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SWOT Analysis


 Good fit with the natural environment of the countryside.

 There are beautiful natural landscapes around the area.
 Larger developments set back from view from main road.
 Existence of the area near to the capital city of the country.
 Existence of large open space.  Existence of area with new administration.  Existence
of large flat area.
 Existence of agricultural activity within the area.
 There are gardens and agricultural land within the area.
 Existence of Cultural heritage.
 Existence of Community support agriculture.
 Proximity to transport service.
 Labor resources.
 Geographical location.
 Good agricultural land.


 Pedestrian vulnerability on narrow pavements.

 No employment for young people.
 Absence of social services connected to the area.
 Absence of land development for housing.
 High occurrence of informal houses, squatter settlements and slums.
 Lack of efficient land supply and tenure security.
 Increase in the intensity of the destruction of the green space.
 Lack of / access to affordable housing.
 Distance to work.
 Expensive transport.
 Bus passes stop at border.
 Increasing house / property prices.
 Low average income.
 Weak local economies.
 Too small private sectors.
 Weaknesses in the natural and built environment.
 Weak basis for diversity in services and cultural production.
 Few job opportunities for women.
 Few new businesses.
 Low educational level.
 Low investment level.
 Weak capital base.
 Dependency on traditional agriculture.
 Shortage of entrepreneurship.


 Ability to plan, shape and guide future development.

 To identify suitable sites for realistic housing growth and development.
 To identify sustainable housing development opportunities.
 Engage community in planning.
 Position and cross-border trade with the neighboring city.
 Possible conversion of vacant land into developed land
 Ability to create good urban plan.
 Planning according to the city‟s old texture and organization.
 Strengthening cultural spaces.
 Access to neighboring markets.
 Environmentally oriented businesses.
 Attractive environment as a potential resource to be marketed.
 Closeness to growth centers.
 Available labor resources.


 Loss of agricultural land to developers.

 Loss of rural environment.
 Change of rule and regulation.
 Sprawl growth.
 Disappearance of the old identity.
 Lack of good governance.
 Progressive destruction of agricultural land.
 Pollution of water and air.
 Flood risk
 Challenge of financing infrastructure.
 Air pollution / carbon impact of farming.
 Weakness of marketing.
 Lack of co-operation.
 Disintegrated administrative structures.
 The weak national and structural policy.
 Low presence in international markets.
 Increased out-migration.

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