Basic Questions To Prepare For Ineterviews

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+91 7303066379

Write answers to below questions on word doc in continuation of previous document.

Q1. Tell me about yourself

Q2. why are leaving now

3. Explain your one complex project to us.

4. when can you join us.

5. do you have offer in hand

6. You left last org so soon why?

7. what is that you expect in your next role and in 5yrs

8. what is your CTC expectation
+91 7303066379

9. Accomplishment in last 5 years

10. Tell a situation of a conflict

add these questions later but for now do the above ones.

1. which all charts you have used- include standard non standard charts

2. what chart you will use when-- include standard non standard charts

3. what is the most complex project

4. scenarios that you have encounter in Tableau/power Bi

5. how much you will rate yourself in Tableau, power BI, sql , alteryx , python


6. how do you do performance improvement of dashboard

7. how do get data in your office

8. how do you share your dashboard with users
+91 7303066379

9. what is join, blending in tableau, what will you use when

10. Explain windows functions in SQL?

11. query to get second highest salary and cumulative salary for an employee

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