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Cybercrimes against Society at Large

Internet Pornography

• The trafficking, distribution, posting,

and dissemination of obscene material
including children’s nude pictures,
indecent exposure, and child sex
slavery posted into the internet.
Online Gambling
• Playing games of chance or betting in the
hope of winning money through the
Other Cybercrimes
Cyber Warfare

• Involves crossing international borders and involving the actions of at

least one nation state.


• It occurs when a website, e-mail server, or computer system is

subjected to or threatened with repeated denial of service or other
attacks by malicious hackers.

Cyber Terrorism

• An act of terrorism committed using cyberspace or computer resources

(Parker, 1983).
Internet Time Theft
• Using of internet surfing time belonging to
another user
Domain Name System (DNS) Attack

This involves flooding a computer

resource with more requests than it can
handle, causing the resource to crash
thereby denying authorized users the
service offered by the resource.
Distributed Denial of Service Attacks
• Another variation of DNS attack wherein
the perpetrators are many and are
geographically widespread.
Computer Privacy and
Cybersecurity awareness encourages basic knowledge of
cyber vulnerabilities and risks, as well as cyber hygiene and
effective solution options. When people are faced with cyber
threats, it educates them on best practices and preventive

The following are the most pressing concerns:

1. Digital Date: What are the risk to our privacy, and how
do we safeguard our identities?
2. Security: How do we keep track of who has access to
confidential data and protected hardware and software?
• Technology makes it possible to collect and use data of ALL KINDS,
including information about people.
The technologies that have impacts
on Privacy
1. Large databases: Large corporation are continually
collecting data on their employees. Every day,
information about the person is collected and held in
huge databases. Credit card providers, for example, keep
track of cardholder transactions, transfers, and credit
card histories in customer directories.
People almost definitely have an electronic profile with their name,
address, phone number, Social Security number, bank account details,
and other information. These electronic profiles are sold by information
seller to targeted advertisers, fund-raisers, and others. Many website
provide these services for free or at a low discount. This presents a
number of critical questions, including:
1. Collecting public, but personally identifying information
2. Spreading information without personal consent
3. Spreading inaccurate information
2. Private Networks
• Private networks are commonly used in businesses,
government organizations, and other institutions that
require secure and dedicated communication channels.
• Private networks can be set up using various
technologies such as LAN (local area network), WAN
(wide area network), VPN (virtual private network) or
cloud-based services. The purpose of a private network
is to protect sensitive data, applications, and resources
from unauthorized access and external threats.
3. Internet and the Web
• IP addresses are used to identify any device on the
Internet. IP addresses can be used to track Internet
activity back to the source, encouraging information
security professionals and law enforcement agents to
look at violations like illegal network access and
exchanging copyright data without authorization.
• IP address is a critical component of the modern
internet ecosystem, as it serves as a unique identifier
for each device that is connected to the internet.
1. Device identification
2. Location information
3. Network troubleshooting
4. Firewall and security
5. Internet routing
1. Keep software and operating system UPDATED
When upgrading the software and operating system, the
device also gains the access to the latest up-to-date
security patches.

2. Use anti-virus software and keep it updated

Anti-virus protection or a strong internet security
strategy are also effective ways to keep the system
secure from attacks.
3. Using strong passwords
Combinations of small and capital letters, numbers,
special characters.

For example: @sogo5POqwzX

4. Be mindful of which websites URLs

address of a webpage or file on the internet
For example, the URL for the homepage of Google would
be:, where "https" is the
protocol, "" is the domain name, and
there is no path or query parameters specified. The URL
for a specific search on Google might be:, where "q" is a
query parameter that specifies the search term "url".
Philippine Laws on the Cyberspace
Republic Act No. 4200

• Anti-Wiretapping Law of 1965

• Prohibits and penalizes wire-tapping and other
related violations of the privacy of
Republic Act No. 8792
• Electronic Commerce Act of 2000
• The first Philippine E-Commerce Law which serves as the basic
framework in any discussion of e-laws.
• Previously, a local case involving the “I Love You” virus had to be
dismissed on the ground that there was no law which penalized the
• This law gives legal recognition to electronic writings, documents, and
data messages, including electronic signatures and contracts.
• It mandates electronic transactions for the government and penalizes
hacking, the introduction of viruses, as well as piracy.
Republic Act No. 10515
• Anti-Cable Television and Cable Internet Tapping
Act of 2013
• Approved on April 17, 2013, this Act aims to
protect Cable Television and Cable Internet
Industries from cable pilferage as it is the State’s
declared policy to recognize the indispensable role
of the private sector, encourage private enterprise,
and provide incentives to needed investments.
Republic Act No. 10173
• Data Privacy Act of 2012
• Approved on August 15, 2012, and took effect
fifteen (15) days after its publication.
• It declared the policy of the state to protect the
fundamental human right of privacy, of
communication while ensuring flee flow of
information to promote innovation and growth.
National Privacy Commission
• is an independent body mandated to administer and
implement the Act, and to monitor and ensure
compliance of the country with international standards
set for personal data protection.
Definition of Terms under Republic Act No. 10173
Personal Information
• Any information whether recorded in a material form or not, from which the identity
of an individual is apparent or can be reasonably and directly ascertained by the
entity holding the information, or when put together with other information would
directly and certainly identify and individual
• Any operation or any set of operations
performed upon personal information.
• collection, recording, organization, storage,
updating or modification, retrieval, consultation,
use, consolidation, blocking, erasure, or
destruction of data.
Personal Information Controller

• A person or organization who controls the

collection, holding, processing, or use of
personal information, or instructs another
to collect, hold, process, use, transfer, or
disclose personal information on his or her
Personal Information Processor
• Any natural or juridical person qualified to
act as such under this Act to whom a
personal information controller may
outsource the processing of personal data
pertaining to a data subject.
Sensitive Personal Information
• Race, ethnic origin, marital status, age, color, religious or
political affiliations
• Other personal information specifically established by an
executive order or an Act of Congress to be kept classified.
• Health, education, genetic or sexual life of a person, or any
proceeding for any offense committed or alleged to have
been committed by such person, the disposal of such
proceedings, or the sentence of any court in such
• Social security numbers, previous or current health
records, licenses or its denials, suspension or revocation,
tax returns
Republic Act No. 10175
• Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012
• The State recognizes the vital role of
information and communications industries such
as content production, telecommunications,
broadcasting electronic commerce, and data
processing, in the nation's overall social and
economic development.
Definition of terms under Republic
Act No. 10175
• The instruction, communication with, storing data in,
retrieving data from, or otherwise making use of any
resources of a computer system or communication
• The modification or change, in form or substance, of an
existing computer data or program
• The transmission of information through ICT media,
including voice, video, and other forms of data.
Computer Data

• Any representation of facts, information, or concepts in a form

suitable for processing in a computer system

Computer Program

• A set of instructions executed by the computer to achieve

intended results.

Computer System

• Any device or group of interconnected or related devices, one or

more of which, pursuant to a program, performs automated
processing of data.
• Listening to, recording, monitoring, or surveillance of
content of communication, either directly or indirectly
• A representation of information, knowledge, facts,
concepts, or instructions which are being prepared,
processed or stored, or have been prepared, processed
or stored in a formalized manner and which are
intended for use in a computer system.
Service Provider
1. Any public or private entity that provides to
users of its service the ability to communicate
by means of a computer system.
2. Any other entity that processes or store
computer data on behalf of such
communication service or users of such service.

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