Inglés I - Final Regular 2

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Colegio Militar de la Nación Cadete: Firma --------------------------------

División Estudios Aclaración

Examen: Regular Tema Nro: 1

Materia: Inglés I
Año: 2022 Comisión: Especialidad: LCyGO
Tiempo de Examen: 90 (Minutos)
Información importante
Cada requerimiento tiene un puntaje mínimo de aprobación. Es condición para aprobar el examen que cada uno
de los requerimientos haya sido realizado y aprobado.

Material de consulta autorizado: Diccionario, edición papel

Puntaje: 2
Requerimiento Nro: 1 LISTENING puntos
Puntaje mínimo: 1.2
Valor respuesta correcta: 0,4

Listen to Megan and Brad talking on the phone. Circle A, B, or C

1 Brad starts school at ________.
a 6.00 am b 7.10 a.m c 8.00 am
2 Brad ________ to school.
a takes the bus b walks c cycles
3 Brad has drama lessons on ________.
a Mondays and Wednesdays b Tuesdays c Mondays and Thursdays
4 Brad plays basketball in ________.
a summer b winter c July
5 On ________ Brad usually goes to the cinema.
a Saturday evening b Saturday afternoon c Sunday evening

Puntaje: 2
Requerimiento Nro:2 READING puntos
Puntaje mínimo: 1.2

Read about Sienna.

Week days
I normally get up at 6.30 a.m. I usually get up first because my school is in another town and I leave home at 7.15
a.m. My parents usually get up at 7.00 a.m. I always take the bus to school. It takes 40 minutes and I usually have
breakfast on the bus. Then I walk about 1 km to the school. Lessons always start at 8.30 a.m. On Monday and
Thursday mornings we study English. I really like it. But my favourite subject is History. Lunch is always at 12.30
p.m. After lunch there are two lessons. School finishes at 3.00 p.m. I usually go home but sometimes I go shopping
with my friend, Armita.
On Saturday mornings, I don’t go to school. I go swimming at the pool in my town. I really like swimming. In the
afternoon I usually have lunch with my family in a restaurant. Then I always meet my friends. They don’t go to my
school so I never see them in the week. We sometimes go to the park or to a café. On Sundays, we always visit my
grandparents for lunch. They have a big garden so my brother and I often play football. In the evening I do my
homework and prepare for the next week of school.
Read the text about Sienna. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1. Sienna’s parents get up after her. __

2. Sienna sometimes cycles to school. __
3. On Thursdays she has English lessons. __
4. Armita is her sister. __
5. She sometimes goes to school on Saturdays. __

Read the text about Sienna again. Complete the table with information about Sienna.
1. Where does she have breakfast?
2. What’s her favourite subject?
3. Who does she see?
4. What does she do on Sunday?
5. What sports does she do?

USE OF Puntaje: 2
Requerimiento Nro:3 Puntaje mínimo: 1.2 puntos
Valor respuesta correcta: 0.2

Circle A, B, or C to complete the sentences.

1 Annie is a student. _____’s in Class 2.

A He B She C It
2 A I’m Dani.
B Nice to _____ you.
A meet B met C seeing
3 A What is it?
B It’s _____ umbrella.
A the B a C an
4 I’m _____. Let’s go to a café.
A angry B hungry C worried
5 Where _____ you live?
A are B does C do
6 A Does Alicia live with her mother?
B _____.
A Yes, she lives B Yes, she is C Yes, she does
7 A _____ do you have dinner?
B In an expensive restaurant.
A What B Where C When
8 My aunt is a doctor. She often works _____ night.
A in B on C at
9 They eat pasta for dinner _____.
A once a week B one week C one a week
10 It’s ‘No Parking’. You _____ park there.
A can to B can C can’t

Puntaje: 4
Requerimiento Nro:4 WRITING puntos
Puntaje mínimo: 2,4
Write a 5 or 7 sentence paragraph about yourself. Use the following questions as a guide. DO NOT ANSWER THE

What is your name? What is your favourite subject?

How old are you? Who is your best friend?
Where do you live? What is your favourite film/book/food?
Where do you study? What sports do you do?

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