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United States Patent [191

Peters et a1.
[11] Patent Number: 4,582,709
[45] Date of Patent: Apr. 15, 1986
[75] Inventors: David Peters, Long Valley; John 1165616 9/1982 Canada .
Denick, Jr., Newton, both of NJ. OTHER PUBLICATIONS
[73] Assignee: Warner-Lambert Company, Morris Alikonis, 1979, Candy Technology pp. 1-2 and
Plains, NJ. 100-107, AVI Publishing Co. Westport, CT.
Physicians Desk Reference, 1981, p. 1352, Medical Eco
[21] Appl. No.: 699,692 nomics Co., Oradell, NJ.
Bellups et a1., 1983, American Drug Index, p. 556, Lip
pencott Co., Philadelphia, PA.
[22] Filed: " Feb. 8, 1985
Pike et al., 1975, Nutrition: An Integrated Approach
2nd edition pp. 156 and 180, John Wiley & Sons, New
[51] Int. cu .......... .. ................................. . .A23L 1/304 York.
[52] US. Cl. ... ....... .. ........................ .. 426/74; 426/659;
Primary Examiner-Raymond N. Jones
426/660; 424/ 1 54
[53] Field of ‘Search ................. .. 426/74, 285, 72, 272, Assistant Examiner-Carolyn Paden
426/660, 800, 804, 806, 810, 648, 656, 659, 658; Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Charles A. Gaglia, Jr.; Gary v
424/128, 145, 147, 154, 153 M. Nath
[56] References Cited A chewable mineral supplement and process for making
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS the same. The product comprises from about 3 to about
2,926,121 2/1960 Hobbs ............................... .. 424/155 40% by weight of mineral compound, and from about
4,327,076 4/ 1982 Puglia et "a1. 426/660 1.5 to about 6% by weight edible polyol admixed in a
4,327,077 4/1982 Puglia et al. 426/660 soft, nougat candy base. '
4,425,332 1/1984 James .... .. 424/154
4,545,989 10/1985 Becker .............................. .. 424/ 154 32 Claims, No Drawings
1 2
mins. Iron supplements are generally an exception as a
CHEWABLE MINERAL SUPPLEMENT number of iron supplements are available as a single
mineral supplement.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Mineral supplements are available in multivitamin
1. Field of the Invention: tablets, capsules, powders, liquids and hard chewable
This invention relates to a mineral supplement in a tablet formulations. Chewable tablets have been used to
chewable, edible, soft candy base. More particularly, overcome the dosage form size problem which results
the invention pertains to a novel form of mineral supple from the necessity to use large quantities of mineral salts
ment which contains inorganic and organic salts of to treat mineral de?ciencies. For example, calcium de?
elements essential to human nutrition and health. The
invention also relates to the method by which these ciencies are treated with average daily doses which
mineral supplements may be prepared. range from 1 to 3 grams when calcium phosphate and
Most particularly, the invention relates to a novel, calcium carbonate are'the calcium source to as' much as
soft candy which contains calcium carbonate as the 15 grams daily when calcium gluconate is the calcium
mineral supplement for dietary calcium. 15 source.
2. Description of the Prior Art: Hard chewable tablets offer the ability to deliver
The use of mineral supplements to treat human illness large doses of mineral supplements, however, the resul
is well known. A variety of illnesses are caused by spe tant products have a gritty mouthfeel and a taste domi
cific mineral de?ciencies. Mineral de?ciencies have also nated by the often salty, or bitter taste of the mineral
been known to cause a variety of illnesses in humans. compound.
Several of these are discussed below. Chewable dosage forms containing large amounts of
A de?ciency in calcium levels may result in convul calcium compounds have been developed in the area of i
sions, tetany, behavioral and personality ‘disorders, men ' antacids. Exemplary tablets contain 500 mg. to 750 mg '
tal and growth retardation, and bone deformaties.
Phosphorous is essential for most metabolic pro of calcium carbonate. Non-chewable calcium supple
cesses. Symptoms of phosphate de?ciency include ment tablets are also known to contain 375 mg. of cal
weakness, anorexia, bone demineralization, and hypo- ‘ cium carbonate per tablet to 1200 mg of calcium as
calcemia. calcium carbonate.
Magnesium is essential for the functioning of a num Canadian Pat. No. 1,165,616 to Becker, et a1. discloses
ber of critical enzymes including enzymes involved a soft nougat type antacid composition. The Becker, et
with ATP-dependent phosphorylation, protein synthe al. product may contain calcium carbonate ‘up to about
sis, and carbohydrate metabolism. Magnesium de? 20% by weight as the antacid compound. To prepare a
ciency also causes apathy, depression, increased CNS non-chalky nougat based product, Becker, et al. re
stimulation, delirium, and convulsions. quires the addition of antacid to the frappe (whipped)
Lithium has been found useful in the treatment of 35 portion of the soft candy composition. The chalky in
manic-depressive illness, as a mood stabilizer, and as an mouth taste is avoided by coating the antacid particles
antidepressive. having a size up to 1.5 microns with the frappe mixture
Sodium in the form of salts (sodium chloride) plays prior to forming the nougat.
the major role in control of distribution of water in the
body. Salt de?ciency results in a diminution in extracel While the products described above may be able to
lular space, and induces profound changes in the circu deliver mineral supplements, they suffer from a variety
latory system. Salt de?ciency leads to symptoms such as of consumer acceptance problems. The chewable tab
mental depression with drowsiness, apathy, anorexia, lets are large and generally leave a chalky and or gritty
nausea and vertigo. sensation in the mouth. Non-chewable tablets and cap
Potassium is the important cationic constituent of the 45 sules require multiple unit dosages, i.e., 2 to 4 tablets or
intracellular ?uid. Potassium de?ciency may’ result in capsules per administration. More potent non-chewable
kidney damage with vacuolization of the collection tablets or capsules are physically so large as to be objec
tubules. Potassium de?ciency is characterized by men tionable'to the consumer.
tal changes (hallucinations, loquacity) an animated fa The soft chewable product of Becker, et al. over
cial expression and limpness of the extremities. The comes the taste and mouthfeel problems of hard chew
muscles become soft and weak. able tablets. Like the smaller dose non-chewable tablets,
Iron plays an important role in oxygen and electron the Becker, et al. product would require multiple dos
transport. Symptoms of iron de?ciency are fatigability, age administration. In addition, production of the
weakness and lassitude. Other symptoms of anemia Becker, et al. product requires mineral compounds hav
include pallor, dyspnea on exertion, palpitation and a ing a particle-size of less than 1.5 micrometers.
feeling of exhaustion.
Zinc activates a number of enzymes concerned in - It would, therefore, be desirable to develop a pleasant
protein metabolism as well as some enolases and leci tasting, soft, chewable mineral supplement capable of
thinases. There is evidence to suggest that zinc defr delivering effective amounts of mineral supplements.
ciency may cause dwar?sm and hypogonadism. 60 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
‘ A general discussion of the the rapeutic uses of min
eral compounds may be found in A. Grollman & E. F. A procedure for preparing a soft, chewable mineral
Grollman, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 7th Ed. Lea supplement which may contain up to 40% by weight
&. Febiger, Philadelphia, Pa. at pages 858-873, 876, 877, mineral compound has been unexpectedly discovered.
907-915. _ 65 This has been achieved by incorporating an edible
A large number of commercial products are available polyol and a mineral compound into a soft, nougat
which contain mineral supplements. Most of these prod candy base to form a soft, chewable mineral supplement
ucts are available as combination products with vita having no chalky or gritty mouthfeel.
3 4
results in sticky mouthfeel. A sugar to corn syrup ratio
greater than 2:1 produces a grainy textured product
In particular, it has been found that a chewable min which is dif?cult to chew.
eral supplement having a penetration hardness of 2 mm In a more preferred embodiment, the syrup compo
or more, and a ?nal water content of about 2 to about nent comprises by weight of the chewable mineral sup
4.5% by weight is produced from an admixture of about plement from about 18 to about 21% corn syrup having
40 to about 85% by weight of a nougat candy base a dextrose equivalence from about 35 to about 55, and
having a sugar to corn syrup ratio from about 1:1 to sugar in an amount of about 27 to about 31%.
about 2:1 wherein said corn syrup has a dextrose equiv The whipped component comprises by weight of the
alence of about 35 to about 55; an edible polyol in an O chewable mineral supplement, at least one whipping
amount of from about 1.5 to about 6.0% by weight; a agent present in an amount of from about 0.1 to about
mineral compound in an amount up to about 40% by 1%. The whipping agent functions as a means of hold
weight; and optimally a graining compound in an ing air introduced into the product to produce a uni
amount from about 0.5 to about 4% by weight. form dispersity of air cells within the confection leading
While the invention is not to be limited to theoretical c. . 5 to a lower speci?c weight and considerable modi?ca
considerations, it is believed that incorporation of an tion to the texture.
edible polyol such as glycerin into the soft nougat Suitable whipping agents may include egg albumen,
candy base provides an unexpected coating action. This gelatin, milk proteins or other milk derived compounds
coating action permits the otherwise dry, chalky, gritty such as whey, casein derivatives, vegetable proteins
particulate mineral compounds to be incorporated into such as soy derived compounds, modi?ed milk proteins,
the candy base such that each particle becomes coated and mixtures thereof.
by the candy base. It is believed that this candy base In a preferred embodiment, the whipped component
coating prevents the chalky, gritty taste and mouthfeel comprises, by weight of the chewable mineral supple
generally associated with chewable mineral supple ment at least one whipping agent present in an amount
ments and antacids. 25 of from about 0.2 to about 0.6% and;most preferably 0.3
Glycerin is known in the confectionery art as a hu to about 0.4% and other conventional components such
mectant and conditioner. The humectant qualities of as sugar, sorbitol, starch, water, glucose syrup and so
glycerin are used to prevent confectionery products forth.
from drying out during low humidity conditions. Sur The edible polyol may be selected from the group
prisingly, a very small change in glycerin content has a consisting of propylene glycol, glycerin, polyethylene
large effect on the Equilibrium Relative Humidity glycol and mixtures thereof. Preferably, the edible
(ERH) of the inventive product. The ERH is the rela polyol comprises glycerin.
tive humidity at which the product will neither gain nor In a preferred embodiment, the edible polyol is pres
lose water to the atmosphere. When the glycerin con ent in an amount from about 2 to about 5% by weight of
tent of the inventive product is 3.6% by weight, the the chewable mineral supplement and most preferably
ERH is 46%. When the glycerin content is 4.1%, the in an amount from about 2.5 to about 4.5% by weight.
ERH is 38%. This relatively low ERH enables the ?nal A polyol content of less than 2% results in a chalky
product to retain its soft texture. tasting, dry product. Polyol content greater than 5%
The incorporation of large quantities of powders into results in a sticky, dif?cult to process product having
a nougat base causes rapid product graining. This grain unpleasant sticky chew characteristics.
ing- causes processing dif?culties and a short, granular The mineral compound may be selected from a wide
product chew. Incorporation of glycerin into the nou range of compounds that provide a source of absorbable
gat base unexpectedly permits large quantities of pow minerals when ingested. Suitable compounds are prefer
der to be admixed into the nougat base, without causing ably organic or inorganic salts that render the com
graining or a granular chew. The addition of glycerin . pounds absorbable herein. Exemplary salts may be se
further, unexpectedly eliminates processing dif?culties. lected from the group consisting of salts of lithium,
The nougat candy base of the present invention com sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous,
prises a syrup component and a whipped component. iron, zinc and mixtures thereof.
The syru component comprises by weight of the chew One particularly preferred mineral compound is cal
able mineral supplement, corn syrup in an amount of cium which calcium compound may be selected from
about 13 to about 41% having a dextrose equivalence the group consisting of calcium gluconate, calcium
from about 35 to about 55, and sugar in an amount of chloride, calcium lactate, calcium phosphate, monoba
about 15 to 53%. Corn syrup having a dextrose equiva sic calcium phosphate, dibasic calcium phosphate, triba
lence less than 35 will cause the nougat base to become sic calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate, calcium tar
too hard, dry and less pliable. A dextrose equivalence trate, calcium glycerophosphate, calcium levulinate,
greater than 55 will cause the nougat base to become calcium hypophosphate, calcium sulfate, calcium glu
discolored, sticky and dif?cult to process. ceptate, calcium chelates, calcium amino acid chelate,
In a preferred embodiment, the syrup component ground limestone, ground oyster shells and mixtures
comprises by weight of the chewable mineral supple thereof. Preferably the calcium compound comprises
ment from about 15 to about 30% corn syrup having a 60 calcium carbonate.
dextrose equivalence from about 35 to about 55, and Compounds used to provide a mineral supplement of
sugar in an amount from about 20 to about 40%. lithium include organic and inorganic salts wherein the
One important feature of the invention is the weight anion is chloride, carbonate, citrate, sulfate, bromide
ratio of sugar to corn syrup solids. This ratio may be and mixtures thereof.
about 1:1 to about 2:1, preferably about 1.2:1 to about 65 Compounds useful in providing a mineral supplement
2:1 and most preferably about 1.3:1 to about 1.7:1. A of zinc include inorganic and organic salts wherein the
sugar to corn syrup ratio of less than 1:1 produces a ?nal anionic portion of the salt is carbonate, chloride, citrate,
product having texture that is too soft and sticky which and mixtures thereof.
Compounds useful in providing a mineral supplement Preferred‘dbsorption enhancers for calcium are vitamin
of phosphorous include salts wherein the anionic por ‘ D1, vitarriin D3 and mixtures thereof. An absorption
tion is a phosphate and the cationic portion is sodium, enhancer l'fbr iron is ascorbic acid. The absorption en
potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, litlrlum;.zinc and hancer m‘a'y be used in varying amounts well within the
and mixtures thereof. -‘ > .1 - ’ perview of the ordinary skilled artisan. Amounts may
Compounds useful in providing a mineral supplement vary fron‘iias low as about 1.25 micrograms per close up
of potassium include inorganic and organic. salts to about {20% by weight of the dose depending on the
wherein the anionic portion of the salt is acetate, bicar particulaFenhancer. _
bonate, bitartrate, bromide, carbonate,chloride-citrate, The present invention may further include com
gluconate, phosphate monobasic, phosphate dibasic, - 0 pounds sti’ch as anti?atulents to reduce a potential side
phosphate tribasic, sulfate, tartrate and; mixtures effect of ‘ingesting mineral supplements containing, for
thereof. example, a ‘gas producing anion such as carbonate or
Compounds used to provide a mineral supplementr of bicarbonaté‘fA preferred anti?atulent is simethicone.
iron include organic and inorganic salts and-chelat'eslof = The amounts used will vary depending upon the
iron such as reduced iron, ferrous sulfate, iron ammo amount ofgas that will be produced which varies upon
nium citrate, ferrous carbonate, ferrouschloride, tbr the mineral‘ compound and the amount of it used in the
rous fumarate, ferroglycine sulfate, ferronascin, ferrous ' formulatidti. Such amounts may be readily determined
carbonate mass, ferrous carbonate saccharated, ferrous by the ordinary skilled artisan. They may vary from
citrate, ferrous gluconate, ferrous lactate, ferrous sul about 15 'mg to about 80 mg per dose.
fate, ferrous succinate, iron cheates, iron chelate with 20 The chewable mineral supplement in addition to the
magnesium trisilicate and mixtures thereof. -* foregoing?materials may also include further additives
Compounds used to provide a mineral ‘supplement of - utilized ic‘onventionally to prepare nougat products.
sodium include organic and inorganic salts 10f sodium Thus the present soft, chewable products may include I
wherein the anionic portion of the salt is acetate, assor materials't‘selected from pigments, colorants, oils, fats,
bate, bicarbonate, carbonate, chloride, citrate, hypo preservatives, ?avorings, and so forth, and mixtures of
phosphite, lactate, phosphate monobasicg». phosphate these in iiarying amounts. . .
dibasic, phosphate tribasic, sulfate, tartarate: and mix Thosefi'naterials incorporated and desirable to aid in
tures thereof. the?nal processing of the soft, chewable nougat based
Compounds used to provide a mineral supplement of product-"include fats,'oils, preservatives, colorants and
magnesium include organic and inorganic salts of mag 30 ?avorings? Suitable fats and oils include fractionated fat,
nesium wherein the anionic portion of the salt is acetate, hydroge'iiated oils, partially hydrogenated oils, unsatu
carbonate hydroxide, chloride, citrate, dibasic citrate, rated oils, ‘coconut oil, palm oil, palm kernel oil, cotton
hydroxide, lactate, oxide, phosphate monobasic, phos seed oilfsaf?ower oil, sun?ower oil, soy oil, corn oil
phate dibasic, trisilicate, sulfate as well asthe composi and mixtures thereof. The term “fats” and “oils” are
' tion formed as the co-precipitated gel of. aluminum 35 used interchangeably, although there may be differ
hydroxide and magnesium carbonate, aluminum magne ences asulihderstood by the skilled artisan. “Fats” is
sium silicate, aluminum magnesium hydroxide and mix generallyi‘a‘term to refer to the solid embodiment of the
tures thereof‘. above-mentioned groups and “oils” refers to the liquid
The mineral compounds are incorporated into -''the form. ,
‘present soft chewable products in particulateaform, I‘he 40 A graiiii'ng compound may also be optionally em
particle size may vary widely depending upon the'par ployed t6 promote faster setting times for the ?nal prod
ticular mineral source but must be of an adeqnateanizle to ' uct. The‘=§raining compound is selected from the group
enable incorporation into the nougat'candyrbaseawith consisting‘ of fondant sugar, sugar, sorbitol crystals,
out exhibiting a- sandy mouthfeel. Exemplary particle lactose :ih'd mixtures thereof. The graining compound, ‘
‘ size ranges whenusing calcium carbonate may bail-om 45 when used, is present in an amount from about 0.5% to
about 0.8 micrometers to about 3.5 micrometers1 for about 4.9% by weight.
calcium carbonate U.S.P., and further to about‘li mi Suitable-?avorings include natural and arti?cial ?a
crometers for ground limestone which istnatumltcal vors sucli-‘as mints, peppermint, arti?cial vanilla, natural
cium carbonate. Similar ranges may be for! the vanilla, ‘cinnamon, various fruit flavors, both individual
remaining mineral compounds. The mineraloompound 50 and. mixed. The ?avorings are generally utilized in
is present in an amount from about 3 to about:v40%,"and amounts’lfhat will vary depending upon the individual
preferably about 15 to about 40% by weight 011 the ?avor andfrnay, for example range up to 1% by weight
chewable mineral supplement. ~11; ‘ :r1 or higher.
The lower limit for the mineral compound iydeter The céléirants used in the present invention include
mined by the minimum therapeutic dose.‘Eor.-thel~¢om pigments’isuch as titanium dioxide that are incorporated
pounds considered herein, the lower limit. isrconsidered . into the-nougat candy base and may be incorporated
to be about 3% by weight. It is, however, possible to therein iii vamounts of . up to 1% or higher by weight.
have lower mineral compound concentrations used in vAlso, théicolorants may include other dyes suitable for
the inventive formulations. Mineral compound ewncen food, dr?g and cosmetic applications, and known as -.
trations greater than about 40%, howevemare not use-v F.D.&Cg',dyes and lakes. A full recitation of all F.D.&C.
able since they result in a dry,'chalky, gritty product. and colorants and their corresponding chemical
The present invention may optionally include absorp ' structure's’ may be found in the Kirk-Othmer, En
tion enhancers. Absorption enhancers a‘resa-rgroup of cylapedr'd? of Chemical Technology. at Volume 5, pages
compounds which facilitate more complete and/or 857-884Pwhit:h text is accordingly incorporated herein “
more rapid absorption of, the mineral compound by the. 65 by reference.
human body. In the case of calcium, sucl'uabsorption The-"chewable mineral supplement of the invention
enhancers include but are not limited‘to 'vitamin D, can be prepared by conventional confectionery making ,
lysine, arginine, calcitrol, lactose and mixtures thereof. procedures. Such procedures generally entail admixing
7 8
the nougat candy base with the remaining ingredients and tacky and will not maintain the product integrity
until a homogenous admixture is obtained and then isloughtvherein.
forming the resulting mixture into suitable shapes for .- ‘ ,Tlielpenetration hardness test procedure to determine
storage. The preparation of the nougat candy base may penetration hardness involves the following:
be achieved by routine procedures well known to the The penetrometer hardness test employs a Precision
ordinary skilled artisan. One preferred procedure in Scienti?c Model 73510 Penetrometer equipped with a
volves preparation of the whipping component and 319186 wax penetration needle having a diameter of 0.1
blending with the syrup component. " _ rnrnanda length of 3.8 cm.
The whipped component may be prepared by mixing The. needle is placed into contact in the center of a
the whipping agent with other desirablel'components. square _, face perpendicular to the face. A 150 gram
The whipped component is generally prepared from weightis' applied to the needle for 5 seconds pressing
gelatin, egg albumen, milk proteins such as casein, and the needle into the test piece. The penetration depth is
vegetable proteins such as soy protein_,r...and the likemeasured and recorded in mm. The less penetration the
which are added to a gelatin solution and rapidly mixed harderthe piece.
at ambient temperature to form an aerated sponge like 5 The present invention is further illustrated by the
mass. V
following examples. All parts and percentages in the
The syrup component is prepared by initially mixing examples and throughout the speci?cation and claims
corn syrup, sugar component and an amount of water
necessary to assure solution of the ingredients. The total
are by weight of the ?nal composition unless otherwise
water content is not critical,_however, it is preferable to
keep the initial water content below 40%,‘ by weight. EXAMPLE 1
This mixture is charged into a suitablegcooker and
cooked to a ?nal water content of about 2% to about.
This Example demonstrates the formation of a prod
uct of this invention.
above steps are complete, (the whipped '- The following ingredients were admixed in the order
component and the syrup component maybe combined, listed until a homogenous formulation was prepared
usually by the addition of whipped component to the after each step and until the ?nal product was prepared.
syrup component after the syrup component’s tempera The ?nal product was pressed into individual pieces
ture has dropped to about 110° C. to about 118° C. The having a weight of 4.5 grams and having a size of 11.5
resultant combination is then mixed. At this point, the mmX 1.94 mm. X 1.94 mm.
edible polyol is added. If colorants are to be in i The‘ resulting structures were tested for hardness
coporated, they may be incorporated into the candy penetration and all had a hardness between 5 and 7 mm.
base at this point. The composition is then mixed until a When “consumed, all of the products exhibited no
uniform homogenous mass is formed. 7 chalky'taste, and were soft in texture.
The mineral compound is then added and mixed until
a uniform homogenous mass is again formed. If fats are . . Percent by Weight
to be incorporated, they are incorporated into the 7 Component of the Total Formulation
candy base at this time. The above composition is mixed Nougat candy base having a 56.5
until the temperature of the composition .is less than ‘syrup component with a 1.5:]
about 90° C. but greater than about 60° C. At this point, sugar to corn syrup ratio,
the graining compound, if employed, is,added to the water content 5% and a corn
composition. If ?avorings are to be incorporated, they syrup c‘o‘triponent having a
dextrose equivalence of 42
may be added into the candy base also at this time. The Glycerin- ,_-. 3.75
mixture is then further mixed until uniform. Color ‘(titanium dioxide) 1.0
Once all of the reagents have been blended into the 45 Fat ‘ “ .i i 4.0
mixture, the mixture is allowed to cool. The mixture Calcium ‘carbonate 33
may be cooled to ambient temperatures ‘before ?nal Graining compound (fondant sugar) 1.5
Flavor 0.25
forming operations are completed. _
A variety of ?nal forming techniques may be utilized,
depending upon the shape and size of the ?nal product
as desired. ‘
.. . EXAMPLE 2
Once prepared the ?nal compositionrmay be pro
cessed into any desirable shape or form to render the This Example demonstrates the formation of a prod
product suitable for providing the necessary amount of uct‘of‘this invention by modifying the water content of
mineral compound. Exemplary, non-limiting shapes thefsyru‘p component of the nougat candy base.
include squares, rectangles, spheres, tabloids and bicon 'The‘iriioisture content of the ?nal chewable mineral
vex shapes. Other suitable shapes may ‘also be em supplement was varied by varying the moisture of the
ployed. ‘ syrup component of the formulation given in Example
The products of the invention must exhibit a soft
chewable texture to be useable herein. The term “soft” v60
as used herein with regard to the texture of.__the mineral
supplement of the invention refers to a__ .penetration "Moisture Content
hardness of greater than 2 mm. Products notexhibiting ' ‘of of Final Product Chew
Run ' .Sy'rup Product Description Characteristics
this property have been found to be unsuitable accord;
ing to this invention. In particular, products exhibiting a A '- ;‘6.0 4.5 soft, tacky soft, acceptable
3 v5.0 3.5 soft, not acceptable
hardness value less than 2 mm are not chewable and fall '. tacky
outside the scope of this invention. In contrast, products y- C. 2.5 ?rm ?rm, acceptable
exhibiting complete penetration are considered too soft u. 1.5 hard hard, un
9 10
-continued the nougat candy base in the mineral supplement of this
% Moisture Content
Test of of Final Product Chew 7
The procedure of Example 1 was repeated except
Run Syrup Product Description Characteristics that the sugar to corn syrup ratio was varied as set forth
5 below, the results are described in the table.

The results indicate that ?nal products having mois Sugar/Corn Syrup Ratio
Characteristics Product
ture contents from about 2.5 to about 4.5% by weight
Soft sticky texture
have acceptable chew and physical characteristics. Sticky mouth feel '
Moisture contents below 2.0 were found to result in Cold ?ow in processing
hard structures which exhibit excessive hardness‘and Sticky
are unacceptable. ' Good texture
Good mouthfeel
15 Acceptable processing
EXAMPLE 3 Some tackiness
This Example demonstrates the effect of ?nal product _ Good texture
moisture content in relation to hardness as measured by Good mouthfee]
Acceptable processing
the penetrometer test. Not tacky
Test runs E to H were prepared in accordance with Grainy texture
the formulation of Example 1. The total thickness of the 20 Good mouthfeel
?nal formed product-is about 11.5 mm. Acceptable difficult
to process
Products of this invention formed with a ?nal prod Not tacky
uct moisture content of 4.5% by weight or greater are
too sticky and do not hold their shape. 25
Product This Example demonstrates the effect of different
Test Moisture Penetration 1 Product mineral compounds.
Run Content (mm) Observations The procedure of Example 1 was repeated except
E 5.0 Complete Very sticky 30 that the mineral compound was varied as set forth be
cold flow low. The results are in the table.
F 4.1 10 to 11.5 soft
acceptable The mineral compound used in the product has no
G 3.5 5 to 7 soft effect on product characteristics. '
H 2.8 2.5 to 3.5 firm I 35
acceptable Mineral Compound Weight % Product Characteristics
lRange of results on 3 determinations. Calcium carbonate 16.5l Soft chew
Acceptable processing
No chalky taste
Test runs 1 to 4 were prepared in accordance with‘the Not sticky
formulation of Example 1. The total thickness of the 40 Co-precipitate of 101 Soft chew
?nal formed product is about 11.5 mm. aluminum hydroxide Acceptable processing
Products of this invention formed with a ?nal prod and magnesium No chalky taste
carbonate Not sticky
uct moisture content of 5% by weight or greater are too Kaolin (hydrated 30 Soft chew
sticky and do not hold their shape. . aluminum silicate) Difficult to process
45 No chalky taste
EXAMPLE 4 Not sticky
Magnesium-aluminum 25 Dry granular chew
This Example demonstrates the effect of glycerin silicate Acceptable processing
content on the mineral supplement of this invention. No chalky taste
The procedure of Example 1 was repeated except Not sticky
that the glycerin content was varied as set forth below. lAdditional nougat candy base added to compensate for decreased mineral content.
The results are described in the table.
Glycerin Content This Example demonstrates the availability of cal
in Weight % Product Characteristics 55 cium ion from the inventive formulation of Example 1.
5.0 Soft texture An in vitro dissolution test of the inventive product
Soft chew
Tablet sticky has been conducted. The results indicate the percent of
3.75 Smooth texture calcium in solution at various times after start of the test
Firm chew is reported. In 60 minutes, 85.8% of the calcium present
Tablet not sticky in the supplement is in solution.
2.75 Slight chalkiness
Dry chew
Dry tablet Time % of Calcium in Solution
30 min. 59.2 '
65 45 min. 70.6
EXAMPLE 5 60 min. 85.8
This Example demonstrates the effect of modifying
the sugar to corn syrup ratio of the syrup component of All results are the average of six separate tests.
11 12
Dissolution test procedure: and the resultant solution titrated with standardized
United States ~Pharmacopeia XX, page 939, Mack Print 0.05 M disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate until the
ing Co., Easton, Pa., 1980 solution is deep blue. Each ml of 0.05 M disodium ethyl
Conditions: enediaminetetraacetate is equivalent to 5.004 mg of
USP Apparatus 2 calcium carbonate.
Media: 900 ml simulated gastric ?uid without en Calculation for percent in solution
Rotation Speed: 50 RPM.
mg CaCO3 X 18 _ _
Apparatus 2——Use the assembly from Apparatus 1, T- X 100% = % Cam solution
except that a paddle formed from a blade and a shaft is
used as the stirring element.4 The shaft, 1010.5 mm in
diameter, is positioned so that its axis is not more than The invention being thus described, it will be obvious
0.2 cm at any point from the vertical axis of the vessel, that the same may be varied in many ways. Such varia
and rotates smoothly without signi?cant wobble. The tions are not to be regarded as a departure from the
stirring blade, 3.0 mm to 5.0 mm thick, forms a section spirit and scope of the invention and all such modi?ca
of a circle having a diameter of 83 mm, and is subtended tions are intended to be included within the scope of the
by a parallel chords of 42:] mm and 75:1 mm. The following claims.
blade passes through the diameter of the shaft so that - We claim:
the bottom of the blade is ?ush with the bottom of the 1. A chewable mineral supplement having a penetra
shaft, and the blade is positioned horizontally at the end 20 tion hardness of 2 mm or more which comprises:
of the rotating shaft so that the 42-mm edge is nearest from about 40 to about 85% by weight of a nougat
the lowest inner surface of the vessel. The distance of candy base comprising:
2.5i0.2 cm between the blade and the inside bottom of a syrup component comprising:
the vessel is maintained during the test. The metallic (a) corn syrup having a dextrose equivalence from
blade and shaft comprise a single entity that may be 25 about 35 to about 55;
coated with a suitable ?uorocarbon polymer. The dos (b) sugar such that the ratio of sugar to corn syrup
age unit is allowed to sink to the bottom of the vessel is from about 1:1 to about 2:1; a whipped compo
before rotation of the blade is started. A small, loose nent comprising at least one whipping agent
piece of nonreactive material such as wire or glass helix which introduces air into the nougat candy base
may be attached to dosage units that would otherwise to lower its speci?c weight and modify its tex
4A suitable paddle is available commercially from Hanson Research ture;
Corp. and from Van-Kc] Industries. an edible polyol in an amount of from about 1.5 to
Apparatus l—-The assembly1 consists of the follow about 6.0% by weight;
ing: a covered, 1000 ml vessel made of glass or other a mineral compound in an amount of about 3 to
inert, transparent materialz; a variable-speed drive; and about 40% by weight; and
a cylindrical basket. The vessels are immersed in a suit a water content of about 2 to about 4.5% by
able water bath of any convenient size that permits weight;
holding the temperature at 37°i0.5° C. during the test all percents herein are by weight of the ?nal chew
and keeping the bath ?uid in constant, smooth motion. able mineral supplement.
No part of the assembly, including the environment in 40 2. The chewable mineral supplement of claim 1
which the assembly is placed, contributes signi?cant - wherein said nougat candy base comprises:
motion; agitation, or vibration beyond that due to the a syrup component in an amount of about 78 to about
smoothly rotating stirring element. Apparatus that per 99%, and
mits observation of the specimen and stirring element a whipped component in an amount of about 1 to
during the test is preferable. The vessel is cylindrical, 45
with a spherical bottom. It is 16 cm to 17.5 cm high, its
about 22%; all percentages are by weight of the
inside diameter is 10.0 cm to 10.5 cm, and its nominal
nougat candy base.
capacity is 1000 ml. Its sides are ?anged near the top. A 3. The chewable mineral supplement of claim 2
?tted cover may be used to retard evaporation.3 The wherein said syrup component comprises: by weight of
shaft is positioned so that its axis is not more than 0.2 cm 50 the chewable mineral supplement,
at any point from the vertical axis of the vessel. A corn syrup in an amount of about 13 to about 41%,
speed-regulating device is used that allows the shaft sugar in an amount of about 15 to about 53% such
rotation speed to be selected and maintained at the rate that the ratio of sugar to corn syrup is from about
speci?ed in the individual monograph within i4%. 1:1 to about 2:1.
1A suitable vessel is available commercially as imble Glass No. 33730, 4. The chewable mineral supplement of claim 2
from laboratory supply houses, or as Elanco Products Division No.
EQ-l900, from Eli Lilly and Co., PO. Box 1750, Indianapolis, Ind. . wherein said whipped component comprises: by weight
46206. A suitable basket is available commercially from Hanson Re of the chewable mineral supplement,
search Corp., P.O. Box 35, Northridge, Calif. 91324, and from Van Kel at least one whipping agent present in an amount of
Industries, PO. Box 311 Chatham, NJ. 07928.
2The materials should not sorb, react, or interfere with the specimen from about 0.1 to about 1%.
being tested. 5. The chewable mineral supplement of claim 1
If a cover is used, it provides surricient openings to allow ready inser 60
tion of the thermometer and withdrawal of specimens. wherein said edible polyol is selected from the group
Assay Procedure for Calcium: consisting of propylene glycol, glycerin, polyethylene
At each dissolution time period 50.0 ml of dissolution glycol and mixtures thereof.
media is removed from the vessel and replaced with 50 6. The chewable mineral supplement of claim 1
ml of gastric ?uid without enzymes. The 50.0 ml aliqnot 65 wherein the edible polyol is glycerin.
is transferred to a suitable container. The solution is 7. The chewable mineral supplement of claim 1
made basic by addition of 15 ml of 1N sodium hydrox wherein the edible polyol is present in an amount of
ide. 300 mg of hydroxy napthol blue triturate is added from about 2.5 to about 4.5% by weight.
13 14
8. The chewable mineral supplement of claim 1_ sulfate, ferronacin, ferrous carbonate mass, ferrous car?
wherein said whipping agent is selected from the group bonate saccharated, ferrous citrate, ferrous gluconate,
consisting of egg albumin, modi?ed milk protein, gela ferrous lactate, ferrous sulfate, ferrous succinate, iron
tin, milk protein, vegetable protein, and mixtures chelates, iron chelate with magnesium trisilicate and
thereof. ‘ mixtures thereof.
9. The chewable mineral supplement of claim 1 18. The chewable mineral supplement of claim 1
which additionally contains a graining compound se wherein the mineral compound is a phosphorous com
lected from the group consisting of fondant sugar, pound selected from the group consisting of salts
sugar, sorbitol crystals, lactose and mixtures thereof wherein the anionic portion is a phosphate and the cati
which is present in amounts from about 0.5 to about 4% _ O onic portion is sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron,
by weight. calcium, lithium, zinc and mixtures thereof.
10. The chewable mineral supplement of claim 1 19. The chewable mineral supplement of claim 1 ‘
wherein the mineral compound is selected from a group wherein the mineral compound is a zinc compound,
consisting of salts of lithium, sodium, potassium, magne selected from the group consisting of inorganic and
sium, calcium, phosphorous, iron, zinc, and mixtures 5 organic salts‘ wherein the anionic portion of the salt is
thereof. - p

11. The chewable ineral supplement of claim 1

carbonate, chloride, citrate, and mixtures thereof.
20. The chewable mineral supplement of claim 3
wherein the mineral compound is present in an amount
of about 15 to about 40% by weight. wherein the sugar is sucrose, sorbitol, mannitol, liquid
sugars, and mixtures thereof.
12. The chewable mineral supplement of claim 1
wherein the mineral compound is a calcium compound 21. The chewable mineral supplement of claim 1
selected from the group consisting of calcium gluco wherein the mineral compound is calcium carbonate.
nate, calcium chloride, calcium lactate, calcium phos-' 22. The chewable mineral supplement of claim 1
phate, monobasic calcium phosphate, dibasic calcium further containing an absorption enhancer. '
phosphate, tribasic calcium phosphate, calcium carbon 25
23. The chewable mineral supplement of claim 22
ate, calcium tartrate, calcium glycerophosphate, cal wherein said absorption enhancer is selected from the
cium levulinate, calcium hypophosphite, calcium sul group consisting of vitamin D, lysine, arginine, lactose,
_fate, calcium gluceptate, calcium chelates, calcium . vitamin D2, vitamin D3, calcitrol and mixtures thereof.
amino acid chelate, ground limeatone, ground oysler 24. The chewable mineral supplement of claim 1
shells, and mixtures thereof. 30 further containing an anti?atulent.
13. The chewable mineral supplement of claim 1 25. The chewable mineral supplement of claim 24
wherein the mineral compound is a lithium compound wherein said anti?atulent is simethicone.
selected from the group consisting of organic and inor 26. A chewable mineral supplement having a penetra
ganic salts wherein the anion is chloride, carbonate, tion hardness of 2 mm or more, which comprises:
citrate, sulfate, bromide and mixtures thereof. 35 (A) from about 40 to about 85% by weight of a nougat
14. The chewable mineral supplement of claim 1 candy base comprising,
wherein the mineral compound is a sodium- compound (1) a syrup component comprising:
selected from the group consisting of organic and inor (a) corn syrup in an amount of about 13 to about
ganic salts of sodium wherein the anionic portion of the 41% by weight having a dextrose equivalence
salt is acetate, ascorbate, bicarbonate, carbonate, chlo from about 35 to about 55;
....ride, citrate, hypophosphite, lactate, phosphate mono (b) sugar in an amount of about 15 to about 53%
basic, phosphate dibasic, phosphate tribasic, sulfate, such that the ratio of sugar to corn syrup is from
tartrate and mixtures thereof. about 1:1 to about 2:1,
15. The chewable mineral ‘supplement of claim 1 (2) a whipped component comprising at least one
wherein the mineral compound is a potassium com 45 whipping agent present in an amount of from about
pound selected from the group consisting of inorganic 0.1 to about 1%;
and organic salts wherein the anionic portion of the salt (B) an edible polyol in an amount of from about 1.5 to
is acetate, bicarbonate, bitartrate, bromide, carbonate, about 6%;
chloride, citrate, gluconate, phosphate monobasic, (C) a mineral compound in an amount of about 3 to
phosphate dibasic, phosphate tribasic, sulfate, tartrate 50 about 40%;
and mixtures thereof. (D) a graining compound in an amount from about 0.5
16. The chewable mineral supplement of claim 1 to about 4%; and
wherein the mineral compound is a magnesium'com (E) a water content of about 2 to about 4.5%; all per
pound selected from the group consisting of organic cents herein are by weight of the ?nal chewable min
and inorganic salts of magnesium wherein the anionic 55 eral supplement.
portion of the salt is acetate, carbonate,‘ hydroxide, 27. The chewable mineral supplement of claim 26 I
chloride, citrate, dibasic citrate, hydroxide, lactate, further containing a fat component.
oxide, phosphate monobasic, phosphate dibasic, phos 28. The chewable mineral supplement of claim 27
phate tribasic, trisilicate sulfate, as well as the composi wherein said fat component is selected from the group
tion formed as the co-precipitated gel of aluminum consisting of fractionated fat, hydrogenated oils, par
hydroxide and magnesium carbonate and mixtures tially hydrogenated oils, unsaturated oils, coconut oil,
thereof. palm oil, palm kernal oil, cottonseed oil, saf?ower oil,
17. The chewable mineral supplement of claim 1 sun?ower oil, soy oil, corn oil and mixtures thereof.
wherein the mineral compound is an iron compound 29. A method for preparing a chewable mineral sup
selected from the group consisting of organic and inor 65 plement having a ' penetration hardness of 2 mm or
ganic salts and chelates of iron such as reduced iron, more, which comprises:
ferrous sulfate, iron ammonium citrate, ferrous carbon preparing a nougat candy base comprising:
ate, ferrous chloride, ferrous fumarate, ferroglycine a syrup component comprising:
15 16
(a) corn syrup having a dextrose equivalence from a syrup component in an amount of about 78 to about
about 35 to about 55; 99%, and
(b) sugar such that the ratio of sugar to corn syrup a whipped component in an amount of about 1 to
is from about 1:1 to about 2:1; about 22%. _

a whipped component comprising at least one 5 31. The method of claim 30 wherein said syrup com
whipping agent whidh introduces air into the ponent comprises, by weight of the chewable mineral
nougat candy base to lower its speci?c weight
corn syrup in an amount of about 13 to about 41%
and modify its texture; having a dextrose equivalence from about 35 to
admixing an edible polyol in an amount from about 10 about 55,
1.5 to about 6.0% by weight to form a homoge sugar in an amount of about 15 to about 53% such
neous mixture; that the ratio of sugar to corn syrup is from about
admixing a mineral compound in an amount of 1:1 to about 2:1, and
about 3 to about 40% by weight to form a homo water in an amount up to about 40%.
geneous mixture; and 15 32. A method for preparing said syrup component of
admixing a graining compound in an amount from claim 31 which comprises:
about 0.5 to about 4% by weight to form a ho dissolving the corn syrup component and the sugar
component in an amount of water such that the
mogeneous mixture; and recovering the mixture; total water content is up to about 40% by weight of
all percents herein are by weight of the ?nal chew
the corn syrup, sugar mixture,
able mineral supplement. cooking the corn syrup, sugar mixture until the resul
30. The method of claim 29 wherein the nougat tant water content is from about 2 to about 6% by
candy base comprises by weight of the nougat candy weight of the chewable mineral supplement.
base, * * II‘ * *







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