A Matter of National Security by Lee County Republican Assembly

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*A Ma&er of Na,onal Security*

A Call for Hand Coun-ng Paper Ballots for our Presiden-al &
Congressional Elec-ons at the State County Precincts
• Whereas, US Congress has the authority and responsibility to address hacking
electronic vo:ng machines by bad actors in accordance with the Computer Fraud
& Abuse Act amended in September 2020 to include electronic vo:ng machines;
• Whereas, Protec:ng our na:on’s elec:on process for Presiden:al and
Congressional elec:ons must be a top priority for our na:onal security;
• Whereas, The recently released “Halderman Report” irrefutably documents the
ease of manipula:ng and changing personal votes when using programmable
vo:ng machines;
• Whereas, The Rasmussen Poll has published stunning numbers that 60% or more
voters believe widespread elec:on fraud impacted our 2020 general elec:on;
• Whereas, A majority of voters in our Na:on cannot trust the vote results from the
mandatory use of unsecure Electronic Vo:ng Machines designed and run by
private companies that perform a cri:cal government func:on. These private
companies exclusively program the electronic tabulators that count our ballots,
and they refuse to allow public evalua:on of their so^ware claiming its proprietary
and confiden:al thus in viola:on of the Cons:tu:onal 14th Amendment knowing
the voters right to vote has been accurately counted;
• Whereas, The Help America Vote Act (HAVA) passed by Congress in 2002 does not
permit devices or components using external network connec:ons to be part of a
cer:fied vo:ng system as detailed in the Elec:on Assistance Commission
cer:fica:on qualifica:ons under VVSG2.0 External Network Connec:ons required
as stated from page 12 as follows:
“External Network Connec1ons: VVSG 2.0 does not permit devices or components
using external network connec1ons to be part of the vo1ng system. There are
significant security concerns introduced when networked devices are then
connected to the vo1ng system. This connec1vity provides an access path to the
vo1ng system through the Internet and thus an aHack can be orchestrated from
anywhere in the world (e.g., na1on state aHacks). The external network connec1on
leaves the vo1ng system vulnerable to aHacks, regardless of whether the
connec1on is only for a limited period or if it is con1nuously connected. These types
of aHacks include the following: • The loss of confiden1ality and integrity of the
vo1ng system and elec1on data through malware injec1on or eavesdropping. •
The loss of availability to access data or perform elec1on process (e.g.,
ransomware aHack).”

• Whereas, States are allowing network devices to be connected to their vo:ng

systems which leaves the vo:ng system vulnerable to poten:al hacking by
domes:c or foreign intrusion to alter votes or vote results;
• Whereas, Chris:ne ScoK, Pe::oner, Case #23-13411 now in the 11th Circuit of the
Federal Court of Appeals provides details of massive voter fraud in the 2020
general elec:on depriving qualified voters of their right to have their vote
accurately counted;
• Whereas, Judge Amy Totenberg has issued a decision concurring there is sufficient
reason to believe that electronic vo:ng machines used by the State of Georgia
have substan:al flaws. The District Court Judge found that there is sufficient cause
to believe that there may be “cybersecurity deficiencies that uncons:tu:onally
burden Plain:ffs’ First and Fourteenth Amendment rights and capacity to cast
effec:ve votes that are accurately counted”;

• Whereas, Many countries have stopped the use of Electronic Vo:ng Machines
including The Netherlands in 2007, Germany in 2009, Ireland in 2010, Japan in
2018; and, Canada, France, and recently Argen:na in 2023 use hand counted
paper ballots for Presiden:al elec:ons,
• Whereas, Many computer/so^ware experts have provided evidence documen:ng
elec:on fraud in the following links:
Dr. Douglas Frank: How the elec:ons are stolen
mesacountyreport3.pdf (fingerprintsoffraud.com)
Clinton Cur:s: Tes:mony on How Elec:ons Have Been Stolen Using
Algorithms Since at Least 2000 (simpson4auditor.com)
• Whereas, Renowned forensic computer expert Jeff O’Donnell states “any fair
minded review of the elec:on data can only leave one to conclude the United
States of America was the vic:m of a coordinated, mul:state, conspiracy to
defraud the 2020 General Elec:on” fingerprints of fraud volume one v1.07.pdf ,
page 19 review & conclusions.
• Whereas, Whistleblowers have provided video, audio, and photographic evidence
of elec:on fraud, including references found in “The Parallel Elec:on” by Hoopes
& Stenstrom, pages 303-305; 362-363;
Therefore, We the people need confidence in and verifica:on of our na:onal elec:on
ballot coun:ng system by reques:ng the US Congress to introduce and pass legisla:on
requiring the Presiden:al and Congressional General Elec:on and Primary Elec:ons be
conducted by the States manda:ng hand coun:ng of ballots and manually marked
printed poll books, u:lizing counterfeit proof, paper ballots manually counted at all State
County Precincts.
Addi:onally, Elec:on Day should be a Na:onal Holiday with in person vo:ng during this
day, except for military and out of state notarized absences due to Vo:ng by Mail
breaking the chain of custody.

Submi'ed by: Theodore J Reese, CEO; Chemical Engineer; Florida Resident

Lee County Republican Assembly, Chair ElecBon Integrity; Precinct Commi'eeman
Contact info: tjreese@cadenceenvironmental.com

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