Passive Voice

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Passive voice

1) Fill in the gaps in this text by using a passive form of the verb in brackets.

The subject of buying clothes made in this country a) _______________ (deal with) in
this edition. It seems that more and more often, people b) ______________ (sell) poor
quality items. This c) ________________ (mention) to us by reads three months ago.
Even before then, in fact, a decline in quality d) ___________________ (notice) by our
experts. The whole question of material e) _____________________ (study) when we
received the first letters. Since then, many complaints f) _______________ (make) to us
and to consumer programmes. We feel that the standards which are used to g)
____________________ (maintain) by the industry have fallen. If steps are not taken,
the manufacturers’ reputation h) __________________ (harm), possibly for good. We
believe that action i) ________________ (must take) now to avoid this happening.
Otherwise the home market j) ______________ (going to lose) to competitors from

2) Re-write these sentences using the passive.

a- We have reduced all prices.

All prices have been reduced
b- We will prosecute shoplifters.
c- We guarantee these items for a period of two years.
___________________________________________ ________________________
d- Customers must pay for all goods by credit card.
e- We will exchange goods on production of a valid receipt.
f- We will refund money if customers are not satisfied.
g- We request customers not to remove labels from items of clothing.

3) Put the verbs in brackets into the Passive.

a- Aromatherapy __________________ (believe) by many people to relieve stress.

b- When we arrived, we found that the class _________________ (cancel) some time
c- I _________________ (tell) many times by my doctor that I must relax more.
d- Relaxation classes _________________ (hold) every afternoon next week.
e- At this very moment, my brother __________________ (interview) for a new job.
f- The results of the competition __________________ (announce) yesterday.
g- We think the new sports centre __________________ (open) by the headmaster
next week.
h- Oh, no. Look! The swimming pool ___________________ (close). We can’t go
swimming today.
i- The ambulance broke down while my brother ________________ (take) to hospital.
j- Students ___________________ (give) information about stress busters last month.

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