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dXiGimbcElFlidki AS 000089

ACTA No. 27 MINUTES No. 27


Siendo las 09:00 a.m. del dla 17 de octubre de At 09:00 a.m. on October 17, 2023, at the
2023, se reunid por derecho propio en el domicilio company's principal place of business an
principal de la compafila la Asamblea General de extraordinary universal meeting of the General
Accionistas de Comercializadora Internacional Shareholders' Assembly of Comercializadora
ESLOP S.A.S (la “Compafila"), en sesiOn Internacional ESLOP S.A.S (the “Company”),
extraordinaria y universal, de manera presencial. was held in person.


Los siguientes accionistas estaban presentes o The following shareholders of the Company
representados en la reunion (los “Accionistas"): were present or represented at the meeting
(the “Shareholders”):

Accionista Acciones Porcentaje de Shareholder Shares Participatior

partlcipacidn percentage
OCIM Metals and 788 51% OCIM Metals and 788 51%
Mining S.A., Mining S.A.,
representada por represented by
HernOn Rodriguez Hernan Rodriguez

Santiago Espinal 243 15,7% Santiago Espinal 243 15,7%

Garcia Garcia

Edilberto Ldpez 514 33,3% Edilberto L6pez 514 33,3%

Betancurt Betancurt

Totales 1545 100% Total 1545 100%

The 1545 subscribed and outstanding shares

En razdn de estar presentes o debidamente of the Company, this is, 100% of the shares in
representadas las 1545 acciones suscritas de la which the stock capital of the Company is
divided were present or duly represented at
Compafila, esto es, el 100% de las acciones de
the meeting, so it was not necessary to call the
la Compafila, no fue necesario efectuar
meeting in advance and it was possible to hold
convocatoria previa para la presente reunibn, tai
it outside the corporate domicile, as permitted
como Io permiten la ley y los estatutos.
by the law and the bylaws.

Vanessa Espinal Garcia, Federico Marquez

Vanessa Espinal Garcia, Federico Marquez y
and Hernan Rodrlguez, attended the meeting
Hernan Rodrlguez asistieron a la reunion como
as guests.


1. Verification of quorum.
1. Verificacidn del qudrum.
2. Election of Chairman and Secretary.
2. Eleccibn del presidente y secretario.
3. Aceptacibn de renuncia y nombramiento de 3. Acceptance of resignation and
appointment of new members of the
nuevos miembros de la Junta Directiva.
4. Aprobacibn del acta de la reunibn. Board of Directors.
4. Approval of the minutes of the meeting.

V 3

1. Verificacion del qudrum. 1. Verification of quorum.

Verificado el qubrum, quedb comprobado que se Upon verification of the quorum as set forth
encontraba presentes o debidamente above in the Attendance section, it was stated
representadas el 100% de las acciones suscritas that the number of shares needed to deliberate
y en circulacibn de la Compafila por Io cual se and decide validly were present at the
acredita el qubrum para deliberar y decidir meeting.

2. Nombramiento del Presidente y 2. Election of Chairman and Secretary.


Por designacibn unbnime de la Asamblea de By unanimous designation of the

Accionistas, esto es, con el voto afirmativo de las Shareholders' Assembly, this is, with the
1545 acciones representadas en la reunibn que affirmative vote of all of the 1545 shares
integran el 100% de las acciones en que se divide represented at the meeting that comprise
el capital social de la Compafila, fueron 100% of the shares in which the stock capital
designados como Presidente y Secretario de la of the Company is divided, Hernbn Rodriguez
reunibn, los sefiores Hernbn Rodriguez y and Vanessa Espinal Garcia, were appointed
Vanessa Espinal Garcia, respectivamente. as Chairman and Secretary of the meeting,

3. Aceptacidn de renuncia y nombramiento 3. Acceptance of resignation and

de nuevos miembros de la Junta appointment of new members of the
Directiva. Board of Directors.

The Chairman took the floor and informed

Tomb la palabra la Presidente e informb a los
those present at the meeting that as you were
presentes en la reunibn que como era de su
aware, the Shareholders entered into a
conocimiento, los Accionistas suscribieron un
settlement agreement to rescind and
acuerdo de transaccibn para rescindir y terminar
terminate the SPA and the SHA, and the
el SPA, el SHA, y los Documentos Adicionales,
Ancillary Documents, as if such instruments
como si tales instrumentos nunca hubiesen
had never existed between the Parties
existido entre las Partes.
Pursuant to the settlement agreement, the
Conforme al acuerdo de transaccibn se acepta
resignation of Laurent Mathiot and Laurence
por unanimidad de los presentes la renuncia de
Primard Mathiot from the Board of Directors of
Laurent Mathiot y de Laurence Primard Mathiot a
the Company is unanimously accepted.
la junta directiva de la Sociedad.
In their place, the Chairman submitted the
En su reemplazo, el Presidente puso la siguiente
following proposal to the consideration of the
proposicibn a consideracibn de la Asamblea
General Meeting of Shareholders:
General de Accionistas:

"La Asamblea General de Accionistas de la "The General Assembly of Shareholders

sociedad Comercializadora Internacional of Comercializadora Internacional ESLOP
ESLOP S.A.S., en uso de sus atribuciones S.A.S., in use of its legal and statutory
legales y estatutarias, powers,

dXiGimbcElFlidki AS 000090

Primero: Aprobar el nombramiento de la

siguiente persona como miembro principal de
la Junta Directiva de la Compania:
First Approve the appointment of the\
following person as principal member of the1
Board of Directors of the Company:
(a) Santiago Espinal Garcia,
(a) Santiago Espinal Garcia, identificado identified with CC No.
con CC No. 1.039.623.907 como 1.039.623.907 as principal
miembro principal, primer renglbn, member, first line, of the Board of
de la Junta Directiva de la Compafila. Directors of the Company.

Second: Approve the appointment of the

Segundo: Aprobar el nombramiento de la following person as alternate member of the
siguiente persona como miembro suplente de Company's Board of Directors
la Junta Directiva de la Compafila
(a) Sandra Milena Muhoz, identified
(a) Sandra Milena Munoz, identificada with CC No. 1.152.443.979 as
con CC No. 1.152.443.979 como alternate member, first line, of the
miembro suplente, primer renglbn, Board of Directors of the Company.
de la Junta Directiva de la Compahia"

The previous sole proposition was approved

La anterior proposicidn unica fue aprobada por unanimously, that is, by the 1545 shares
unanimidad, es decir por las 1545 acciones present that make up 100% of the outstanding
presentes que conforman el 100% de las shares of the Company, considering this item
acciones en circulacidn de la Compafila, dando on the agenda fulfilled.
por cumplido este punto del orden del dla.
4. Approval of the minutes of the meeting.
4. Aprobacidn del acta de la reunion.
The meeting was declared in recess in order
A continuacidn, se declard en receso la reunidn to prepare this Minutes No. 27.
con el fin de elaborar la presente Acta No. 27.
Fifteen (15) minutes later the session resumed
Quince (15) minutos despuds se reanudb la and, after submitting the Minutes to the
sesidn y, sometida el Acta a consideracibn de la consideration of the General shareholders’
Asamblea General de Accionistas, dsta fue Assembly, it was approved with the affirmative
aprobada con el voto afirmativo del total de las vote of the 1545 shares represented at the
1545 acciones representadas en la reunibn, esto meeting, that is, 100% of the Company's
es, el 100% de las acciones de la Compania. shares.

Para finalizar y siendo las 10:45 a.m., el Finally, and being 10:45 a.m., the Chairman of
presidente de la Asamblea levantb la sesibn, the meeting adjourned the session
teniendo erKcuen^i-que n^habfan asuntos considering that there were no additional
adicionales ^Hscrffir. A matters to be discussed.

SET C.C. 79.590.600 /

C.C. No. 43.990.709
Presidente/Chairmgin__________ Secretario/Secretary

Es fiel copia tomada del original,

C.C. No. 43.990.709

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