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The protection of human rights is the bedrock of a just society.

Taking away suspects' rights and

allowing torture and killing violates fundamental principles such as the right to life, the
prohibition of torture, and the right to a fair trial. It runs the risk of dehumanizing people,
regardless of their alleged crimes.
Furthermore, these actions have been limited by several international laws. For example,
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) under Article 5 it provides that no one shall be
subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. The international
treaties provisions emphasize the universal importance of respecting and upholding human
rights, even in the face of security challenges.
While the country's security is critical, it cannot be achieved at the expense of human rights.
When governments violate human rights in the name of security, a dangerous precedent is set
that can lead to abuse and impunity. Torture and execution of suspects are never justified,
regardless of the seriousness of the crime they are accused of committing. These are cruel,
inhumane, and degrading practices that violate the fundamental right to human dignity.
The rule of law states that all individuals are governed by clear and just laws, and that they
should be applied consistently and fairly. When a government enacts legislation that allows for
the suspension of certain rights in certain circumstances, such as the one above, the door is
opened for further exceptions and abuses. This has the potential to erode the rule of law by
setting a precedent that undermines the principle of equal protection under the law.
In relation to morality, the concern will be that compromising fundamental ethical principles,
even in the name of a seemingly just cause, can lead to a deterioration of a society's moral fabric.
allowing torture and killing can dehumanize both the perpetrators and society as a whole.
Because the initial boundaries of acceptable behavior have already been crossed, this erosion of
moral values can lead to a situation in which individuals are more likely to tolerate or support
further violations.
Torture and killing, for example, can lead to desensitization to human suffering. A society that
witnesses or even condones such actions may become less empathetic and compassionate over
time. This loss of empathy is a moral concern because it runs counter to the principles of
empathy and human dignity that underpin a just and compassionate society.

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