2. 初中 讲解用

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英语词汇 2182 个 25 页

696 fog [fɔg] n 雾

thick fog
He is tall and thin.
on thin ice 如履薄冰
a thick book (= one that has a lot of pages) 一本厚书
a thick coat (= one made of heavy cloth) 厚大衣
697 smog[smɔg]n 烟雾
toxic smog 有毒烟雾
699 living room n 起居室,客厅
700 dining room n 餐厅

Daily /ˈdeɪli/
Daily Mail 每日邮报
703 soldier ['səuldʒə] n 士兵,战士
Sell 卖,销售
Buy 买
Sold out 卖完了
704 businessman ['biznismæn] n 商人
705 assistant [ə'sistənt] n 助手,助理
We'll do all we can to assist you
Sister 姐妹
sist 志同道合的
ant /ænt/
706 a shop assistant phr. 售货员,店员
708 postman ['pəustmən] n 邮递员
I'll send the original letter to you by post.
Post 贴
Poster 海报
09 factory ['fæktəri] n 工厂
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
710 station ['steiʃən] n 车站,所,站
711 bus station n 公共汽车站
714 post [pəust] n 邮政,邮寄,邮件
715 office ['ɔ:fis] n 办公室
716 post office n 邮局
721 medicine ['medisin] n 内服药,医学
722 in the day phr. 在白天
723 at night phr. 在晚上,在夜里
725 weekend ['wi:k'end] n 周末
727 writer ['raitə] n 作家,作者
Ghost writer 影子写手
A cookery writer 写菜谱的人等

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731 baker ['beikə] n 面包师
Bakery 面包店
Baked potato(es)
Baked Chicken in Salt 盐酥鸡
732 artist ['ɑ:tist] n 画家,艺术家
Artifact 手工制品
745 take off phr. 脱衣服
748 exercise ['eksəsaiz]n 锻炼,做操,练习
749 do morning exercises phr. 做早操
750 shopping ['ʃɔpiŋ] n 买东西
751 go shopping phr. (去)买东西
No parking
No smoking
No shopping
757 playground ['pleigraund]n(学校的)操场
句子:Children are playing on the play----
On on the
In in the river
Into look into
764 Bridge [bridʒ] n 桥
Ridge 山脊
767 on foot phr. 走路,步行
I go to school on foot.
I swim. 一般现在时 反复 真理 习惯
I am swimming. 现在进行时 Be+doing
By 凭借
By bike
768 holiday ['hɔlədi] n 假日,假期
770 by [bai] prep 乘车(船等)
771 by plane phr. 乘飞机
I want to go to Australia by plane.
772 by ship phr. 乘船
786 tear [tɛə] n (常用复数)眼泪,泪珠
A drop of tear
788 tofu ['təufu:] n 豆腐
Mahjong hot
kung fu
qigong 气功
789 fridge [fridʒ] n 电冰箱

790 list [list] n 清单,一览表,名单,目录

A list of sth
791 shopping list phr. 购物清单
796 cheap [tʃi:p] adj 便宜的

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Look for a cheap restaurant/hotel 收费低廉的餐馆╱旅馆

A bottle of cheap perfume 劣质香水
fume /fjuːm/ 冒烟
expense /ɪkˈspens/
Running a car is a big expense. 养一辆车开销很大。
Expenses /ɪk'spensɪs/
The Ad expense of 361 is huge / large.
Ad expenses of 361 are huge.
selling expense 销售额
797 expensive [iks'pensiv] adj 昂贵的
I want to buy an expensive mini-dress.
799 onion ['ʌnjən] n 洋葱
French onion soup 法式洋葱汤
Chop /tʃɑːp/ the onions finely. 把洋葱切细。
Onion rings
Spring / Chinese onion
800 carrot ['kærət] n 胡萝卜
carrot and stick 软硬兼施
801 pork [pɔ:k] n 猪肉
roast pork 烤猪肉
pork chops 猪排
a leg of pork 猪腿肉
sweet and sour pork chops
sour milk
809 health [helθ] n 健康,卫生
Shopping can kill your health.
812 travel ['trævl] v & n 旅行
I like travelling by train.
813 safe [seif] adj 安全的,平安的
Safety n
814 minibus ['mini,bʌs] n 小型公共汽车
Mini skirt
816 price [prais] n 价格,价钱
What is the price of a pen?
How much?
817 example [ig'zɑ:mpl] n 例子,榜样
Can you give me an example?
He sets an example to the other students.
To follow his example was a mistake
818 for example phr. 例如
For instance (rather formal)
change the background
set a Good example
819 stand [stænd] v 站,立
She was too weak to stand. 她虚弱得站都站不住。
Standard 标准
living standards 生活标准
I live in China.
820 field [fi:ld] n 地,田地
a field of wheat 麦田
823 bright [brait] adj 明亮的,灿烂的

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825 sunglasses ['sʌnglɑ:siz] n 太阳镜
827 language ['læŋgwidʒ] n 语言
The second language
828 helpful ['helpfəl] adj 有帮助的,有益的
Making friends is helpful.
It is helpful to make friends.
Make friends with sb
Helpful friends 益友
829 get on (a bus) phr. 上车
Go on
831 company ['kʌmpəni] n 公司
832 manager ['mænidʒə] n 经理,负责人
Manage 管理运行
manage to do
Management n
classroom management 课堂组织能力
time management
money management
Human Resource Management 人力资源管理
HR of the company
833 century ['sentʃuri] n 世纪,百年
Century-egg 松花蛋
20th century

第二册 834----1644
834 lesson ['lesn] n 课,功课
She gives piano lessons. 她教授钢琴课。
Let that be a lesson to you 教训 (= so that you do not make the same mistake
again). 你要以此为鉴。
learn a lesson 受到教训
A learned a lesson from the last swimming game.
teach a lesson to
Anna teaches an English lesson to Alice.
835 fun [fʌn] n 有趣
Sailing is good fun. 帆船运动很有乐趣。Declan
Have fun (= Enjoy yourself) ! 尽情地玩吧!
Funny person

Less /les/
Less and less
Less is more
Your speech is meaningless.
836 when [hwen] conj 当......时
Sunday is the only day when I can relax. 星期日是我唯一可以休息的日子。
837 traffic ['træfik] n 交通
Traffic jam 交通堵塞
838 bad [bæd] adj 坏的

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839 matter ['mætə]v(否定句,疑问句)要紧,有关系

840 on time phr. 准时
841 September [sep'tembə] n 九月
842 happy ['hæpi] adj 快乐的,幸福的
843 best [best] adj &adv 最好的(地)
844 wish [wiʃ] n &v 祝愿,希望,想要
Best Wishes.
845 second ['sekənd] num &adj 第二(的)
846 idea [ai'diə] n 主意,想法,意见
It would be a good idea to call before we leave.
I like the idea of living on a boat/going shopping/swimming.
Have an idea
other ideas 另有打算
The plan is Anna's idea
Big idea
big picture
Macro scopic /ˌmækrəʊˈskɒpɪk/
Micro scopic /ˌmaɪkrəˈskɒpɪk/
macro-history 宏观历史
847 last [lɑ:st] adj 最后的,刚过去的
the last bus
last night/Tuesday/month/summer/year
have the last ˈlaugh 笑到最后 最后的胜利
do make have
848 given name phr. 名 First name
Family name
Last name
Anonymity /ˌænəˈnɪməti/ 佚名
849 mean [mi:n] v 表示...的意思,意味着
What does this sentence mean? 这个句子是什么意思?
Positive This sentence is “Hello”. This sentence means Hello.
Negative this sentence does not mean Hello.
Question Does this sentence mean Hello?

850 meaning ['mi:niŋ] n 意思,意义,含义

What is your meaning?
851 important [im'pɔ:tənt] adj 重要的,重大的
Fishing port
Importer is the importing country.
Export /ɪkˈspɔːt; ˈekspɔːt/
Exit /ˈeksɪt;/
Listening is an important part of the job.
It is important to learn English.
It is important for Alice to learn English every day.
Alice is an important member of the team 举足轻重的一位队员
He likes to feel important. 他喜欢感到自己很重要。
Importance noun
The importance of Chinese is ------------
852 use [ju:z] v 用,使用,运用

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There is no use doing it

There is no use in doing it
853 Ms [mɪz]n 女士(用于婚姻状况不明的女名)
854 before [bi'fɔ:] prep &adv 在..之前,以前 after
We are having the class before lunch 午餐前
We have
the day before yesterday 前天
the day after tomottow 后天
The year before last he won a gold medal, and the year before that he won a
He arrived before me. 他比我先到。
前面 in front of
Your name is before mine on the list.
He puts his work before everything including me, for example, for instance,
855 never ['nevə] adv 从来,决不 ever 永远 forever 永远
You never help me.
Never mind 不要担心
Now or never 机不可失,失不再来
tomorrow comes and tomorrow goes 春去秋来,时光荏苒
tomorrow never comes 切莫依赖明天
856 just [dʒʌst] adv 刚刚,方才
You're just in time. 你来的正好

857 third [θə:d] num &adj 第三的 基数词和序数词

12 和第 12
858 afraid [ə'freid] adj 害怕的
Don't be afraid of sth.
Are you afraid of spiders? Spiderman 蜘蛛侠
I am too afraid to open the door.
859 live [liv] alive /əˈlaɪv/ an alive animal
v 居住
Where do you live?
She needs to find somewhere to live.
We used to live in London.
Both her children still live at home.
V 存活
Spiders can live for several days without food.
V 生存方式,生活
She lived a very peaceful life.
860 sound [saund] n & v 声音,听起来
a high/low sound 高的╱低的声音
861 have to phr. 不得不,必须 must
I have to go.
864 not...any more phr. 不再 many.much—more—most
not any longer long—longer-longest longlong time ago
866 waste [weist] n & v 浪费,废弃物
867 a waste of time phr. 浪费(白费)时间
868 fifth [fifθ] num & adj 第五(的)
869 trip [trip] n & v 旅游,旅行

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870 field trip phr. 野外旅游

Travel v
Trip n
871 hometown ['hom'taun] n 故乡,家乡
My hometown is a peaceful city.

872 discuss [di'skʌs] v 讨论,议论

Cuss /kʌs/ 诅咒 咒骂
877 agree [ə'gri:] v 同意,赞成
Agree with you
878 boating ['bəutiŋ] n 划船
879 go boating phr. 去划船
880 maybe ['meibi] adv 也许,大概
881 mountain ['mauntin] n 山,高山
882 hike [haik] n & v 远足,徒步旅行
883 hiking [haikin] n 徒步旅行
884 go hiking phr. 去徒步旅行
885 picnic ['piknik] n 野餐
890 quickly ['kwikli] adv 快地,迅速地
891 start [stɑ:t] v 开始,着手
893 tired ['taiəd] adj 累,疲乏
895 hurry up phr. 赶快
896 tie [tai] v 捆,(系,栓)紧
897 die [dai] v 死亡
Death n
900 eighth [eitθ] num 第八
904 together [tə'geðə] adv 一起
907 ninth [nainθ] num &adj 第九(的)
909 mid-autumn n 中秋
910 mooncake n 月饼

911 nut [nʌt] n 坚果,坚果核螺母;螺帽

lock nut 锁紧螺母
912 sweet [swi:t] adj 甜的,可爱的
913 inside [,in'said] prep 在...里面
Go inside the house. 进屋里吧。
Inside the box was a gold watch. 盒子里装着一只金表。
Inside out
You can't open the door from the outside.
914 store ['in'said] n (美)商店,大百货公司
a health food store 保健食品商店
915 come over phr. 过来,顺便来访
916 thanksgiving [,θæŋks'giviŋ] n 感谢,感恩
917 Thanksgiving=Thanksgiving Day phr. 感恩节
918 get together phr. 相聚
919 October [ɔk'təubə] n. 十月
920 taste [teist] v 品尝,有...味道
921 pie [pai] n (用肉或水果做成的)馅饼
a slice of apple pie 一块苹果派
923 in the open air phr.在户外,在野外
924 harvest ['hɑ:vist] n 收获 Harvard
a vast area of forest 莽莽苍苍的森林
a vast crowd 一大群人
a vast number of information 大量信息

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a running vest 赛跑背心
925 than [ðæn] conj 比....,比较....
More than many – more – most
Less than
926 another[ə'nʌðə]adj&conj 另一个(的),又一个(的)
Would you like another drink? 还想喝一杯吗
927 delicious [di'liʃəs] adj 美味的,可口的
928 better['betə]adj(good 或 well 的比较级)更好的
Good – better –best
I am better than you
929 pumpkin ['pʌmpkin] n 南瓜
Pumpkin pie is a traditional American dish on Thanksgiving.
930 twelfth [twelfθ] num &adj 第十二(的) twelve
931 turkey ['tə:ki] n 火鸡
roast turkey 烤火鸡肉
932 celebrate ['selibreit] v 庆祝
N a party in celebration of your birthday
933 wait [weit] v 等,等待
Wait for you
934 feed [fi:d] v 喂,饲养
Have you fed the cat yet? 你喂了猫没有?
I have not fed the cat already.
935 cow [kau] n 母牛,乳牛
Cash cow 摇钱树
936 interesting ['intəristiŋ]adj 有趣的,有意思的
937 tractor ['træktə] n 拖拉机
938 taxi ['tæksi] n 出租汽车
939 slow [sləu] adj 慢的,缓慢的 adjective a slow pro
940 slowly ['sləuli] adv 缓慢地 run slowly adverb
941 grow [grəu] v 种植,生长 a row of
942 wheat [wi:t] n 小麦
wheat flour 小麦制的面粉 heat
943 country ['kʌntri] n 乡村,郊外
Side countryside
944 hear [hiə] v 听见,听说
Hear of sth
Hear about sth
The butter is made from milk.
The ice is made of water.

1、hear of 的意思是:听说;获悉;收到…的消息;知道,表示听说,而且是非常了解。
I am sorry to hear of your serious illness.
2、hear about 的意思是:得知;听到关于,是指间接听到。
What you hear about may be false; what you see is true.
耳闻为虚,眼见为实。 错的假的

Is done I kill you. You are killed by me.

Was done I killed you yesterday.

is being done I am killing you. You are being killed by me.

I was killing you. You were being killed by me.

Was being done

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have been done

946 agree with phr.同意...意见(想法)符合,一致

947 corn [kɔ:n] n (美)玉米,谷类庄稼
948 most[məust]adj&adv(many 或 much 的最高级)最多的
Many trees
Much money more most
Good better best
I have more money than you
I am better than you
949 summer ['sʌmə] n 夏天,夏季
950 winter ['wintə] n 冬天,冬季
951 stop [stɔp] v 停止,中止
952 pick [pik] v 采摘(花,果实)
Pick up 挑选
代(名)词 pronoun
主语格式 he she they I we you
宾语格式 him her them me mine you

Excite /ɪkˈsaɪt/ v 刺激 挑起 使兴奋

953 exciting [ik'saitiŋ] adj 令人兴奋的
excited /ɪkˈsaɪtɪd/
954 town [taun] n 城镇
955 star [stɑ:] n 星星,恒星
956 until [ən'til] prep&pron 到...为止
957 till [til] prep&pron (直)到...为止
958 college ['kɔlidʒ] n 学院,高等专科学校
959 farming ['fɑ:miŋ] n 农业,务农
960 somebody ['sʌmbədi] pron 某人,有人
961 nobody ['nəubɔdi] pron 没有人
962 shall [ʃæl] v (我,我们)将,会 will
963 zoo [zu:] n 动物园
964 nothing ['nʌθiŋ] pron 没有什么,没有东西
I have nothing
965 dolphin ['dɔlfin] n 海豚
966 show [ʃəu] n&v 演出,展览 给...看,出示
The greatest show
I can show you.
967 gate [geit] n 大门
968 land [lænd] n 陆地,土地
969 just [dʒʌst] adv 仅仅,只有
970 grass [grɑ:s] n 草,草地
971 dangerous ['deindʒərəs] adj 危险的
Danger N 危险 危险物
972 panda ['pændə] n 熊猫
973 lion ['laiən] n 狮子
974 elephant ['elifənt] n 象
975 monkey ['mʌŋki] n 猴子
976 tiger ['taigə] n 老虎
977 deer [diə] (pl.deer) n 鹿
978 snake [sneik] n 蛇
979 rabbit ['ræbit] n 兔子

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980 duck [dʌk] n 鸭

981 fox [fɔks] n 狐狸
982 horse [hɔ:s] n 马
983 bear [bɛə] n 熊
984 cage [keidʒ] n 笼(子),鸟笼
985 should [ʃud]v.aux (shall 的过去式)将,会,应该
986 forest ['fɔrist] n 森林
For rest
987 feel [fi:l] v 觉得,感到
I am Feeling good
988 if [if] conj 假如,如果
The bread if
989 fall [fɔ:l] v 落下,跌倒
I am Falling down
Knock down
990 climb [klaim] v 爬,攀登
Climb the hills/mountains
991 finish ['finiʃ] v 完成,结束 约定俗成
Finish line 终点线
Finish doing
Finish to do
Stop doing
Stop to do
Fin /fɪn/
Finite /ˈfaɪnaɪt/ 有限的 限制的
finite ring 有限环 三体
non-finite verb 无限动词 非限定性动词
992 cinema ['sinimə] n 电影院,电影
993 seafood ['sifu:d] n 海鲜,海产食品
994 twentieth /ˈtwentiəθ/ num 第 20
995 baby ['beibi] n 婴儿,幼畜
996 back [bæk] n 背部,后面
Back pain backache headache
I found some old photos at the back of the drawer.
Closet 衣柜 秘密储藏地
997 place [pleis] n 地点,地方 somewhere someplace
Something sth
Somebody sb
I can't be in two places at once. 我没法分身
We were looking for a place to eat.
I do this for you.
998 twenty-first [,twenti'fə:st]num 第二十一
999 bank [bæŋk] n 银行
a bank of knowledge 知识宝库
a blood /blʌd/ bank 血库
1000 theatre(theater['θiətə])['θiətə]n 剧场,戏院
Movie theatre --- cinema
Broadway theatres 百老汇剧院
Broad broad shoulders 宽肩 go broad 出国
Borad a blackboard 黑板 go board 上船
an open-air theatre 露天剧场
an open-air field

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How often do you go to the theatre?

I didn’t go to the theatre.
1001 bookshop ['bukʃɔp] n 书店
1002 toilet ['tɔilit] n 厕所
1003 museum [mju:'ziəm] n 博物馆
‘I wonder why?’ she mused. V 沉默的 沉思的
The Muse 第六感女神
1004 front [frʌnt] adj & n 前面(的),前部
1005 in front of phr. 在...前面
1008 side [said] n 边,面
people on both sides of the Atlantic 大西洋两岸的人
1009 on the left/right side phr. 在左(右)边
1010 all the same phr. 仍然,还是
1011 need [ni:d] v 需要,必需
He didn’t need to go to hospital.
Need to do
The Palace Musemu
The Great Wall
1012 ask for phr. 请求,询问
Ask for help
ask for trouble
1013 along [ə'lɔŋ] prep 沿着,顺着 一起,一道
go along with 赞同附合随行 sth / sb
They walked slowly along the road.
1014 road [rəud] n 道路,公路
1015 turn [tə:n] v (使)转动,(使)翻动
Turn left
Turn right
几米 台湾
1016 turning ['tə:niŋ] n 拐弯处
1017 metre ['mi:tə] n 公尺,米
1018 kilometre ['kilə,mi:tə] n 公里,千米
1019 had better (do) phr. 最好(做...)
1020 coin [kɔin] n 硬币 corn
notes and coin 纸币和硬币 notebook textbook
coin money 暴富
1021 keep [ki:p] v 保持,留住
Keep left along the wall. 沿着墙靠左边走。road
I'm very sorry to keep you waiting.
1022 as [æz] conj 按照,如同
As soon as possible
As beautiful good bad big as
1023 moment ['məumənt] n 片刻,瞬间
At the moment
1024 tell [tel] v 告述,讲述,吩咐
Did she tell you her name? 她告诉你她的姓名了吗?
What did I tell you ?
1025 street [stri:t] n 街道
It's not safe to walk the streets at night.
To walk the streets is not safe at night.
1026 next to ['nekst tə] phr. 相邻,靠近
We sat next to each other last week.
1027 around [ə'raund] prep 在...周围环绕着
Look around
1028 lift [lift] n 电梯 v 提
Elevator /ˈelɪveɪtər/
Elevation 海拔 the elevation of hills

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Escalator /ˈeskəleɪtə(r)/
Escalate 使加剧,不断恶化
1029 up and down phr. 上上下下,来来回回
1030 busy ['bizi] adj 忙的,繁忙的
She was always too busy to listen to me.
1031 team [ti:m] n 队,组
1032 centre ['sɛntɚ] (center ['sentə]) n 中心
In the center of the world
1033 popular ['pɔpjulə] adj 大众的,流行的
Pop star
1034 soccer ['sɔkə] n 英式足球
1035 quite [kwait] adv 很,十分
Quiet /ˈkwaɪət/ Be quiet
1036 month [mʌnθ] n 月
1037 village ['vilidʒ] n 村庄,乡村 countryside
a fishing/mountain/seaside village 渔╱山╱滨海村
Villain 恶棍
Lie –lied –lied
Lie lay lain
Play the villain 唱白脸
Play the hero

1038 strong [strɔŋ] adj 强壮的,坚强的

Be late.
Be strong.
Be happy.
a strong wind
strongly adv
1039 was [wɔz] v be(am,is,are)的过去式
1040 yesterday ['jestədi] n & adv 昨天
1041 November [nəu'vembə] n 十一月
1042 ill [il] adj 病的
Morning sickness
1043 hope [həup] v 希望
Let's hope we can find a parking space.
Outter space
1044 composition [,kɔmpə'ziʃən]n 作文作品
Compose v
She composed a letter of HR.
Company 公司 陪伴
International company internet 因特网 互联网
the National Bus Company
The children are very good company.
The task poses no special problems. 这项任务不会造成特别的问题
Is everybody in position?
1045 remember [ri'membə] v 记起,想起
remember oneself 约束自己
1046 were [wə:] v 动词 be(are)的过去式
1047 bit [bit] n 一点儿,小片
1048 a bit [ə'bit] phr. 一点儿

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a bit of bun
1049 healthy ['helθi] adj 健康的,健壮的
Health /helθ/ n
a healthy child/animal/tree
keep healthy
1050 grow up ['grəu ʌp] phr. 成长,长大
1051 visit ['vizit] v 参观,访问,拜访
official visit
1052 ago [ə'gəu] adv 以前
1053 the day before yesterday phr. 前天
1054 enjoy [in'dʒɔi] v 享受...乐趣 like love enjoy
I enjoy playing tennis
enjoy doing
1055 world [wə:ld] n 世界
1056 at the same time phr. 同时
At the moment
1057 a moment ago phr. 刚才 刚刚 just
1058 just now phr. 不久以前,刚才
1059 reply [ri'plai] n & v 答复,回答
He never replied to any of my letters. 他从来没给我回过信。 从来不
She only replied with a smile.
1060 by the way phr. 顺便说,顺便问一下
1061 match [mætʃ] n 比赛,竞赛
1062 cold [kəuld] adj 冷的,寒冷的
1063 drive [draiv] v 驾驶
Could you drive me home? 你可以开车送我回家吗?
1064 plan [plæn] n 计划 v
Make a plan
Language planning 语言工程
1065 diary ['daiəri] n 日记
dear diary moment
dairy/ˈdeəri//ˈderi/ air
dairy farm
1066 make telephone calls phr. 打电话
1067 go out phr. 外出,到外面
1068 India ['indiə] n 印度
Indian (ocean)
1069 went [went] v 动词 go 的过去式
1070 rain [rein] v 下雨
1071 rained v 动词 rain 的过去式
1072 memory ['meməri] n 记忆力,存储器
People have short memories.人是健忘的。
He had a long memory for people who hated him. 记仇
1073 pack [pæk] v 打包,打行李
Package n cage
1074 everything ['evriθiŋ] pron 每件事,每样东西,一切
1075 umbrella [ʌm'brelə] n 伞,雨伞
1076 dry [drai] adj 干的,干燥的
1077 newspaper ['nju:z,peipə] n 报纸
1078 paper ['peipə] n 纸,报纸
1079 morning paper n 晨报

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1080 at breakfast phr. 早餐时

1081 say goodbye to phr. 告别,告辞
1082 useful ['ju:sfəl] adj 有用的,有益的
1083 scientists ['saiəntist] n 科学家
1084 invent [in'vent] v 发明,创造 vent
Invention n
1085 all the time [,ɔ:l ðə 'taim] phr.一直,始终,老是
1086 always ['ɔ:lweiz] adv 总是,一直,经常
1087 everywhere['evrihwɛə]adv 到处,无论哪里
1088 born [bɔ:n]v(动词 bear 的过去分词)出生
Bear- bore- born
承受 生孩子 运送 携带
1090 May [mei] n 五月
1091 move [mu:v] v 移动,搬动,搬家
Howl's Moving Castle /ˈkæsl/ owl /aʊl/
1092 understand [,ʌndə'stænd] v 懂得,理解
1093 so-so['səusəu]adj(口语)不好不坏的,马马虎虎 just soso
1094 at first phr. 起先,首先
Last,at last
1095 most [məust] pron 大部分,大多数
Many much-more-most
Most of students
1096 luck [lʌk] n 运气,好运
1097 April ['eiprəl] n 四月
1098 hate [heit] v 讨厌,不喜欢,憎恨
1099 fly [flai] v 飞,飞行,乘飞机旅行
1100 painting ['peintiŋ] n 油画,水彩画
1101 airport ['ɛəpɔ:t] n 航空站,飞机场
Fishing port
1102 Swedish ['swi:diʃ] adj 瑞(睡)典的,瑞典人的
Switzerland 瑞士
Swiss /swɪs/ 瑞士人
Swiss Army Knife Man 瑞士军刀男
Army arm

1103 rock [rɔk] n 摇动,摇滚乐

The Boat That Rocked – the rocked boat 海盗电台
1104 band [bænd] n 乐队
1105 concert ['kɔnsət] n 音乐会,演奏会
a rock/pop concert 摇滚╱流行音乐会
1106 give a concert phr. 开音乐会
1107 tonight [tə'nait] adv & n 今晚
1108 singer ['siŋə] n 歌唱者,歌手
1109 journalist ['dʒə:nəlist] n 记者,新闻工作者
Jour /dʒɜː(r)/
Journal 日报,报纸
Artist scientist
1110 famous ['feiməs] adj 有名的,著名的
One day, I'll be rich and famous. 总有一天我会名利双收。
Will be

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Be famous for 以----而著名 scar

1111 Sweden ['swi:dən] n 瑞典
1112 song [sɔŋ] n 歌,歌曲,歌谣
1113 more than phr. 多过,...以上,比....更
Many much- more- most
1114 thousand ['θauzənd] num 千
1115 accident ['æksidənt] n 事故,灾难
1116 careless ['kɛəlis] adj 粗心的,大意的
Careful 关心的 细心的 小心的 Be careful
Carefully 小心地 walk carefully
Care about sth/sb
1117 fall down phr. 倒下,跌倒,从...落下
1118 break [breik] v 折断,断裂,破碎
broke into pieces
My watch has broken.
Break broke broken
1119 go on phr. 继续
1120 someone ['sʌmwʌn] pron 某人,有人
1121 heart [hɑ:t] n 心(脏)
heart trouble (Trouble is a friend)foe 仇人 toe
She has a kind heart.
He returned with a heavy heart (= sad). 他心事重重地回来了
cold-hearted 冷酷无情
kind-hearted 好心肠
1122 past [pɑ:st] n & adj 过去(的)
1123 end [end] n & v 末端,终点,结束
In the end ,`````
1124 at the end of phr. 在...结尾,到...尽头
1125 happen ['hæpən] v (偶然)发生,碰巧
1126 part [pɑ:t] n 部分
1127 tourist ['tu:rist] n 旅游者,观光者
Tourism 旅游业
Tour v 观光
1128 go back phr. 回去 aback 吓了一跳
1129 in a hurry phr. 匆忙地
1130 grape [greip] n 葡萄
1131 science ['saiəns] n (自然)科学
1132 marry ['mæri] v 结婚
一、 marry sb 表示"嫁给某人;与.结婚".
I marry you.
二、be/get married to sb 表示"与某人结婚".
I am married, so you can call me Mrs. Liu.
I was married once.
三、marry sb to sb 表示"父母把女儿嫁给某人"或"为儿子娶媳妇".
Be married 和 get married
ger married 强调“已经结婚”这一动作,更强调的是结婚那个时间点,或者结婚这件事
be married 强调处于结婚中的状态,强调的是你不再单身了,是结婚的状态。
ger married 的完成时不能与表示一段时间状语连用。
be married 的完成时可以与表示一段时间的状语连用。
1、You can get married at sixteen, and yet you haven't got a say in the running
of the country

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你 16 岁时可以结婚,但还无权参与国家政事。
2、My wife, Jane Lin, we'll be married 30 years this summer.
我的妻子林惠嘉,到今年夏天我们结婚就满 30 年了。
1133 get married phr. 结婚
1134 subject ['sʌbdʒikt] n 题目,题材
(1) books on many different subjects 题材广泛的各种书籍
(2) Biology is my favourite subject. 生物是我最喜欢的学科。major
(3) 接受试验者;实验对象
(4) 主语
1135 friendship ['frendʃip] n 友谊,友情
1136 anyone ['eniwʌn] pron 任何人
1137 date [deit] n 日期 data 数据
1138 season ['si:zn] n 季节
1139 write down phr. 写下,记下
1140 January ['dʒænjueri] n 一月
1141 March [mɑ:tʃ] n 三月
1142 June [dʒu:n] n 六月
1143 July [dʒu:'lai] n 七月
1144 August [ɔ:'gʌst] n 八月
1145 December [di'sembə] n 十二月
1146 spring [spriŋ] n 春天
1147 last [lɑ:st] v 持续,耐久
Play the role
1148 weather ['weðə] n 天气
1149 warm [wɔ:m] adj 暖和的,热情的
1150 come out['kʌm aut]phr. (花)开,发(芽),出来
1151 heavily ['hevili] adv 大量地,猛烈地,厉害地
Heavy adj
1152 crop [krɔp] n 庄稼,收成
1153 really ['riəli] adv 确实,真正地
1154 snow [snəu] n & v 雪,下雪
1155 snowman ['snəu,mæn] n 雪人
1156 all the year round phr. 一年到头 around aback
1157 true [tru:] adj 真的,真实的
1158 nearly ['niəli] adv 将近,几乎
1159 unlike ['ʌn'laik] prep 不像,和...不同
1160 opposite ['ɔpəzit] adj 对面的,相反的 site
Buy a bun from baker opposite
I would oppose changing the law. 反对
1161 sunny ['sʌni] adj 晴朗的,阳光充足的
1162 cloud [klaud] n 云
1163 cloudy ['klaudi] adj 多云的,阴天的
1164 wet [wet] adj 湿的
1165 rainy ['reini] adj 多雨的,下雨的
1166 wind [waind] n 风
1167 windy ['windi] adj 有风的,风大的
1168 snowy [snəui] adj 多雪的,降雪的
1169 later ['leitə] adv 以后,后来
1170 later on phr. 后来,稍后
1171 ring [riŋ] v (钟,铃等)响,摇铃
1172 ring up phr. 打电话
1173 west [west] n & adj 西方、西部(的)
东南 西北
1174 strange [streindʒ] adj 奇怪的,陌生的

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1175 sunshine ['sʌnʃain] n 日光,阳光

gleam • glow • sparkle • glisten • shimmer • glitter • twinkle • glint

These words all mean to produce or reflect light. 以上各词均含发光、反光之义。

1. shine
to produce or reflect light, especially brightly 指发光、反光、照耀:
• The sun was shining and the sky was blue. 阳光灿烂,天空一片蓝。
2. gleam /ɡliːm/ 微光 sea
to shine with a clear bright or pale light, especially a reflected light 指闪烁、
• Moonlight gleamed on the water. 月光照在水面上泛起粼粼波光。
3. glow /ɡloʊ/
(often of sth hot or warm) to produce a dull steady light 常指热的物体发出微弱
• The end of his cigarette glowed red. 他的烟头发着微弱的红光。
4. sparkle /ˈspɑːrkl/
to shine brightly with small flashes of light 指闪烁、闪耀:
• The diamonds sparkled in the light. 钻石在灯光下闪闪发亮。
5. glisten /ˈɡlɪsn/
(of sth wet) to shine 指湿物闪光、闪亮:
• The road glistened wet after the rain. 雨后的道路润泽闪亮。
6. shimmer /ˈʃɪmər/ shine
to shine with a soft light that seems to shake slightly 指发出微弱的闪光、闪烁:
• Everything seemed to shimmer in the heat. 在高温下所有的东西都好像在发光。
7. glitter /ˈɡlɪtər/
to shine brightly with small flashes of reflected light 指闪亮、闪耀:
• The ceiling of the cathedral glittered with gold. 大教堂的天花板金光闪闪。
8. twinkle
1176 melon ['melən] n 瓜
Watermelon 西瓜
• a slice of melon 一片瓜
Pawpaw 木瓜/ˈpɔːpɔː/
Paw 爪子
1177 radio ['reidiəu] n 收音机
I listen to the radio on the way to work.
1178 report [ri'pɔ:t] n & v 报导,报告
1179 north [nɔ:θ] n & v 北方(的),北部(的)
northern adj /ˈnɔːrðərn/
northernmost 最北边的 漠河
1180 south [sauθ] n & v 南方(的),南部(的)
1181 at times phr. 有时,偶尔
1182 northeast ['nɔ:θ'i:st] n 东北,东北部
1183 temperature ['tempritʃə] n 温度
Temper 脾气 秉性
fly into a temper 勃然大怒
good/bad temper 脾气好╱坏
a sweet-tempered child 性情温和的
1184 above [ə'bʌv] prep 在...上面
1185 daytime ['deitaim] n 白天
1186 below [bi'ləu] prep 在...下,低于
1187 northwest ['nɔ:θ'west] n 西北,西北部
1188 lift [lift] v (云,雾等)消散,(雨)停止
I lifted the baby out of the high chair.婴儿座椅
The fog began to lift. 雾开始散了。
Frog 青蛙

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Toad 蟾蜍

Spooky 令人毛骨悚然的
1189 worse [wə:s] adj & adv ( bad,ill 的比较级)更坏,更差
Many more most
Bad worse worst
1190 foggy ['fɔgi] adj 有雾,多雾的
1191 low [ləu] adj 低的,浅,矮的
1192 birthday ['bə:θdei] n 生日
1193 invite [in'vait] v 邀请,招待
1194 film [film] n 影片,电影
1195 hold [həuld] v 拿,握
1196 hold on ['həuld ɔn] phr. (打电话时)等一等,不挂断
1197 message ['mesidʒ] n 消息,信息
1198 take/leave a message phr. 捎/留口信
1199 ready ['redi] adj 准备好的,乐意的
1200 sandwich ['sændwitʃ] n 三明治,夹心面包片
1201 plate [pleit] n 盘子,碟子
1202 candle ['kændl] n 蜡烛
1203 doorbell ['dɔ:bel] n 门铃
Jingle bell
the jingle of coins in his pocket 他兜里硬币的叮当声
1204 present ['preznt] n 礼物 gift
past and present time
at the present time .
There were 200 people present at the meeting.
1205 smile [smail] n & v 微笑
She smiled at him and he smiled back .
1206 telephone(phone [fəun]) ['telifəun] n 电话,电话机
1207 double ['dʌbl]n & adj 两倍(的),双倍(的)
1208 but [bʌt] prep 除了
1209 take out phr. 取出
1210 the same as phr. 和...相同
1211 word [wə:d] n 词,单词
1212 shout [ʃaut] v 呼喊,喊叫
1213 turn over ['tə:n ,əuvə] phr. 把...翻过来
1214 study ['stʌdi] n 书房
1215 less [les] adj&adv ( little 的比较级)较少的,较小的
1216 less than phr. 不到,少于
1217 be late for phr. 迟到
1218 beef [bi:f] n 牛肉
1219 help yourself to phr. 自取,随便吃
Tom, help yourself to some fish.
Help yourself to the fruit.
1220 Christmas ['krisməs] n 圣诞节
1221 during ['djuəriŋ] prep 在...的期间
1222 Spring Festival n 春节
1223 exam [ig'zæm] n (口语)考试
1224 get-together ['gettə,geðə] n 聚会
1225 put on phr. (戏剧等)上演,放(唱片等)
1226 play [plei] n 剧,戏剧
1227 shower ['ʃauə] n 降雨,骤雨
1228 showery ['ʃauəri] adj 降雨的,多阵雨的

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1229 magical ['mædʒikəl] adj 魔法(似)的

1230 Rome [rəum] n 罗马(意大利首都)
1231 Berlin [bə:'lin] n 柏林
1232 Moscow ['mɔskəu] n 莫斯科
Stranger in Moscow
1233 kitchen ['kitʃin] n 厨房
1234 cupboard /bɔːd/ n 碗橱,小橱(柜)

1235 few [fju:] adj 少数的,不多的

1236 a few phr. 一些,几个
“Few” 和 “a few” 之间相差了一个字母 “a”,意思却发生了很大的变化。“Few”
的意思是 “很少,不多”;“a few” 的意思却是 “几个,一些”。
Few people like snakes. 很少有人喜欢蛇。
After a few tries they gave up. 试过几次之后他们就放弃了。
A few
A little +单数不可数名词
little 作形容词用,都表示“几乎没有”,相当于一个否定词。
a little 表示肯定的意思,指“有一点,有一些”。
1237 salt [sɔ:lt] n 盐
1238 sugar ['ʃugə] n 糖
1239 pepper ['pepə] n 胡椒
1240 oil [ɔil] n 油 soil 土壤
olive oil 橄榄油 /ˈɑːlɪv/ alive /əˈlaɪv/
vegetable oils 植物油
tutor /ˈtuːtər/ 辅导
1241 wine [wain] n 葡萄酒
1242 beer [biə] n 啤酒 deer 鹿 bear 熊 a lion kisses a deer
液体 liquid
酒 liquor /ˈlɪkər/ n
酒精 alcohol /ˈælkəhɔːl/ n
Alcoholic adj & n 醉酒的 酒鬼
He flies into a rage
fly into a temper 勃然大怒
fly into a fury 勃然大怒
go for fur
1243 fork [fɔ:k] n 叉,餐叉
1244 spoon [spu:n] n 匙,调羹
1245 chopsticks ['tʃɔpstiks] n (常用复数)筷子
1246 cabbage ['kæbidʒ] n 卷心菜,洋白菜
Cab taxi 出租车
1247 pea [pi:] n 豌豆 杰克和魔豆 bean
Peak 顶峰 顶点
1248 butter ['bʌtə] n 黄油 butterfly
1249 cheese [tʃi:z] n 乳酪
1250 soup [su:p] n 汤
1251 Italian [i'tæljən] n & adj 意大利人(的),意大利语(的)
1252 pizza ['pi:tsə] n (意大利)烤馅饼
1253 Indian ['indiən] n & adj 印度人(的),印第安人(的)
1254 kinds of phr. 各种各样的

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All kinds of
kind 类别种类
a kind of
1255 workplace ['wə:kpleis] n 工作场所
1256 seem [si:m] v 好像,似乎 seem like
You seem very happy. 你好像挺高兴。 I am very happy.
He seems a nice man. 他看来是个好人
1257 even ['i:vən] adv 甚至,更
Even a child can understand it
Even better
1258 Italy ['itəli] n 意大利
1259 chocolate ['tʃɔkəlit] n 巧克力,巧克力糖
1260 ice [ais] n 冰
1261 make [meik] v 使...(发生)
1262 laugh [lɑ:f] v (大)笑,发笑
1263 both [bəuθ] adj & pron 两个(人....)都
1264 either ['i:ðə] adv (用于否定句中)也(不)
1265 either...or... [,i:ðə'ɔ:]conj 或者...或者...
1267 neither ['ni:ðə,nai:ðə] adj & pron (两者)都不
1268 nor [nɔ:] conj 也不
1269 neither...nor.. conj 既不...也不...
1270 a bit (of) phr. 少量(的),一点 a little a few
1271 without [wi'ðaut] prep 无,没有,不 I can not live without you
1272 take a seat [,teik ə 'si:t] phr. 坐下,就坐
1273 take-away['teikə'wei] adj&n 可拿走的(熟食)
1274 waiter ['weitə] n 服务员
1275 madam ['mædəm] n 女士,夫人,小姐
1276 menu ['menju:] n (餐厅等的)菜单
What's on the menu ?
1277 order ['ɔ:də] n&v 订购,点菜 订购单,定购,一份菜
The names are listed in alphabetical order.
In ··· order 以什么样的顺序
A list of
1278 bill [bil] n 帐单,清单,纸币
1279 be famous for phr. 因...而有名的
become famous for 变的有名
You seem happy. 你好像挺高兴。
The bananas grow together, which seem like "hands"
I become happy.
1280 kind [kaind] adj 和蔼的,友好的
1281 lady ['leidi] n 女士,夫人
1282 ladies' room n (妇女)公共厕所
1283 tell [tel] v 说,告述,吩咐
1284 library ['laibrəri] n 图书馆
1285 cross [krɔ:s] n 十字形(物),十字记号 v 穿过,越过
1286 crossing ['krɔ:siŋ] n 十字路口,交叉点
1287 across [ə'krɔ:s] prep 穿过,横过
1288 miss [mis] v 错过
1289 church [tʃə:tʃ] n 教堂,教会
Take me to church
1290 cafe [kə'fei] n 小餐馆,咖啡厅

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1291 video ['vidiəu] n 录像

1292 reach [ri:tʃ] v 到达,抵达,达到
She first reached the finals in 2000.
I hope this letter reaches you. 我希望你能收到这封信。
1293 corner ['kɔ:nə] n 角落,(街道)拐角
Around the corner
He sat in the corner of a second-class compartment
1294 on one's way to phr. 在..的途中
1295 sick [sik] adj 患病的
1296 pocket ['pɔkit] n 衣袋
1297 still [stil] adv 仍旧,更
1298 weak [wi:k] adj 弱的,差的 weak strong tea
1299 wait for phr. 等候
1300 cut [kʌt] v 割,砍,切
Cut the corner 抄近道
1301 finger ['fiŋgə] n 手指
Thumb /θʌm/ suck 吮吸 吸引人 attractive
Index finger
n. 指标;指数;索引;指针 the cost-of-living index 生活费用指数
The ring finger/fourth
1302 geography [dʒi'ɔgrəfi] n 地理(学)
部分 part 地区 area
1303 physics ['fiziks] n 物理(学)
1304 history ['histəri] n 历史(学)
1305 key [ki:] n 钥匙
1306 fix [fiks] v 修理,安装
Fix a meeting 安排会议
Fix a relationship 修缮 弥补
Lotion /ˈloʊʃn/
1307 lab[læb](=laboratory[lə'bɔrətəri])n 实验室
1308 suddenly ['sʌdnli] adv 突然地
1310 in time [in 'taim] phr. 及时
1311 make one's way to phr. 往..走去
1312 sign [sain] n 标记,符号,痕迹 v
Single 单个的 单身的
Signature /ˈsɪɡnətʃər/ 签名 署名
1313 lost [lɔst] adj 迷途的,丢失的 the lost sheep
I am a lost sheep. I am a teacher.
I am a happy sheep.
Lose v lost
1314 be/get lost phr. 迷失(道路)
I am married.
Be become seem get 系动词
1315 just then phr. 正在那时
1316 first of all phr. 首先,第一
1317 main [mein] adj 主要的
1318 go wrong [,gəu 'rɔŋ] phr. 走错路
1319 hit [hit] v 打,击中,撞
My parents never used to hit me. 我的父母以前从来不打我。
Used to do
1320 noise [nɔiz] n 嘈杂声,响声
1321 make a noise phr. 制造噪音
Noisy /ˈnɔɪzi/ adj
Noisily adv

1322 disturb [dis'tə:b] v 妨碍,打扰

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Trub 浊度 可耻的人
1323 passenger ['pæsindʒə] n 乘客,旅客
The firm cannot afford to carry passengers. 公司养不起白吃饭的人。
1324 get on ['get ɔn] phr. 上(车)
1325 get off ['get ɔf] phr. 下来,从...下来
1326 Push [puʃ] v 推,挤
Pull 拉

1327 stand in line phr. 站(在)队(里)

Line up 排队
1328 turn [tə:n] n (依次轮流的)顺序
Turn on、off
1329 necessary['nesə,səri] adj 必需的,必要的
It may be necessary to buy a new one.
It doesn't seem necessary for us to meet.
Only use your car when absolutely necessary.
1330 waiting room n 等候室,候诊(车,机)室
1331 queue[kju:]n(按次序等待的人,车等的)队,行列
Row line
1332 jumper ['dʒʌmpə] n 跳跃者
1333 queue jumper n 不按次序排队的人
the bus queue 排队等候公共汽车的人
I had to join a queue for the toilets.
How long were you in the queue ? 你排多长时间队了?
1334 patient ['peiʃənt] n 病人 Patient adj
She's very patient with young children. 她对幼儿特别有耐心。
You'll just have to be patient and wait till I'm finished. 你只能耐心点,等我把
She has little patience with (= will not accept or consider) such views.
1335 at the head of phr.在...的最前
1336 visitor ['vizitə] n 参观者,访问者
1337 live [liv] v 居住
1338 knee [ni:] n 膝盖 knife
1339 hurt [hə:t] v 使受伤,痛 aguish
1340 laugh at ['lɑ:f ət] phr. 嘲笑
1341 mistake [mi'steik] n 错误
make a mistake 犯错误
1342 quiet ['kwaiət] adj 安静的,平静的
1343 quietly ['kwaiətli] adv 安静地,平静地
1344 reading room n 阅览室
1345 alone [ə'ləun] adv 独自的,单独的
Lonely adj n
She lives alone and often feels lonely. 她孑然一身,常感到寂寞。
1346 plastic ['plæstik] n & adj 塑料(的)
Do they take plastic? 他们收信用卡吗
1347 throw about['θrəu ə,baut] phr.乱丢,抛散
Throw away
throw out a secret 吐露秘密 secretary /ˈsekrəteri/ 秘书
1348 change [tʃeindʒ] v 变化,变更,改变
change from sth to sth
change into 把···变成 turn into 变成
1349 have a good time phr. 过得愉快
1350 fact [fækt] n 事实,实际
1351 in fact [in 'fækt] phr. 实际上
1352 at midnight phr. 在半夜
1353 arrive [ə'raiv] v 到达,抵达某地

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Arrive home / school

Arrive at in
1354 telephone ['telifəun] v 打电话给(某人)
1355 complain [kəm'plein] v 抱怨,发牢骚 about
Lie lied lied
Lie lay lain
1356 quarrel ['kwɔrəl] v 争吵
squirrel /ˈskwɜːrəl/ /ˈskwɪrəl/
1357 quarrel with['kwɔrəl wið]phr.(和某人)吵架
1358 surprise [sə'praiz] n 惊奇,惊讶
Raise /reɪz/ He raised a hand.
Praise /preɪz/ Praise sb n v
1359 police [pə'li:s] n 警察(局)
1360 voice [vɔis] n 说话声,嗓音
Raise/lower your voice
turn up/down volume /ˈvɑːljuːm / 音量 容量
1361 enjoy oneself[in'dʒɔi wʌn,self]phr.过得快乐,玩得痛快
1362 themselves [ðəm'selvz] pron 他们自己
1363 care [kɛə] v 介意,在乎,关心
Take care of yourself 保重
Look after well
Take good care of
1364 half-way adv 在途中,半路上
meet each other half way 相互妥协 各让一步
Before she was half way home, however, she had changed her mind.
1365 trouble ['trʌbl] n 麻烦,烦恼
1366 headache ['hedeik] n 头痛
1367 have/get a headache phr. (患)头痛
1368 cough [kɔf] v & n 咳嗽 cold 感冒
1369 have a cough phr. (患)咳嗽
1370 terrible['terəbl]adj 可怕的,感到极不舒服的
What a terrible news!
1371 serious ['siəriəs] adj 严重的,严肃
You're joking. Are you serious? Joker
Smoking seriously damages your health.
1372 pain [pein] n 疼痛,疼 小疾大病
Muscular /ˈmʌskjələr/ aches and pains can be relaxed by a massage.
1373 dream [dri:m] n & v 梦,梦想 做梦,向往
Goodnight. Sweet dreams. Nighty-nighty.
I dreamed a dream.
1375 wake [weik] v (使)醒来
1376 wake up phr. 醒来,唤醒
1377 as soon as conj 一...就
We'll get back to you as soon as possible. 尽快
I'll call you as soon as I get home.
1378 asleep [ə'sli:p] adj 睡着的,熟睡的
1379 fall asleep phr. 睡觉,入睡
get up 起床 go to bed 上床

1380 plant [plɑ:nt] n & v 植物 种植

人 动物 植物
1381 storm [stɔ:m] n 暴风雨
The sky cleared after the storm.
1382 stop...from phr. 阻止...做

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I stop you from eating.

1383 difficult ['difikəlt] adj 困难的,难的
Hard Ann’s job is very hard.
1384 pill [pil] n 药丸,药片 drug medicine
sleeping pill 安眠药
Pillar 柱子
a pillar of society 社会中坚
Pillar Box 邮筒
Pillow 枕头
He tried to smother me with a pillow.
1385 awake [ə'weik] adj 清醒的
1386 be awake phr. 醒着的
She was wide awake.
1387 relax [ri'læks] v 放松,轻松
Just relax and enjoy the movie.
1388 again and again phr. 再三地,一再地,反复地
1389 angry ['æŋgri] adj 发怒的,生气的 rage
1390 hard [hɑ:d] adj 硬的
Soft words win hard heart. 以柔克刚
1391 smell [smel] v 闻,嗅,散发(气味)
Dinner smells good. My name is Anna. Ivi 系动词
1392 rich [ritʃ] adj 有钱的,富裕的,丰富的
复数 riches 比较级 richer 或 more rich 最高级 richest 或 most rich
1393 become [bi'kʌm] v 变得,变成,成为
Turn + 颜色 the leaves turn red
Get + 生气 angry rage I got angry just now. 我生气了刚刚
1394 instead [in'sted] adv 代替,顶替
1395 instead of [in'sted əv] phr. 代替
Now I can walk to work instead of going by car.
1396 look over phr. (仔细)检查
Just look over your shoulders, honey.
He didn't dare look over the hills.
Go over 复习 润色 仔细检查 review preview
Go through
Browse through
1397 enough [i'nʌf] adj 足够的,充分的
There was food enough for all.
1398 take exercise phr. 做运动
1399 fat [fæt] adj 肥胖的
fatness [ U ] n
This dress makes me look fat.
1400 thin [θin] adj 瘦的,薄的 thinner thinnest
paper - thin
I don't know why everyone's in love with this simple,
paper-thin character 文字 性格 角色(人物)
勃朗特三姐妹 呼啸山庄
Snow was lying thick on the ground
He had thick black hair.
1401 island ['ailənd] n 岛,岛状物
Shutter Island 禁闭岛
快门 百叶窗
Shut up
We rowed around the island.
The island is thinly populated.
Java is a densely populated island.
Peninsula 半岛 /pɪ'nɪnsələr/

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1405 land [lænd] v 登陆,上岸,降落
The elephant is the largest living land animal.
She longed to return to her native land.
They dreamed of travelling to foreign lands.
1411 all by oneself phr. 独立,单独

1412 perhaps [pə'hæps] adv 也许,可能

perhaps some other day
1413 happily ['hæpili] adv 高兴地,快乐地
1416 missing ['misiŋ] adj 丢失的,失踪的
Miss 错过 想
They still hoped to find their missing son.
1418 get back ['get bæk] phr. 回来,取回
Go back
1419 too...to phr. 太...而不能
1421 solve [sɔlv] v 解决,解答
Solve the problem
She tried her best to solve the problem.
It's not a difficult problem to solve.
She leaned on him to help her to solve her problems.
We'll solve the case ourselves and surprise everyone.
1422 believe [bi'li:v] v 相信,认为
belief in God
believe in God
1424 sooner or later phr. 迟早
1425 drop [drɔp] n & v 滴,水滴 掉下,落下
A drop of Raindrop
1426 run away phr. 逃跑 escape /ɪˈskeɪp/
1428 eat up phr. 吃完,吃光
1429 bank [bæŋk] n (海,河,湖的)岸,堤
a bank of knowledge 知识宝库
a blood bank 血库
It's on the north bank of the river.
1430 circle ['sə:kl] n 圈子,圆
Cut out two circles of paper.
1434 engineer [,endʒi'niə] n 工程师
My grandma is an engineer.
Have you got an engineer?
1435 cancer ['kænsə] n 癌症 Cancer
cancer patients
cancer of the bowel/stomach 肠╱胃癌
bowl /boʊl/ brow 眉毛
bowel /ˈbaʊəl/
1439 death [deθ] n 死,死亡
vi. 死亡;凋零;熄灭
vt. 死,死于……
n. 冲模,钢模;骰子
复数 dies 或 dice
Lie lying
第三人称单数 dies 现在分词 dying 过去式 died 过去分词 died
The die is cast 木已成舟 be done
现在分词 casting 过去式 cast 过去分词 cast

1441 palace /ˈpæləs/ n 宫,宫殿

1442 the Summer Palace n 颐和园

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the Palace Museum n 故宫

1445 while [hwail] n 一会儿
Keep still while I brush your hair.
I'll keep you company while you're waiting.
1446 after a while phr. 过了一会儿
1448 any more phr. 再,更
One day
I will not like you any more. =no more
I will not like you any longer. = no longer
1449 make faces phr. 做鬼脸,做苦脸
Make a face
1450 whole [həul] /hoʊl/ adj 全部的
The whole body
1451 wonderful ['wʌndəfəl] adj 极好的,精彩的
Wonder 想知道
Wonderland 仙境
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
1453 once [wʌns] adv 曾经,以前
at once 马上
once more 再一次 yesterday once more 昨日重现
Once Upon a Time 从前很久以前
1457 teach oneself phr. 自学
1458 fall off ['fɔ:l ɔf] phr. (从...)掉下
Our sales have begun to fall off.
Slow down, or you'll fall off!
Fall down
The house will fall down.
1459 clever ['klevə] adj 聪明的,机灵的
Intelligent 智力和智商上的聪明
intelligent robot 智能机器人
Experienced /ɪkˈspɪriənst/
experienced person
sophisticated 成熟的 (世故圆滑的)
A wise man 聪明人贤者
It was very wise to leave when you did.
She is highly skilled at doing sth
Smart 聪明的 时髦的 敦敏
1460 yourselves [jɔ:'sɛlvz] pron 你们自己
1461 find out ['faind aut] phr. 找出,查出
1463 moonlight ['mu:n,lait] n & adj 月光(的)
1465 afford [ə'fɔ:d]v 有足够的(钱/时间)做(某事)
Afford to do
1468 dim [dim] adj 微暗的,昏暗的
This light is too dim to read by that (light).
1470 to one's surprise phr. 令(某人)惊讶
1471 blind [blaind] adj 瞎的,盲的
He was a teacher of the blind.
1472 shine [ʃain] v 照亮,发亮
Shadow pride
1473 bright [brait] adj 明亮的,晴朗的
1474 brightly ['braitli] adv 明亮地,闪亮地
1475 through [θru:] prep 通过,穿过,经过
Go through

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Browse through
1476 look up ['luk ʌp] phr. 向上看,抬头看
1477 silently ['sailəntli] adv 寂静地,沉默地
Salient /ˈseɪliənt/ 显著的 突出的
1478 come along phr. 来,随同
1479 return [ri'tə:n] v 回来,归还
1480 cookie ['kuki] n 小甜饼
1481 leave...behind phr. 把...遗留在(留下)
leave a name behind 留名后世
A bad thing never dies
That's the one thing you mustn't leave behind!
1482 hold a sports meeting phr. 举行运动会
1483 race [reis] n 赛跑
a boat/horse/road, etc. race 划船比赛、赛马、公路赛等
a five-kilometre race 五公里赛跑
100-metre race phr. 100 米赛跑
Shall we have a race to the end of the beach?
1485 win [win] v 获胜,赢
Win won won
Who won the race?
all-around winner 全能冠军
1489 active ['æktiv] adj 积极的
1490 take an active part in phr.积极参加
1491 relay [ri'lei] n 接力,赛跑 v 传递
He relayed the message to his boss. 他将这个消息转给了他的老板。
freestyle relay 自由泳接力
medley /ˈmedli/ relay 混合泳接力
a medley of smells
melody 旋律
the 4×100 metres medley 4×100 米混合泳接力
1492 starting/finishing line phr. 起点/终点线
1493 runner ['rʌnə] n 赛跑的人
1494 loud [laud] adj 大声的,响亮的
Turn down the radio, loud enough
1495 loudly ['laudli] adv 大声地,高声地
1496 lap [læp] n (竞赛场的)一圈 大腿
There's only one seat so you'll have to sit on my lap.
She has finished six laps.
1497 pass on ['pɑ:s ɔn] phr. 传递,转移到...
The winner is passing the money on to me.
1498 stick [stik] n 棒,棍
the stick and the carrot
Software and Hardware 软硬兼施 软件 硬件
Ware /wer/ 器皿 乐器
1499 catch up with phr. 赶上
He stopped and let her catch up with him.
1500 neck and neck phr. (竞赛等)并驾齐驱 旗鼓相当
They are neck and neck at English.
1502 a moment later phr. 片刻之后
1503 go on doing sth phr. 继续做(某事)
1504 fall behind phr. 落在...后面,输给别人
1507 congratulations[kən,grætju'leiʃən] n (常用复数)祝贺,庆贺
1509 rather ['rɑ:ðə] adv 相当

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Rather than 而不是

What made you choose the one rather than the other?
The leaves taste rather bitter.
It was a rather difficult question.
I'm afraid it's a rather long story.
1510 loudspeaker ['laud'spi:kə]n 扬声器,扩音器
Their names were called over the loudspeaker. 喇叭里叫着他们的名字。
1511 result [ri'zʌlt] n 结果
I am very pleased about the result.
Be pleased about sth
1513 headmaster [ hed'mɑ:stə] n 校长
1514 take turns [,teik 'tə:nz] phr. 轮流
1515 do one's best phr. 尽最大努力,尽力
1517 speed [spi:d] n 迅速,速度
Pick up speed 加速
High speed
Low speed
1518 thought [θɔ:t] n 思考,思想,想法
She was lost in thought. 她陷入沉思。
1519 technology [tek'nɔlədʒi] n 技术,工艺学
technological change 科技革新
1520 best-seller n 畅销货(书)
1525 in the future phr. 将来
In the near future
In the far future
1526 large [lɑ:dʒ] adj 大的,(数量)多的
a large number of people 很多人
1527 spend [spend] v 花(时间,钱),度过
I've spent all my money already.
She spent £100 on a new dress.
1528 unusual [ʌn'ju:ʒuəl]adj 不寻常的,非凡的
Usually always often
1529 in the end phr. 最后
At last
Finally 终于
Persecute 迫害
Perse 深紫色 violet
Throughout history, people have been persecuted for their beliefs.
Why are the media(媒体) persecuting him like this?
1530 work out phr. 算出,制定出 解决 成立
My first job didn't work out.
1532 program(programme['prəugræm]) n 程序,项目,节目
1533 university [,ju:ni'və:siti] n 综合性大学
1534 develop [di'veləp] v 发展,研制,开发
How fast would the sick develop?
Noun development
1536 microcomputer ['maikrəukəm'pju:tə] n 微型计算机
1537 Microsoft ['maikrəusɔft] n 微软公司
1539 personal ['pə:sənl] adj 私人的,个人的
PC laptop
That's my personal opinion.
1540 improve [im'pru:v] v 提高,改善

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Noun improvement
Prove 证明
What are you trying to prove
1545 disease [di'zi:z] n 疾病
1546 million ['miljən] n 百万,百万元
Billion 十亿
Ten hundred thousand million billion
1547 decide [di'said] v 决定,决心
Decide to do
Decision /dɪˈsɪʒn/
Sion ment ship
1555 play a joke on phr. 戏弄人,对某人恶作剧
1557 hide [haid] v 躲藏
1559 check [tʃek] v 检查,核对
1561 deaf [def] adj 聋的
She was born deaf.
1563 get on well with phr. 与...相处融洽
1566 upstairs ['ʌp'stɛəz] adj & adv (在)楼上,(往)楼上
1569 downstairs [,daun'stɛəz] adj & adv(在)楼下,(往)楼下
1570 bang [bæŋ] v 猛敲,猛撞,砰砰作响

1571 be angry with phr. 对(某人)发脾气

1572 usual ['ju:ʒuəl] adj 通常的,平常的
1573 as usual [əz 'ju:ʒuəl] phr. 像平常一样
1576 chemistry ['kemistri] n 化学
I'm doing physics, biology and chemistry.
生物 化学
1577 sweep [swi:p] v 扫,扫地
Swept swept
I can't sweep without a broom.
1578 choose [tʃu:z] v 选择,挑选
Choose from
1581 biology [bai'ɔlədʒi] n 生物(学)
1582 be fed up with phr. 厌倦
Feed /fiːd/ raise
When they are sleepy for a nap, they will be fed up with the noises made by
their kids.
1584 refuse [ri'fju:z] v 拒绝
1585 politely [pə'laitli] adv 有礼貌地
1588 scissors ['sizəz] n (复数)剪刀
1589 racket ['rækit] n (网球,羽毛球等的)球拍
Rocket 火箭
1590 motorbike['məutəbaik]n 摩托车或有发动机的自行车
1592 Russian ['rʌʃən] n&adj 俄国的,俄国人(的), 俄语(的)
1594 wallet ['wɔlit] n 钱夹,皮夹
1595 ground [graund] n 地面,土地
1596 cause [kɔ:z] v 引起 原因
The cause of the fire is not yet known.
The drugs tend to cause sleep.
1597 suddenly ['sʌdnli] adv 突然地
1598 luckily ['lʌkili] adv 好运地,幸运地
1599 gatekeeper ['geit,ki:pə] n 看门人,门卫

英语词汇 2182 个 25 页

1600 mention ['menʃən] v 提到,说起

1601 Crowd 人群 观众
A crowd of
A large crowd of
He pushed his way through the crowd.
1602 imagine [i'mædʒin] v 设想,想像
1604 repair [ri'pɛə] v 修理,修补
1605 steer [stiə] n & v 驾驶,掌舵
1606 steering wheel n 驾驶盘
High-heeled shoes
1607 dive [daiv] v 潜入(水中),跳水
1608 diver ['daivə] n 潜入水中的人,潜水员
1611 breathe [bri:ð] v 呼吸
I cant breath as usual
I cant breath any more
Breath /breθ/ n
1613 rob [rɔb] v 抢劫
to rob a bank 抢劫银行
The bank has been robbed of its money.
She knew they would rob her of the car.
1614 hard-working adj 辛勤工作的,用功的
1615 art [ɑ:t] n 艺术,艺术品
1616 at the moment phr. 此刻
1617 Titanic [tai'tænik] n 泰坦尼克(船名) adj
Attack on titan
1618 set [set] v 使开始,安置
1619 set off ['set ɔf] phr. 出发,动身,起初
1620 pleasant ['pleznt] adj 愉快的,快乐的
Pleased adj
Pleasure n
We spent a pleasant day in the country.
1621 iceberg ['aisbə:g] n 冰山
1623 on watch phr. 值班,守望
1624 look out phr. 留神,注意
1627 sink [siŋk] v 下沉,沉没
1630 make room for phr. 给..腾出地方
1631 take one's place phr.坐某人的座位,代替某人的职位
1635 information [,infə'meiʃən] n 信息,情报 不可数名词
1637 penguin ['peŋgwin] n 企鹅 空军地勤人员
Guinea 几内亚 基尼 /ˈɡɪni/ 基尼指数
1639 shellfish ['ʃelfiʃ] n 贝类
Selfish 自私的
1642 toe [təu] n 脚趾
1643 rub [rʌb] v 磨,擦


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