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My favorite motto of all is “Effort is a must but purpose is the key.

” Both are important

because It’s like the effort is the bow and purpose is the key. The bow can help the key to hit and
unlock the target. I also want to hit and unlock my future target or goals. I want to have a good
purpose to continue reaching for my goals, I do have one right now, a purpose to have good grades so
I can have a successful road ahead. I believe that a good purpose leads to great effort, an effort that
makes you not only move your whole body but also include your heart into it. Strength is the one that
can also help me together with effort but right now I haven’t discovered my strength yet so I put my
effort and purpose into everything I love to discover it to help me in my future problems.

I want to be a good person to not hurt the ones I love and also to respect other people so
they can treat me how I want to be treated. And to love them and not look only at their bad side. I
want to also look at their brighter side. That way I can have a “teacher” that can influence me on
something good. I know my purpose can change depending on my future but I also know that it’d be a
good one because right now I am surrounded by great people that can help me along the road. Even if
the road is hard along the way I can benefit from it because I will learn something from it that I never
learn from what my teachers taught.

I don't want to give up without having a try yet, because I want to start moving before it's
too late. I know I have a long way ahead of me that I will most likely encounter hardships but the
people around me that I am thankful for and also with the help of discipline, are enough to make me

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