Plantilla Ama Cuida Vive

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A Job Interview

Interviewer: Hi. You are here for the interview for the chef job, aren’t you?
Martina: Yes, I am. My name is Martina. I sent you an email yesterday with
my curriculum. Did it arrive?
Interviewer: Yes, I already read it. You have amazing references. Here it says
you worked for the Plaza Hotel in New York, didn’t you?
Martina: Yes, I did. I worked there for 2 years and a half as a sous chef.
Interviewer: Excellent. Tell me about your experience and strengths. Here it
says you have an amazing hand with desserts, don’t you?
Martina: You can say so. I like to travel to different states and countries to
acquire experience and recipes of their cultures. Talking about places, your
hotel is in Miami, isn’t it?
Interviewer: Yes, it is. Is one of the biggest hotels there. Now tell me, why do
you want this job?
Martina: I really like the city and my mom lives here, she is sick so I have to
stay with her. Also, this hotel has some of the best views of the country and I
am a photographer in my free times. I really hope I can make it to the job.
Interviewer: We´re going to evaluate your curriculum, but in between us, you
are one of the best until now for the job.
Martina: Im glad to hear that. Just a last quick question, If I get or not the
job, you are going to call me with an answer, aren´t you?
Interviewer: Yes, we will call you with the answer, even if is negative or
positive. I think we´re done here. Thank you for coming and i hope we seee
you soon
Martina: I hope so. trank you for the opportunity, I´m going to wait for your
call, goodbye!

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