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28 Jan 2017 at 20:16


I have gone over this interview twice and come away absolutely shocked at how
accurate the alien was in explaining how things work, the history of earth, etc. so
I am sharing this with everyone who would like a wake-up call about who you really
are, and what is happening in this reality.

By now you know that I have undergone many thousands of hours of education to
prepare humanity for the shift that is happening right now in your evolution. I am
not a whistleblower from a black-op agency, we are here officially from the
Guardian Alliance and the Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds. What you are
about to listen to is from beings who are not one of our team, but nonetheless, the
testimony is highly accurate. There are some discrepancies however that must be
explained so you don't come away with the notion that Airl is one of the "good
guys" just because she was being "so honest". She's not from the "white hat" team,
but offers some extremely sound insight into what you are facing.

First, let me say that my father was in the Air Force in the early 1950s, stationed
close to Roswell and his best friend told him one night that the detail he was on
was to guard a building close to where they were where he protected this
installation on the night shift. He told my father that the building was surrounded
by "miles and miles of nothing", making it ridiculous from a logical standpoint why
it would be under such heavy 24 hour guard. He explained that some few years before
he arrived a flying disc had crashed there and the government built that building
around it to hide the craft.

He went on to say that he knew guys who were inside the installation and confirmed
that it was a working space craft. Remember, I was told about this craft in the
early 1970s, multiple decades before learning about Bob Lazar or anything else
regarding Area 51, so it wasn't second-hand information from theorists. It was my
dad who I don't believe ever lied to me about anything during my lifetime. My
father knew nothing about conspiracy theories, never spoke about grandiose issues,
religion or aliens at all. He was a hunter, a mechanic and had no use for such
notions that weren't down-to-earth, everyday matters.

His buddy told him that the space craft inside was around 35 feet in diameter and
there were no controls inside of it of any kind. Just smooth walls. The material it
was made out of looked like steel, but if you cut it, say like tin foil using a
knife, the steel would just weld by itself back together behind the blade as if
nothing happened. There were Egyptian styled hieroglyphs in many places, the only
markings on the craft. No one had any idea how it operated, but it acted like it
was somehow alive. There had been a few bodies recovered of some short gray beings
inside, but one was alive. The dead bodies were not flesh, but were spongy like
"flowers" (his words), so keep this in mind when Airl explains her crew mates.

We lived far out in the country, with no neighbors close enough to hear anything we
were talking about when my father relayed this account to me in the evening while
we were looking at the stars, and even then he was talking in a whisper. He said
that his buddy told him that if my father ever breathed a word about this to
anyone, that he would never see his friend again because it was so high above top
secret. I only mention this because this was the only conversation I ever had with
my father regarding anything connected with other-worldly things. He wasn't a
conspiracy nut, nor was I. We were ranchers with real-world work to do.

Now, to Airl the alien.

My contact has proven to me first hand that IQ of off-world beings is nothing even
remotely like humans have. Her memory is photographic, meaning she can open a
college text book from 30 years ago in her mind to page 186 and read the 2nd
paragraph fluently as if the book were in her hands. Any subject you could ask
about, she can speak on without pausing or word-sourcing for 45 minutes straight
including the name of every scientist involved, the full medical and scientific
terms of every material element involved in the experiment, precise details of the
study including all dates, locations and even the names of the scientists as if she
had been there yesterday. The similarities between her and Airl are stunning and
something no one would have any idea would be present. When you hear about Airl
reading many hundreds of books in a day with 100% recall of their contents, just
realize my contact can read a medical textbook and take a photo of each page in her
mind as fast as you can turn the pages.

There is a massive difference between my contact and Airl, and that is, she has
personally been intertwined with the human evolution here on this planet, in
person, for hundreds of thousands of years and does not come to this point as Airl
did, as if falling off a turnip truck. She is deeply vested in this evolution and
gives herself to humanity in every possible way to help them find the path to
escape at the cost of her own health and person from never-ending attempts on her
life and the lives of her family. There are no beings alive who care more about
your freedom than she does and she is here in humanlike form -in person- to prove

While Airl’s crew had been keeping tabs on the evolution of humans for eons of time
previously, her people began to interact with earthlings in 1926 due to having just
been ejected out of Zeta Reticuli, a planet where they had successfully enslaved
the humanoid inhabitants of for eons of time, and they needed a new domain in order
to continue their genetic research. Her group, known as “Zephelium Blues” is not
made up of just one race of little "green men". There are two main groups of her
people who have split off and hybridized with Leviathan Drakonians whom they work
very closely with here on earth. They are both gray/blue-skinned, but one group
called Rigelians, function as the leaders or brains of their movement, ruling the
slightly smaller Rutilians. Both inhabit artificial bodies that use different
technology which cannot reproduce, but must be created in laboratories. Mentally
they are not robots or A.I., they are inside of robot BODIES, but they are 100%
Sentient, meaning they have the spark of god-source in their awareness and are
making all their own decisions.

The technology used by the shorter of the two species’ clone bodies has been given
to military organizations on earth to be used as remote-controlled robots for
various purposes of abduction, genetic research, and many other objectives, but
those robots are not Sentient, they are strictly robots with remote-control
override. The agenda of the “Zetas” for earth is to maintain absolute hypnotic
enslavement of mankind, and are known throughout this galaxy as the leading time-
travel experts in existence. Once arriving to this planet with the intent to
wrestle ownership of the planet out of other invader race's hands for universal
control, they have repeatedly gone back into earth's history through time travel
and inserted their own DNA into human evolution in an attempt to repair their own
genetics, hoping to restore senses and emotions they have long-since lost in their
own races due to tampering with their own templates.

It was their ancient opinion that their races were being hampered in their
objective of cosmic dominance by the sensitivities they exhibited between "male"
and "female" counterparts, so they deleted these out of their code, leaving them
extremely autonomous (think Spock), and now regret they have no way of returning
back to being able to sensing joy and sorrow and other emotions such as humans
possess. This is why they have been conducting continuous genetic hybridization
experimentation on the population here since they arrived. Due to their time-travel
hybridization of the Angelic Human evolution, they are now, in fact, part of your
future population, just as many other beings have interwoven their genetics into
the fabric of the Angelic Human for their own personal gains. So while they are in
fact “invaders”, they are also now part of your own people.

Airl was hardly revealing the true nature of their presence in this interview, as
she was strictly keeping with rules of engagement in time of war within her
discourse. But the interview is overwhelming in its content of factual information
regarding this planet and the species now here cohabiting physical bodies based on
Leviathan Reptilian genetic technology. As she points out, earth is a
"reformatory", a nice word to illustrate that it is an intergalactic maximum-
security facility for the worst and most unmanageable sociopaths and criminally
insane monsters within this quadrant of the cosmayas. But that is NOT the big
picture as to exactly what earth is and was, before this land was refitted for this
level-5 lockdown.

Airl's historic reconstruction account of the pre-takeover of this planet seems to

skip entirely over the fact that earth is one of 5 complete universes comprising
the 15 Level Time Matrix of Gaia, owned exclusively by the Emerald Alliance, the
founding fathers of the Avatars present now they are so desperately trying to
insert their race into today which were seeded here under the authority of the
Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds, the absolute authority of this time-
space vector. Everything that has transpired here in recent history has happened
since the near-total destruction of the planet, just like kicking someone who is
already down. Since the planet had been barely surviving for hundreds of millions
of years while recuperating from the massive attack he suffered in the Fall of Man
War in 550 million B.C., dozens of service-to-self races have swooped down, each
one claiming earth as their own domain. The hordes of interdimensional, out-of-
control psychopaths brought here as inmates in their collective "galactic
reformatory" have been peppered in amongst the Angels who were still disembodied
since that war, with no way to fight back before some of them being given a fully
artificial alien body to wear as you are in now.

Now, thanks to Airl's people and people from many other star systems who have made
it their eternal-life's goal to keep their prison operating smoothly, we have
billions of the highest-level "gods" from the deity planes who are locked-up side-
by-side with these digressive, service-to-self anti-Krysts (anti the Angelic Human
KRYSTos beings) just like 5 yr-olds being thrown into prison cells with serial
murderers and rapists. This causes a massive identity crisis for those who simply
cannot understand how humans could possibly prey on each other such as what is the
daily routine in this eternal living nightmare. And, just as a child falling in
with the wrong group of kids while still young and impressionable, they are tricked
into participating in activities they inevitably and intensely regret later once
they see the karma that follows such immature and uncivilized behavior.

So you find yourself now with absolutely no idea that you are a prisoner, no idea
that you come from the most distinguished lineage of beings ever to come into
manifestation, no idea that you were among the gods who created this and every
other Time Matrix in existence, just so these barbarians can subject you to
unthinkable torture and sacrifice lifetime after lifetime after lifetime as part of
their ongoing evolution into something that could eventually someday be considered
civil enough to live among another Sentient beings.

While there are more of Angelic Humans on planet today than there are these
abducted inmates, perhaps 60% of you, you are still overwhelmed by the sheer
magnitude of roadblocks preventing you from escape, because most of the inmates
make up the razor-wire fence surrounding you in every walk of life, buttressed by
the high numbers of Angels who have been brainwashed into thinking that such sub-
human activities are normal, so even your own people join in to act as prison
guards, protecting the "status quo". You need to be aware of what your true
strength is in this otherwise impossible incarceration.

First, you are a creator god. That means that you have the ability, just as Airl
points out, to command the aether. This is by virtue of the fact that you carry the
spark of thought held only by a god. Rabbits can't do this, robots can't do this,
computers can't do this and Djinns can't do it. All of these other things exist
only if your mind allows them to. You hear Airl talk about how you should be able
to think and it is real, but she doesn't mention the fact that the Avatar you are
inside of is limited to the abilities of the alien implants that are part of that
genetic makeup, which disconnects you from this connection to higher self. It is
not something she was going to get into, because her people are directly connected
to this program.

But while it is true that you do have an artificial brain running software that
limits your thinking and other abilities, you still carry the spark of the eternal-
life command of god inside your awareness. That spark can either be suppressed or
it can be nourished, which is still absolutely and exclusively up to you. We have
come back here 26 times before this to help you overcome this imprisonment, and 26
times you have failed to hear us because you continue to allow your captors to
convince you that you are mortal and can die. You are NOT mortal, and you can NEVER
actually die. You can ONLY be transferred into a different Avatar when this "doll
body" as Airl puts it, fails and you need a new body. And yes, you are being nearly
instantly replaced into a new baby body once again each time, because you keep
refusing to understand that you are not an accident from primordial ooze.

You are gods. Gods cannot die. Gods don't need a deity to worship. Gods are the
creators of all things. As long as you BELIEVE that you are inside this prison, you
will CONTINUE to be inside that prison. When you finally reach the point where you
flatly refuse to be subjugated, when you finally realize that the knees of a God DO
NOT BEND, then and only then will you be able to leave this prison.

The approximate 60% of the population today made up of ultra-advanced (supremely

spiritual) Angelic Humans ARE victims. We do not dispute that. And yes, you do have
a reason to feel like you were wrongly incarcerated. But we did not place you here.
You did that with your own actions. And yes, you hadn't planned for this outrageous
distortion from the original plan to actually happen, neither did we. But it did
happen, just like taking your chances on a ship at sea that gets caught in a
terrible storm, depositing you onto the shores of a remote island. That island is
surrounded by sharks. Yes. But you have the power to escape, but not as long as you
sit there idly by and act like someone else is going to save you.

We cannot come here in beamships to extract you. We have done this repeatedly, only
to have our ships disabled and our extraction team taken hostage, mind-wiped and
then recycled right next to you for hundreds of millions of years. Just like Airl's
team had been captured and taken prisoner in ancient past, our people, YOUR people
have been taken into perpetual slavery from such attempts. I explain this to you so
you understand the level of technology your MANY different captor groups, all
working in unison to maintain this impenetrable prison from potential POW
reconnaissance missions, IS SERIOUS. THEY ARE NOT STUPID. Moreover, we have been
told by your captors since our most recent attempts that should any further
attempts be made by us, all of the prisoners, the actual murderers and rapists as
well as the innocent humans, would be wiped out again. This is something they have
done MANY times in the past to prove their point. Then they bring you back into
another "doll body" as a baby and then drop you back into caves where everyone has
to start back over from scratch again to reach any type of "civilization" where you
live longer than about 24 years before falling once again to artificial death.

Each attempt and failure has been deeply grieved by your friends and family who
have sacrificed their own eternal lives to bring you out of this situation, and
this time 500,000 of your closest relatives have come here in secret to wage this
final extraction attempt during this Stellar Activation Cycle that only comes
around once every 22,556 year cycle. We are here with boots on the ground, risking
our eternal lives to show you how to do this and as long as you continue to ignore
us, you will be sealing your own fates to this recurring dream-state that keeps you
in perpetual amnesia. At some point you will need to come to grips with the fact
that you have been taken hostage, this is not a game and we are not kidding.

This is our last mission according to the ruling council of the Interdimensional
Association of Free Worlds who I am working with personally for this extraction.
Council has "closed the book" on earth's fate should this mission once again fail
and they have made it clear that they will personally place this planet into
absolute quarantine, trapping these barbarians here on a permanent basis once this
operation fails. They have the ability to do this and are backed by 25 billion
interdimensional star groups who demand the suspension of this ongoing, barbaric
opera. The humans who fail to hear us now and take action will remain with them.
Interstellar travel in and out of this quadrant will be *permanently disabled and
we will not be coming back.

Stop focusing on “resisting” your imprisonment with your thoughts and actions and
start MOVING toward freedom in every single choice you make. If you never see in
your mind's eye your escape, then the aether will never make that escape route
materialize. You don't think you have the power to simply WILL your future, because
you live in a system that absolutely dismisses that ability as "illogical" and
"nonsense". You are brainwashed every single day to disregard such things as myth
and superstition, then they teach you that ego is king, so if you allow yourself to
fall for such "gullible" foolishness, you will lose your standing as "sane" and
"rational" by your fellow inmates. But you have ALWAYS had the spark of god in your
awareness since trillions of years prior to your arrival here and you will ALWAYS
have it while you are in any form of manifestation.

Only YOU can use your spark to see the raft in your mind, build the raft with your
hands and sail away from these shores through belief. Unless you believe you can
love each other despite all their faults, practicing the Law of ONE, you will never
reach the electromagnetic frequency within your DNA to tune out of this reality and
into the next one on the dial.


the voice

Avalon Sol

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