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Grade 8 – French 3 – Term 1 - FINAL Exam Study List

Week Content Covered

12 Compréhension + Vocabulaire + Grammaire + Composition

1-Book :Tricolore Total 3 :Unités 1-2-3 p.6→ 17 + p.22→33 +p.38 →42
+Sommaire p.19, p.35 and p.51 (talk about leisure activities, give opinions
and use some expressions of time)

2-Grammar in action: p.5→23

DELF A1: Reading comprehension activities

+ Remplir un formulaire p.111-112

Comprehension + Vocabulary
-Exchange personal information
-Talk about technology
-Exchange information about families
-Talk about and describe friends and other people.
-Understand and describe aspects of life
-Describe places of interest
-Understand information about travel and about the Paris metro.
-Talk about leisure activities.
-Compare past and present.

-Use adjectives
-Use reflexive verbs
-Use the present tense + use some irregular verbs.
-Use the perfect tense with avoir and être.
- Use some expressions of time
-Use the imperfect tense.

-Describe a friend or a member of your family (Book TT3 p.15 ex 5)
-Describe a recent visit (Book TT3 p.33)
-Talk about your activities p.39 ex 5
-Describe your life before (Book TT3 p.41 ex 5)

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