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From time to time I get these aha moments where you suddenly get a much deeper

understanding of something. Every morning I have my Shamanic ritual under the

shower where I thank everything and everybody, from the 6 directions to all
animals, plants, my Power Animals and Guides, my family, all my Relations, living
in abundance, living in peace and harmony etc etc..

I was struggling a bit with the concept that, as I still believe right now, I live
in a hologram. So why do I thank all these 'things' that are part of a hologram?
Does that make sense since it is just a projection? Well...... thanks to Avalon Sol
it now does make sense to me. It his claim that the hologram we see and experience
in 3D is made up of trillions of sentient Crystals. So by thanking everything and
everybody I am actually thanking them and by sending my gratitude I am making this
hologram react in a positive towards me. And boy.... is it being nice to me these
days :D .

For me I experience this to be absolutely true, the world is truly a reflection of

me. Even my wife is a reflection of me. Also on this topic I struggled a bit. I
cannot change her as she has free will right? Well, that is both right and wrong.
Yes she has free will and therefor I cannot change her. But what I am seeing in MY
hologram is the version of her that is the reflection of me. So what I CAN do is
create an image of her that is totally to my liking (whatever that is) and then I
will end up on that timeline, version where she is exactly like that. So I have not
changed her but I have chosen the version of her (out of trillions of versions)
that corresponds to my projections. Those sentient Crystals have agreed to one
thing; they will simply project (light up) whatever it is that I (and all other
sentient beings that are occupying an Avatar) am projecting. This is why EVERYTHING
I experience in 3D is MY doing. There is truly no-one else to blame but me.
Whatever I am experiencing is due to my projections. This is why you have NO
limitations in this hologram. You can literally manifest ANYTHING. The matrix can
ONLY follow your instructions. And the more you understand the underlying, secret,
meanings of ushering certain words (spells) and writing lettres and signets (also
spells) the better you get at creating exactly what YOU want and NOT what the AIF
trick you into. This is why I am extremely grateful to Avalon Sol for bringing this
to my attention.

Each molecule or cluster of sub-atomic particles carries a different vibration or

hum (that you may or may not hear). When a particle is holding the shape of a rock,
the hum is extremely low. The crystal content of the rock will determine the hum or
frequency it carries. The more crystal, the higher the pitch. The higher the pitch,
the higher dimensions that hum can be seen or heard in. Just like the tighter you
wind a toy rubber band airplane the higher it will sail, the faster the particle-
spin of the molecules of that substance is, determines how high it will go. The
only difference between you and higher dimension is your DNA particle-spin. That’s
it, because all of creation, all space, all the heavens and all the expanse of
everything can fit on the point of a needle because nothing other than your
awareness and thoughts actually exists. When you leave here for higher planes, you
don’t actually leave, you simply are able to see higher frequency creation. The
rapture does not exist

I have also begun sun gazing realizing that the liquid crystal (water) can hold
that charge better than food energy.

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