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Advocate to Promote the Prevention,

Identification, and Treatment of Child Abuse.

I am still but a humble child and yet to know what is out there but what
I do know is that some children have experienced abuse from their parents either verbal or
physical abuse. For many Filipino parents, it is normal for them to spank their children. After
all, most of us have experienced it by our parents when we have made a mistake. Of course, it
is a bad thing to hit your child, it not only does nothing to make them listen to every errand
asked but also emotionally scarred them when excessive abuse. Of course, it’s not only other
parents but other people who do child abuse. That is why child abuse is a cycle that needs to
be stopped and prevented because it can affect a child negatively.

First and foremost, let us not doubt our parent's love when they
unconsciously out of anger and stress, hurt us. But doubt it when they made you feel
unwanted or if they made you feel like you are a mistake. Doubt it if they don't set boundaries
or let us do what we want. If they set boundaries it is because they can't afford to lose us.
After all, we are their biggest responsibility. Their decision for us is for our good because they
have lived their lives experiencing those bad things or know those bad things that they are
lecturing us not to do. According to research, child abuse can lead the child to a bad path. In
the worst-case scenario, they do self-harm or be suicidal. Another reason why child abuse
needs to be acted on and why it is not fine is because of its risk factors. Some children are hard
to find out if they are abused since they may appear completely normal but inside they are
emotionally scarred so when you feel that something is wrong don't assume first but ask.
Some of its risk factors are depression, unusual fears, socially incompetent, School failure,
bullying other children....etc.

There are of course things that can help prevent child abuse from
happening, like the law. According to Republic Act 7610, all children in the Philippines and
Filipino children elsewhere are protected from all forms of abuse under this law. And my way
to prevent parents from abusing their children is to first calm down. Then just respect each
other since respect comes from your love for each other. And if it doesn’t work then suggest a
good reward that the both will agree on if they did the deed. If it doesn’t work because your
relationship has worsened before I suggest going on therapy.

In parenthood, child abuse is an act of failure on being a parent.

Because he or she neglected a child's feelings. My objective is to loosen up the shackles of
children who experience these. And I need your voices to speak loud enough for others to
listen. And somehow help them heal and give them new good memories to think about for
tomorrow. Even though we are the youth we can still help prevent child abuse by supporting
non-profit campaigns and donating to their charity to promote the prevention, identification,
and treatment of child abuse.

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