even, then increase 1 st. at underarm side every 4th row to 73
in. Change to No. 3 Needles, increasing to 120 sts. at even intervals across the
sts. Work even in Pat. until piece measures 10 in. from 1st cast on sts. Bind
row. Work even in stockinette st. until piece measures 7½ in., or desired
off 8 sts. at underarm side once, then decrease 1 st. at underarm side every
length to underarm. Bind off 5 sts. at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then
other row 7 times. Work 2 in. even in Pat., then discontinue Pat., and work in
decrease 1 st. at each end every other row 5 times. Work even until piece
stockinette st. until piece measures 7 in. from 1st bound off sts. at underarm.
measures 7 in. from 1st bound off sts. at underarm. Bind off 8 sts. at the
Starting at shoulder edge, bind off 8 sts. at the beginning of every other row 4
beginning of the next 8 rows. On remaining sts., work even in seed st. for 1½
times. Then decrease 1 st. at shoulder edge every other row 3 times. Bind off
in. Bind off.
remaining sts. Work other side to correspond. Sew shoulder seams.
FRONT: With No. 2 Needles cast on 96 sts. Work in ribbing of K. 3, P. 3, for
SLEEVES: With No. 3 Needles cast on 70 sts. Working in stockinette st.,
3 in. Change to No. 3 Needles, increasing to 131 sts. at even intervals across
increase 1 st. at each end every 3rd row 4 times. Then increase 1 st. at each
the row. Work even in stockinette st. for 7½ in., or desired length to underarm.
end every other row to 120 sts. Work 8 rows even. Bind off 5 sts. at the
Bind off 8 sts. at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 st. at each
beginning of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 st. at each end every other row 5
end every other row 6 times. After the 3rd decrease has been made, start Seed
times. Then bind off 2 sts. at the beginning of every row to 20 sts. Bind off
st. point as follows: Starting on right side of garment, work over 54 sts., P. 1,
remaining sts.
work over remaining 54 sts. On next row, P. 52, K. 1, P. 1, K. 1, P. 52.
Continue having 1 more seed st. on each side, and one less stockinette st. on
Sew underarm and sleeve seams. Sew sleeves in place. Crochet 1 row s. c.
each side, until the center 41 sts. are worked in seed st. (There will be 103 sts.
around edge of sleeves. Crochet 1 row s. c. around lower edge, front opening,
on the needle). Then starting on right side of garment, K. 31, seed st. over the
and neck of blouse, working loops for buttonholes on right side of blouse
next 20 sts. Place on st.-holder. On remaining 52 sts., bind off 1 st., seed st.
about 1¼ in. apart.
over the next 20 sts., K. 31. (51 sts. remaining). Work even on 51 sts., keeping
1st 20 sts. at front edge in seed st., until piece measures 7 in. from 1st bound
off sts. at underarm. Starting at shoulder edge, bind off 8 sts. at the beginning
of every other row 3 times, then bind off 7 sts. at shoulder edge once. On
remaining sts., work in seed st. for 1½ in. Bind off. Work other side to
correspond, omitting the center decrease. Sew shoulder seams.

(continued on page 12)

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MOUTONNET—(continued from page 6) underarm. Discontinue stockinette st., then work in ribbing of K. 1, P. 1, until
piece measures 7 in. from 1st bound off sts. at underarm. Bind off 7 sts. at the
SLEEVES: With No. 3 Needles, on right side of garment, pick up 30 sts. across beginning of the next 8 rows. Decrease 1 st. at each end every other row 3 times.
top of shoulder. Work back, increasing to 60 sts. Pick up 5 sts. at end of row. Work even in ribbing for 1 in. Bind off remaining sts.
Work back and forth in stockinette st., picking up 5 sts. at end of each row until Sew shoulder seams. Turn neck band down.
130 sts. are on the needle, and sleeve has been picked up from end to end of
armhole. Work 4½ in. even. Change to No. 2 Needles, decreasing to 63 sts. at SLEEVES: With No. 2 Needles cast on 62 sts. K. 1, P. 1, for 2 in. Change to
even intervals across the row. Work in seed st. Pat. for 2 in. Bind off. Sew No. 3 Needles, increasing to 120 sts. at even intervals across the row. Work even
underarm and sleeve seams. in stockinette st. for 4 in. Bind off 7 sts. at the beginning of the next 2 rows.
Decrease 1 st. at each end every other row to 74 sts. Then decrease 1 st. at each
end every 3rd row to 64 sts. K. 2 sts. tog. across row. Bind off remaining sts.
Sew underarm and sleeve seams. Sew sleeves in place easing in extra fullness
MARTINEZ across top of shoulder.
Imported Cashmere Cable Blouse No. 3010
1 Pr. Standard No. 1 Needles—14 in. Duveen Blouse No. 3012
1 Pr. Standard No. 3 Needles—14 in.
1 Size 3 Double Pointed Needle Size 14

Jack Frost Imported Cashmere—6 1-oz. Balls 1 Pr. Standard No. 1 Needles—14 in.
1 Pr. Standard No. 3 Needles—14 in.
BACK: With No. 1 Needles cast on 100 sts. K. 1, P. 1, for 3 in. Change to No. 3
Needles, increasing to 112 sts. at even intervals across the row. Work as follows: Scale: 7 sts. to 1 in.
(Pat. a multiple of 23 sts.)
Row 1—*K. 1, P. 1, over the next 7 sts., K. 6, K. 1, P. 1, over the next 7 sts., K. Jack Frost Duveen:
3, repeat from * across row ending K. 1, P. 1, over the next 7 sts., K. 6, K. 1, P. Beige—1 2-oz. Skein
1, over the next 7 sts. Rust—2 2-oz. Skeins
Row 2—* K. 1, P. 1, over the next 7 sts., P. 6, K. 1, P. 1, over the next 7 sts., P. Henna—1 2-oz. skein
3, repeat from * across row ending K. 1, P. 1, over the next 7 sts., P. 6, K. 1, P. Brick—1 2-oz. Skein
1, over the next 7 sts. Above 2 rows form Pat. Repeat them, cabling on the 9th
row over the ribs of K. 6 as follows: slip the 1st 3 sts. onto a double pointed BACK: With Rust, on No. 1 Needles, cast on 100 sts. K. 1, P. 1, for 4 in.
needle. Hold in back of work. K. the next 3 sts., then bring the 3 sts. which were Change to No. 3 Needles, increasing to 114 sts. at even intervals across the row.
slipped, forward, and knit them. Repeat cables every 8th row. Work even in Pat. Work in stockinette st. for 1 in., then work as follows: * Y. O., K. 2 tog., repeat
for 7½ in., or desired length to underarm. Bind off 8 sts. at the beginning of the from * across row. Change to Henna, and P. back. Work in stockinette st. for 4
next 2 rows, then decrease 1 st. at each end every other row 5 times. Work even in. * Y. O., K. 2 tog., repeat from * across row. Change to Brick, P. back, and
until armhole measures 6½ in. from 1st bound off sts. at underarm. Discontinue work in stockinette st. for 2 in., or desired length to underarm. Bind off 6 sts. at
Pat., and work in ribbing of K. 1, P. 1, for ½ in. Bind off 7 sts. at the beginning the beginning of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 st. at each end every other row
of the next 6 rows. Bind off remaining sts. 5 times. Work even until Brick stripe measures 4 in. * Y. O., K. 2 tog., repeat
from * across row. Change to Beige, P. back. Work as follows: Row 1—* Y. O.,
FRONT: Work to correspond with back. K. 2 tog., repeat from * across row. Row 2—Purl. Repeat above 2 rows for 1 in.
Sew shoulder seams. K. 1 row on the P. side. Bind off.

SLEEVES: With No. 3 Needles, on right side of garment, pick up 36 sts. across FRONT: Work ribbing to correspond with back. Change to No. 3 Needles,
top of shoulder. Work back and forth in Pat. as described for blouse, picking up increasing to 120 sts. at even intervals across the row. Work to correspond with
4 sts. at end of each row until 112 sts. have been picked up from end to end of back.
armhole. Work even for 5 in. Change to No. 1 Needles, decreasing to 72 sts. at Sew shoulder seams.
even intervals across the row. K. 1, P. 1, for 2 in. Bind off.
Sew underarm and sleeve seams. SLEEVES: With Beige, and No. 3 Needles, on right side of garment, pick up 20
sts. across top of shoulder. P. back, increasing to 40 sts. Pick up 4 sts. at end of
row. Work back and forth in stockinette st., picking up 4 sts. at end of each row
until end of Beige stripe on blouse has been reached. * Y. O., K. 2 tog., repeat
CLAVEL from * across row. Change to Brick, P. back. Continue picking up 4 sts. at end
Sport Angora Blouse No. 3011 of each row until 120 sts. are on the needle, and sleeve has been picked up from
end to end of armhole. Work even for 2 in. * Y. O., K. 2 tog., repeat from *
Size 14 across row. Change to Henna, P. back. Work even in stockinette st. for 2 in. * Y.
O., K. 2 tog., repeat from * across row. Change to Rust, P. back. Work 1 in.
1 Pr. Standard No. 2 Needles—14 in. even in stockinette st. Change to No. 1 Needles, decreasing to 68 sts. at even
1 Pr. Standard No. 3 Needles—14 in. intervals across the row. K. 1, P. 1, for 2 in. Bind off. Sew underarm and sleeve
Scale: 8 sts. to 1 in.

Jack Frost Sport Angora—7 155-yd. Balls CHANON

BACK: With No. 2 Needles cast on 100 sts. K. 1, P. 1, for 3½ in. Change to No. Sport Angora Blouse No. 3013
3 Needles, increasing to 120 sts. at even intervals across the row. Work even in
stockinette st. for 7½ in., or desired length to underarm. Bind off 5 sts. at the Size 14
beginning of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 st. at each end every other row 5
times. Work even until armhole measures 4½ in. from 1st bound off sts. at 1 Pr. Standard No. 1 Needles—14 in.
underarm. Discontinue stockinette st., and work in ribbing of K. 1, P. 1, until 1 Pr. Standard No. 3 Needles—14 in.
armhole measures 7 in. from 1st bound off sts. at underarm. Bind off 7 sts. at the 1 Size 3 Bone Circular Needle—16 in.
beginning of the next 8 rows. Decrease 1 st. at each end every other row 3 times.
Work even in ribbing for 1 in. Bind off remaining sts. Scale: 7 sts. to 1 in.

FRONT: With No. 2 Needles cast on 100 sts. K. 1, P. 1, for 3½ in. Change to Jack Frost Sport Angora:
No. 3 Needles, increasing to 126 sts. at even intervals across the row. Work even Belmont Blue—4 155-yd. Balls
in stockinette st. for 7½ in., or desired length to underarm. Bind off 7 sts. at the Mimosa Yellow—2 155-yd. Balls
beginning of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 st. at each end every other row 7 Amber Red—2 155-yd. Balls
times. Work even until piece measures 4½ in. from first bound off sts. at (continued on page 14)

12 Digital Restoration © 2013 Purple Kitty LLC

13 Digital Restoration © 2013 Purple Kitty LLC
CHANON—(continued from page 12) SLEEVES: With No. 3 Needles, on right side of garment, pick up 30 sts.
across top of shoulder. P. back, increasing to 60 sts. Pick up 5 sts. at end of
BACK: With No. 1 Needles, and Blue, cast on 100 sts. K. 1, P. 1, for 3½ in. row. K. back, increasing in every other st. over the center 30 sts. Pick up 5 sts.
Change to No. 3 Needles, increasing to 120 sts. at even intervals across the at end of row. (85 sts. on needle). Work back and forth in stockinette st.,
row. Work in stockinette st. for 1½ in. Change to Yellow, work 4 rows in picking up 5 sts. at end of each row until 160 sts. are on the needle, and sleeve
stockinette st., then continue with Blue for 1½ in. Change to Red, work 4 rows has been picked up from end to end of armhole. Work 2 rows even. Decrease
in stockinette st., then continue with Blue for 1½ in. Continue stripes as 1 st. at each end every 3rd row to 126 sts. Work even until sleeve measures
described above until piece measures 7½ in. from ribbing, or desired length to 5½ in. Change to No. 2 Needles, decreasing to 60 sts. by knitting 3 sts. tog.
underarm. Continuing stripes, bind off 7 sts. at the beginning of the next 2 across center of sleeve. K. 1, P. 1, for 1½ in. P. 1 row on wrong side of blouse.
rows, then decrease 1 st. at each end every other row 3 times. Work even until P. 1 row, K. 1 row for 2 in. Bind off.
armhole measures 6½ in. from 1st bound off sts. at underarm. Work over 35 Work 1 row s. c. around edge of cuff, then work as follows: ch. 7, skip 2 s. c.,
sts. Bind off 30 sts. for back of neck. On remaining 35 sts., starting at shoulder 1 s. c. in next st., repeat around cuff. Row 2—Ch. 7, 1 s. c. in center of ch. 7
edge, bind off 8 sts. at the beginning of every other row 4 times, at the same of previous row, repeat around cuff.
time decreasing 1 st. at neck edge every other row 3 times. Work other side to
correspond. COLLAR: With No. 2 Needles, on wrong side of garment, pick up 120 sts.
around neckband. K. 1 row, P. 1 row for 2½ in. Bind off. Work 1 row s. c.
FRONT: With No. 1 Needles cast on 100 sts. K. 1, P. 1, for 3½ in. Change to around edge of collar, then crochet loops as directed for cuff.
No. 3 Needles, increasing to 130 sts. at even intervals across the row. Work to Work 1 row s. c. around opening at back of blouse, making loops for
correspond with back to underarm. Keeping contrasting stripes to correspond buttonholes on right side. Sew underarm and sleeve seams.
with back, bind off 8 sts. at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1
st. at each end every other row 7 times. Work even until armhole measures 5
in. from 1st bound off sts. at underarm. Work over 40 sts. Bind off 20 sts. On PERRON
remaining 40 sts., continuing to keep contrasting stripes to correspond with
back, decrease 1 st. at neck edge every other row 8 times. Starting at shoulder
Sport Angora Blouse No. 3015
edge, bind off 8 sts. at the beginning of every other row 4 times. Work other
Size 14
side to correspond. Sew shoulder seams.
1 Pr. Standard No. 0 Needles—14 in.
SLEEVES: With Blue, and No. 3 Needles, on right side of garment, pick up
1 Pr. Standard No. 3 Needles—14 in.
10 sts. across top of shoulder. P. back, increasing to 20 sts. Work back and
forth in stockinette st., picking up 1 st. at end of each row, placing contrasting
Scale: 8 sts. to 1 in.
color stripes to correspond to blouse, until 126 sts. are on the needle, and
sleeve has been picked up from end to end of armhole. Work even for 4½ in.
Jack Frost Sport Angora—7 155-yd. Balls
Change to No. 1 Needles, decreasing to 62 sts. at even intervals across the
row. K. 1, P. 1, for 1½ in. Bind off.
BACK: With No. 0 Needles cast on 124 sts. K. 1, P. 1, for 8 in. Change to
Sew underarm and sleeve seams.
No. 3 Needles and work in garter st. for 5 in. or desired length to underarm.
Bind off 5 sts. at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 st. at each
NECKBAND: With Blue, and No. 3 Circular Needle, on right side of
end every other row 8 times. Work even until armhole measures 7 in. from 1st
garment, pick up 120 sts. around neck. K. 1, P. 1, for 1 in. Bind off loosely.
bound off sts. at underarm, or desired length to back of neck. Bind off 8 sts. at
the beginning of the next 8 rows. Bind off remaining sts. for back of neck.

PUZAT RIGHT FRONT: With No. 0 Needles cast on 74 sts. Work as follows: K. 9,
Saxony Blouse No. 3014 P. 1, K. 1, across row. Row 2—P. 1, K. 1, over 65 sts., P. 2, K. 7. Repeat
above 2 rows for 1½ in. then start 1st buttonhole as follows: K. 3, Y. O., K. 2
Size 14 tog., K. 4, work across row. Work back in Pat. Buttonholes are made every
inch until 15 buttonholes have been made. Work even for 8 in. from 1st cast
1 Pr. Standard No. 2 Needles—14 in. on sts. Change to No. 3 Needles, and work in garter st., continuing to keep
1 Pr. Standard No. 3 Needles—14 in. buttonhole band as described above. Work even for 5½ in., or desired length
1 Size 3 Steel Crochet Hook to underarm, then bind off 8 sts. at underarm side once, and decrease 1 st. at
underarm side every other row 10 times. After the 5th decrease has been
Scale: 8 sts. to 1 in. made, start decreasing 1 st. at neck edge every 3rd row after the buttonhole
band, 17 times. Work even until armhole corresponds with back. Starting at
Jack Frost Saxony—6 1-oz. Balls shoulder edge, bind off 8 sts. every other row 4 times. On remaining sts., work
even in garter st. for desired length around back of neck. Bind off. Work other
BACK: With No. 2 Needles cast on 100 sts. K. 1, P. 1, for 3 in. Change to side to correspond, omitting buttonholes. Sew shoulder seams. Sew garter st.
No. 3 Needles, increasing to 124 sts. at even intervals across the row. Work band around back of neck and join to other front.
even in stockinette st. for 7½ in., or desired length to underarm. Bind off 5 sts.
at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 st. at each end every other SLEEVES: With No. 3 Needles, on right side of garment, pick up 30 sts.
row 5 times. Work even until armhole measures 5½ in. from 1st bound off sts. across top of shoulder. K. back, increasing to 60 sts. Pick up 5 sts. at end of
at underarm. Work over 52 sts. Place on st.-holder. On remaining 52 sts., row. Work back and forth in garter st., picking up 5 sts. at end of each row
work even until armhole measures 7 in., or desired length to back of neck. until 120 sts. are on the needle, and sleeve has been picked up from end to end
Starting at shoulder edge, bind off 8 sts. at the beginning of every other row 4 of armhole. Work 4 rows even. Decrease 1 st. at each end every 4th row until
times. Bind off remaining sts. for back of neck. Work other side to 100 sts. are on the needle. Work even until sleeve measures 5 in. Change to
correspond. No. 0 Needles, decreasing to 74 sts. at even intervals across the row. Work in
ribbing of K. 1, P. 1, for 2½ in. Bind off.
FRONT: With No. 2 Needles cast on 100 sts. K. 1, P. 1, for 3 in. Change to Sew underarm and sleeve seams.
No. 3 Needles, increasing to 132 sts. at even intervals across the row. Work as
follows: P. 20, * K. 2, P. 8, repeat from * across row ending K. 2, P. 20. Row
2—(Right side) K. 20, * P. 2, K. 8, repeat from * across row ending P. 2, K. (NOTE): SEED STITCH is made by working in pattern of K. 1, P. 1, always
20. Repeat above 2 rows until piece measures 7½ in. from ribbing, or desired working a K. st. over a P., and a P., over a K.
length to underarm. Bind off 7 sts. at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then
decrease 1 st. at each end every other row 8 times. Work even until armhole Abbreviations used in this volume.
measures 6 in. from 1st bound off sts. at underarm. Work over 36 sts. Bind off K.—Knit Tog.—Together Sl. St.—Slip Stitch
30 sts. for front of neck. On remaining 36 sts., decrease 1 st. at neck edge P.—Purl Pat.—Pattern Y. O.—Yarn Over
every other row 4 times. Work even until armhole corresponds with back. S. C.—Single Crochet St.—Stitch
Starting at shoulder edge, bind off 8 sts. at the beginning of every other row 4 P. S. S. O.—Pass Slip Stitch Over
times. Work other side to correspond. Sew shoulder seams. (*) An asterisk indicates that the directions which follow are to be repeated.

14 Digital Restoration © 2013 Purple Kitty LLC

15 Digital Restoration © 2013 Purple Kitty LLC

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