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Over the past 2 years I have been touching on how your intentions were being
reverse-encoded here, through the way your language had been formed, and how the
scalar waves behind the curvatures of your letters use Cymatic geometry which is
the sub-quantum commands being given to the standing energy of god-source, which is
the fabric of manifestation power that lies around you in the form of "ether" which
is how vibration (thought or words or even the representation of the thought
through geometric templates) tells the ether "what to do". This has not been easy,
and all along since my education on the hidden lies of your reality around you, I
have had no knowledge that there was a science that has shown that the words being
spoken around you have had reverse messages encoded in them. While this man has
likely no clue how this has happened, his research has landed him on world-wide
talk shows, news headlines, and his work has proven to be solid.

I will explain to you the way this reverse-coded language became the universal
language spoken by nearly 7000 different groups in different intonations, and all
of them have been encoded in order to reverse the intended manifestation of the
speaker. Warning, this information when shared in the past, has led to the
immediate eradication of my FB profile, so if you want to keep this information, be
sure to cut and paste it to your own notepad or wordpad, as I cannot assure you it
will be here again later for reference.

The oldest known written language most recently came to your planet 13,500 years
ago from a planet called Nibiru. It was the ancient language of the beings who
settled in the area of Egypt called Sumer, and coincided with the same time of the
3rd seeding of your species. These were one of your two main captor groups, who
were Leviathan Drakonian Anunnaki under the direction of Marduk Satain, Thoth, Enki
and Enlil. While they were four unique different type of "beings", they all worked
hand-in-hand under what is called the Luciferian Treaty, which was basically just
an agreement that the people seeded to this planet would be ruled in cooperation by
these groups under one directive. Enslavement and bioforming to overtake their
higher DNA for their own war races. Here we will not get into the second major
group that later signed the Luciferian Treaty, the Samjase Pleiadean Anunnki

Sumerian cuneiform written text was all done with geometric patterns of course, as
they knew very clearly how to use words, intent, thought and writing in order to
command the ether to allow them to manifest what they wanted to accomplish. For
those who have doubts about this, I will be posting some links here to factual
proof that all of these forms of expression carry the power of life and death with

The Sumerians immediately overthrew your Pharaohs in Egypt upon your arrival. The
peaceful Pharaonic Egyptians who had originally been the very first inhabitants of
Alania 550 million years ago, and the inhabitants of Atlantis 950,000 years ago are
now known as “Native American Indians”, and were no match for the bloodthirsty
Drakonians. They were the first of your 5 race of the Turnaneusiam-1 Project avars.
The Marduk ET collective immediately placed their own images in the hieroglyphs all
over the megaliths there which had been built for your species by a race of felines
who had advance knowledge of building these free-energy structures throughout the
galaxy, and they were also one of your original founding father races. You will
still see many lions carved in the stones and many statues were erected in their
honor for building the megaliths for your evolution. This would be considered the
“builder race”, though they didn’t live here, they did build these amazing
structures. The great Sphinx was one of them, and its original face was that of a
lion in their honor, before the area was overtaken by the Drakonians who replaced
the face with that of a human Drakonian hybrid. Now you will see human-like bodies
carved in the stones with bird heads, reptilian heads, lizard heads, crocodile
heads, in honor of the “gods”, because this is what the pure-strain Marduk
Satain/Thoth Lucifer, Enki and Enlil groups looked like prior to their
hybridization program. It didn’t take long for them to begin looking like what you
think of as “human”. These pure-blood invaders were considered gods because they
knew how to use words that commanded the ether, allowing them to perform
"miracles". And all because they confused the languages here, just as they had done
before in Babylon 800,000 years before when they wound up exterminating your entire
second seeding. The word babel as in babbling idiot comes from the word Babylon
where the languages were first fractured, keeping your species from building the
tower of Babel that would have allowed them access to higher dimensions above the
firmament (natural dome).

Sumerian cuneiform letters represent numerical values in the way they had been
formed, this allowed not only a Cymatic, geometric pattern to carry the intent of
the letters, but also that intent could then be simply reproduced using numbers for
mathematical equations. Later, after the Samjase Pleiadians entered the Luciferian
Treaty, the Sumer codes were used to create the Greek Alphabet used by the Romans
(Samjase), but in a different form. This time they would be represented to the
world in numeric form, not in the much more visually identifiable geometric
patterns as previous, since having pictures of the intended meaning would be easy
to eventually spot for the humans. They needed something much more subtle and much
harder to detect that they had now been reversed in intent.

The Greek alphabet was later used to create an even more ciphered code with more
letters that could break down into far more hidden meanings because now each
capital letter had a supposedly “corresponding” lower-case version of itself that
could be used “interchangeably”. This is when the Sumer/Greek alphabet was used as
the template to create what is now known as “Latin”. “Latin” is the fundamental
language still used by the Drakonians in their religious programs for the humans,
even though no one speaks Latin anymore. The reason is that that language is the
base cipher for all languages around the world for the captives. However, the
original Hebrew language used by the “Israelites”, “god’s chosen people”, who were
the purest blood of the first human/Drakonian hybrids, would have been written to
actually manifest true intent, and the language was considered that of only the
“chosen” Hebrews.

Hhhmmmm, guess they never bothered to mention that there was a language with
letters reserved for use only by “god’s chosen”. Indeed, the precise spelling, and
placement of every single word of the Jewish Torah in the original Hebrew are
ferociously guarded. Why so guarded and why so precisely? Because the Hebrew
language is the language of atomic structure, based on the geometric shape of each
part of every letter, each carrying its own numeric value, based on how it is
nested within the word, and is the foundation language of chemistry itself. No
other language on earth can be adapted as precisely with modern chemistry as the
“god language”. If the shape of letters used to intone certain words were not at
the base of manifestation, then why does the first sentence of the Torah state:
“Beginning created God alphabet the heavens and alphabet the earth”? Because the
words spoken cast them into creation. He needed words first, because he needed to
code the geometry of words to command the ether. And WHY is simple, because god has
no hands to work with, “he” (you) is pure awareness surrounded by unlimited energy.

Here is a video where you can see for yourself that this ONE language within all of
the nearly 7000 languages used on earth today, was adopted as the language of
science, representing how chemical structure actually works through DNA commands to
produce what we think of as real. (We won’t get into why scientists still can’t
figure it all out, because they are trying to use the LIE of PI, a distorted
mathematical structure.)

Assembling WORDS through the base letters of our oldest texts returns back to
numerical values. Numbers, letters, words, tones, and even thoughts create sound
vibrations when expressed called Cymatics, which I have been referring to here.
Vibrational sounds can be produced with a guitar, trumpet, or translated through
the speakers in your car and every note, every nuance or variation of each note can
be mathematically reproduced, as can thoughts. These sounds create a picture of
sacred geometry that carries within the shape and form of much more advanced and
complex scalar commands through geometric patterns. Speaking a word or saying a
phrase carries with it much more than just someone’s name or the expression of a
simple idea. It carries the power of creation, destruction, life and death.

In the Greek alphabet, the last letter, when in capital form, looks like a
horseshoe and is represented as “Omega”. The last, the end, or more precisely, the
“the GREAT Ultimate, Final, Last”. This means that to the Greeks, this symbol
represented the ultimate finality to whatever it was mentioned in the bible program
as having started out as the Alpha, or “first”, but it is now the final word on all
matters. Funny that this symbol is used to represent the ultimate, final authority
of electronic expression (the capital omega letter O is used to represent an OHM)
to a people who have been shown to have the same gods, culture, laws, money
exchange and construction techniques of the ancient Sumerians known as the
Phoenicians? And isn’t it also curious that the Phoenicians from where all this
knowledge came, represents the historic etymology for the words Phonetics,
Phonograph and telephone? Is this culture somehow rooted in the cradle of life of
the expression of written word? Of the translation from written word to verbalized
sounds? Of course. There is no mystery why your word for “phone” goes directly back
to Sumer. Language is the foundation of any civilization. If you can rule their
language, especially when it was supposed to be their connection to unlimited
power, you can rule the kingdom. That’s right, unlimited power.

A Tonal Signature is a scalar wave “thumb print” created from mathematical

geometric patterns. Each syllable of any language constructed and translated from
ancient sacred-geometric alphabets carries with it the geometric pattern or “thumb
print” that brings each item we think of as “real” to our sight or touch or
subconscious impression. In fact, all “life” itself is formed through
radiofrequency scalar waves called Cymatics which can be brought into view in
simple 2D in a laboratory through a Tonoscope or 3D with Cymascope software on a
computer. A single droplet of water when hit with a single frequency depending on
the oscillation can produce many different geometric patterns, each one a tonal
signature of manifestation. This represents the vastness of how many geometric
shapes that the same frequency can create when the oscillation is changed by
degrees that are nearly or completely unrecognizable to our senses. Yet, they are
real, and lay at the foundation of your original power to command the ether. When
the precise mathematics are applied to a “sacred” letter, its use expresses that
image when spoken. And when letters are placed together, each syllable of the word
creates its own geometric shape that is embedded within the collective shapes of
the word, forming much more complex geometry. By placing your letters BACKWARDS in
your creation of words, you REVERSE the intent, or worse, you create “Babel”.

Every curve and varying angle of spheres as placed relative to each other (nested)
in each “thumb print” are a long string of DNA-commanded “Fire Letters” (complete
snapshot of an image) which express their own manifest reality. And, just like your
DNA in your blood cells that manifest your body using what science calls DNA
Command Language, where proteins assemble themselves together in the precise nested
string in order to “build” your human body, so do DNA commands work on all levels
of creation.

But how does “DNA” actually “command” anything to DO something?

It has been said by all of the greatest physicists on the planet innumerable times,
“all things are vibration”. Meaning that nothing within existence is stationary.
All of the atoms that make up the molecules that make up matter are all moving at a
very fast pace. Some of the things around us that are made up by these vibrations
are visible to the naked eye, some are not. Below the quantum of each vibrating
object lies a geometric pattern which holds the entire code necessary to command
that first vibration to begin the sequence of manifesting whatever object is
represented in that geometric command pattern. Patterns are symbols, symbols are
Fire Letters, Fire Letters hold scalar waves of precise tonal signatures which when
nested, create reality. Every shape of the proteins and building blocks of the
codes within a strand of DNA in your blood right now are holding geometric
patterns. That’s right, they are all geometric patterns that build up to make a
combination of Fire Letters at each nested stage that can all be achieved using
mathematical equations, because the shape of each number entering the computer
carries with it the scalar wave signature of a precise line of code. When the
particles of energy in the ether are surrounded by any geometric pattern carrying
any of the precise codes that the ether has been programmed to respond to, then the
geometric pattern’s intent is replicated automatically. Just like with a computer
today, you type a Z, and suddenly the Z appears. Same math. You type apr028nc, and
you can’t read anything, because that isn’t a coded word that will manifest
something you have been trained to understand. And your computer program (your 15
Level Time Matrix), hasn’t been coded to understand your words in this reversed

Sound can be shown to create not only 2D images such as shown with a Tonoscope, but
also into a full sphere representing the full cymatic pattern. All manifestations
of life are cyclical, or global in shape as well as in pattern. Starting with the
Latin vowel letter A spoken by a male, which manifests the core essence template of
all HUMAN life on the planet, it makes a very clear geometric shape I know to be
the “tree of life”, or “star of David” ?with a sphere or circle around it. The tree
of life is the TEMPLATE of the human DNA pattern, and is made up of highly complex
codes which are the result of billions of different geometric templates that have
been carefully made into a mathematical science where your avatar is able to
manifest within. It is not the basis of all life, it is base code of your complex
life form. That the FIRST letter of the reverse-encoded Latin alphabet begins with
the tree of life is a clue in how they reversed your language.

In modern science, electricity is fundamentally and literally, “God”. Without it,

there would be no modern science. It really is as simple as that. Because
electricity is the power behind the many things that allows the men in little white
lab coats to “discover” new things in biology, mechanics, electronics and all
things associated with our ongoing technological advancements. In these labs you
will find one very common thread. Ohm. Because Ohm is how we measure electrical
resistance with all things electrically powered, O. Every spiritualist on planet
earth has been repeating OHMmmmm for our entire recorded history and that “crazy”
tradition just so happens to be at the foundation of all modern technology? Really?

So what does OHMmmmm look like when chanted by a male and sent into a Tonoscope?
Amazingly, it creates a perfectly round circle. The circle is the shape of the a
Partici energy particle, or, the foundation of life. Without this standing energy
sphere, there would be no energy to power any manifestation to begin with, hence,
it is the true “FIRST”.

The Alpha and Omega of the Latin alphabet surprisingly comes from the Alpha
Draconis star system, where the North Star is located. Your planet didn’t always
point it’s “north” directly to the center of Alpha Draconis, but it did after it
had been rotated 202 ½ degrees artificially some 246,000 years ago when the
Zeta/Draco Frequency Fence was put into place. And by whom was this multi-level
invisible forcefield put into place by? The Leviathan Drakonians. And which star
system did they originally come from down to your planet? Alpha Draconis. These
were the original Sumerians who’s written language was used to create your
alphabet. This can be proven by the fact that the foundation geometric symbol to
life itself, the “First” life, was placed at the END of this new alphabet, and the
ruling authority on your planet, or what was supposed to have been, was human,
represented in the letter A, and placed at the BEGINNING of the alphabet. The first
particle of life in an alphabet coded to your species, would be the first letter.
The final letter, or what all the letters of the alphabet added up to, would then
be the template that your manifestation would come from, meaning it would be the
last letter. And now you can see for yourself not only is this reversed, I just
showed you how those letters create reality.

According to Stewart Swerdlow, the famous intuitive empath who had been tortured
for decades in the Montauk Project reported that a man he knows well spent 35 years
trying to decode the bible. Finally, he got a Cymascope software program that could
turn letters, words and sounds into visible, 3 dimensional images, and entered
every character from the King James bible into the computer in reverse. He left out
all the punctuations and spaces, and only entered the letters. The image that
appeared on the screen was 6 point Tetrahedron Star of David encased inside of a
pyramid, meaning that the human DNA of your seeding could be captured by using the
bible program if followed to the letter.

Once the languages had long since been separated into thousands of different
dialects, and your evolution began once again to carve out your own forms of
writing down the languages you were now speaking, the bible program was solidly
instituted by the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. using the program that had been
handed down to Sumer through the 246,000 year history stored on the 100,000
cuneiform clay tablets of Sumer, a program that had worked repeatedly for the
Leviathans for eons. A printing program for the bible went into serious production
during what were called the Crusades to bring that bible to every part of the
world. Of course, all paid for by the Cathars, the descendants of Sumer. All other
forms of written histories and written languages around the world were burned,
those who knew how to read and write them were deemed witches and were burned at
the stake, along with all their books on using white magic, handed down for the
past 12,000 years. Then, those communities were given a copy of the bible program
along with a priest who would read it to you every week in the language that best
suited that culture. And all of those bibles in all of those different languages
had been written using alphabets that had been developed using the “Universal
Alphabet” known as Latin. And now you know how this happened.

I told you I would give you links to proof of the power of words. By now you have
heard of the very famous rice experiment. Dr. Masaru Emoto spent decades
researching water, and toward the end of his career, he learned that he could
change the water droplets by speaking to them. This ultimately led to the rice
experiment, where spoken words to one jar of rice in water would act completely
differently than rice in another jar, both of which would act completely
differently than the rice in another jar that had been ignored. This worked by
merely thinking the words, just as it did when taping the words to the sides of the
jars. Same results each time.

The message is pretty clear here, Words Cast Spells. And your words have been
casting spells back on yourself. When you do energy work, healing work, meditation,
I suggest you use only pure intent as visualized by the mind’s eye, with no words
of any kind, unless of course, you like how things have been working out here.

Here is the reverse-speech phenomenon as approached by earth-level science.

All love

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