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Ambassade de la République Tunisienne Union Africaine

en Roumanie Groupe des Ambassadeurs Africains accrédités en Roumanie

Africa Day 2022

Your Excellency Mr.………………., Minister for Foreign Affairs of Romania
Distinguished Deputies and Senators, Representatives of institutions,
Dear colleagues, Excellencies
Dear friends,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
On May 25, 1963, fifty nine years ago , our founding fathers, heads of States of 32
African countries signed the charter that founded the Organization of African Unity……
calling for greater unity among African countries.
We are therefore celebrating today , this historic et memorable day.

Allow me, Mr. Le xxxxx, to take this opportunity, on behalf of the group of African
Ambassadors and honorary consuls, to thank you for having accepted to organize this event
under the patronage of ministry of foreign affairs of Romania…….. .
By this gesture, you illustrate the importance that Romania attaches to its
partnership with Africa, whether through your action within the European Union or within
the framework of the priorities of your diplomatic action or your doctrine in terms of
development cooperation.
I cannot miss this opportunity, …..without underlining our deep appreciation of the
priority given to the partnership with Africa, by HE President Klaus Iohannis as was
underlined in his speech of January 12, 2022, delivered on the ceremony presentation of
vows to the Diplomatic Corps.
Ladies and gentlemen,
The African Union, which took over from the OAU Organization of African Unity in
2002, was founded, based on a vision, that of an integrated…. prosperous and peaceful
Africa……led by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force on the international
Our organization… has dedicated 2022 as the year of Nutrition. It means “strengthening
Resilience in Nutrition and Food Security on the African Continent: Strengthening Agro-
Food Systems, Health and Social Protection Systems for the Acceleration of Human, Social
and Economic Capital Development.

the choice of nutrition, as the theme of the year is taking place in diffcult context as
member states remain challenged by the Covid-19 Pandemic that is affecting our populations
and their livehoods, especially in the areas of nutrition and food security

The general objective of this year is to secure greater political commitment and
investment in nutrition to address ongoing nutrition challenges. “ part of the long-term
vision set out in Agenda 2063.

The Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union has adopted
common African aspirations, drawing on the potential of its populations, in particular , a
human capital well-nourished citizen and in good health with a special emphasis on women,
adolescents and children. Human capital is key for development as it leads to improved lives
for individuals, higher earnings, and improved incomes for countries.
Africa was estimated to have a population of 1.4 billion in 2021 and 2.4 billion in
2050. , about 20% of the world's population.
The large youth population presents a potential demographic dividend that, could
contribute to accelerate the sustainable and equitable development with the right
investments .
Over the years, the under-5 mortality has reduced by more than 50 percent between
1994 to 2019; fertility rates have declined from 6 to 4 children per women.
……However, compared to the rest of the world, the malnutrition remains high in the
continent and undernutrition is extremely an underlying cause of almost half of child deaths.
In addition, Africa has 10 million climate refugees. By 2030, nearly 60 million people
will be displaced because of the water scarcity.
Africa pays a heavy price in the climate change equation, and it is undoubtedly the
most severely penalized continent.
"The triple A initiative", the Initiative for the Adaptation of African Agriculture
(AAA) aims to reduce the vulnerability of Africa and its agriculture to climate change.
The initiative is an important response not only to climate change but also to food
insecurity. • 10 min. read
IN DEED In addition to existing malnutrition challenges….. the global health crisis of
Covid-19 and More recently, the eruption of war in Eastern Europe has threatened Africa’s
food supplies
Ladies and gentlemen,
In this context, it is useful to recall a certain number of indicators which illustrate the
importance of the theme chosen and the challenges it entails.
Agriculture in Africa mobilizes 60% of the workforce and its production is severely
disrupted by climate change. By 2050, agricultural productivity could fall by 20%, while the
population will double.
However , Africa is the field of the possible as long as we do optimize its
substantial assets. It is a continent with huge diversity and immense wealth both natural and
human, which offers significant opportunities for growth and industrialization.
Africa has the capacity and potential to build a bright future….. based on peace,
security, inclusive human development and shared prosperity.
It is a large market with more than 1.1 billion inhabitants, as mentioned before
Ladies and gentlemen,
The challenges that I have just mentioned, ultimately offer a wide range of opportunities for
the deepening of the Romania-Africa partnership……Whether in the sectors of agriculture,
irrigation, renewable energies, agri-food industries, health and others, the potential for
trade and direct investment is considerable.
The last AU/EU Summit in February in Brussels agreed on a roadmap for joint action in all
these sectors. Romania will have a role of choice to play.
With the support of the Romanian Government, our group intends to implement an
action program for the promotion of these opportunities and the mobilization of the
interest of the Romanian private sector for our continent.
Our action will not be limited to the economy and cooperation but will encompass
culture as a central element in bringing people together……. Initiatives will be taken
notwithstanding our modest means.

Ladies and gentlemen,
I cannot omit in this short speech, to pay a strong tribute to the Romanian authorities for the
exemplary way,,,, made of humanism and generosity,,,, with which the question of African
refugees from Ukraine has been managed.
I would also like to emphasize Romania's strong involvement in maintaining peace and
security in Africa.
Your action in this context, as relevant as it is effective, is highly appreciated by our
The solidarity you have shown during the COVID pandemic is to be highlighted. You have
contributed through your vaccine donations to averting the worst in certain situations.
Finally, allow me to mention the sector of training and university cooperation, to express our
appreciation of the Romanian efforts in granting scholarships to African students, their
reception in excellent conditions, particularly in the universities which use the French as the
language of instruction.
…The French-speaking area,,, where Romania plays a central role,,,, is a communication link
and a space for sharing for a large part of our population.
To conclude, on behalf of the group of African Ambassadors accredited to Romania and
honorary consuls of the africain countries I would like to warmly thank all those who made
this event possible in excellent conditions and in particular:

 The ministry of foreign affairs for their good collaboration to organize successful
• The Director General of the Diplomatic Club for his generous hospitality,
• Honorary Consul of Senegal , The staff of African embassies accredited to Romania
Thank you for sharing with us this moment of African fraternity .
Thank you for your attention.

Long live the AFRICAIN Romanian friendship

Long live Africa!

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