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Junior 3.


Practical Work e- She is __________ (you) best friend.

f- Mr. Taylor is ________ (we) teacher.
1) Possessive adjectives. Match the words as in g- This is _________ (the children) room.
the example.
4) Vocabulary: furniture. Label these

W ______________ E

C ________________ D

2) Complete with:


THEIR A ________________ R

a- I have got a dog. _______ dog is a poodle. M ________________ R

b- You have a cat. _______ cat is black.
c- He has got a car. _______ car is red.
d- She has two children. ________ children are 12
and 16.
e- The elephant is enormous. _______ ears are B _______________ E
very big.
f- We read a lot of books. _______ favourite
books are on the table.
g- Children! Wash ________ hands, they’re very
h- They have got two cars. ________ cars are in
the garden.
i- We have new neighbours. _________
T _____________ E
neighbours are very nice.
j- I lost _______ pencil! Where is it?

3) Write the correct possessive adjective according

to the words in brackets. S _____________ A

a- This is HIS (Roy) watch.

b- That is _________ (Tom and you) blue car.
c- These are ___________ (Eve and I) dogs.
d- Today is _________ (I) birthday.
Junior 3.

5) Prepositions of movement. Look at the a- There is a wardrobe.

picture and complete the sentences with: b- ____________ two cushions on the bed.
c- ____________ any portraits on the
walls? No, _______________.
IN / ON / UNDER / BEHIND / NEXT TO d- ____________ a clock on the wall.
e- ___________ a table next to the chair?
Yes, ______________.
f- _______________ any windows.
g- _______________ a chair next to the

a- The teacher is ______________ the table.

b- The school bag and the bowl of fruit are
___________ the table.
c- The pencil is _________ the books.
d- The ball is _________ the table.
e- The fruit is _________ the bowl.

6) There is / There are. Complete the

sentences with THERE IS / THERE
IS THERE / ARE THERE. Then draw the
things that don’t appear in the picture.

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