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the voice

We wonder where we came from, we wonder why we are here and what we are actually
“doing”. These questions burn holes in our soul from the minute we find out that we
are going to die someday, and there is no way to get around it. Why come here just
to die? And if there is a god somewhere, why would he WANT us to die? The pieces of
the puzzle literally never add up. And from birth to death, we would give anything
to know why it is that we aren’t allowed to know. Who would do that to anyone and

Indeed. We are then handed a bible and told that somehow the first beings ever
created were punished for eating an apple, and so women will have to bear pain from
that moment on while giving birth because a snake convinced her to eat it. What the
F? A talking snake? And then both her and her mate were then exiled from their home
in Eden because eating this apple gave her knowledge that she “wasn’t supposed to
have”. What the F? The most loving, kind creator that gave us life doesn’t want us
to KNOW things? What on EARTH could be the impetus of THAT?

And then of course, we find that the same “god” went on to become by FAR and gone
the most egregious mass-murderer of all time by thousands and thousands of times
over any other bad guy that ever lived. Hmmm, nice guy. Maybe this has something to
do with the fact that we aren’t supposed to “learn” and we aren’t supposed to live
with him. After all, if he is our father, and we are his own children, why aren’t
we THERE then? Who makes their children go sleep outside in the cold dog house with
the animals where they have to feed and take care of themselves or die?

SOMETHING clearly does not add up here. At all.

We hear stories from the bible about how people in ancient times had a connection
with this god, and there are mystical powers surrounding symbols like the pentagram
and the star of David around us that we are simply not allowed to know about. Woah,
more of that same exact shit that Eve was trashed for. Our god is loving, but kills
us for eating the wrong meat… Wait, he also kills us for fixing our car on the “day
of rest”. What? What if we need to work 7 days a week to earn enough money to EAT
because he put us in a place where we had to fend for ourselves, and if we do, we
will be killed for it? We are also told that when we tried to build a tower so we
could go SEE him, that he came down here and DELIBERATELY took away our one spoken
and written language so we could never readily communicate between our different
tribes and ever try that “sneaky shit again”. WHAT? And his son, the “really good
guy” of the two, has to give his LIFE in order to appease his pissed-off dad so he
won’t flood the ENTIRE WORLD again, killing everyone but a handful of people kept
alive on a boat filled with animals more important that his OWN CHILDREN?

It’s about time you had some real answers. And I am going to give them to you right
now and I am going to name names. The bullshit is over and by the time you are done
with this message, you will know EXACTLY who god is, who “his son” really was and
why it is you are not supposed to know anything.

First, let’s take a look at the “chosen people” of god. If all of humankind are his
children, then what in the hell is their creator doing taking sides? Are you
serious, the Hebrews now known as Jews were “the chosen” among all creation?
SPECIALLY protected on the planet, while the rest of mankind can go suck a dick?
Plus, they get this special thing, a six-pointed star they say is of the special
house of “David” mysterious geometric symbol, giving them some sort of mystical
SOMETHING, but no one is allowed to know what that something is, but the “chosen”
have it and you can’t.

Well then what the hell is that and if it’s special then I want one!

The six-pointed Hexagram is a mathematic sub-quantum science known as “Keylontic

Scalar Science” that had been used by your actual founding fathers to create
organic life on this planet and has absolutely nothing to do with the agenda of the
creator of the Jews who calls himself “god”, except to act like it is “theirs” in
case you ever find out what it really stands for.

What do I mean by that?

I mean that what you see in your current reality field is being utterly and
completely manipulated for you to believe that "Jews" are representing the "star of
David" as their "sign". And you have no idea of what that "sign" is supposed to
even mean. But "they" do, and I am NOT talking about Jews. I am talking about their
puppetmasters who lead them down corridors of "reality" they literally know NOTHING
about. Even the “chosen” have not been allowed to know a single thing about this
science, so you are not alone.

And though the Jews have ZERO idea of what is really happening, they are still so
PASSIONATE about their "belief" system that they dedicate their LIVES to this one
goal of pleasing their special "god", the "god of gods", the one who love them the
"most", and so they sacrifice all throughout their lives to "please" this "god" at
any and all costs.

They embrace principles that they don't truly harmonize with. Of course. Because in
that religion, this is the ONLY way out of this reality field. Of course they are
not even TOLD what that reality field is, they just know they are alive and here.
And here sucks. So they trust. They believe. They HOPE TO “GOD” that this is
actually the way out.

Their "god" tells them to do all sorts of ridiculous things to get ahead. And,
since this is the ONLY way out, they step forward and do things that are not in
balance with the aether. They literally have NO IDEA they are doing anything wrong
when they treat other "lesser" beings like dirt, cheating them, lying to them,
raping them, it does not present itself as a problem to them, because they are
"obeying" the one omnipotent god that actually has all the answers about how to
move from this living hell and on to higher planes.

Indeed this is true even for the unclean vermin that aren’t as “good” somehow as
the chosen Jews. Everyone from birth are taught to obey "whatever you do", because
this is the road to freedom. Listen, learn, repeat and MAYBE you will ascend anyway
because Jesus died for everyone, not just the chosen elect few. This sincere
passion to obey comes from the DESPERATION of the unending search for freedom. And
EVERY sentient being within manifestation deserves freedom at the VERY least.
Freedom is and always will be, the one most important thing that will ever exist
within all of creation. No other thing even comes close to this, because no other
thing even remotely measures to that severity of losing it. A wolf caught in a trap
will chew its own leg off rather than being in chains for even another hour of its
life. Think about that.

Jews are trapped in an iron vise in their "reality" and in the programs that are
surrounding them. They literally have no hope for escape unless they pay attention
and follow what they are being taught by their "teachers". And you hate them for
being "Jew-baits", and for treating their women and children as they do, they don't
align to your belief system. But you never even stop to consider what they have
suffered in their program that made them that way. And what way is that?


And if you were under as much pressure as they are to perform, you too would break
and fall to your knees and worship the same god they do. Don't think so? Then move
over there and learn from their leaders yourself. Who are their leaders? Glad you

The "leaders" of the Jews are not from this planet. And, the only race on earth
truly interested in their "best interests" are these beings who present themselves
to that race as the true one creator "god". God indeed.

There is one race on this planet who are "from this planet". They are called Jews.
The rest are here from other star systems, other galaxies and places of origin,
either seeded here officially as an "evolution" of their precise development under
the observation and protection of the Emerald Alliance that owns this Time Matrix,
or abductees to a war they never planned or asked to be a part of. Pawns on a
cosmic chessboard. There have been MANY different civilizations developed on this
plane and inside this Time Matrix over the trillions of years that the Time Matrix
has existed. This Time Matrix is a creation by a group of beings that go back eons
and eons of time before the Angelic Humans or the pawns ever even became a twinkle
in anyone’s eye. Nonetheless, this is an evolution plane, where special Avatars,
for one reason or another ARE special, are chosen to evolve here, and come from
other planets where their progenitors had been created, and then are placed here
for a special environment for them to go on to become something that is considered
evolutionarily-speaking, special. The Jews do not come from one of those groups.

That does not diminish the value of the Jewish population in any way, it merely is
historical fact that no one has ever heard of until now. The Jews are just as
important to the founding fathers of the Angelic Humans as any other beings here,
each one given the chance now to ascend. But at one time, the only beings evolving
here were from a historic background unlike the visitors surrounding you now.

The creators of this playing field, the Emerald Alliance, agreed to the
Turaneusiam-1 Project eons ago and they would place a very special group of beings
on one of the most coveted planets within the Gaia Time Matrix to evolve. That
landmass was a place in fact called E-Den you know of as today as “paradise”. It
was beautiful, and much different than what you see around you today. E-Den was a
very real place, but most of the “humans” next to you today have never been there.
You have if you are from that first seeding.

This playing field is not where "brand new" evolutions typically are developed, but
where highly advanced new Avatars come to be groomed for the absolute elite of the
Deity Planes. But in the case of the Jews, they were literally conceived and
created right here, 252,000 years ago. And they hold highly unique promise, even if
they were created from dubious origins. What do I mean by that?

This is a non-vampire Time Matrix. Meaning that at the time of its last official
seeding, it was host to beings who did not have to eat or drink or sleep in order
to be eternally manifest within physical incarnation. They had earned the eternal
bloodline of the “holy grail” that came from the Elohim some 950 billion years
previous. After having proven they were balanced and rounded enough for this
opportunity after having lived many thousands of vampire-lives, their peers in the
Deity Planes had given them the chance to develop Avatars that would be able to go
down into any Time Matrix eternally as long as they were able to continue to retain
their own Self Awareness. And so, just over ½ billion years ago, they began their
journeys here.
But in the process of developing that ultimate Avatar, something went wrong, that
evolution was hijacked, and now this has become a place where vampire beings now
are evolving, an eventuality that had not been planned, but nonetheless, came to
be. Now, all beings in physical manifest form here are “vampire” creations.

What does vampire mean when it comes to Avatars? Are we all Dracula or what?

Vampire simply means that an Avatar, or physical animated body that fractals of
god-source choose to inhabit while inside of a Time Matrix, has to consume energy
in some fashion in order to power the computerized body that they are in. All
animated bodies are computers that run on electricity. There is no exception to
this, as you live inside of an electronically-driven hologram. But that is not to
say they are all running on a computer software program. The SENTIENT beings in
manifestation are running on their OWN fractal of god-source awareness and are NOT
driven by computer software. But all other animated beings around you such as goats
and sheep, dogs and cats, are. They are not sentient. Sentient means that you make
your own decisions based solely on your own choice, or thought. Computers cannot
make their own choices, because they do not have control over their own intent. It
is programmed into their algorithms. Your own extremely rudimentary robots are
already becoming so life-like that it is obvious that they will soon be able to
fool you whether they are human or AI. Unlike your robots, the ones we have placed
around you don’t run on batteries, they have their own internal energy generators
that turn food or sunlight into electricity that powers their biological functions.

Vampires were never supposed to be here, yet they have broken into your Time
Matrix, taken over control of your awarenesses, and given you vampire bodies,
technology that they have the knowledge of how to create themselves. What they
cannot create are eternal Avatars such as you had intended to have while evolving
here. That is your current situation, and you are going to have to come to terms
with that fact if you are going to move on from this plane, simple as that. If you
don’t eat, you don’t live. If your captors don’t eat or siphon your energy, they
don’t live. That is and was their reality before they broke into your Time Matrix,
and that remains the paradigm of their existence now. Hence, you are inside of a
body that they crafted after their own genesis, allowing them to keep you enslaved
as their own personal sources of free energy that keeps them alive. And their own
hybrid creation, the Jews, are stuck in the very same situation that you are. All
beings that you see and think of as “human” are the same, Jew and gentile.
Prisoners within a Time Matrix where they are not free to live as they please.

570 million years ago, a group of Krystic beings known as the Anu-Elohim who just
so happened to be at the very highest level of the Deity Planes, decided to stop
the evolution of a new Avatar that had been initially developed on Sirius-B, in the
Halls of Palaidor. These were 5 races that were all based on the Krystos Holy Grail
bloodline of the Elohim, or eternally-living beings. Of all of the cosmayas, there
were only two such bloodlines who were not vampirical, meaning they never had to
eat or drink or sleep in order to recharge their Avatars. One were the Alohei-
Elohim and the other, the Anu-Elohim. The Elohei-Elohim were ancestors of and
founding fathers of, the Oraphim Angels of Siriu-B who were the founding fathers of
that holy-grail bloodline of the Palidorians. The Plaidorians were all different in
their skin color and special abilities, but they were all of the same “human”
template carrying the “god” particle of eternal life. The plan was to take all 5
races, seed them to the special, luxurious playing field of Tara Earth, so they
could all intermix, creating one super-race of eternal-life Avatars with unlimited
command of the aether. They would be far more “gifted” than the original Elohim,
and one break-away group of the Anu-Elohim had decided that they would be TOO
powerful if allowed to enter the Deity Planes as ascended masters. In their
opinion, the new “Angelic Human Krystos” beings needed to be blocked from
ascending, and, after petitioning the Emerald Alliance who were the overseers of
the Gaia Time Matrix for permission to enslave this new evolving species and being
turned down, decided to break into this Time Matrix and stop them without
permission. So they tore a hole into this Time Matrix through the 12th stargate,
destroyed the divine blueprint of the Angelic Human, and went to work to put an end
to what they considered “madness” of that evolution all on their own. That group of
Anu-Elohim break-away group are known today as the Michalube, SUNS of Baal, just to
make sure you know who has been “the bad guy” all along you refer to as Satan,
Baal, Lucifer, Beelzebub, among many other terms. The surface-earth hidden name of
this group is “Archangel Michael”, always presented to you as “the good guy”.

The SUNS of Baal Elohim then proceeded to go from planet to planet, creating one
hybrid team of warriors after another, bioforming species after species of
different forms of rudimentary vampire animals, to make them into armies that would
then be coded to war, and specifically to destroy Angelic Humans, and then brought
them all here to take on the task of eliminating this “threat to the Deity Planes”.
Over the course of 560 million years, these creatures bioformed and enslaved the
humans, creating a false reality-within-a-reality playing field for the now-half
human, half animal beings to exist in a perpetual prison that they could not see,
and then mind-wiping them life after life after life, until they had no idea of who
they were or where they had come from.

Enter the Hebrews.

The bioforming and enslavement went on for 550 million years, and the invader
races, all of them now by this time were Anunnaki to whatever degree from all
different origins, but all carrying the pure-war-coded hit-man race DNA bloodline
created by the Anu-Elohim. These many different invader races then found themselves
warring over the issue of who was going to harvest gold from earth, and bring it
back to Nibiru for their atmosphere there, where they needed gold for their own
health and eternal lives that it provided to them once it had been ionized and
powdered and then aerosoled into their air. Mining gold was a hard job, and none of
the Luciferian groups wanted to do it anymore. That’s when Enki - son of Anu-Marduk
Satain- and Thoth Lucifer, the two leaders of the Leviathan-Drakonian Seraphim-
Zephelium Anunnaki group from Omega Centauri stepped forward and offered to create
a brand-new “slave” race of beings. The first group of beings created on earth who
were literally created for the profession of gold miners.

That new slave race was created using the original DNA template of the Jehovah
Anunnaki, which was a bi-pedal, blue-skinned race of beings with dolphin heads
known as Aquatic Apes. To this they added the DNA of an ape from Nibiru, some small
amount of DNA from an Angelic Human, DNA of earth itself in order to code it to the
planet so that the planet would support that life-form, and the DNA of a Rhesus
monkey from earth. Now they had a very strong, very dumb being that would be easily
managed to harvest the gold. Problem solved. You call that original slave creation
today Neanderthal man. They called it the Lulcust. This lineage would later be
recalled lovingly by Inanna/Ishtar/Isis as “Lulus” in the book “Inanna Returns”,
the human-like race that they created to serve them as slaves.

Some 100,000 years later, that original slave race was then upgraded to earth-man
2.0, using additional DNA from a Nephilim/Human hybrid, (one of the original 3
different races of “fallen angels” of the first armies of the Elohim brought to
earth to begin the enslavement process, 550 million years previous.) That being you
now call Cro-Magnon man, officially named the Luhari, still referred to
affectionately as “Lulus” by Inanna.

A few thousand years later, it became apparent to your captors that upgrading that
slave race would be more help to them by adding some more DNA of Angelic Humans to
the template, as by doing so, it would create the first installment of that race
that could also interbreed with humans, so they made the 2nd upgrade, creating what
you now call Jews, officially named “Hebrews” (a deceit based on the name of the
Angelic Human’s original white-skinned race of the Hibirus, trying to pass them off
as the official Angelic Human race).

Finally, in 10,500 BC, the final upgrade to this artificial human race was
completed. In this process, they would create a race that by this time, after 550
million years of interbreeding humans with animals, they would create a race that
was literally more “human” than humans themselves, by adding the DNA of a blue
Maharaji from earth. The Maharaji were never part of the Angelic Human evolution,
they were in fact Oraphim Angels from Sirius-B, the creators of the Humans to begin
with, here as planetary guardians for their creation’s evolution. They carried
inside of them both the 12-strand DNA of the original Angelic Humans, plus 24
additional DNA strands of dimensional awareness, making them tremendously high in
frequency, with tremendously higher evolution inside their DNA imprint, imbued with
many clair and psychic abilities while in manifestation. Now, rather than just a
mere slave-race of miners, they had developed a “super-invader-race” they would
name Adam-Kadmon Man you know of as Adam and Eve in your fictional storybook you
call the bible. Inanna would still call them Lulus.

The creator gods of Adam and Eve were Enki Satain and Thoth Lucifer. Perhaps now
you understand why the savage blood-letting of what you think of as “humans” has
happened all along, and why the Elohim consider the Hebrews/Hyksos/Adam and Eve the
“chosen elect”. And why could THEY ascend when no one else could? Because they were
the “best” because “we made that being” was their claim. All others of the
competing races were literally fodder for cannons and plague. If you carry the mark
of that being, bringing “Rhesus monkey” positive with a + after your blood-type,
then you too are of the “chosen” elect. Chosen to be earth-slaves for all time if
your gods had their way.

The Leviathan Zephelium gods are very proud of Adam and Eve Lulus, and do consider
them to be the superior Avatar on planet today, but that opinion is not shared by
the Odedicrons, the Seraphim-Omicrons, the Centaurs, the Regelian-Grays, the
Rutilian-Grays, the Necromiton-Realians, and especially not the Samjase Pleiadeans,
along with many other invader races. Hence, war. And lots of it. The race was on to
make them the ruling “humans” of planet earth.

The fastest way to forward your own hybrid race over another, is to fool the
hybrids into thinking they need to go to war, because “that group” over there are
“bad”, and need to be cleansed from the earth. They tell you every lie they can
think of, and create as many false flags as they can in order to make you believe
their claims that they are “terrorists” and need to be murdered before they murder
you. None of the wars you have been constantly fighting have been about protecting
your homeland from their assaults; it has always been about Enki and Thoth’s super-
invader race group reigning supreme over earth. Why would one country come in to
your land and sacrifice hundreds, thousands or millions of their own people in war,
when there is plenty of land for everyone? It’s not like there is a shortage. In
fact, all 7.3 billion people on the planet today standing side-by-side would only
cover 16.8 miles by 16.8 miles.


All. People. On. Earth. Out of 197 MILLION square miles on the planet. That is over
100,000 THOUSAND square miles for every man, woman and child alive to inhabit,
each. That means that every person alive currently in your “overpopulated world”
could EACH own a piece of land LARGER than the size of the entire United Kingdom,
APIECE. Tell me about “overpopulation” again.

But you have been so entrained to think that kings are just SO greedy that as soon
as the next kingdom over from yours has a large enough army, they will be coming to
get your “land”. Kings might ALSO be greedy, but going to war was never about
gaining more land for land’s sake, it has always been about killing YOUR people so
THEIR people wind up being in charge.

At the start of this article I mentioned that the star of David wasn’t the star of
“David”, nor of the “Jews”. What did I mean by that exactly?

Your uninvited guests have been here for a very, very long time. And they have been
faithfully bioforming your species as fast as they can in order for their hybrids
to look more and more human. They didn’t arrive here looking like they do now. When
they were turned into armies by the Anunnaki, they still had the heads of snakes,
lizards, birds, crocodiles, and other creatures that they were before they had been
bioformed by the bi-pedal Jehovah Anunnaki. This gave them a physical body that was
able to rape and procreate with Angelic Humans, but only their bodies seemed rather
“human” for a very long time. In fact, they still hadn’t fully become human-looking
in appearance until after the Pharaohic period. You can still see the hieroglyphs
of said half-animal/half-humans of these many different invader races chiseled in
stone in Egypt and other places around the world. In Mesoamerica Thoth himself who
had first been a half-human/half-bird in Atlantis decided to come back as “god on
earth” much later and you can still see him today as the “feathered serpent”
Quetzalcoatl statues bearing his image. That’s right, Thoth came back as
Quetzalcoatl and then again as Hermes where he was given the title of
“Trismegistus”, meaning “Thrice Great” in manifest form. Perhaps think of your
snake in the Garden of Eden next time you pray to the almighty god of the Jews.

Because they were trying to bring all the actual humans under rule from the
beginning, it made sense to infiltrate them from within, rather than stand there
looking like a half-human/half-dog. This means that anytime the humans DID
something, the IR would act like that was THEIR creation. Among the 12 tribes of
the Angelic Human seeding under the Turaneusiam-2 project, the bloodline of the
Melchizedeks were chosen as the one Human race that the Guardian Alliance would
come back and re-seed with pure 12-strand Angelic blood from time to time. It has
always been the “royal” race of the Angelics. So, when Enki and Thoth perfected the
Lulus slave race with the creation of Adam and Eve, they named that purest-strain
of artificial human Melchizedek also. King David was this direct, “royal” blood
lineage, as witnessed at the time of the two “Krysts” who were on planet at the
very same time, doing the very same job. But you now think of this being as having
been just one. Gee, wonder why they don’t want you to know about the second

Since the Fall of Man, when your planet was blown into pieces 550 million years
ago, due to invader race interference with your evolution, many different waves of
different beings from different star systems have arrived, fought with your
founding fathers trying to protect you, and more than once has your entire seedings
been destroyed. Many of those beings became disembodied and stuck here as
awarenesses only, as they were unable to manifest a physical body in this Time
Matrix, once portions of their original DNA were blown outside of your atmosphere.
Avatars can only manifest inside of a dimension if all of their DNA is present with
them inside of that playing field’s atmosphere. Meaning, that if you were to take a
single drop of your blood and placed it inside of a vial, then shot that vial
beyond your dome and into space, your physical body down here on earth would
vaporize. Think of it like this, unless all the pieces of the puzzle are present,
then the puzzle simply will not exist.

Because of this, there built up many billions of disembodied beings, who were
literally trapped here for “eternity”, because they were missing portions of their
full spectrum of DNA. Eons ago, the creators of the Palaidorians (as Angelic Humans
were called when they had been developed on Sirius-B), the Oraphim Angelics created
what is now known as the Co-Evolution BioRegenesis Treaty of Palaidor, which would
be an entirely new set of Scalar Science principles that would allow every type of
plasma body being trapped here, to enter into a human-like body, with a full 12-
strand DNA that is required in order to ascend out of the Gaia Time Matrix. Though
not all of those 12 strands were yet fully connected, the new “human” gene codes
would carry the full 12 strands hidden in their double helix strings. You are now
assembling your 4th strand in order to ascend to the 4th Dimension of this Time
Matrix. And the scalar waves coming off of the 6-point star of “David” actually
carries those aether-command codes inside of its geometric symbol.

It was under this special treaty that allowed ascension mechanics available for
every being here, that caused all of the invader races to come together to work to
bring back all these billions of lost beings who were brothers and sisters to all
the rest of the fractals of god-source out there who are still in manifestation or
have ascended-mastered out back to the Deity Planes. And, for a very long time,
everything was going perfectly fine. Until 52,000 years ago when the Leviathan
Drakonians returned. Again. They had flatly refused the Co-Evolution offer of
ascension and began bioforming the new human-hybrid Avatars that had been
successfully evolving and allowing many of the Lost Souls of Tara to finally make
it out of what had become for them an eternal prison. Eventually after about 50,000
years of destruction through murder, rape and physical enslavement, they locked
down your evolution entirely, placing it into quarantine under the 7 layers of the
Zeta/Draco Frequency Fence in 9,240 B.C.

About 2000 years ago in an effort to “refresh” the full 12-strand Angelic Human
bloodlines, the Guardian Alliance arranged to have a genetic “savior” born with a
pure 12-strand Angelic Human template fully assembled in his DNA, so he would be
able to re-seed the Angelic Humans on the planet with the original divine blueprint
of that species. His name was Jesheua Sananda Melchizedek. There were still a vast
majority of invader race beings who were still under the Emerald Covenant and under
the Co-Evolution BioRegenesis Treaty at this time, and one of those groups were the
Adam-Kadmon group, the Adam and Eve Lulus. Higher race beings who were still
backing this “super” version of the new human-like invader race template were the
Anu-Elohim, Thoth Lucifer and Enki Satain, and all re-entered the Emerald Covenant
at that time, so they could forward their secret agenda to make this one race gain
world-domination of perpetual enslavement over the actual humans who all carried
the eternal-life Krystos god particle of unlimited free energy.

I cannot tell you why it was so important to these higher beings to continue to
mess with the evolutions of or blocking other races from ascension, but apparently
they have nothing better to do than meddle in things where their noses do not
belong. Nonetheless, the Elohim and the Enki/Thoth machine were back and scheming
again and decided to act like “pals” with the Guardian Alliance.

When these higher dimensional beings came back under the Emerald Covenant and re-
joined the Co-Evolution BioRegenesis Treaty of Palaidor, it convinced the Emerald
Alliance to agree to their suggestion that at the same time that they were going to
re-seed the Angelic Human bloodlines with fully repaired genetics, that they too
would be able to reseed their super-invader race Lulus with a fully repaired
version of their genetic template that was based on an 11 DNA-strand pattern. Sure,
they were unable to ascend with that template, but the template COULD be repaired
under extra work, if the Elohim could get enough Oraphim Angels to volunteer to
come down to this plane and share one of these bodies with the Nephilim beings who
were walking around inside of them, allowing them to potentially ascend to the 4th
dimension so those beings on Tara could be bio-formed and enslaved as well. That’s
right, Jews are Nephilim hybrids, because the Adam and Eve bloodline had been
seeded with that particular type of DNA in the very first upgrade 150,000 years

Many of the Nephilim who were now finally able to actually manifest inside of a
human-like Adam and Eve body had left the Lucferian Covenant long ago and joined
with the Co-Evolution BioRegenesis Treaty provided by the Oraphim Angelics who
offered themselves as hosts for the Nephilim to repair their final 12th strand DNA
in order for those Lost Souls of Tara to finally be able to ascend.

When the super-high frequency of the Oraphim is present in the same body with a
lower-frequency 11-strand DNA template Nephilim, it can literally re-code the
disconnected 12th strand of DNA of that pattern it had now-dormant from the
repeated Angelic Human DNA upgrades to that artificial human bloodline. So the
Oraphim Angels assembled the process of the Indigo Type 3 for this very purpose,
thinking that the Elohim and the Enki/Thoth machine were actually hoping to help
their peoples ascend out of this time matrix, unaware that the real reason for re-
entering the Emerald Covenant was only to make their chosen bloodline more
perfected in order to allow them entry into higher dimension and further dominion
inside the Time Matrix.

At the same time that the Angelic Human Kryst was to be walking this earth and
teaching the Law of ONE, now the Adam and Eve lineage would be able to bring in a
Type 3 Indigo to do the same thing, with an Oraphim Angelic sharing the body with
him, and holding a frequency that would allow all Adam and Eve bodies to repair
their DNA and actually ascend with that full 12 strand Angelic Human pattern. He
would have a fully-assembled 11-strand DNA upon entry, just as the Angelic Kryst
would have all 12-strands of his DNA fully assembled for this joint-effort, both
being born at nearly the same time just prior to the changing of the calendar of 1
A.D. (recorded as 1 B.C. because they didn’t have the number zero at the time) All
12 strands must be within the morphogenetic makeup of a DNA template in order for
anyone to actually ascend to any higher level than they are already on.

And, being true to their own constant trickery, they named this “minor Kryst” being
pretty much the very same name as the actual Kryst, Jeshewua Ahumbra Melchizedek of
the invader races’ “royal” blood lineage going back directly to Kind David, who’s
bloodline went directly back to the actual Adam and Eve. Of course, after the two
“Krysts” began their sojourn together to teach the Law of ONE and help people go
through the Sphere of Amenti stargate under Cheops in Giza, the Elohim convinced
Jeshewua Ahumbra to leave the Emerald Covenant and enter the Luciferian Covenant.
They also convinced Jesheua Sananda’s intended bride, Mary Magdalene also of the
cloister Melchizedek Angelic Human bloodline to marry the wrong Kryst, so the
Angelic Human Kryst couldn’t reseed the Angelic Human bloodline with his pure 12-
strand coded DNA. This set the Angelic Humans back to nearly zero again, and pushed
the Adam and Eve “human” forward once again in the never-ending battle between
invader race world-dominance and the Angelic Human evolution.

You may have to read this article a few times to understand what I just said, but
the truth is in here, and I am not coming here with theories about it. This is the
true history of that species you think you are from, told you are from, but unless
you are a Nephilim, you are not from. Most of the Nephilim are still under the Co-
Evolution BioRegenesis Treaty under the Emerald Covenant, but a few have been
tricked into giving up their possible chance for ascension by the lies handed them
by the “god of the Jews”. Listen now and we will show the “Jews” and the “gentiles”
(all other races among you) how to actually move on to freedom.

Your creators are here with you now, 500,000 Oraphim Angels now in manifest form
under the Indigo program to see that you finally have the truth in order for you to
finally attain ascension from this plane and to true freedom. And the “star of
David” Scalar Science deception as being that “of the Jews” was always just like
all the other posturings and masquerading of the gods of Adam and Eve, as they took
the authentic symbol of the Angelic Human Krystos and co-opted it as “their” symbol
that hold the key to the organic creation of this Time Matrix. Yes, it does carry
much power, and yes it is the template of the organic science of the authentic
human race, but it is being worn now by beings who have no idea that it wasn’t the
template of the science behind their creation, the 5 pointed star of the Pentagram.
More on that in another post.

the voice

Avalon Sol

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