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Probability is a branch of mathematics that deals with the likelihood of events

occurring. It is used to quantify uncertainty and make predictions based on available

information. This summary will cover the basic concepts of probability, including the
definition of probability, different types of probability, and how to calculate
probabilities using various methods.

Definition of Probability
Probability is a measure of the likelihood of an event occurring. It is represented as a
number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates impossibility and 1 indicates certainty.
The probability of an event can be determined by dividing the number of favorable
outcomes by the total number of possible outcomes.

Types of Probability
There are different types of probability, including classical probability, empirical
probability, and subjective probability. Classical probability is based on equally likely
outcomes and can be calculated by dividing the number of favorable outcomes by
the total number of equally likely outcomes. Empirical probability is based on
observed data and can be calculated by dividing the number of times an event
occurs by the total number of observations. Subjective probability is based on
personal judgment and can vary from person to person.

Calculating Probabilities
There are various methods to calculate probabilities, depending on the situation and
the type of probability being considered. These methods include the use of
probability rules such as the addition rule, multiplication rule, and complement rule.
The addition rule is used to calculate the probability of the union of two or more
events, the multiplication rule is used to calculate the probability of the intersection of
two or more events, and the complement rule is used to calculate the probability of
the complement of an event.

Applications of Probability
Probability has numerous applications in various fields, including statistics,
economics, physics, and engineering. It is used to analyze and predict outcomes in
gambling, insurance, weather forecasting, stock market analysis, and quality control,
among others. Understanding probability is essential for making informed decisions
and assessing risks in these areas.

Probability is a fundamental concept in mathematics that allows us to quantify
uncertainty and make predictions based on available information. By understanding
the definition of probability, different types of probability, and how to calculate
probabilities using various methods, we can apply this knowledge to solve problems
and make informed decisions in a wide range of fields.

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