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3. Crops
- General Information
- Leveling Up Crops
- Trees
- Different Kind of Fields
- Basement
- Mushrooms
- Wild Crops
4. Animals
- Cows
- Poultry
- Sheep
- Pets
- Leveling Up
5. Buildings
- Upgrades
6. Tools
- Upgrading
- Cursed/Mythic Tools
- Fishing Pole
7. Accessories
- Casino & Van Accessories
- Cursed Accessories
8. Villagers
9. Bachelors
- Heart Events
- Rivals
- Your Kid
10. Harvest Sprites
- Red
- Orange
- Yellow
- Green
- Blue
- Indigo
- Purple
- Channel
- Casino
- Baby
11. Mining
- Excavation Site
- Unlocking the 1st Mine
- Unlocking the 2nd Mine
- Unlocking the 3rd Mine
- Unlocking the 4th Mine
12. Cooking
- No Utensil
- Steamer
- Mixer
- Cooking Pot
- Frying Pan
13. Making Money
- Crops
- Animals
- Fishing
14. Casino
- Black jack
- Poker
- Memory
- Hi Low
- Hi Select
15. Events
16. Your Farm Degree
17. Random Mini-games
- Dog House Battle Game
- Da-Chan TV Game
- Records Girl Memory Game
- Harvest Goddess Hi Low Game
18. Festivals
- Spring
- Summer
- Fall
- Winter
20. Shipping List

A Button:
Pick things up, talk to people, throw things down, and harvest your crops, pretty much
the most used button in the game.

B Button:
Make your girl run faster by holding down the b-button. As far as I know it doesn't
waste any more stamina by running than it does walking. You can also press B to make
your horse run.

Y Button:
Press Y to put any item you are holding into your rucksack. Or, if there is something
in the red color slot in your rucksack, you will take that out instead.

X Button:
Eat something in your hands by pressing the X button (if it is eatable, of course!).

L Button:
The L Button whistles for your pets to come. Whenever I whistle, they usually don't
come, but I guess sometimes they might.

R Button:
The R Button by itself is useless, so you have to use it with other buttons in order
for it to work.

R + A:
If you are already holding an item, pressing these two buttons together will bring out
the next available item in your Rucksack.

R + B:
Pressing these two buttons together will cycle through the tools in your rucksack.

R + Y:
Pressing these two buttons together will cycle backwards through the tools in your
rucksack, so if you missed a tool you could just press these buttons to see the previ-
ous tool.

R + X:
This will cycle through the accessories in the blue outline slots in your rucksack.

Start Button:
Pause your game with the start button. You cannot do anything with your game paused, no
moving, looking through your rucksack, anything.

Just like in the earlier Harvest Moon games, you have a chance to grow crops and sell
them in the shipping bin for profit. But you won't really benefit from your crops until
you get a seed maker. You can buy seeds from Vesta's farm or from Karen's supermarket.
NOTE: All grow time is on the normal field next to your farm!

Ground Crop Chart

Seed Season Grow Time Buying Price Shipping Price
|Cabbage |Spring |15 days |500 Medals |250 G |
|Carrot |Fall |8 days |300 G |120 G |
|Corn |Summer |15 days |300 G |100 G |
|Cucumber |Spring |10 days |200 G |60 G |
|Eggplant |Fall |10 days |120 G |80 G |
|Onion |Summer |8 days |150 G |80 G |
|Pepper |Fall |8 days |150 Medals |40 G |
|Pineapple |Summer |21 days |1000 Medals |500 G |
|Potato |Spring |8 days |150 G |80 G |
|Pumpkin |Summer |15 days |500 G |250 G |
|Spinach |Fall |6 days |200 G |80 G |
|Strawberry |Spring |8 days |150 G |30 G |
|Tomato |Summer |10 days |200 G |60 G |
|Turnip |Spring |5 days |120 G |60 G |
|Yam |Fall |6 days |300 G |100 G |

Some plants keep growing even after you harvest them. These plants include:
- Cucumbers: 2 days regrow
- Corn: 3 days regrow
- Eggplant: 3 days regrow
- Pepper: 2 days regrow
- Pineapple: 5 days regrow
- Strawberry: 2 days regrow
- Tomato: 3 days regrow
- Yam: 2 days regrow

Flower Season Growth Shipping Price

|Magicgrass |Fall |11 days |Red-200 G |
|-----------.---------.--------.Blue-80 G |
|Moon Drop |Spring |7 days |60 G |
|Pinckcat |Summer |7 days |70 G |
|Toy Flower |Spring |13 days |130 G |

* L E V E L I N G U P C R O P S *
Ok, crops will be a big money maker later in the game if you are patient with them. In
HM DS Cute, you are allowed to level up your crops. Each time you level up a crop, its
shipping value increases. The levels range from 1 to 100. To level up a crop, you must
plant one more back of seeds over another one. The more bags you plant, the higher
chance it has to level up.
Let's say you bought 8 level 1 turnip seeds. You hoe 2 3x3 squares and plant 4 bags of
turnip seeds over each other. Then, you wait a couple of days for them to mature. When
you harvest them, they should be level 2 turnips. You should then put them in the seed
maker to get out an equal amount of level 2 seeds. Plant them over each other again,
wait until they are available for harvesting, and put the level 3 seeds into the seed
maker. You can repeat this process over and over again until you have the desired level
of plants. You can ship them for more money.

* T R E E S *
Trees are a bit trickier to plant than regular ground crops. To plant a tree, you need
to till a 4 square on the land, then plant the seed. If you are going to plant lots of
trees, remember to put space between them. Each tree needs space to grow! The trees
will wilt if you have not enough space between them. Trees take a while to grow and
reach maturity, and will only produce fruit in one season, but will never die until you
chop them down.
You can also level up trees just like you do crops. Just plant a lot of seeds in one
spot! Oh, and no trees will grow in winter. They will bear no fruit and will not return
until the spring.
|Apple |Fall |1500 G |100 G |
|Grape |Fall |2700 G |200 G |
|Banana |Summer |2500 G |300 G |
|Orange |Summer |2800 G |200 G |
|Peach |Summer |3000 G |250 G |

* F I E L D S *
There are 4 different kinds of fields in the Valley. Each kind of field has different
kind of soil, thus making crops grow slow, normal, fast,
or super fast!

Super Fast:
- There is only 1 super fast growth area in the valley, and that is behind the water-
fall. In order to access this area, you need to go to the waterfall, and destroy the
rocks blocking the cave with the sword you will get at the bottom of the 2nd mine.
Press A will holding the sword to break the rocks and gain access to the Super Field.
The super field will take 2 less days to grow a crop than it would in the normal field.
Ex. 6 days in normal field, 4 days in Super Field.

- There are a couple of areas that will take off 1 day of grow time. The fields by the
Goddess Pond and the Excavation site are good sized fields that will shorten growth

- All the fields in your farm have normal growth time. To get faster grow time you need
to go to fields farther away, and by water.

- I recommend to never growing crops in the slow fields. There are plenty of other
places that you can grow your crops in. You are just wasting your time growing them
here. If you really need to, you can find these fields next to Turtle Pond, the big
center area of the valley, and near the circus grounds.

* B A S E M E N T *
The basement is an extension to your house you can have Gotz build if you have enough
money. The basement will allow you to grow crops even if it's not their season (ex.
Pineapples in winter). All you need is a sun, which is a stone that allows the basement
to act like that season. There is a winter, fall, spring, and summer sun. Just put the
sun on the box in the basement to be able to grow crops in that season. You can find
these suns in the 3rd mine. The basement has normal growth kind of soil.
You are allowed to have 3 basements. Be careful about what you construct them with, be-
cause if one of them collapses, all the ones BELOW that one will collapse too! This
will be a major problem if you are growing and/or leveling up crops in your basement. I
suggest building the basements out of at least wood, if not stone.

If you are leveling up crops, let's say pineapples (one of the hardest crops to level
up!), and the summer season is almost over. You can then harvest your last couple of
pineapples, then move the production in the basement, provide you have a summer sun.
This will allow you to still level up pineapples all threw the year, even though it
isn't summer! That is a great reason to get at least one basement.

* M U S H R O O M S *
You can also have Gotz build you a mushroom house! Usually, you can only find mushrooms
in the fall, but now you can grow mushrooms year round! All you need is the mushroom
house, a piece of lumber, and mushroom spores. You can buy shiitake spores from Vesta
for 3000 G per spore, or you can make your own if you have the seed maker. Simply pick
the mushrooms and put them into the seed maker! There are 3 types of mushrooms you can
grow; shiitake, toadstool, and matsutake.

To grow a mushroom, you first need to put a piece of wood onto one of the wooden tables
located in the mushroom house. Then, you need to plant a mushroom spore in it. Mush-
rooms take forever to grow, and if you want to have large mushrooms, you need to wait
awhile even after they mature. The shortest grow time is 35 days (ouch!). The longer
you wait, the bigger the mushroom. You need to water them every day, just like regular
crops. And the bigger the mushroom, the more money you'll get for shipping them! You
can even level up mushrooms just as you would crops, though they are a tad harder. In-
stead of just a couple bags, you will need 5 or 6 just to level up one level.

NOTE: All mushrooms are at level 1. If I get any more information on mushrooms, all
will be sure to add it to this table!

Mushroom Large Medium Small Grow Time

|Shiitake |120 G |80 G |50 G |35 days|
|Toadstool |160 G |130 G |100 G |42 days|
|Matsutake |800 G |500 G |350 G |59 days|
As you can see, the pricier the mushroom, the longer the grow time.

* W I L D C R O P S *
If you walk (or run) around the Valley, you will notice various grasses and flowers in
the fields. You can pick these and give them as gifts, or ship them for money. There
are weeds, flowers, colored grasses, stones and more. If you pick them one day, some
more will grow the next.
The stones and stumps will count as building materials. If you chop them or break them
with your tools, you can put them in your rucksack for future use.

Object Season Price

|Bamboo Shoots |Spring |50 G |
|Yellow Grass |Spring |120 G|
|Blue Grass |Summer |100 G|
|Green Grass |Summer |100 G|
|Indigo Grass |Summer |100 G|
|Purple Grass |Summer |120 G|
|Wild Grape |Summer |50 G |
|Orange Grass |Spr/Fal |100 G|
|Red Grass |Sum/Fall |110 G|
|White Grass |Winter |150 G|
|Toadstool |Fall |100 G|
|Matsutake |Fall |350 G|
|Stick |All Seasons|1 G |
|Stone |All Seasons|1 G |
|Weed |Spr/Sum/Fal|1 G |

* C O W S *
Cows will make you tons of money as long as you take good care of them. Before you even
buy a cow, you are gonna need a barn. You can call Gotz to make one for you. Each barn
can hold 4 cows/sheep. Each Cow costs 5000 G from Yodel Ranch.
It would be a good idea to build a fence around your barn, so your cows don't run
freely around the farm. You should also buy some grass seed so your cows don't starve.
Or you could buy fodder from Yodel Ranch. If you put grass seed on a piece of grass,
your cows could either graze or eat it, or you could construct a silo and put the fod-
der in there and you can feed them every day. Either way is ok, but you should always
have some fertilized grass. If your cow gets sick, just buy it some medicine and give
it to her.
Your cow won't produce milk as soon as you buy her. It will take 7 days until she is a
full grown cow, she will then produce milk. The size of the milk depends on how happy
she is. The happier the cow, the larger the milk. You can ship the milk your cows pro-
duce. Small milk sells for 100 G, medium milk sells for 150 G, and large milk sells for
200 G.
If you want, you can turn the milk into cheese or yogurt. All you need is first buy the
makers shed, then buy the makers. Then, just insert your milk into one of the machines
and out comes your product!

Product Price
|S. Yogurt |150 G |
|M. Yogurt |200 G |
|L. Yogurt |300 G |
|S. Cheese |300 G |
|M. Cheese |400 G |
|L. Cheese |500 G |

As you can see, the small cheese makes just as much money as the large yogurt! Another
plus is that a lot of people enjoy cheese as a gift. It will be much more profitable to
turn milk into cheese, and only turn milk into yogurt for eating or giving to certain
people, like Wally.
If you want to get a medium or large milk, you will need to play the milker mini-game.
You can buy the milker from your telephone for 2000 G. When you play the mini-game,
simply use your DS and rub the area where her utters are. The faster you rub the more
points you get. 10,000 points for medium milk, and 22,500 points for large milk. Prac-
tice makes perfect!

If you want one of your cows to have a baby, she first needs to be an adult. If she is,
buy some magic potion for 3500 G from Rick. You then need to walk up to your cow and
put the magic potion on her. The next day she will be pregnant and be in the mothering
stall. She won't go outside, so feed her fodder from the silo everyday! It will take 21
days for her to have her calf. Her calf will take around 14 days to grow up.
Sheep will also provide you a ok source of income, as long as they are happy. The way
to take care of sheep is the same way you take care of cows. Make sure they are well
fed, pet them, and they will give you wool. The adult sheep will cost you 4000 G from
Yodel Ranch.
Sheep can also have babies. Just buy the magic potion for 3000 G and put it on them.
The next day they will be pregnant and be in the mothering stall. Make sure you feed
her everyday just as you would the cow.


Sheep produce wool, and you can cut this wool for money! You first must buy the clip-
pers for 1800 G though. With the clippers, you can only cut small pieces of wool. But
with the touch panel glove and clippers, you can collect medium and large pieces of
wool. Simply just rub more than one area with the stylus. Rubbing 2 areas will give you
medium wool, and rubbing 3 areas will give you large wool.

You can also turn wool into yarn! You will need the maker shed, and then you will need
to buy the yarn maker. Put your wool into the maker and out comes yarn! It would be
profitable to turn all wool into yarn, as yarn sells more than wool. If you would like
to get a stocking for the Stocking Festival, on the 25th of winter, then you should
give some yarn to Nina everyday, and she will eventually make you a stocking.

Product Price
|S. Wool |100 G |
|M. Wool |400 G |
|L. Wool |500 G |
|S. Yarn |300 G |
|M. Yarn |700 G |
|L. Yarn |800 G |

* P O U L T R Y *
Before you can have your little feathery friends, you will first need a poultry barn or
two, which Gotz will build for you. You can house 4 birds to each barn (ducks in-
cluded). You can already buy chickens even if you don't have a poultry barn, but let's
just say they won't be happy in the rain.
You can buy the chickens from Popuri for 1500 G. If you want ducks, you will first need
to buy the duck pond. Ducks cost 2000 G. To take care of your birds, you will need to
feed them. You can buy bird feed from Popuri. If you get sick of your birds, you can
also sell them to her!
Chickens and ducks both lay eggs. Chickens lay an egg every day, and ducks lay an egg
every 2 days. The size of the egg depends on how much the bird loves you. To increase
its affection rating, you must put it outside when it is sunshiny, pet it with the
touch panel glove, and pick it up and down. After a while the chickens and ducks will
start laying medium sized eggs, and then large sized eggs! You can ship these eggs for
You can turn these eggs into mayonnaise. You need the maker barn and the mayonnaise
maker. The alternative is just to use your kitchen, but in your kitchen you can only
make 1 mayonnaise at a time. With the mayonnaise maker, you can take multiple eggs and
make multiple mayonnaises. It doesn't matter if you make mayonnaise with a chicken or
duck egg, the price and quality will remain the same.

Product Price
|S. Chicken Egg |50 G |
|M. Chicken Egg |60 G |
|L. Chicken Egg |80 G |
|S. Duck Egg |80 G |
|M. Duck Egg |100 G |
|L. Duck Egg |150 G |
|S. Mayonnaise |100 G |
|M. Mayonnaise |150 G |
|L. Mayonnaise |200 G |

* P E T S *
Pets in this game are almost purely for fun. The cat doesn't do anything, and they
never die. The dog is somewhat useful, however. If you train it, then it may chase away
a wild dog that appears on your farm from time to time. You will be notified by Mars,
the channel sprite if a wild dog comes to your farm. The wild dog will annoy your ani-
mals, making them cranky in the morning. Not good. Your dog will keep the wild dog busy
so it doesn't annoy your animals.
Thomas will give you a free dog ball, and that is what you train your dog with. Just
play fetch with the ball by throwing it, your dog will bring it back, and do it again.
Just do it over and over to train your dog.
If you ship 1000 items, than Takakura (I always forget how to spell his name) will come
by and present you with a horse. The horse is useful until you get the teleport stone.
You can ride on your horse to get around much faster than walking.
Your animals never die, but you can raise their affection rating if you wish. You can
pet them with the touch panel glove, and pick them up and down. You can also wash your
horse if you would like.

*L E V E L I N G U P A N I M A L S *
Does everything in this game have levels?! Anyway, just like your crops, your animals
have levels with them. You can level up your animals by winning festivals. Whenever
it's time for a festival, Popuri or Rick will come by asking if you would like to enter
an animal in the festival. The animal cannot be sick or pregnant. If you are entering a
sheep, then your sheep must have all its wool. In order to win a festival, your animal
must have a high affection rating for you, 9-10 hearts. The higher your affection, the
higher the chance your animal will be leveled up. Your animal will compete against 3
other animals.
To gain affection rating, you must pet them, feed them, talk to them, and if its chick-
ens or ducks picking them up and down. You can also leave the animal inside to gain a
love point. The animal petting game is a good way to raise LP (love points). If you pet
them in places they enjoy being petted, you will gain points. The more points you get,
the more LP you will get. If you pet them in a place they don't like, you will lose
points! Generally, most pets do not like to be petted in their, um, private area. And
cows do not like having their utters petted! The number of points you get in the pet-
ting game will determine how many love points you will receive. Here is a chart that
will help you know how many points you will need to get to receive the number of LPs
you are aiming for.

Animal +1 LP +2 LP +3 LP
|Chicks |1000 |3000 |5500 |
|Chickens |1000 |5000 |9000 |
|Ducklings |1000 |3000 |6000 |
|Ducks |1000 |3000 |6000 |
|Baby Cows |1000 |4000 |11,000|
|M. Cows |1000 |4000 |12,00 |
|Adult Cows|1000 |5000 |14,000|
|Preggy Cow|1000 |X |14,500|
|M. Sheep |1000 |5000 |10,000|
|A. Sheep |1000 |5000 |14,000|
|P. Sheep |1000 |5000 |16,000|
|Horse |1000 |4000 |10,500|
|Cat |2000 |4000 |8000 |
|Dog |1500 |4000 |8000 |

There are many different buildings you can have on your farm. There are also different
materials to build them with. The type of materials you choose to build the building
with will determine if it stands up to storms, hurricanes, blizzards, etc. There are 4
different kinds of materials to build buildings out of.

Golden Lumber:
-Golden Lumber is the best possible type of material you can get. It will never ever
fall down, and can get through any type of weather. They are also very shiny and pretty
:). However, they will quickly drain your wallet. You can either get your own gold lum-
ber from Thomas's winter request, or you can buy it directly from Gotz. If you buy it
from Gotz, it is 100,000 G a piece!

-Stone is the second sturdiest material you can buy. It is a tad on the expensive side
if you purchase a large building, but much less costly than gold lumber. The best part
is you can gather materials for free! Smash stones and boulders to get stone pieces. If
you order stone from Gotz, it is 200 G a piece.

-A good compromise if you are short on cash. The wood may only last a few storms and
blizzards, however. You can also collect this material by chopping sumps and sticks
with your ax. It is 50 G for each piece you buy from Gotz.

-I suggest you never ever build anything out of grass. It won't survive a storm, and
will sometimes fall in broad daylight! You can collect grass by using your sickle to
cut down mature grass in the pasture. You can also order some from Rick for 20 G each.

Tools are very important in HM DS Cute. When you start your game, you'll have regular,
boring, tools. Your run of the mill hoe, watering can, sickle, and axe. They all do
regular work, but you can get better, more advanced tools that do much more work than
any regular old tool would do! You can also acquire a fishing pole to fish with.

* U P G R A D I N G *
You can level up tools so that they do more work. You can do so by acquiring the right
materials, with your tools at the appropriate levels, and giving a call to Gray, the
blacksmith. When you ask Gray to upgrade a tool, he will ask you what ore you would
like to use; copper, silver, gold, or Mystrile. These ores are hidden in the 3rd and
1st mines. It is easier to find them in the first, though. Your tool must also have
enough experience. You can find out how much experience your tool has by looking at
your farm summary page. To gain experience, you must use your tool a lot. The more you
use your tool, the more experience your tool will have.

When you let him upgrade your tool, he will take them until he is finished with them.
Depending on which ore you used will determine how long it takes to give your tool
back. Once your tool is upgraded, there is more stuff that you are able to do with it.
Your watering can will be able to water more squares, your axe will be able to chop
stumps, etc.

If you upgrade it to:

-Copper: 1 day; 1000 G; 100% experience
-Silver: 2 days; 2000 G; 200% experience
-Gold: 3 days; 3000 G; 300% experience
-Mystrile: 4 days; 4000 G; 400% experience

* C U R S E D A N D M Y T H I C*

After you upgrade all your tools to Mystrile level, you can then attempt to find and
bless the cursed tools. These tools are much more powerful than the Mystrile tools. You
can find the cursed tools in the 3rd mine. You can only find them on certain floors,
Floors; 24, 35, 48, 52, 68, 71, 87, 99, 106, 118, 124, 135, 142, 153,
162, 178, 185, and 197.

I recommend buying a few Turbojolt XL and Bodigizer XL so you don't pass out while you
are looking for them. It's a good idea to save every time you enter a new floor in the
mine. If you come across a cursed tool you don't like or already have, load your game,
go to the same spot you were before and dig. Their should be a different cursed tool
there. WARNING: Do not EVER equip a cursed tool. You won't be able to take it off, and
it will quickly drain your stamina. You will have to call the church to be able to re-
move it.
To lift the curse off of a cursed tool, you must call the church and ask them to remove
it. It will cost you 100,000 G to remove the curse. Ouch.
Once you have all your tools to the blessed form, there is still one more level you can
get up to! It's the Mythic form, and it's the strongest your tools can get up to. You
must find the mythic stones in the 3rd mine. You can only carry one at a time. Like the
cursed tools, you can only find them on certain floors.

Floors: 0 to 255, any floor divisible by 10 (or that ends in 0) and including floor
255. Floors 256 to 999 any floor that ends in 5 and including floor 999.

Once you find a mythic stone, call back Gray and he will upgrade your tool to Mythical
Level. This will cost 50,000 G.

* F I S H I N G P O L E *
It's actually quite easy to get the fishing pole. To trigger the event that will give
you the fishing pole, you must visit Galen on a Saturday between 12 pm to 2 pm. If you
don't trigger it the first time, that's ok. Just keep going in and out until it hap-
pens. It should be a scene where he is spring cleaning, and decides that you would make
better use of the fishing pole than he would.

Accessories in HM DS Cute aren't for looks. They actually have a function. Some tools
can allow you to see your stamina/fatigue levels, while others will allow you to see
your FP/LP with a person. These accessories are very useful and you will need them if
you are planning on being successful in this game.

* C A S I N O & V A N A C C E S S O R I E S *
These are the accessories that you can buy from Roller or Jet in the sprite casino, or
Van. This is not ALL the items you can buy from them, but just the accessories.

-Standard Necklace:
This necklace will allow you to use your tool wherever you are on the map, even if you
are indoors. You start out with this necklace. However, if your tools are at a higher
level, whenever you use a tool it will act as if the tool is at beginning level.

-Copper Necklace:
The copper necklace will allow you to use a tool to copper level.

-Silver Necklace:
The silver necklace will allow you to use a tool to silver level.

-Gold Necklace:
The gold necklace will allow you to use a tool to gold level.

-Mystrile Necklace:
The Mystrile necklace will allow you to use a toll to Mystrile level.

-Blessed Necklace:
The blessed necklace will allow you to use a tool to blessed level.

-Mythic Necklace:
The mythic necklace will allow you to use a tool to mythic level.
-Goddess Earrings:
The goddess earrings will allow you to regain your ST points. Once you equip them and
stand outside, you will slowly gain ST points. The first pair you buy won't really help
much, but after you buy the first pair more will be available to you.

-Kappa Earrings:
The kappa earrings will decrease the amount of fatigue points you have. You must stay
outside in order for these to work. Just like any other accessory, the first pair you
buy won't really help much. But after you buy the first pair better versions will be
available to you.

-Goddess Hats:
The Goddess hats will allow you to work longer, because they decrease the amount of ST
a tool will take away from you.

-Kappa Hats:
They work like the Goddess hats, but will stop you from gaining any fatigue points when
your ST points reach zero.

-Goddess Broach:
If you equip the goddess broach, the amount of ST points will temporarily increase.

-Kappa Broach:
If you equip the kappa broach, it will increase the amount of fatigue points you need
before you faint.

-Friendship Broach:
If you put this on before you go to bed, you FP points with everyone in town will go up
a couple of points! The first pair might raise the points, but as you buy better ones
you are sure to raise a couple of points!

-Teleport Stone:
This is a super helpful accessory. Equip it to transport anywhere in the Valley. Just
put it on, then tap where you want to go with your stylus.

-Love Bangle:
If you equip this and then talk to someone, you will be able to see your current FP
and/or LP with that person.

-Truth Bangle:
You will be able to see your strength and fatigue points on the screen if you equip

-God hand:
Equip this, and you will be able to pick up a crop of your own from anywhere on the map
(even inside the buildings). It will place it in your hands and you can do whatever you
want with it.

-Miracle Glove:
This works almost exactly like the god hand, except it puts the crops you harvest di-
rectly into the shipping bin so you don't have to!

-Touch Glove:
Equipping this will allow you to milk, pet, wash, and clip your animals.

-Red Cloak:
If you are inside and want to move your animals, equip the red cloak and use your sty-
lus to move your animal around. NOTE: You cannot move the animals in and out of barns

* C U R S E D & B L E S S E D A C C E S S O R I E S *
The goddess, kappa, and friend broaches all have cursed version in the 3rd mine. They
are stronger than the ones you can buy at the shop. Like the cursed tools, they are
only found on certain floors. You can use the save/reload trick to find these acces-
sories as well. To remove the curse, give the church a call. They will charge 100,000 G
to remove the curse off of an item.

Floors they are found on; 324, 335, 348, 352, 368, 371, 387, 399, 406, 418, 424, 435,
442, 453, 462, 478, 485, 497, 724, 735, 748, 752, 768, 771, 787, 799, 806, 818, 824,
835, 842, 853, 862, 878, 885, and 897.

There are also more 3 extra accessories other than the goddess and kappa accessories.

-Witch Earrings:
This pair of earrings combines the goddess and kappa earrings into one. WARNING: Do not
equip the cursed version. The will quickly lower both your ST and fatigue points. Get
the cursed removed before you put them on.

-Time Ring:
The time ring will slow time down for you, allowing you to get more done in a day.
WARNING: Do not equip the cursed version. It will make time go twice as fast.

-Speed Boots:
The speed boots aren't really all that helpful if you got the teleport stone. But I
guess if you are trying to trigger a certain event that requires you to be on foot that
these boots would be useful. WARNING: DO not equip the cursed version. It will make you
walk super

Mining is a big part of this Harvest Moon game. Mining can be very profitable if you
mine in the right way, and you can also find special tools and accessories when you

*Excavation Site*
The Excavation Site is located in the upper north area of the valley. Carter and Flora
both work there and you will find them in the excavation site during the day. There are
also mines that you can unlock in the excavation site. These mines have valuable and
not so valuable items.
The excavation site is a bunch of dirt that you can plow with your hoe. Every time you
plow a square you might get a random item. Plowing costs stamina, so you might want to
use the save/reload trick. Save as soon as you get into the excavation site. Dig around
until you find something you like. Load your game, then go to that exact square and dig
for that item. You save stamina this way, and you get easy money if you dig for jew-
elry, since they sells for 2000 G each!

|Perfume |40 G |
|Sun Block |43 G |
|Skin Lotion |45 G |
|Facial Pack |47 G |
|Dress |50 G |
|Bracelet |2000 G|
|Brooch |2000 G|
|Earrings |2000 G|
|Necklace |2000 G|

*Unlocking the First Mine*

NOTE: You must have your hammer equipped to do this scene!
As soon as you wake up, very early in the morning, or late at night (after 9:00 pm),
you must go to the excavation site. If you have your hammer equipped, you will see a
short cut scene with Carter where he asks you to hammer the wall with your hammer. This
should open up the entrance to the mine.
The first mine really isn't all that useful to you, but you need to get to the bottom
of it in order to unlock the second mine. This mine has the ores needed to upgrade your
|Junk Ore |Every Floor |1 G |
|Copper |Every Floor |15 G |
|Silver |Every Floor |20 G |
|Gold |Floor 3 and lower |25 G |
|Mystrile |Floor 6 and lower |40 G |
To get to the bottom of the mine, you need to either fall down hidden holes or dig
around for the hidden stairs. It shouldn't take you long to get to the bottom. On the
bottom floor there is a dark chick, just give it a few whacks with your hammer and it
should disappear. If your person gets tired, you can look for black grasses that re-
plenish your stamina. Or, you can take bamboo shoots along with you and any other help-
ful colored grass that you can find. If you have the money, Bodijizer XL is a great
thing to have when running the mines.

Once you have reached the bottom and killed the dark chick, you are now ready to unlock
the second mine.

*Unlocking the Second Mine*

After you have made it to the tenth floor of the first mine and killed the dark chick,
you have met the requirements to open up the second mine. Just like with the first
mine, go to the excavation site early in the morning or late at night. You should see
another cut scene involving Carter.
The second mine is deeper than the first mine, its 255 floors! It has more valuable
items, however. You have to reach the bottom of the mine in order to open up the third
At floor 255, there is a legendary sword, but you can only pick it up if all your tools
are at Mystrile level. You must destroy every black creature in the room, and the boul-
ders will open up at the top of the room. That includes the fishing rod! The sword can
fight enemies and can open up a secret field behind the waterfall.

There are many items that you can find in the second mine, and the pink diamond and
alexandrite are very valuable! I recommend saving as soon as you come across a floor
with alexandrite or a pink diamond, smashing every rock until you find one, then load
your game and go smash the rock that contained the gem. You save stamina this way.
|Junk Ore |Every Floor |1 G |
|Amethyst |Floors 1-40 |60 G |
|Agate |Floors 1-50 |62 G |
|Fluorite |Floors 10-60 |65 G |
|Peridot |Floors 20-70 |68 G |
|Topaz |Floors 30-80 |70 G |
|Ruby |Floors 40-100|75 G |
|Emerald |Floors 50-100|80 G |
|Sandrose |Floors 60-100|60 G |
|Moonstone |Floors 70-100|55 G |
|Diamond |Floors 80-100|100 G|
|Alexandrite |Floor 100, every 10th floor |10,000 G|
|Pink Diamond|Floor 100, every 3rd floor |10,000 G|
You can also dig up black grass on every floor, and a lithograph on every room that
ends in a 50, including the 50th floor.

*Unlocking the Third Mine*

NOTE: You had to have killed on the animals on the last floor of the mine in order to
open up the third mine!

After you have reached the bottom of the second mine, you can now unlock the third
mine. Go to the excavation site early in the morning or after 9:00 pm when no one is in
there. You will see a short cut scene with Carter involving you unlocking the third
The third mine is very important because it has the cursed tools and accessories! These
tools and accessories will prove to be useful. The cursed tools are much more powerful
than the mystrile level tools. They are only found on certain floors in the mine, but
there is a little trick to finding them.

Once you are about to go down to a floor with a cursed tool in it, save your game on
slot 1. Go down, save on slot 2, and dig around with your tool until you find one. If
you don't find one, just load your game on slot 1 and try again. If you find one, but
it is not the one you want, just load your game on slot 2 and dig up the exact spot
where it is. A different tool will show up. This also applies for the cursed acces-
sories, which are buried deeper within the mine. It will cost 100,000 G to get the tool
or accessory de-cursed.

If you have an extra cursed accessory, feel free to sell it to Van because it will al-
ways profit you. He buys it for more than it costs to de-curse it.

Once all your tools are blessed, the mythic stones will appear. These stones will allow
you to upgrade your tool to the highest and final level, Mythic.

On floor 255, you will find the sleeping princess Keria. You will need to activate her
black heart event to unlock the 4th mine. Giving her ultimate curry should do the
trick. This event does not occur if you are already married.

Black grass is found on every floor, and the lithograph is found on the 50th floor, and
any floor that ends in 50.

Cursed tool Floors: 24, 35, 48, 52, 68, 71, 87, 99, 106, 118, 124, 135, 142, 153, 162,
178, 185, and 197.
Cursed accessory Floors: 324, 335, 348, 352, 368, 371, 387, 399, 406, 418, 424, 435,
442, 453, 462, 478, 485, 497, 724, 735, 748, 752, 768, 771, 787, 799, 806, 818, 824,
853, 862, 878, 885, and 897.

Mythic Stone Floors: From floors 0-255, any floor that ends in 0. From floors 255-999
any floors that end in 5.
|Junk Ore |Every Floor |1 G |
|Copper |Every Floor |15 G |
|Silver |Every Floor |20 G |
|Gold |Every Floor |25 G |
|Mystrile |Every Floor |40 G |
|Orichalc |Every Floor |50 G |
|Adamantine |Every Floor |50 G |
|Spring Sun |Floors that end in 1|1 G |
|Summer Sun |Floors that end in 2|1 G |
|Fall Sun |Floors that end in 3|1 G |
|Winter Sun |Floors that end in 4|1 G |

*Unlocking the 4th Mine*

After you have reached the bottom of the 3rd mine (phew!) and have triggered Keria's
black heart event, you are able to open up the 4th mine. Go to the excavation site
early in the morning, or 9:00 pm or later in the evening. You should see a short cut
seen with Carter involving you opening up the 4th mine.
The 4th mine has 9 special colored balls, which are called Wonderful Stones. If you
collect all 9, the Harvest Goddess will appear and will grant you one wish. You pick
the wish you want. If you don't see a wish you like, just save before you get the last
ball. Load and a different set of wishes will appear!
You can dig up black grass as always, and the lithograph once again appears on floor 50
and every floor that ends in 50. You can also dig up a bronze coin on all floors, a
silver coin on all floors, and a gold coin from floors 1-100, on every floor that ends
in 0.
I recommend saving before you go into a room with a Wonderful in slot 1. Then, if you
don't find a wonderful in that room, you can just reload and try again.
The Wonderfuls that are on a floor with an even number in the tens place are very easy
to find, because there is only 1 rock on that floor! But the ones with an odd number in
the tens place are difficult, because there are many rocks to smash before you may find
a Wonderful.
|Blue Wonderful |Floors that end in 10 |
|Purple Wonderful |Floors that end in 20 |
|Green Wonderful |Floors that end in 30 |
|Indigo Wonderful |Floors that end in 40 |
|Red Wonderful |Floors that end in 50 |
|Black Wonderful |Floors that end in 60 |
|Yellow Wonderful |Floors that end in 70 |
|White Wonderful |Floors that end in 80 |
|Orange Wonderful |Floors that end in 90 |

Cooking is a big part of this game, because many villagers love getting cooked gifts,
almost every bachelor's favorite gift is a cooked item, and you need to ship 1 of every
cooked item if you are wanting to complete your shipping list.
Before you can cook, you need to get the home shopping network, which is unlocked by
buying something from Karen's store for 10 days. The 10 days do NOT have to be in a
row. After you unlock the home shopping network, you need to buy the table. The table
will allow you to upgrade your house. Once you upgrade your house, you can then buy the
kitchen from the home shopping network. After you buy the kitchen, the rest of the
kitchen utensil will be available a week at a time.
To see how many recipes you've cooked, tap the blue book in the farm status screen.
NOTE: You can get buckwheat flour from the end of year noodles party. Make sure your
inventory has an empty slot! NOTE: You get shiitake from your mushroom house. You must
buy the shiitake spores from Vesta in the fall.

*N O U T E N S I L*
19 Recipes
- Small Mayonnaise: Small Chicken Egg + Oil
- Medium Mayonnaise: Medium Chicken Egg + Oil
- Large Mayonnaise: Large Chicken Egg + Oil
- Salad: Cucumber OR Cabbage OR Carrot OR Tomato
- Sandwich: Boiled Egg OR Cucumber OR Cabbage + Bread
- Fruit Sandwich~ Orange OR Banana OR Apple OR Pineapple OR Peach OR Strawberry + Bread
- Pickled Turnips: Turnip
- Pickled Cucumber: Cucumber
- Bamboo Rice: Bamboo Shoots + Riceballs
- Matsutake Rice: Matsutake + Riceballs
- Mushroom Rice: Shiitake (mushroom house) + Riceballs
- Sushi: Sashimi + Riceballs
- Raisin Bread ~ Grape or Wild Grape + Bread
- Sashimi: Medium OR Large Fish
- Chirashi Sushi~ Sashimi + Carrot OR Cucumber OR Pumpkin + Scrambled Eggs + Riceballs
- Buckwheat Chips: Buckwheat Flour
- Ice Cream: Milk + Egg
- Relax Tea Leaves: Yellow Grass + Green Grass + Orange Grass + Purple Grass + Red
Grass + Indigo Grass + Blue Grass + Weed
- Elli Grass: Turbojolt XL + Bodigizer XL + Burnt Fry pan dish + Burnt Mixer Dish +
Burnt Pot Dish + Burnt No Utensil Dish + Burnt Oven Dish + Burnt Steamer Dish

* S T E A M E R *
14 Recipes
- Moon Dumplings: Dumpling Powder
- Green Dumplings: Rice Cake + Weed
- Bamboo Dumplings: Bamboo Shoots + Rice Cake
- Steamed Bun: Flour + Oil
- Cheese Steamed Bun: Flour + Oil + Cheese
- Shaomi: Flour + Egg + Cabbage + Onion
- Steamed Egg: Egg + Shiitake + Bamboo Shoots
- Chinese Bun: Shiitake + Flour + Carrot + Bamboo Shoots
- Curry Bun: Flour + Curry Powder
- Steamed Dumplings: Cabbage + Onion + Oil + Flour
- Sponge Cake: Flour + Egg
- Steamed Cake: Egg + Oil + Milk
- Pudding: Egg + Milk
- Pumpkin Pudding: Chicken Egg + Milk + Pumpkin

* M I X E R *
19 Recipes
- Pineapple Juice: Pineapple
- Tomato Juice: Tomato
- Grape Juice: Grape OR Wild Grape
- Peach Juice: Peach
- Banana Juice: Banana
- Orange Juice: Orange
- Apple Juice: Apple
- Strawberry Milk: Strawberry + Milk
- Fruit Juice: Strawberry + Pineapple OR Grape OR Peach OR Banana OR Orange OR Apple
- Fruit Latte: Fruit Juice + Milk
- Veggie Juice: Carrot OR Cabbage OR Cucumber
- Veggie Latte: Veggie Juice + Milk
- Mixed Juice: Fruit Juice + Veggie Juice
- Mixed Latte: Fruit Late + Veggie Late
- Ketchup: Onion + Tomato
- Butter: Milk
- Fish Sticks: Medium OR Large Fish
- Turbojolt XL: Turbojolt + Green Grass
- Bodigizer XL: Bodigizer + Blue Grass

* O V E N *
18 Recipes
- Baked Corn: Corn
- Toasted Riceballs: Riceballs
- Roasted Ricecake: Ricecake
- Baked Yam: Yam
- Toast: Bread
- Jambun: Milk + Egg + Jam
- Dinner Roll: Egg + Milk + Butter
- Pizza: Ketchup + Flour + Cheese
- Doria: Onion + Flour + Riceballs + Butter + Milk
- Gratin: Onion + Flour + Cheese + Butter + Milk
- Buckwheat Ball: Egg + Flour + Buckwheat Flour
- Sweet Potatoes: Egg + Butter + Yam
- Cookies: Egg + Flour + Butter
- Chocolate Cookies: Cookies + Chocolate
- Cake: Egg + Flour + Butter + Any Fruit
- Chocolate Cake: Egg + Flour + Butter + Chocolate
- Cheesecake: Egg + Cheese + Milk
- Apple Pie: Apple + Egg + Butter + Flour

* C O O K I N G P O T *
41 Recipes
- Hot Milk: Milk
- Hot Chocolate: Milk + Chocolate
- Wild Grape Wine: Grape OR Wild Grape + Wine + Purple Grass
- Pumpkin Stew: Pumpkin
- Fish Stew: Medium OR Large Fish
- Boiled Spinach: Spinach
- Boiled Egg: Egg
- Candied Potato: Yam
- Dumplings: Cabbage + Flour + Onion + Oil
- Strawberry Jam: Strawberry
- Apple Jam: Apple
- Grape Jam: Grape OR Wild Grape
- Marmalade: Orange
- Cheese Fondue: Cheese + Bread
- Noodles: Flour
- Curry Noodles: Noodles + Curry Powder
- Tempura Noodles: Tempura + Noodles
- Buckwheat Noodles: Buckwheat Noodles
- Tempura Buckwheat Noodles: Buckwheat Noodles + Tempura
- Mountain Stew: Carrot + Shiitake + Carrot
- Rice Soup: Riceballs
- Porridge: Milk + Riceballs
- Tempura Rice: Riceballs + Tempura
- Egg over Rice: Riceballs + Egg
- Stew: Milk + Flour
- Curry Rice: Riceballs + Curry Powder
- Blue Curry: Riceballs + Curry Powder + Blue Grass
- Green Curry: Riceballs + Curry Powder + Green Grass
- Red Curry: Riceballs + Curry Powder + Red Grass
- Yellow Curry: Riceballs + Curry Powder + Yellow Grass
- Orange Curry: Riceballs + Curry Powder + Orange Grass
- Purple Curry: Riceballs + Curry Powder + Purple Grass
- Indigo Curry: Riceballs + Curry Powder + Indigo Grass
- Black Curry: Riceballs + Curry Powder + Black Grass
- White Curry: Riceballs + Curry Powder + White Grass
- Rainbow Curry~ Curry Rice + Blue Curry + Green Curry + Red Curry + Yellow Curry + Or -
ange Curry + Purple Curry + Indigo Curry
- Ultimate Curry~ Rainbow Curry + Failed No Utensil Dish + Failed Fry Pan Dish +
Failed Steamer Dish + Failed Mixer Dish + Failed Oven Dish + Failed Pot Dish + Black
- Finest Curry~ Rainbow Curry + Failed No Utensil Dish + Failed Fry Pan Dish + Failed
Steamer Dish + Failed Mixer Dish + Failed Oven Dish + Failed Pot Dish + White Curry
- Relax Tea: Relax Tea Leaves
- Turbojolt: Orange Grass + White Grass + Red Magicgrass Flower
- Bodigizer: Orange Grass + Black Grass + Red Magicgrass Flower

* F R Y I N G P A N *
23 Recipes
- Stir Fry: Oil + Cabbage
- Fried Rice: Oil + Riceballs + Egg
- Savory Pancake: Oil + Egg + Cabbage + Flour
- French Fries: Potato + Oil
- Croquette: Potato + Onion + Flour + Oil + Egg
- Popcorn: Corn
- Cornflakes: Corn + Milk
- Happy Eggplant: Eggplant
- Scrambled Eggs: Oil + Egg
- Omelet: Oil + Egg + Milk
- Omelet Rice: Oil + Egg + Milk + Riceballs
- Apple Souffle: Apple
- Curry Bread: Bread + Oil + Curry Powder
- French Toast: Bread + Oil + Egg
- Doughnut: Milk + Egg + Butter + Flour + Oil
- Grilled Fish: Medium Fish ONLY
- Fried Thick Noodles: Noodles + Oil
- Fried Noodles: Buckwheat Noodles + Oil
- Tempura Egg: + Flour + Oil
- Pancake: Egg + Flour + Oil + Milk
- Pot Sticker: Flour + Oil + Onion + Cabbage
- Risotto: Tomato + Onion + Riceballs + Oil
- Dry Curry: Curry Powder + Riceballs

Making Money

* C R O P S *
Crops are an ok money maker at the beginning level. Each season grows specific crops.
If you really want to profit from your crops, leveling them up is the way to go. What
you'll need is a: Basement, Seed Maker, and Time! To level up a crop, plant multiple
seeds over one another. 4 or 5 should do the trick. Wait until the crops mature, har-
vest them, some should be level 1, and some should be level 2. Each time you level up a
crop its shipping price increases! Meaning level 100 crops can be worth a ton of money
if you take the time to upgrade them.

You should start off by planting the seeds you want to upgrade behind the waterfall in
the appropriate season. Harvest them when the time is right, and throw the level 2
seeds into the seed maker. Take the level two seeds, and repeat the process. Don't
throw away any extra high level seeds, you can use them later to plant a whole bunch
around the valley. It will pay off, trust me. Once the crop season is done, you can up -
grade them in the same way down in your basement. Don't forget to water them!

Once the season rolls around again for you to upgrade your crop of choice behind the
waterfall, you should take any extra level seeds and plant them by the mines and the
Goddess Pond. You should water them, and then have the Harvest Sprites pick the crops
if you can't do it yourself. Little effort, big result! You can easily get rich this
way, you just have to be patient.

The Best Crop for spring: Turnips, Cabbages

Turnips are a good choice because they sell for a decent amount, and they grow quickly.
If you plant them behind the waterfall, you'll upgrade them fast! Cabbages are a good
choice because you buy them with medals, not money, at the sprite casino. Cabbages ship
for 250 G each, which is a good price!

The Best Crop for Summer: Pineapples, Onions, and Tomatoes

Pineapples sell for 500 G each, and you don't even have to pay for the seeds! You get
them at the casino for 1000 medals. The only downside is that they take almost the
whole season to grow! While you're waiting for your pineapples to grow, you should
plant some onions and tomatoes. They sell for a good price, and tomatoes regrowb.

The Best Crop for Fall: Yams

Yams will be your best friend later in the game! They grow fast, and sell for 100 G
each at level 1! You should definitely upgrade these, and every fall plant a ton of
your highest level seeds around the valley. Level 100 yams sell for 1 million G through
shipping bin!

* A N I M A L S *
Animals are a good thing to have. They provide cooking ingredients, and you can win
festivals with them, which give you points for your farm degree. There are 4 profit an-
imals you can have. Sheep, cows, ducks and chickens.

Cows can prove to be a good profit if you milk them every day. If you level up their
milker, then they can be an even bigger profit! You should milk them with the touch
glove to get large milk, then turn the large milk into cheese. To get a large milk, you
should rub above the utters, it helps you get a higher score. Other than that, you
should just keep cows to complete your shipping list and to get milk for cooking.

Chickens & Ducks:

Chickens and ducks aren't really that much of a profit. If you keep them around long
enough, and take good enough care of them to get large eggs, than they can be a good
amount of money. You should turn eggs into mayonnaise, as it increases the value. Other
than that just shipping list and cooking products.

Sheep produce wool once a week, and you can get small, medium or large wool. Sheep will
not produce a large profit, and the only reason you should get them is to make yarn to
give to Nina and completing your shipping list.

* F I S H I N G *
Fishing produces an ok profit. Large fish ships for more than medium fish, and medium
fish sells for more than small fish. You can either do the fishing yourself, or ask the
fishing team to do it for you.
NOTE: The bottled message is available only when Leia reaches her yellow heart level.
Small Fish |Every Season |50 G
Medium Fish |Every Season |120 G
Large Fish |Every Season |200 G
Boot |Every Season |1 G
Branch |Every Season |1 G
Empty Can |Every Season |1 G
Fish Bones |Every Season |1 G
Bottled Message |Spring, Ocean|1 G
Pirate Treasure |Summer, Ocean|10,000G
Fish Fossil |Fall, Ocean |5,000 G

* M I N I N G *
Mining can be very profitable as long as you use the save/reload trick. There are 2
places where you should do this, the excavation site and certain floors in the second

When you walk into the excavation site, save your game. Dig around until you find a
necklace, bracelet, earrings, or broach. Load your game and go to that spot where you
found that item. Dig up the item, save your game and repeat. It helps you save stamina,
and since each piece of jewelry is worth 2000 G through shipping and 3000 G through
Van, you can get a good amount of money quite fast.

In the second mine, you should save your game on floors after 100 that are dividable by
3 or 10. The ones dividable by 3 will be long, and the ones dividable by 10 should be
huge. Smash some rocks until you find a pink diamond or alexandrite, which looks like a
green or red rectangle. You will be able to find 30 of these jewels in one run of the
mine, and since each jewel is worth 10,000 G through shipping and 15,000 through Van,
you can have up to a million G in one to 2 trips to the mine! It is very time consuming
in real life though, each run is a 2-2 1/2 hour trip.

The casino is a place where you can press your luck! Once you have rescued some of the
casino harvest sprites, including Roller, you can play games here to earn medals. You
can buy things with these medals. There are 3 different card games that you can play.
You can gamble up to 10 medals at a time. I recommend buying 100-200 medals to start
off with, and you can make it up to 10000 medals easily.

* B L A C K J A C K*
Black jack is a very fun card game where you get 2 cards, you add up the 2 numbers, and
you have to try to get as close to 21 as possible, without getting over it. You can
stay with the two cards you have if you think you can beat the dealer, if not you are
allowed to get more cards. The more cards you get, the more danger you are of getting
over 21 and losing. An ace can either stand for a 1 or 11. This is a good game to get
quick medals.

* P O K E R *
If you are lucky poker is the game for you! You get 5 cards, and you want to get as
good as a set of cards as possible. There are many different collections of cards you
can get, such as 1 pair, full house, and the best, royal flush. The rarer you're set of
cards, the more medals you will get. You can either keep the set of cards you start off
with, or pick some to trade out to try to get better cards.

* M E M O R Y *
Memory is a easy game where you try to match together as many cards as possible. You
just have to get 3 matches before the harvest sprite does. You get 40 medals for win-

* H I L O W *
Once you win at a game, you have a chance to double your winnings. Hi low is a game
where you get one card, and you have to say rather the next card is higher or lower.
It's all about luck and common sense. An ace is the highest value, while a 2 is the
lowest. If the two cards match, you don't win or lose, you can try to go again if you
want. You can double up for as long as you want, but if you lose you lose everything!

* H I S E L E C T *
Hi select is also a double up game. In this game, you get one card, and 5 cards are put
in front of you. You have to pick the card that you think will be higher than the card
you have. This is an ok game, but you have a better chance of winning if you play hi

* R O L L E R'S S T O R E *
Roller's Store
Once you collect enough medals (or buy enough) you can purchase some items at Roller's
store with them. You cannot buy these items anywhere else, and sometimes you have to
buy one item before you can buy another.

Item Medals
Cabbage Seeds......500
Pineapple Seeds....1000
Pepper Seeds.......150
Sell Price Book....2000
Cooking – Fry......100
Cooking - Pot......100
Cooking - Oven.....100
Cooking - Mixer....100
Cooking - No Tool..100
Cooking – Steamer..100
Relax Tea Leaves...1000
Teleport Stone.....1000
Truth Bangle.......2000
Love Bangle........5000
Red Cloak..........65,535
God Hand...........100000000
Miracle Glove......100000000
The God Hand and Miracle Glove will be available only after you have purchased the Red

Your Farm Degree
There is an invisible point degree in the game to show how far you come, and it is
called your farm degree. If you would like to see your farm degree, tap your characters
head on the farm status screen. It will give you a title, such as Learner, rank 10.
Certain things will raise your farm degree. The higher your farm degree, the more
clothes and wallpaper you will be able to buy from May's Tailoring.

Things to Increase Your Value:

* Use miracle potion on cow or sheep = +1
* Birth of a baby animal = +1
* Go to Bed = +1
* Use a maker machine = +1
* Purchase a item = +1
* Use the trashcan inside of your house = +1
* Toss an egg into the hot springs = +1
* Use the bathroom in your house = +1
* Keep a Harvest Goddess Gift or Witch's Gift inside your rucksack = +1
* Trigger a Random Event = +10
* Find a missing Harvest Sprite = +10
* Get 3rd place in a animal festival = +25
* See a rival heart event = +25
* Get the Legendary Sword = +50
* Get 2nd place in animal festival = +50
* See a heart event = +50
* Your pregnancy = +50
* See a sprite dance party = +50
* Win 1st place in cooking festival = +100
* Win 1st place in animal festival = +100
* You give birth to a child = +100
* Get the Title Bonus from the Dog house mini-game = +100
* A rival marriage = +250
* You get married = +500

Random Mini Games

* Doghouse Battle Mini-Game *

This game only occurs if you press A on the back of your dog house at exactly 4:44 am.
You'll need to stay up really late in order to play this game. To make sure you don't
miss the time; when the clock says 4:40 am keep pressing A on the back of the dog
house, don't stop until you activate the mini game.
In this game, you'll battle random girls from the valley and Mineral Town. You have
choices to attack, defend, charge, special, escape, or dodge. A special move is where
you use spirit to do a strong move. Spirit are things that you get at the beginning of
each battle. The way I won is that every time my characters stamina would get to 100 or
lower, I would use Super Recover to get it back up. You can do this whenever you would
like. Every other turn I would attack the character. Once you have defeated all the
regular girls, you will fight the Witch Princess herself! If you defeat her, you will
get the Title Bonus, which is needed to complete the shipping list.

* Da-Chan TV Game *
You need to stay up to 00:00 am to play this game. As soon as the clock says 00:00 am,
walk into your house and press on your TV. The TV can be bought from Van. You will see
the Witch Princess, and 3 Da-Chan bears. The bears will have different colored powders,
so pay attention. She will shuffle the bears, and then ask you which one has X color.
If you get it right, you will continue onto another round. There is a total of 10
rounds. If you win, then you will increase your affection with the Witch Princess by
100 points.

* Record Girl Memory Game *

At exactly 6:01 am, press A on the records in your house. A screen with a random selec -
tion of girls should come up. After the screen with the girls goes away, it will ask
you a random question, such as how many of X girls where there? If you answer cor-
rectly, you will increase your farm degree. If you have a hard time remembering where
everyone is, just pause your game when the screen with the girls shows up. Then you
have unlimited time to remember, or even write down where are the girls were and how
many of each girl there was!

* Harvest Goddess Hi Low Game *

After you have freed the Harvest Goddess, and have given her 20 offerings, she will
play a mini-game with you. She will give you a number from 0 to 9, and ask you if you
think the next one is higher or lower. If you win at least 2 times, she will give you a
bag of random seeds. Each time you win you get more seeds. NOTE: Make sure nothing is
in the red slot of your rucksack, because that is where she will put the seeds!
* Spring Festivals *
Spring 1: New Years Day Festival
Go to the beach between 10:00 am and 6:00 pm to be able to obtain a rice cakes. You can
cook with these, or you can ship them to complete the shipping list.

Spring 14: Spring Thanksgiving

This is not the Thanksgiving you are probably thinking over. In this holiday, guys give
cookies to a girl they like. If a guy has a purple heart or higher, he will stop buy
your house to give him cookies. Each guy comes at a different time, and you have to en -
ter and exit your house in order to trigger this event. If you are married, your hus-
band will put some chocolate cookies into your rucksack as you are sleeping.

Marlin: 6 - 7 am
Gustafa: 8 - 9 am
Rock: 10 - 11 am
Carter: 12 - 1 pm
Griffin: 2 - 3 pm
Skye: 4 - 5 pm

Spring 18: Duck Festival

Go to the beach between 10:00 am and 6:00 pm to see the Duck Festival. If you want to
enter a duck of your own, exit your house on the 17th. Popuri will ask if you want to
enter a duck.

Spring 22: Cooking Contest

Go to the beach between 10:00 am and 12:00 pm and talk to Gourmet. He will tell you the
theme of that years cooking. Once you know, you will be back at your house. Cook what-
ever you want, but usually the more complicated the dish is the higher chance it has of
winning. Go back to the beach before 6:00 pm to enter your dish. Hold your dish and
talk to Thomas to enter it. You get 100 points for your farm degree if you win!

Recipes I have won with:

Pot - Ultimate Curry, Relax Tea
Steamer - Pumpkin Pudding
Mixer - Mixed Latte
Fry Pan - Savory Pancake or Croquette (I think)
No Utensils - Elli Leaves

* Summer Festivals *
Summer 1: Beach Opening
If you go to the beach between 1:00 pm and 6:00 pm, you will be in the Beach Opening
festival. All the townsfolk will be there chowing down on Kai's delicious food.

Summer 7: Chicken Festival

Go to the beach between 10:00 am and 6:00 pm to see the Chicken Festival. If you want
to enter a chicken of your own, exit your house on the 6th. Popuri will ask if you want
to enter a chicken. But be warned, a chicken has to have 8-10 hearts to win 1st place!

Summer 20: Cow Festival

On the 19th, Rick will come by your house and ask if you would like to enter a cow in
the Cow Festival on the 20th. It doesn't matter if you don't enter one, because you can
still see the festival. Just go to the beach between 10:00 am and 6:00 pm.

Summer 24: Fireworks

Go to the beach between 6:00 and 9:00 pm to see the fireworks. All the townsfolk will
be there. If a bachelor is at green heart, you can watch the fireworks with him. Just
simply talk to him, and a box will come up asking you if you want to invite him to
watch the fireworks. If nobody likes you :( than you will have to watch with Kassey and
Patrick. If you are married, you will watch with your husband.

* Fall Festivals *
Fall 09: Harvest Festival
Go to the beach between 10:00 am and 6:00 pm, and the whole town will
be there around a huge pot. The pot is full of stew that everyone
donated an ingredient to. You can put almost anything in the pot, so
just choose one of your fruit or vegetables.
If you put a level 100 Toadstool in the pot, you will poison everyone in the valley!
The credits will then roll. (Thanks to for that last bit!)

Fall 21: Sheep Festival

On fall 20, Rick will come by and ask if you would like to enter a sheep. On the 21, go
to the beach between 10:00 am and 6:00 am to watch the sheep festival.

Fall 30: Pumpkin Festival

If you exit your house in the morning, you will be stopped by some kids in the valley.
Early in the morning Kate comes, later Hugh comes, and then last Popuri comes. Give
them any cookies, chocolate, or sweets. It will raise their FP for you by 20 points. If
you are married, your husband will surprise you with a large amount of sweets for din-
ner! You kid will also ask for sweets.

* Winter Festivals *
Winter 02: Thomas's Request
On the second day of Winter, Thomas will come by and ask you for a random item. If you
give him what he asks for, he will reward you with a piece of golden lumber! Save be-
fore you go out of your house though, because he may ask for something you don't have.
If he does, just reload and walk back out, he will ask for something different.

Winter 14: Winter Thanksgiving

This is the opposite of Spring Thanksgiving. This time, you give the chocolate! You can
either give chocolate or chocolate cake, and each guy you give it to will raise the Af-
fection for you by 1000 points. Nice!

Winter 24: Starry Night

Find a bachelor with a green heart or higher. If so, they will ask you to have a party
with them! Accept to increase their affection toward you. Skye is included, and you
will have a party with him at your house. Carter will be at the tent, Rock at the Inn,
Griffin at the Blue Bar, Marlin at Vesta's Place, and Gustafa at his house.

Winter 25: Yule Stocking

If you have a stocking from Nina, go to sleep and Thomas will visit your house giving
you a gift! It's usually something like Amethyst, Diamond, etc. But it's neat watching
the scene. If you have a kid, he might startle Thomas and you won't get any gifts at
If you want to get the stocking from Nina, befriend her to 200 FP+, (giving her yarn
and showing her your animals work nicely) and give her some yarn. Enter her house while
she's in there for a cut scene where she nits the stocking as super speed! Go back to
your house and you should have a stocking hung up next to your TV/Bookshelf.

Shipping List
| Name | Location | Profit |
|Turnip |Spring Crop |60 G |
|Potato |Spring Crop |80 G |
|Cucumber |Spring Crop |60 G |
|Strawberry |Spring Crop |30 G |
|Cabbage |Spring Crop |250 G |
|Moondrop Flower |Spring Crop |60 G |
|Toy Flower |Spring Crop |130 G |
|Tomato |Summer Crop |60 G |
|Corn |Summer Crop |100 G |
|Onion |Summer Crop |80 G |
|Pumpkin |Summer Crop |250 G |
|Pineapple |Summer Crop |500 G |
|Pinkcat Flower |Summer Crop |70 G |
|Eggplant |Fall Crop |80 G |
|Carrot |Fall Crop |120 G |
|Yam |Fall Crop |100 G |
|Spinach |Fall Crop |80 G |
|Pepper |Fall Crop |40 G |
|Blue Magicgrass |Fall Crop |80 G |
|Red Magicgrass |Fall Crop |200 G |
|Peach |Summer Tree Crop |250 G |
|Banana |Summer Tree Crop |300 G |
|Orange |Summer Tree Crop |200 G |
|Apple |Fall Tree Crop |100 G |
|Grape |Fall Tree Crop |200 G |
|Small Chicken Egg |Poultry |50 G |
|Medium Chicken Egg |Poultry |60 G |
|Large Chicken Egg |Poultry |80 G |
|Small Duck Egg |Poultry |80 G |
|Medium Duck Egg |Poultry |100 G |
|Large Duck Egg |Poultry |150 G |
|Small Mayonnaise |Mayo Maker/Kitchen |100 G |
|Medium Mayonnaise |Mayo Maker/Kitchen |150 G |
|Large Mayonnaise |Mayo Maker/Kitchen |200 G |
|Small Milk |Cow |100 G |
|Medium Milk |Cow |150 G |
|Large Milk |Cow |200 G |
|Small Cheese |Cheese Maker |300 G |
|Medium Cheese |Cheese Maker |400 G |
|Large Cheese |Cheese Maker |500 G |
|Small Yogurt |Yogurt Maker |150 G |
|Medium Yogurt |Yogurt Maker |200 G |
|Large Yogurt |Yogurt Maker |300 G |
|Small Shiitake |Mushroom House |50 G |
|Medium Shiitake |Mushroom House |80 G |
|Large Shiitake |Mushroom House |120 G |
|Small Toadstool |Mushroom House/Forage|100 G |
|Medium Toadstool |Mushroom House |130 G |
|Large Toadstool |Mushroom House |160 G |
|Small Matsutake |Mushroom House/Forage|350 G |
|Medium Matsutake |Mushroom House |500 G |
|Large Matsutake |Mushroom House |800 G |
|Small Wool |Sheep |100 G |
|Medium Wool |Sheep |400 G |
|Large Wool |Sheep |500 G |
|Small Yarn |Yarn Maker |300 G |
|Medium Yarn |Yarn Maker |700 G |
|Large Yarn |Yarn Maker |800 G |
|Spa Boiled Egg |Egg into Hot Springs|80 G |
|Bamboo Shoots |Foraged (Spring) |50 G |
|Yellow Grass |Foraged (Spring) |120 G |
|Wild Grapes |Foraged (Summer) |50 G |
|Blue Grass |Foraged (Summer) |100 G |
|Green Grass |Foraged (Summer) |100 G |
|Purple Grass |Foraged (Summer) |120 G |
|Indigo Grass |Foraged (Summer) |100 G |
|Red Grass |Foraged(Summer/Fall)|110 G |
|Orange Grass |Foraged(Spring/Fall)|100 G |
|Black Grass |Dig ground in mines |10 G |
|White Grass |Foraged (Winter) |150 G |
|Turbojolt |Van's Shop/Kitchen |500 G |
|Turbojolt XL |Van's Shop/Kitchen |1000 G |
|Bodigizer |Van's Shop/Kitchen |250 G |
|Bodigizer XL |Van's Shop/Kitchen |500 G |
|Wine |Karen's Shop |150 G |
|Grape Juice |Karen's Shop |100 G |
|Riceballs |Karen's Shop |50 G |
|Bread |Karen's Shop |50 G |
|Oil |Karen's Shop |25 G |
|Flour |Karen's Shop |25 G |
|Curry Powder |Karen's Shop |25 G |
|Dumpling Powder |Karen's Shop |50 G |
|Chocolate |Karen's Shop |50 G |
|Relaxtea Leaves |Kitchen/Casino/TV |1000 G |
|Buckwheat Flour |NewYearsEve Festival|50 G |
|Rice Cake |NewYearsDay Festival|50 G |
|Small Fish |Fishing |50 G |
|Medium Fish |Fishing |120 G |
|Large Fish |Fishing |200 G |
|Junk Ore |All Mines |1 G |
|Copper |Mines 1 and 3 |15 G |
|Silver |Mines 1 and 3 |20 G |
|Gold |Mines 1 and 3 |25 G |
|Mystrile |Mines 1 and 3 |40 G |
|Moonstone |Mine 2 |55 G |
|Sandrose |Mine 2 |60 G |
|Pink Diamond |Mine 2 |10,000 G |
|Alexandrite |Mine 2 |10,000 G |
|Diamond |Mine 2 |100 G |
|Emerald |Mine 2 |80 G |
|Ruby |Mine 2 |75 G |
|Topaz |Mine 2 |70 G |
|Peridot |Mine 2 |68 G |
|Fluorite |Mine 2 |65 G |
|Agate |Mine 2 |60 G |
|Orichalc |Mine 3 |50 G |
|Adamantite |Mine 3 |50 G |
|Mythic Stone |Mine 3 |20,000 G |
|Spring Sun |Mine 3 floors ending|1 G |
| |in 1 | |
|Summer Sun |Mine 3 floors ending|1 G |
| |in 2 | |
|Fall Sun |Mine 3 floors ending|1 G |
| |in 3 | |
|Winter Sun |Mine 3 floors ending|1 G |
| |in 4 | |
|Bracelet |Excavation Site |2000 G |
|Necklace |Excavation Site |2000 G |
|Earrings |Excavation Site |2000 G |
|Brooch |Excavation Site |2000 G |
|Weed |If fields during |1 G |
| |Spring, Summer, Fall| |
|Stone |In fields all season|1 G |
|Branch |In fields all season|1 G |
| |Fishing | |
|Lithograph |Mines 2,3,4 ending |1 G |
| |in 50 | |
|Bottled Message |Fishing in Ocean |1 G |
| |(Spring only) | |
|Dog Ball |Delivered by Thomas |1 G |
|Pirate Treasure |Fishing in Ocean |10,000 G |
| |(Summer only) | |
|Fish Fossil |Fishing in Ocean |5000 G |
| |(Fall only) | |
|Empty Can |Fishing |1 G |
|Boot |Fishing |1 G |
|Fish Bones |Fishing |1 G |
|Perfume |Excavation Site |40 G |
| |(After 6th year) | |
|Witch's Present |Gift from Witch |1 G |
|H.Goddess Pendent |Gift from H.Goddess |1 G |
|Title Bonus |Win the 4:44 am |1 G |
| |Doghouse Battle | |
|Dress |Excavation Site |50 G |
|Facial Pack |Excavation Site |47 G |
|Skin Lotion |Excavation Site |40 G |
|Sun Block |Excavation Site |43 G |
|Wood Lumber |Chop Sticks & Stumps|1 G |
|Stone Lumber |Smash Rocks |1 G |
|Gold Lumber |Gotz Shop/Thomas's |1 G |
| |Winter Request | |
|Fodder |Cut Grass/Rick'sShop|1 G |
|Bird Feed |Popuri's Shop |1 G |
|10,000 G Ticket |Jet's Shop |10,000 G |
|100,000 G Ticket |Jet's Shop |100,000 G |

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