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Ulric's Tome - Compendium Weapons

2H 2H 1H
Weapons Weapons require 2 hands to wield Qualities require the weapon to be held in 2 hands Qualities only apply when held in 1 hand
Name Cost in s in p Enc Damage Qualities Group Realm Availability
Awlpike2H 2 gc 10 s 50 s 600 p 2 SB Fast, Precise, Defensive Fencing Empire Rare
Buckler 10 s 10 s 120 p 0 SB-3 Defensive, Balanced, Pummeling, Durable(2) Parrying Any Average
1H 2H
Claymore/Bastard Sword 2 gc 10 s 50 s 600 p 2 SB Armour Piercing, Slow , Defensive Two-Handed Any Rare
Dagger 2s 2s 24 p 0 SB-3 - Ordinary Any Common
Demilance (Cavalry Spear) 2 gc 40 s 480 p 2 SB Fast, Impact, Tiring Cavalry Any Scarce
Flail2H 3 gc 60 s 720 p 3 SB+1 Impact, Tiring, Flail, Defensive Flail Any Scarce
Foil/Smallsword 2 gc 40 s 480 p 1 SB-2 Fast, Precise Fencing Any Rare
Gauntlet/Knuckle-Duster 2s 2s 24 p 0 SB-3 Pummelling Ordinary Any Common
Great Weapon2H 3 gc 60 s 720 p 3 SB Impact, Slow Two-Handed Any Average
Halberd2H 3 gc 60 s 720 p 4 SB Swing: Impact, Slow, Thrust: Fast Two-Handed Any Common
Hand Weapon 1 gc 20 s 240 p 1 SB - Ordinary Any Common
Heavy Hand Weapon 1 gc 20 s 240 p 1 SB Armour Piercing, Slow Ordinary Any Common
Improvised - - - 1+ SB-4 - Ordinary Any -
Lance 3 gc 10 s 70 s 840 p 3 SB+1 Fast, Impact, Tiring Cavalry Any Rare
Main Gauche 10 s 10 s 120 p 0 SB-3 Balanced, Defensive, Durable (1) Parrying Any Scarce
Morning Star Heavy Flail 1 gc 20 s 240 p 1 SB Impact, Tiring, Flail, Slow Flail Any Scarce
Morning Star Light Flail 1 gc 20 s 240 p 1 SB-1 Flail Flail Any Scarce
Quarterstaff 5s 5s 60 p 1 SB-2 Fast2H, Defensive2H, Durable (2), Pummelling Ordinary Any Plentiful
Rapier 2 gc 40 s 480 p 1 SB-1 Fast Fencing Any Scarce
Shield 1 gc 10 s 240 p 1 SB-2 Defensive, Durable (3) Ordinary Any Common
Shield, unrimmed 2s 2s 24 p 1 SB-2 Defensive Ordinary Any Plentiful
Spear, Long2H 1 gc 5 s 25 s 300 p 2 SB Fast, Defensive Ordinary Any Common
Spear, Short 1 gc 20 s 240 p 2 SB Defensive2H Ordinary Any Common
Sword-Breaker 1 gc 20 s 240 p 1 SB-3 Balanced, Special Parrying Any Scarce
Two-Hand Weapon2H 2 gc 10 s 50 s 600 p 2 SB Armour Piercing, Fast, Defensive Two-Handed Any Average

Special Melee Weapons Cost in s in p Enc Damage Qualities Group Realm Availability
Berdysh Halberd2H 2 gc 40 s 480 p 3 SB Impact, Tiring, Defensive, Special Two-Handed Kislev Scarce
Cathay Sword 25 gc 500 s 6k p 1 SB Armour Piercing, Fast Cathay Cathay -
Cathay Longsword2H 30 gc 600 s 7200 p 2 SB+1 Armour Piercing, Fast, Defensive Cathay Cathay -
Elven Battle-Axe2H 120 gc 2400 s 28.8k p 3 SB+1 Armour Piercing, Impact Two-Handed Elves -
Garrotte 1s 1s 12 p 0 SB-3 Special Ordinary Any Rare
Kopesh 3 gc 10 s 70 s 840 p 1 SB Armour Piercing, Slow Ordinary Khemri -
Pavise2H 10 s 10 s 120 p 4 None Special Ordinary Tilea Scarce
Tilean Pike2H 2 gc 40 s 480 p 5 SB Fast, Pike Stance Two-Handed Tilea Average
White Wolf Hammer2H 5 gc 100 s 1200 p 3 SB+1 (+2) Tiring, Impact, Special W-Wolf H. White Wolves Rare
2H 2H
Woodelf Hunting Spear 25 gc 500 s 6000 p 2 SB+1 Fast , Defensive Two-Handed Elves -
Ulric's Tome - Compendium Weapons

Missile Weapons A = Attack-Characteristic

Name Cost in s in p Enc Damage Qualities Range Reload Group Realm Availability
Arbalest2H 3 gc 10 s 70 s 840 p 2 4+A Armour Piercing 34/68 Full + Half Crossbow Any Rare
Blowgun 4s 4s 48 p 0 0 - 8/16 Half Blowgun Any Very Rare
Blowgun, Long2H 6s 6s 72 p 0 1 - 12/24 Half Blowgun Any Very Rare
Bola 4s 4s 48 p 1/3 1 Snare 8/16 Half Entangling Any Scarce
Bow 1 gc 20 s 240 p 1 3 - 24/48 Half Ordinary Any Common
Crossbow 2 gc 10 s 50 s 600 p 2 4+A - 30/60 Full Ordinary Any Average
Crossbow Pistol 2 gc 40 s 480 p 1 3 Precise 8/16 Full Crossbow Any Rare
Elfbow2H 7 gc 140 s 1680 p 1 3 Armour Piercing 36/90 Half Longbow Elves Very Rare
Improvised - - - 1+ SB-4 - 6/- Half Ordinary Any -
Javelin 2s6p 2.5 s 30 p 1 SB-1 - 10/20 Half Ordinary Any Average
Lasso 5s 5s 60 p 0 None Snare 8/- Half Entangling Any Plentiful
Longbow2H 1 gc 10 s 30 s 360 p 2 3 Armour Piercing 30/76 Half Longbow Any Average
Net 10 s 10 s 120 p 1 None Snare, Special 4/8 Full Entangling Any Very Rare
Repeater Crossbow (10 bolts) 15 gc 300 s 3600 p 3 3 Precise 16/32 2 Full Crossbow Any Common
Recurve Bow 2 gc 40 s 480 p 1 3 - 34/68 Half Ordinary Kislev Scarce
Recurve Shortbow 1 gc 20 s 240 p 1 2 Precise 16/32 Half Ordinary Kislev Rare
Shortbow2H 15 s 15 s 180 p 1 3 - 16/32 Half Ordinary Any Common
Sling 5s 5s 60 p 0 3 - 16/32 Half Sling Any Common
Spear 1 gc 20 s 240 p 2 SB - 8/- Half Ordinary Any Common
Staff Sling2H 10 s 10 s 120 p 1 3+A - 24/48 Full Sling Any Rare
Throwing Axe 5s 5s 60 p 1/3 SB-1 - 8/16 Half Throwing Any Average
Throwing Dagger/Star 2s 2s 24 p 1/6 SB-3 Precise 6/12 Half Throwing Any Common
Throwing Hammer 10 s 10 s 120 p 1/2 SB-1 Pummelling 6/12 Half Throwing Any Average
Windlass Siege Crossbow2H 4 gc 10 s 90 s 1080 p 3 5+A Impact 36/90 2 Full Crossbow Any Scarce
Whip 5s 5s 60 p 1 SB-4 Snare, Special 6/- Half Entangling Any Average

Missile Ammunition Cost in s in p Enc Damage Qualities Range Reload Group Realm Availability
Arrow 6p 0.5 s 6p 1/10 +0 - Ordinary Any Common
Arrow, Armor Piercing 1s 1s 12 p 1/10 +0 Armour Piercing Ordinary Any Rare
Arrow, Incendiary 1s 1s 12 p 1/10 -1 Special + Half Longbow Any Scarce
Arrow, Screamer 1s 1s 12 p 1/10 -2 Special Longbow Kislev Rare
Bolt 6p 0.5 s 6p 1/10 +0 - Ordinary Any Average
Steeltipped Bolt 1s 1s 12 p 1/10 +0 Armour Piercing Ordinary Any Rare
Blowgun Dart 3p 0.25 s 3p 1/50 +0 - Blowgun Any Very Rare
Blowgun Precision Dart 1s 1s 12 p 1/50 +0 Precise Blowgun Any -
Sling Lead 3p 3p 3p 1/20 +0 Pummelling Sling Any Average
Ulric's Tome - Compendium Weapons

Gunpowder Weapons Cost in p in p Enc Damage Qualities Range Reload Group Realm Availability
Blunderbuss 2 gc 10 s 50 s 600 p 2 4 Special, Unreliable (1) Special 3 Full Gunpowder Any Very Rare
Bomb 10 s 10 s 120 p 1/3 6 Shrapnel, Explosive, Unreliable (1) 4/16 Full Ordinary Any Very Rare
Duck-Foot Pistol 10 gc 200 s 2400 p 1 3 Shrapnel, Unreliable (2) Cone 16x4/- 3 Full Engineer Any Very Rare
Firearm2H 2 gc 10 s 50 s 600 p 2 4+A Impact, Unreliable (1) 24/48 2 Full Gunpowder Any Very Rare
Grudge-Raker (2 barrels) 36 gc 720 s 8640 p 3 4 Special, Unreliable (1) Special 3 Full/Barrel Engineer Dwarfs -
Hochland Long Rifle 12 gc 240 s 2280 p 2 4+A Impact, Unreliable (1) 48/96 2 Full Gunpowder Any Very Rare
Incendiary Bomb 10 s 10 s 120 p 1/3 3 Shrapnel, Explosive, Unreliable (1) 4/16 Full + Half Ordinary Any Scarce
Jezzail 5 gc 5 gc 1200 p 2 4+A Precise, Unreliable (0) 30/72 2 Full Gunpowder Araby -
Pistol 1 gc 10 s 30 s 360 p 1/2 4 Impact, Unreliable (1) 8/16 2 Full Gunpowder Any Very Rare
Repeater Handgun2H (6 barrels) 21 gc 420 s 5040 p 3 5 Unreliable (1) 24/48 2 Full/Barrel Engineer Any Very Rare
Repeater Pistol (6 barrels) 14 gc 280 s 3360 p 1 4 Unreliable (1) 8/16 2 Full/Barrel Engineer Any Very Rare
A = Attack-Characteristic
Gunpowder Ammunition Cost in s in p Enc Damage Qualities Range Reload Weapon Realm Availability
Clay Round Shot ⅕p 1/60 s 0.2 p 1/25 -4 Unreliable (-2) Any Gunp./Engi. Any Plentiful
Lead Round Shot 2p ⅙s 2p 1/25 +0 - Any Gunp./Engi. Any Scarce
Iron Round Shot 6p 0.5 s 6 p 1/25 +0 Armour Piercing, Unreliable (+1) Any Gunp./Engi. Any Rare
Steel Round Shot 1s 1s 12 p 1/25 +1 Armour Piercing, Unreliable (+2) Any Gunp./Engi. Any Very Rare
Blunderbuss Lead Faustschlag 4p ⅓s 4p 1/10 +A Impact 12/24 -1 Full Blund./Grudge-R. Any Rare
Iron Faustschlag 1s 1s 12 p 1/10 +A+1 Impact, Unreliable (+1) 12/24 -1 Full Blund./Grudge-R. Any Very Rare
Steel Faustschlag 2s 2s 24 p 1/10 +A+2 Impact, Unreliable (+2) 12/24 -1 Full Blund./Grudge-R. Any -
Rough Shrapnel 1p 1/12 s 1 p 1/25 +0 Shrapnel Line 32x2/- Blund./Grudge-R. Any Plentiful
Fine Shrapnel 1p 1/12 s 1 p 1/25 +0 Shrapnel Cone 16x4/- Blund./Grudge-R. Any Plentiful
Gunpowder (1/50 lb - 10g) 1p 1/12 s 1 p 1/25 +0 - Any Gunp./Engi. Any Rare

Unreliable (X) Rating Modifiers Poor Common Best Unreliable (X) Jam on roll Poor 91+
Weapons +1 +0 -1 Rolling a 96+ when shooting a gun, jams the gun. Common 96+ Poor guns jam on
Ammunition +1 +0 Roll Xd10. On a 1 or 10, the gun shatters instead. Good 96+ rolls of 91+
Gunpowder +1 +0 Take a Damage 4 hit + 1 damage for every 1 or 10. Best 96+

Stationary Weapons Cost in s in p Enc Damage Qualities Range Reload Group Crew Availability
Ballista 75 gc 1500 s 18k p - 18 Impact 30/300 15 Full Ordinary 8 Rare
Oxybeles 55 gc 1100 s 13.2k p - 13 Impact 40/200 12 Full Ordinary 7 Very Rare
Scorpion 38 gc 760 s 9120 p - 11 Impact 50/100 10 Full Ordinary 6 Rare
Swivel Gun 30 gc 600 s 7200 p 10 5 Unreliable (2) Special 3 Full Gunpowder 1 Very Rare

Large Ammunition Cost in s in p Enc Damage Qualities Range Reload Weapon Realm Availability
Ballista Bolt 15 s 15 s 180 p 16 +0 - Ballista Any Very Rare
Oxybeles Bolt 3s 3s 36 p 1/3 +0 - Oxybeles Any Rare
Scorpion Bolt 2s 2s 24 p 1/4 +0 - Scorpion Any Rare
Swivel Gun Roundshot 1s6p 1.5 s 18 p 1/5 +A+2 Impact 36/108 Swivel Gun Any Very Rare
Swivel Gun Grapeshot 6p 0.5 s 6p 1/5 +0 Shrapnel Line 32x2/- +1 Full Swivel Gun Any Scarce
Swivel Gun Powder (60g) 6p 0.5 s 6p 1/5 +0 - Swivel Gun Any Rare
Ulric's Tome - Compendium Weapons

Skaven Weapons
Melee Cost Enc Damage Qualities Group Realm Availability
Plague Censer2H 35 WT 3 SB+1 Impact, Special, Tiring, Flail Flail Skaven Rare
Punch Dagger 4 WT 0 SB-1 Balanced, Defensive Ordinary Skaven Average
Rat Claws 8 WT 0 SB-3 Special Ordinary Skaven Scarce
Tail Blade 9 WT 0 SB-2 Fast, Special Ordinary Skaven Common
Things-Catcher 25 WT 4 SB+1 Snare Two-Handed Skaven Scarce

Ranged Cost Enc Damage Qualities Range Reload Group Realm Availability
Blowgun 2 WT 0 0 None 8/16 Half Blowgun Skaven Very Rare
Blowgun, Long2H 3 WT 0 0 None 10/20 Half Blowgun Skaven Very Rare
Poison-Wind Globe 6 WT 1/3 Special Special 4/20 Full Throwing Skaven Scarce
Ratling Gun2H (6 volleys) 200 WT 10 4 Shrapnel, Unreliable (2) 10/30 3 Full Engineer Skaven Very Rare
Smoke Bomb 3 WT 1/3 - Special 4/20 Full Throwing Skaven Scarce
Warpfire Thrower (3 jets) 400 WT - 4 Special, Unreliable (2) Cone 16x4/- 4 Full Engineer Skaven Very Rare
Warplock Jezzail 35 WT 2 5+A Impact, Unreliable (1) 48/96 Full + Half Gunpowder Skaven Rare
Warplock Pistol 25 WT 1/2 5 Impact, Unreliable (1) 10/20 Full + Half Gunpowder Skaven Rare

Ammo Cost Enc Damage Qualities Range Reload Group Realm Availability
Warpowder and Shot 1/10 WT 1/25 - Gunpowder Skaven Rare
Gunpowder and Shot 1/30 WT 1/25 -1 Range 8/16 Pistol, 24/72 Jezzail Gunpowder Any Scarce
Ratling Gun Shards (6 volleys) 10 WT 4 - Engineer Skaven Very Rare
Warpfuel Canister (3 fire jets) 20 WT 4 ignores armour Engineer Skaven Very Rare
Warp Blade Warp Lightning 2 WT - 5 Special (p. 75/76/81 CotHR) 48 Engineer

Tools and Upgrades Cost Enc Damage Qualities Group Realm Availability
Gas Mask 20 WT 0 +20 T against poison clouds Engineer Skaven Common
Superch. Warp Power Accum. 150 WT 2 Warp Lightning has Impact Engineer Skaven Very Rare
Upgraded Warp Energy Cond. +150 WT 2 +1 Cast Warp Lightning (CN11) (Mag 3) Engineer Skaven Very Rare
Warp Blade +75 WT +0 +1 Cast Warp Lightning (CN11) (Mag 2) Engineer Skaven Rare

The cost of other weapons roughtly translates as 1 gc = 10 WT / 2 s = 1 WT

Ulric's Tome - Compendium Armour

Leather Costs Enc. AP Moot Leather Costs Enc. AP

Head 5s 0 1 Head 10 s 0 1
Body 1gc 10 s 1 1 Body 3 gc 1 1
Arms 10 s 0 1 Arms 1 gc 0 1
Legs 15 s 1 1 L Legs 1 gc 10 s 1 1
Set 3 gc 2 1 i Set 6 gc 2 1
Studded Leather Costs Enc. AP h Studded Moot Costs Enc. AP
Head 1 gc 0 2 t Head 2 gc 0 2
Body 6 gc 2 2 Body 12 gc 2 2
Arms 2 gc 1 2 Arms 4 gc 1 2
Legs 3 gc 2 2 Legs 6 gc 2 2
Set 12 gc 5 2 Set 24 gc 5 2

Mail Costs Enc. AP Ithilmar Mail Costs Enc. AP

Head 2 gc 10 s 0 2 Head 75 gc 0 2
Body 5 gc 2 2 Body 210 gc 2 2
Arms 3 gc 1 2 Arms 90 gc 1 2
Legs 4 gc 10 s 2 2 Legs 135 gc 1 2
Set 17 gc 5 2 M Set (Best) 510 gc 4 2
Full 20 gc 7 3 e Full* 519 gc 6 3
Scale Costs Enc. AP u Ithil. Scale Costs Enc. AP
Head 4 gc 1 3 m Head 120 gc 1 3
Body 10 gc 2 3 Body 300 gc 2 3
Arms 6 gc 2 3 Arms 180 gc 1 3
Legs 7 gc 2 3 Legs 210 gc 2 3
Set 27 gc 7 3 Set (Best) 810 gc 6 3
Full 30 gc 9 4 Full* 819 gc 8 4

Plate Costs Enc. AP Ithilmar Plate Costs Enc. AP

Head 3 gc 1 2 Head 105 gc 1 2
Body 8 gc 3 2 Body 280 gc 3 2
Arms 4 gc 2 2 Arms 140 gc 1 2
Legs 5 gc 2 2 Legs 175 gc 2 2
Set 20 gc 8 2 H Set (Best) 700 gc 7 2
Full 40 gc 15 5 e Full* 1219 gc 14 5
a Full Set Includes Ithilmar Mail
Gromril Plate Costs Enc. AP v
Head 120 gc 1 3 y * Full Ithilmar and Gromril sets priced with good craftsmanship
Body 320 gc 3 3 armour underneath
Arms 160 gc 2 3
Legs 200 gc 2 3
Set (Best) 800 gc 8 3 Availability
Full* 820 gc 15 6 Leather Common
Studded L. Average
Armor and Barding Costs and Enc. by size: Mail Scarce
Size Cost Enc. Example Scale Rare
Tiny (-3) 0.25 x 0x Cat, Hawk Plate Rare
Small (-2) 0.5 x -2 / Set Dog, Foal
Halfsized (-1) 0.75 x 1x Halfling, Goblin Barding -1 Step
Average (0) 1x 1x Dwarf, Elf, Human, Pony
Large (+1) 3x 3x Horse, Ogre, Bear, Pegasus Wings cost and weigh as much
Enormous (+2) 12 x 12 x Griffon, Wyvern, Manticore, Elephant as body armour - no flying
Monstrous (+3) 60 x 60 x Dragon, Giant, Arachnarok Spider possible
Ulric's Tome - Compendium Item Compendium

Item Compendium Heartkill 35 gc 700 s 8400 p 0 Very Rare

Henbell 10 s 10 s 120 p 0 Scarce
Adventurer's Miscellania Cost in silver in pennies Enc Avail. Mad Cap Mushrooms 6s 6 s 72 p 0 Very Rare
Rations (1 day) 1s 1s 12 p 1/5 Common Mandrake Root 3s 3 s 36 p 0 Very Rare
Waterskin, Full/Empty 1s8p 1s8p 20 p 1/0 Plentiful Manticore Spoor 6 gc 120 s 1440 p 0 Very Rare
Daily Food and Lodging (common) 1s 1s 12 p Rabid Dog Saliva 3 gc 60 s 720 p 0 Rare
Daily Food and Stabling (horse) 1s6p 1s6p 18 p Ruby Sulphur Exctract 15 gc 300 s 3600 p 0 Very Rare
Fodder per Day, Horse 6p 6p 6p 1 Plentiful Sagekill 10 s 10 s 120 p 0 Rare
Backpack (holds 6 Enc) 10 s 10 s 120 p 3 Plentiful Sigmar's Blood 1s 1 s 12 p 0 Rare
Sling bag, (holds 4 Enc) 7s 7s 84 p 2 Average Spider Spittle 2 gc 40 s 480 p 0 Rare
Saddle Bag (holds 6 Enc), max. 2 per horse 3s 3s 36 p 3 Average Stone of Envy 5 gc 100 s 1200 p 0 Very Rare
Bedroll 6s 6s 72 p 1 Plentiful Viper Kiss 30 gc 600 s 7200 p 0 Very Rare
Set of Clothing (common) carried/worn 5s 5s 60 p 4/0 Average Thung 1 gc 20 s 240 p 0 Scarce
Torch, treated 9p 9p 9p 1 Common
Grappling Hook 8s 8s 96 p 1 Average Potions, Fresh (+0), w/Lead Vial Cost in silver in pennies Enc Avail.
Rope, 10 yd 3s6p 3s6p 42 p 1 Average Anthrachnoid Potion 10 gc 200 s 2400 p 0 -
Healing Draught 10 s 10 s 120 p 0 Average Anthrachnoid Potion, Ingredients 8 gc 15 s 175 s 2100 p 1 Rare
Valaya's Mercy 4 gc 15 s 95 s 1140 p 0 - Bladesong 7 gc 10 s 150 s 1800 p 0 -
Vial, 1 oz, Lead-Lined 3s 3s 36 p 0 Very Rare Bladesong Potion, Ingredients 8 gc 160 s 1920 p 1 Rare
Protective Circle (per point of CN) 2s 2s 24 p 0 Very Rare Boar's Musk 2 gc 10 s 50 s 600 p 0 -
Boar's Musk, Ingredients 4 gc 15 s 95 s 1140 p 1 Scarce
Illumination Cost in silver in pennies Enc Avail. Channelpath Potion 12 gc 240 s 2880 p 0 -
Candle, tallow 2p 2p 2p 0 Plentiful Channelpath Potion, Ingredients 12 gc 240 s 2880 p 1 Very Rare
Candle, wax 3p 3p 3p 0 Average Debauch's Friend 1 gc 15 s 35 s 420 p 0 -
Charcoal, large sack 1s 1s 12 p 6 Average Debauch's Friend, Ingredients 2 gc 5 s 45 s 540 p 1 Scarce
Kindling/Firewood, 1 night 2p 2p 2p 3 Common Draught of Lizard Limbs 9 gc 10 s 190 s 2280 p 0 -
Lamp 5s 5s 60 p 1 Common Draught of Lizard Limbs, Ingredients 10 gc 5 s 205 s 2460 p 1 Very Rare
Lamp Oil 6p 6p 6p 0 Plentiful Draught of Power 7 gc 5 s 145 s 1740 p 0 -
Lantern 9s 9s 108 p 1 Average Draught of Power, Ingredients 2 gc 15 s 55 s 660 p 1 Scarce
Lantern, Storm 1 gc 6 s 26 s 312 p 1 Scarce Flayed Man's Tincture 2 gc 40 s 480 p 0 -
Match, dozen 2p 2p 2p 0 Average Flayed Man's Tincture, Ingredients 2 gc 5 s 45 s 540 p 1 Scarce
Torch, treated 9p 9p 9p 1 Common God's Spirit 2 gc 40 s 480 p 0 -
Torch, untreated 3p 3p 3p 1 Plentiful God's Spirit, Ingredients 2 gc 5 s 45 s 540 p 1 Common
Hair Tonic 2 gc 40 s 480 p 0 -
Food and Drink Cost in silver in pennies Enc Avail. Hair Tonic, Ingredients 3 gc 60 s 720 p 1 Scarce
Rations (1 day) 1s 1s 12 p 1/5 Common Lucidity Tonic 4 gc 10 s 90 s 1080 p 0 -
Food and drink per Day (Starving) 2p 2p 2p 1/10 Abundant Lucidity Tonic, Ingredients 3 gc 10 s 70 s 840 p 1 Scarce
Food and drink per Day (Poor) 5p 5p 5p 1/5 Plentiful Nectar of Beauty 3 gc 10 s 70 s 840 p 0 -
Food and drink per Day (Average) 10 p 10 p 10 p 1/5 Common Nectar of Beauty, Ingredients 4 gc 80 s 960 p 1 Scarce
Food and drink per Day (Good) 1s6p 1s6p 18 p 1/5 Average Potency Draught 4 gc 15 s 95 s 1140 p 0 -
Food and drink per Day (Nobility) 3s 3s 36 p 1/3 Scarce Potency Draught, Ingredients 4 gc 80 s 960 p 1 Scarce
Ale (strong), pint 2p 2p 2p 0 Plentiful Potion of Comeliness 4 gc 80 s 960 p 0 -
Beer, pint 1p 1p 1p 0 Abundant Potion of Comeliness, Ingredients 4 gc 80 s 960 p 1 Scarce
Brandy, Bretonnian, bottle 2 pint 5s 5s 60 p 0 Average Potion of Pain Denied 4 gc 15 s 95 s 1140 p 0 -
Bread, loaf, 2 lb 3p 3p 3p 0 Abundant Potion of Pain Denied, Ingredients 6 gc 120 s 1440 p 1 Rare
Butter, lb 1 s 10 p 1 s 10 p 22 p 0 Plentiful Potion of Perceptive Clarity 7 gc 10 s 150 s 1800 p 0 -
Cheap pie 2p 2p 2p 0 Common Potion of Perceptive Clarity, Ingr. 11 gc 220 s 2640 p 1 Very Rare
Cheese, cheap, lb 10 p 10 p 10 p 0 Common Potion of Teeth 3 gc 10 s 70 s 840 p 0 -
Cheese, quality, lb 3s 3s 36 p 0 Rare Potion of Teeth, Ingredients 6 gc 120 s 1440 p 1 Rare
Delicacy 3p 3p 3p 0 Scarce Slimming Liquor 6 gc 15 s 135 s 1620 p 0 -
Eggs, dozen 8p 8p 8p 0 Plentiful Slimming Liquor, Ingredients 9 gc 10 s 190 s 2280 p 1 Rare
Fish, fresh, lb 3p 3p 3p 0 Plentiful Valaya's Mercy 4 gc 15 s 95 s 1140 p 0 -
Fish, pickled, lb 4p 4p 4p 0 Common Valaya's Mercy, Ingredients 6 gc 120 s 1440 p 1 Rare
Fish, pickled, barrel 3 gc 60 s 720 p 0 Common Vial, 1 oz, Glass 1s 1s 12 p 0 Rare
Koumiss, Skin (Kislev) 6p 6p 6p 0 Rare Vial, 1 oz, Lead-Lined 3s 3s 36 p 0 Rare
Kvas, Bottle (Kislev) 10 p 10 p 10 p 0 Rare
Mead, pint 3p 3p 3p 0 Average Trappings, Equipment, Etc.
Meat, side of 10 p 10 p 10 p 0 Average Carry Equipment, Containers Cost in silver in pennies Enc Avail.
Milk (any), pint 1p 1p 1p 0 Plentiful Backpack (holds 6 Enc) 10 s 10 s 120 p 3 Plentiful
Rotgut, bottle 2 pint 4p 4p 4p 0 Plentiful Coin purse, Thick Leather, (200 coins) 1s 1s 12 p 1/0 Plentiful
Spirits, bottle 2 pint 1s 1s 12 p 0 Average Sling bag, (holds 4 Enc) 7s 7s 84 p 2 Average
Wine, pint, cheap 3p 3p 3p 0 Common Quiver, Arrows/Bolts (20) 2s 2s 24 p 1 Common
Wine, pint, quality, local 9p 9p 9p 0 Scarce Quiver, Javelins (6) 5s 5s 60 p 3 Common
Wine, pint, quality, imported 2s6p 2s6p 30 p 0 Rare Pouch, Throwing Knives/Stars (12) 2s 2s 24 p 1 Common
Wine, pint, watered 2p 2p 2p 0 Plentiful Pouch, Throwing Axes (6)/Hammers (4) 2s 2s 24 p 1 Common
Faustschlag (25) and Powder (25) Bandolier 3s 3s 36 p 2 Scarce
Draughts Cost in silver in pennies Enc Avail. Gunpowder Horn (25) and Shot Pouch (25) 3s 3s 36 p 1 Scarce
Antitoxins 6s 6s 72 p 0 Scarce Saddle Bag (holds 6 Enc), max. 2 per horse 3s 3s 36 p 3 Average
Bugman's XXXXXX 1 gc 10 s 30 s 360 p 0 Very Rare Basket 6p 6p 6p 2 Abundant
Cure-All 4d10 s 4d10 s 12x4d10 p 0 Common Bottle 1s 1s 12 p 0 Average
Esmeralda's Calming Nectar 15 s 15 s 180 p 0 Very Rare Box, iron, large 1 gc 20 s 240 p 12 Common
Essence of Chaos 10 s 10 s 120 p 0 Very Rare Box, iron, small 15 s 15 s 180 p 7 Plentiful
Feyeyes 2s 2s 24 p 0 Scarce Bucket, metal 5s 5s 60 p 2 Plentiful
Greta's Boon 1s 1s 12 p 0 Very Rare Bucket, wood 1s6p 1s6p 18 p 2 Abundant
Healing Draught 10 s 10 s 120 p 0 Average Cage, large 2 gc 10 s 50 s 600 p 12 Average
Kiss of the Courtier 5s 5s 60 p 0 Scarce Cage, small 10 s 10 s 120 p 2 Average
Liquid Courage 1s6p 1s6p 18 p 0 Average Case, tube 1s 1s 12 p 0 Scarce
Mamma Melching's 8p 8p 8p 0 Common Cask, Quarterkeg, 1 gallon/4L 1s 1s 12 p 1 Common
Moot Milk 1s6p 1s6p 18 p 0 Scarce Cask, Halfkeg, 2 gallons/8L 2s 2s 24 p 1 Common
Cask, Keg, 4 gallons/16L 3s 3s 36 p 2 Plentiful
Poisons Cost in silver in pennies Enc Avail. Cask, Halfbarrel, 16 gallons/64L 5s 5s 60 p 7 Common
Belladonna 3 gc 60 s 720 p 0 Rare Cask, Barrel, 32 gallons/128L 12 s 12 s 144 p 12 Common
Black Lotus 2 gc 40 s 480 p 0 Very Rare Cask, Drumbarrel, 3000 pints / 1500L 3 gc 10 s 70 s 840 p 140 Rare
Bottled Love 1 gc 20 s 240 p 0 Scarce Chest, wooden, large 7s 7s 84 p 12 Average
Chimera Spittle 10 gc 200 s 2400 p 0 Very Rare Chest, wooden, small 4s 4s 48 p 4 Common
Crimson Shade 8s 8s 96 p 0 Very Rare Crate, wooden, 1yd³ - 90³cm³ 4s 4s 48 p 70 Average
Cyanide 5 gc 100 s 1200 p 0 - Crate, wooden, 3'4"x 3'4"x 5' - 1.5m³ 7s 7s 84 p 140 Average
Dark Venom 2 gc 40 s 480 p 0 Very Rare Cup, wood or clay 2p 2p 2p 0 Abundant
Green Scorpion Venom 50 gc 1000 s 12k p 0 Very Rare Flask, leather 1s6p 1s6p 18 p 0 Average
Ulric's Tome - Compendium Item Compendium

Flask, metal 3s 3s 36 p 0 Scarce Forge 90 gc 1800 s 21.6k p N/A Plentiful

Flask, metal, lead-lined 10 s 10 s 120 p 0 Very Rare Fuse 5p 5p 5 p 0 Scarce
Glass 2s 2s 24 p 0 Average Gin Trap 5s 5s 60 p 1 Common
Goblet, Pewter 3s 3s 36 p 0 Common Gin Trap, large 12 s 12 s 144 p 2 Average
Golblet, Silver 15 s 15 s 180 p 0 Rare Glue, 1 gal/4L 1 gc 20 s 240 p 1 Common
Goblet, Gold 5 gc 10 s 110 s 1320 p 0 Very Rare Hacksaw 15 s 15 s 180 p 1 Common
Jug, clay, 1 gallon 3p 3p 3 p 1 Plentiful Hammer 4s 4s 48 p 1 Common
Jug, clay, 4 gallons 5p 5p 5 p 2 Plentiful Hoe 5s 5s 60 p 2 Plentiful
Kettle 2s 2s 24 p 1 Plentiful Hourglass 10 s 10 s 120 p 0 Rare
Pitcher, clay 5p 5p 5 p 1 Abundant Lock Pick 1s 1s 12 p 0 Scarce
Pot, clay 6p 6p 6 p 1 Abundant Magnifying Glass 1 gc 15 s 35 s 420 p 0 Very Rare
Pot, iron 3s 3s 36 p 1 Plentiful Manacles 10 s 10 s 120 p 1 Average
Sack, large, Full/Empty 1s 1s 12 p 2/1 Plentiful Metal, Copper, 1lb - 500g 1s5p 1s5p 17 p 1/5 Average
Sack, small, Full/Empty 6p 6p 6 p 1/0 Plentiful Metal, Iron, 1 lb - 500g 1s2p 1s2p 14 p 1/5 Average
Cushioned Chest for Potion Implements 9 gc 180 s 2160 p 8 Rare Metal, Steel, 1 lb - 500g 17 s 6 p 17 s 6 p 210 p 1/5 Scarce
Cold Lead Chest for Potion Ingredients (5) 5 gc 10 s 110 s 1320 p 6 Rare Metal, Silver, 1/20lb - 25g (1 Silver Shilling) 1s 1s 12 p 1/100 Scarce
Tankard, pewter 2s 2s 24 p 0 Plentiful Metal, Gold, 1/20lb - 25g (1 Gold Crown) 1 gc 20 s 240 p 1/100 Rare
Tankard, wooden 6p 6p 6 p 0 Plentiful Microscope 9 gc 180 s 2160 p 1 Very Rare
Trunk, large 12 s 12 s 144 p 6 Common Nails (10) 5p 5p 5 p 0 Plentiful
Trunk, small 7s 7s 84 p 4 Average Navigational chart 4 gc 80 s 960 p 1 Rare
Vial, 1 oz, Glass 1s 1s 12 p 0 Common Needle, sewing 8p 8p 8 p 0 Plentiful
Vial, 1 oz, Lead-Lined 3s 3s 36 p 0 Very Rare Pestle and Mortar 3s 3s 36 p 0 Common
Waterskin, Full/Empty 1s8p 1s8p 20 p 1/0 Plentiful Pick, climbing 10 s 10 s 120 p 1 Scarce
Pick, miner's 1 gc 20 s 240 p 2 Average
Clothing Cost in silver in pennies Enc Avail. Pitchfork 10 s 10 s 120 p 2 Plentiful
Set of Clothing (poor) carried/worn 2s6p 2s6p 30 p 3/0 Plentiful Plough 2 gc 6 s 46 s 552 p 15 Common
Set of Clothing (common) carried/worn 5s 5s 60 p 4/0 Average Potion Implements (-10) w/o Laboratory 8 gc 160 s 1920 p 2 Scarce
Set of Clothing (Good) carried/worn 15 s 15 s 180 p 5/0 Common Potion Implements (+0) w/o Laboratory 24 gc 480 s 5760 p 2 Rare
Set of Clothing (Best) carried/worn 2 gc 10 s 50 s 600 p 5/0 Scarce Potion Implements (+10) w/o Laboratory 80 gc 1600 s 19.2k p 2 Very Rare
Set of Clothing (Nobility) carried/worn 8 gc 160 s 1920 p 5/0 Rare Cushioned Chest for Potion Implements 9 gc 180 s 2160 p 8 Rare
Set of Winter Clothing (thick) carried/worn 1 gc 10 s 30 s 360 p 7/2 Scarce Cold Lead Chest for Potion Ingredients (5) 5 gc 10 s 110 s 1320 p 6 Rare
Apron 6p 6p 6p 1 Plentiful Ice, 1 lb / 500g, Summer 6p 6p 6 p 1/4 Scarce
Belt 1s 1s 12 p 0 Plentiful Saw 19 s 19 s 228 p 1 Common
Boots, Hip High 8s 8s 96 p 1 Average Scales 2 gc 40 s 480 p 1 Scarce
Boots, Hobnailed, Dwarf 2 gc 40 s 480 p 1 Rare Scythe 2 gc 4 s 44 s 528 p 3 Common
Boots, Low 4s 4s 48 p 1 Plentiful Sledge hammer 5s 5s 60 p 2 Common
Boots, Riding 7s 7s 84 p 1 Plentiful Snare (wire) 1s 1s 12 p 0 Common
Breeches 3s6p 3s6p 42 p 0 Plentiful Spade 5s 5s 60 p 1 Common
Cannons 12 s 12 s 144 p 0 Common Spike 1s 1s 12 p 0 Common
Cap 1s6p 1s6p 18 p 0 Plentiful Telescope 8 gc 160 s 1920 p 2 Rare
Cape, short 2s 2s 24 p 0 Common Trade Tools, Any 5 gc 100 s 1200 p 1 Rare
Cape, long 3s 3s 36 p 1 Common Twine, roll (50 yd) 8p 8p 8 p 0 Abundant
Chemise/Tunic 3 s 10 p 3 s 10 p 46 p 1 Plentiful Wax, Sealing 2s 2s 24 p 0 Common
Cloak 4s6p 4s6p 54 p 1 Plentiful Wedge, wood 1p 1p 1 p 0 Plentiful
Coat or Jacket, light 6s 6s 72 p 1 Plentiful Wheelbarrow 1 gc 20 s 240 p 7 Common
Coat or Jacket, heavy 8s 8s 96 p 1 Plentiful Whetstone 3s 3s 36 p 0 Common
Codpiece 3s6p 3s6p 42 p 0 Common
Corset 5s 5s 60 p 0 Common Musical Instruments Cost in silver in pennies Enc Avail.
Costume 12 s 12 s 144 p 1 Common Coach Horn 3s 3s 36 p 1 Average
Doublet 4s6p 4s6p 54 p 0 Plentiful Drum 5s 5s 60 p 1 Average
Dress/Gown 15 s 15 s 180 p 0 Plentiful Flute / Recorder 1s 1s 12 p 0 Average
Gridle 1s 1s 12 p 0 Plentiful Harp, small 1 gc 10 s 30 s 360 p 0 Scarce
Gloves 1s4p 1s4p 16 p 0 Common Harp, large 7 gc 140 s 1680 p 2 Rare
Handkerchief 6p 6p 6p 0 Common Harpischord 15 gc 300 s 3600 p 60 Rare
Hat 1s6p 1s6p 18 p 0 Plentiful Lute 1 gc 6 s 26 s 312 p 2 Scarce
Hat, Wide-brimmed 5s 5s 60 p 0 Plentiful Mandolin 1 gc 20 s 240 p 1 Scarce
Hood 1s 1s 12 p 0 Common Mouth Harp 1s6p 1s6p 18 p 0 Average
Jerkin/Vest 2s 2s 24 p 1 Plentiful Tambourine 2s 2s 24 p 0 Average
Kilt 6s 6s 72 p 0 Common Viol 2 gc 40 s 480 p 1 Average
Loincloth 4p 4p 4p 0 Abundant Whistle 4p 4p 4p 0 Common
Mask, cloth 6p 6p 6p 0 Common
Mask, metal 7s 7s 84 p 1 Rare Reading and Writing Cost in silver in pennies Enc Avail.
Nightshirt 4s 4s 48 p 0 Rare Book, printed 3 gc 60 s 720 p 1 Very Rare
Overcoat 14 s 14 s 168 p 1 Plentiful Book, illuminated 35 gc 700 s 8400 p 1 Very Rare
Priest Vestments 18 s 18 s 216 p 1 Average Pamplet, News Sheet 5p 5p 5p 1 Very Rare
Rags 1p 1p 1p 0 Abundant Brush 5p 5p 5p 0 Average
Robes 18 s 18 s 216 p 1 Average Cartographer kit 5 gc 100 s 1200 p 1 Rare
Sandals 7p 7p 7p 0 Common Charcoal Stick 1p 1p 1p 0 Plentiful
Sash 1s6p 1s6p 18 p 0 Average Chalk, one stick 6p 6p 6p 0 Common
Scarf 1s3p 1s3p 15 p 0 Plentiful Ink, black 6p 6p 6p 0 Average
Socks, pair 10 p 10 p 10 p 0 Common Ink, Blue, copper, 1 oz / 30 cm³ 1s6p 1s6p 18 p 0 Average
Shoes 2s 2s 24 p 0 Plentiful Ink, Blue, ultramarine, 1 oz / 30 cm³ 2s6p 2s6p 30 p 0 Rare
Ink, Green, 1 oz / 30 cm³ 2s 2s 24 p 0 Scarce
Tools and Materials Cost in silver in pennies Enc Avail. Ink, Ochre, 1 oz / 30 cm³ 3s 3s 36 p 0 Scarce
Abacus 4s 4s 48 p 0 Rare Ink, Purple, 1 oz / 30 cm³ 7s 7s 84 p 0 Rare
Animal Call 3s 3s 36 p 0 Common Ink, Red, iron, 1 oz / 30 cm³ 1s 1s 12 p 0 Average
Anvil 4 gc 10 s 90 s 1080 p 8 Rare Ink, Safflower, 1 oz / 30 cm³ 1s 1s 12 p 0 Average
Awl 1s8p 1s8p 20 p 0 Common Ink, Yellow, 1 oz / 30 cm³ 1s 1s 12 p 0 Average
Bellows 5s 5s 60 p 2 Common Ink, Vermillion, 1 oz / 30 cm³ 4s 4s 48 p 0 Rare
Branding Iron 10 s 10 s 120 p 0 Common Inkpen 2s 2s 24 p 0 Scarce
Butcher tools 1 gc 6 s 26 s 312 p 1 Common Inkwell, 1 oz 10 p 10 p 10 p 0 Scarce
Candle, Timekeeping 1s6p 1s6p 18 p 0 Average Lock, Book 15 s 15 s 180 p 0 Very Rare
Chain, 1 yd 15 s 15 s 180 p 0 Rare Paper, sheet 1p 1p 1p 0 Rare
Chisel, wood, set 15 s 15 s 180 p 0 Common Parchment, sheet 6p 6p 6p 0 Scarce
Coin die 1 gc 20 s 240 p 0 Rare Writing Kit 5s 5s 60 p 1 Average
Crowbar 4s 4s 48 p 1 Common
Disguise Kit 15 s 15 s 180 p 1 Scarce
File Set, 6 18 s 18 s 216 p 0 Average
Fishhook and line 8p 8p 8p 0 Common
Ulric's Tome - Compendium Item Compendium

Personal Equipment Cost in silver in pennies Enc Avail. Oddities Cost in silver in pennies Enc Avail.
Armoire 3 gc 10 s 70 s 840 p 16 Average Amulets and Talismans 2p 2p 2p 0 Common
Banner 2 gc 40 s 480 p 2 Common Antitoxin Kit (3 Uses) 12 s 12 s 144 p 1 Scarce
Bed Frame 1 gc 5 s 25 s 300 p 8 Average Bezoar 3 gc 60 s 720 p 0 Rare
Bedroll 6s 6s 72 p 1 Plentiful Blessed Water 1 gc 20 s 240 p 0 Scarce
Bell 1s 1s 12 p 0 Common Healing Poultice 6p 6p 6p 0 Common
Blanket 1s4p 1s4p 16 p 0 Plentiful Garlic, 12 cloves 6p 6p 6p 0 Common
Book or Scroll Case 1s8p 1s8p 20 p 1 Scarce Grimoire 50 gc 1000 s 12k p 1 Very Rare
Brush or Comb 1s3p 1s3p 15 p 0 Plentiful Gunpowder 1 lb / 500g 4s 4s 48 p 1/5 Rare
Chair 7s 7s 84 p 3 Common Lucky Charm 1s 1s 12 p 0 Average
Clothes pegs, dozen 1s 1s 12 p 0 Common Miragliano Glass 4 gc 80 s 960 p 0 Rare
Cosmetics 10 s 10 s 120 p 0 Common Powdered Emeralds 5 gc 100 s 1200 p 0 Rare
Couch 2 gc 6 s 46 s 552 p 8 Scarce Protective Circle (per point of CN) 2s 2s 24 p 0 Very Rare
Cutlery, 1 Knife, wooden 6p 6p 6p 0 Plentiful Purity Seal 3p 3p 3p 0 Average
Cutlery, 1 Knife, metal 2s6p 2s6p 30 p 0 Common Religious Relic 5 gc 100 s 1200 p 0 Rare
Cutlery, 1 Knife, silver, 50g 15 s 15 s 180 p 0 Scarce Scroll 12 s 12 s 144 p 0 Common
Cutlery, 1 Knife, gold, 50g 2 gc 10 s 50 s 600 p 0 Very Rare Toadstone 2 gc 15 s 55 s 660 p 0 Very Rare
Deck of cards 6s 6s 72 p 0 Plentiful
Desk 1 gc 5 s 25 s 300 p 7 Scarce Coins Value in silver in pennies Enc Avail.
Dice, x6, bone 8p 8p 8p 0 Plentiful Gold Crown, 1/20 lb - 25g 1 gc 20 s 240 p 1/100
Dice, x6, bone, weighted 9s 9s 108 p 0 Rare Silver Shilling, 1/20 lb – 25g 1s 1s 12 p 1/100
Foodstool 4s 4s 48 p 1 Average Brass Penny, 1/40 lb – 12.5g 1p 1p 1p 1/100
Grappling Hook 8s 8s 96 p 1 Average Silver Penny, 1/240 lb – 2.1 g 1p 1p 1p 1/1000
Kislevite Winged Banner 1 gc 4 s 24 s 288 p 2 Rare Odd Coins
Kislevite Winged Banner (Screamer) 1 gc 8 s 28 s 336 p 2 Rare Gold Koku 6 gc 120 s 1440 p 1/50 Very Rare
Ladder, rope 10 s 10 s 120 p 1 Average Ind Suvarna 1 gc 20 s 240 p 1/25 Rare
Ladder, wrought iron 1 gc 20 s 240 p 4 Scarce Pre-Empire
Ladder, wood 2s6p 2s6p 30 p 4 Common Gold 2 gc 10 s 50 s 600 p 1/100 Very Rare
Lock, average 12 s 12 s 144 p 0 Common Silver 1 gc 20 s 240 p 1/100 Rare
Lock, quality 3 gc 10 s 70 s 840 p 0 Scarce Brass 5s 5s 60 p 1/100 Rare
Marbles, 10 3s 3s 36 p 0 Average Wood 5p 5p 5 p 1/100 Scarce
Mattress, flock 5s 5s 60 p 3 Average Silver Leaf 75 gc 1500 s 18k p 1/20 Very Rare
Mattress, feather 1 gc 20 s 240 p 3 Scarce Tilean Talents 5 gc 100 s 1200 p 1/20 Rare
Mirror, large Metal 1 gc 20 s 240 p 3 Scarce
Mirror, large Silver 5 gc 100 s 1200 p 3 Very Rare Mounts and Animals Cost in silver in pennies Avail.
Mirror, small Silver 2 gc 40 s 480 p 1 Rare Arabyan Thoroughbred 90 gc 1800 s 21.6k p -
Perfume/Cologne 4s 4s 48 p 0 Common Bretonnian Charger 95 gc 1900 s 22.8k p -
Pole, 10 ft 1s 1s 12 p 2 Common Destrier 60 gc 1200 s 14.4k p Scarce
Rod, 1 yd 2p 2p 2p 1 Plentiful Hippogriff Egg (40 hired Merc.s 2 months) 342 gc 6840 s 82k p -
Rope, 10 yd 3s6p 3s6p 42 p 1 Average Kislevite Horse 19 gc 380 s 4560 p Rare
Shaving Kit 3s 3s 36 p 0 Average Kislevite Warhorse 40 gc 800 s 9600 p Very Rare
Snuff box 1s6p 1s6p 18 p 0 Average Light Warhorse 42 gc 840 s 10k p Average
Soap 6p 6p 6p 0 Common Pegasus Foal (max. 1 month old) 155 gc 3100 s 37.2k p -
Staff, 5 ft 9p 9p 9p 2 Plentiful Pony 15 gc 300 s 3600 p Common
Table 1 gc 10 s 30 s 360 p 8 Common Riding Horse 20 gc 400 s 4800 p Common
Tarp 3s6p 3s6p 42 p 1 Common
Tent, Kislevite Kibitka (+ 2 more people) 5(+2) s 5(+2) s60(+24) p 3 (+1) Rare Mount Gear Cost in silver in pennies Enc Avail.
Tent, Kislevite Yurta (p. person) 2s 2s 24 p 1 Rare Fodder per Day, Bear, Pegasus 1s6p 1s6p 18 p 1 Common
Tent, large 8s 8s 96 p 2 Average Fodder per Day, Horse 6p 6p 6p 1 Plentiful
Tent, small 4s 4s 48 p 1 Common Grooming Kit 8s 8s 96 p 0 Common
Tent, Pavilion 3 gc 10 s 70 s 840 p 5 Average Harness 12 s 12 s 144 p 0 Common
Tinderbox 1s3p 1s3p 15 p 0 Plentiful Saddle 1 gc 8 s 28 s 336 p 3 Average
Saddle Bag (holds 6 Enc), max. 2 per horse 3s 3s 36 p 3 Average
Religious Equipment Cost in silver in pennies Enc Avail.
Aspergilla 3s 3s 36 p 0 Average Companion and Speciality Animals Cost in silver in pennies Avail.
Beads, prayer 2s 2s 24 p 0 Common Cat 1s 1s 12 p Plentiful
Brazier, large 5 gc 100 s 1200 p 18 Average Bear, Caught, Feral 18 gc 360 s 4320 p Rare
Brazier, medium 2 gc 40 s 480 p 12 Average Bear, Bred 40 gc 800 s 9600 p Very Rare
Brazier, small 1 gc 20 s 240 p 6 Common Bear, Trained 80 gc 1600 s 19.2k p -
Candelabra, Iron 17 s 17 s 204 p 1 Average Dog (pedigree) 6s 6s 72 p Plentiful
Candelabra, Silver 2 gc 40 s 480 p 1 Scarce Dog, Kislevite Herder 6s 6s 72 p Scarce
Candelabra, Gold 11 gc 10 s 230 s 2760 p 1 Rare Dog, War 2 gc 10 s 50 s 600 p Rare
Candlesticks, Iron 6s8p 6s8p 80 p 0 Common Hunting Bird 4 gc 10 s 90 s 1080 p Rare
Candlesticks, Silver 15 s 10 p 15 s 10 p 190 p 0 Average Hunting Bird, Trained 8 gc 10 s 170 s 2040 p Very Rare
Candlesticks, Gold 4 gc 12 s 92 s 1104 p 0 Rare Monkey 4 gc 80 s 960 p Rare
Censer 2 gc 40 s 480 p 1 Average Pidgeons, Homing 2s 2s 24 p Scarce
Inscense, 1 oz Stick 1s 1s 12 p 0 Common Raven 5p 5p 5p Scarce
Relic Box 5s 5s 60 p 1 Average Raven, Trained 2 gc 40 s 480 p Rare

Replacements and Appendages Cost in silver in pennies Enc Avail. Livestock Cost in silver in pennies Avail.
Ear Horn 9p 9p 9p 0 Common Chicken 10 p 10 p 10 p Plentiful
Eye Patch 4p 4p 4p 0 Common Cow 15 gc 300 s 3600 p Common
False Eye 1 gc 20 s 240 p 0 Average Donkey 8 gc 160 s 1920 p Common
False Leg 7s 7s 84 p 2 Average Goat 15 s 15 s 180 p Common
Gilded Nose 1 gc 6 s 26 s 312 p 0 Scarce Horse, draft 14 gc 280 s 3360 p Average
Hook 10 s 10 s 120 p 1 Average Mule 9 gc 180 s 2160 p Common
Skid Board 5p 5p 5p 1 Common Ox 16 gc 320 s 3840 p Common
Skull plate 2s 2s 24 p 0 Average Packhorse 13 gc 260 s 3120 p Average
Tattoo 5s 5s 60 p 0 Average Pig 2 gc 10 s 50 s 600 p Common
Teeth Caps 10 s 10 s 120 p 0 Average Sheep 1 gc 10 s 30 s 360 p Plentiful
Veteran's Hand 13 gc 9 s 269 s 3228 p 1 Rare
Wooden teeth 3s 3s 36 p 0 Average
Ulric's Tome - Compendium Item Compendium

Travel and Lodging Property and Business

Daily Food and Lodging Cost in silver in pennies Land (Rent 10% p.a.) Cost in silver in pennies Area Avail.
Poor 8p 8p 8p Poor Rural 2 gc 10 s 50 s 600 p 1 acre Common
Common 1s 1s 12 p Common Rural 5 gc 100 s 1200 p 1 acre Common
Good 2s 2s 24 p Good Rural 15 gc 300 s 3600 p 1 acre Average
Rich 4s 4s 48 p Best Rural 50 gc 1000 s 12k p 1 acre Scarce
Nobility ≥8 s ≥8 s ≥96 p Poor Urban 250 gc 5000 s 60k p 1 acre Average
Horses 1s6p 1s6p 18 p Common Urban 500 gc 10k s 120k p 1 acre Scarce
Good Urban 1500 gc 30k s 360k p 1 acre Rare
Travel Services Cost in silver in pennies Best Urban 5000 gc 100k s 1.2m p 1 acre Very Rare
Cart or Wagon 1 s 10 p 1 s 10 p 22 p 1 acre = 4840yd² = 22x220yd² = 20x200 m²
Cart with 2 horses 2 s 10 p 2 s 10 p 34 p Poor Rural 1s 1 s 12 p 100 yd² Common
Wagon, 3 horses 4s6p 4s6p 54 p Common Rural 2s 2 s 24 p 100 yd² Common
Coach 6s 6s 72 p Good Rural 6s 6 s 72 p 100 yd² Average
River Boat/Barge 1s8p 1s8p 20 p Best Rural 1 gc 20 s 240 p 100 yd² Scarce
Ship's Passage 4s 4s 48 p Poor Urban 1s 1 s 12 p 1 yd² Average
Common Urban 2s 2 s 24 p 1 yd² Scarce
Lodging Good Urban 6s 6 s 72 p 1 yd² Rare
Coaching Inn Cost in silver in pennies Best Urban 1 gc 20 s 240 p 1 yd² Very Rare
Bath 4p 4p 4p
Meal, Poor 1p 1p 1p Poor Rural 5 gc 100 s 1200 p 1 ha Common
Meal, Average 3p 3p 3p Common Rural 10 gc 200 s 2400 p 1 ha Common
Meal, Good 6p 6p 6p Good Rural 30 gc 600 s 7200 p 1 ha Average
Meal, Noble 1+ s 1+ s 12+ p Best Rural 100 gc 2000 s 24k p 1 ha Scarce
Common Room, 1 night 5p 5p 5p Poor Urban 500 gc 10k s 120k p 1 ha Average
Private Room, 1 night 1s4p 1s4p 16 p Common Urban 1000 gc 20k s 240k p 1 ha Scarce
Stabling Horse, 1 night 10 p 10 p 10 p Good Urban 3000 gc 60k s 720k p 1 ha Rare
Best Urban 10000 gc 200k s 2.4m p 1 ha Very Rare
Common Hostel Cost in silver in pennies 1 ha = 10'000m² = 110 x 110 yd²≈ 2.5 acres
Bath 8p 8p 8p Poor Rural 1s 1 s 12 p 100 m² Common
Meal, Poor 1p 1p 1p Common Rural 2s 2 s 24 p 100 m² Common
Meal, Average 2p 2p 2p Good Rural 6s 6 s 72 p 100 m² Average
Meal, Good 4p 4p 4p Best Rural 1 gc 20 s 240 p 100 m² Scarce
Meal, Noble 10 p 10 p 10 p Poor Urban 1s 1 s 12 p 1 m² Average
Common Room, 1 night 3p 3p 3p Common Urban 2s 2 s 24 p 1 m² Scarce
Private Room, 1 night 1s 1s 12 p Good Urban 6s 6 s 72 p 1 m² Rare
Stabling Horse, 1 night 6p 6p 6p Best Urban 1 gc 20 s 240 p 1 m² Very Rare

Common Tavern Cost in silver in pennies Dwellings (Rent 5% p.a.) w/o land Cost in silver in pennies Avail.
Bath -p - - Rural Hovel 5 gc 100 s 1200 p Common
Meal, Poor 1p 1p 1p Rural House 20 gc 400 s 4800 p Common
Meal, Average 2p 2p 2p Homestead 100 gc 2000 s 24k p Average
Meal, Good 3p 3p 3p Rural Estate 750 gc 15000 s 180k p Rare
Meal, Noble -p - - Urban House (3 bays) 150 gc 3000 s 36k p Common
Common Room, 1 night 3p 3p 3p Good Urban House 450 gc 9000 s 108k p Average
Spot by the Hearth 1p 1p 1p Best Urban House 750 gc 15k s 180k p Scarce
Private Room, 1 night -p - - Oppulent House with Garden (5 bays) 1250 gc 25k s 300k p Rare
Stabling Horse, 1 night -p - - Rich Town House w/ Garden (7 bays) 1750 gc 35k s 420k p Rare
Rich Town House w/ Court (9 bays) 2250 gc 45k s 540k p Rare
Vehicles Small Palace 13500 gc 270k s 3.24m p Very Rare
Land Cost in silver in pennies
Cart 4 gc 80 s 960 p Businesses w/tools & property fees
Coach 45 gc 900 s 10.8k p Poor 1x yearly income
Wagon 6 gc 10 s 130 s 1560 p Common 1x yearly income
Laboratory Wagon (4 workbenches) 85 gc 1700 s 20.4k p Good 1x yearly income
War Wagon 90 gc 1800 s 21.6k p Best 1x yearly income
Water Increasing Business Quality by 1 Step
Barge, River 270 gc 5400 s 64.8k p Poor - Common 25x weekly income
Boat, Rowing 3 gc 15 s 75 s 900 p Common - Good 25x weekly income
Galley, River 650 gc 13 k s 156k p Good - Best At least 1 Quest
Riverboat 135 gc 2700 s 32.4k p Losing 1 Quality Ignoring a crisis (Roll 96-100)
Ship, Coast 4900 gc 98k s 1.176m p
Ship, High Seas 13500 gc 270k s 3.240m p
Wargalley, Light 2600 gc 52k s 624k p
Wargalley, Heavy 10400 gc 208k s 2.496m p
Warship, Coast 14800 gc 296k s 3.552m p
Warship, High Seas 44500 gc 890k s 10.68m p
Ballista 75 gc 1500 s 18k p
Cannon 210 gc 4200 s 50.4k p
Mortar 95 gc 1900 s 22.8k p
Swivel Gun 30 gc 600 s 7200 p
Ulric's Tome - Compendium Trader's Compendium

Trader's Compendium Catalogue of Trade Units

Trade Unit Sizes Medium Large Fabrics Qtt. / TU Size / TU Cost Avail.
S Small* 25 250 Fabrics 50 yd² S 4 gc Common
M Medium 1 10 Canvas 50 yd² S 4 gc Common
L Large 0.1 1 Homespun 50 yd² S 2 gc Abundant
*Small TU size is mostly irrelevant Lace 5 yd² - 4 gc Scarce
Vehicles Linen 50 yd² S 4 gc Average
Land TU Capacity Max TU Size Cost Silk, Cathay 5 yd² - 10 gc Very Rare
Cart 8 M 4 gc Velvet 10 yd² - 5 gc Scarce
Coach 10 M 45 gc Wool 50 yd² S 5 gc Common
Wagon 15 L 6 gc 10 s
Laboratory Wagon (4 workbenches) 5 M 85 gc Hides Qtt. Size / TU Cost Avail.
War Wagon 10 M 90 gc Hides 10 skins M 3 gc Average
Water Bear 5 skins M 3 gc Scarce
Barge, River 100 L 270 gc Deer 15 skins M 3 gc Common
Boat, Rowing 5 M 3 gc 15 s Fox, red 40 skins M 9 gc Average
Galley, River 150 L 650 gc Fox, white 24 skins M 9 gc Rare
Riverboat 200 L 135 gc Horse 8 skins M 2 gc Average
Ship, Coast 250 L 4900 gc Leather, Cattle 8 skins M 3 gc Average
Ship, High Seas 450 L 13500 gc Leopard 2 skins M 22 gc Very Rare
Wargalley, Light 150 L 2600 gc Lion 2 skins M 26 gc Very Rare
Wargalley, Heavy 300 L 10400 gc Marten 30 skins M 15 gc Scarce
Warship, Coast 250 L 14800 gc Mink 30 skins M 18 gc Scarce
Warship, High Seas 450 L 44500 gc Raccoon 20 skins M 6 gc Rare
Weapons Number of TU Size / TU Sable, Black 30 skins M 21 gc Scarce
Ballista 3x L 75 gc Sheep 10 skins M 1 gc Plentiful
Cannon 2x M 210 gc Wolf 16 skins M 4 gc Average
Mortar 5x L 95 gc
Swivel Gun 1x M 30 gc Dyes Qtt. / TU Size / TU Cost Avail.
Dyes 1 gal / 4 L S 8 gc Average
Adventurer's General Goods Qtt. / TU Size / TU Cost Avail. Blue, copper 1 gal / 4 L S 8 gc Average
Fabrics 50 yd² S 4 gc Common Blue, ultramarine 1 gal / 4 L S 12 gc Rare
Hides 10 skins M 3 gc Average Green 1 gal / 4 L S 8 gc Scarce
Dyes 1 gal / 4 L S 8 gc Average Ochre 1 gal / 4 L S 12 gc Scarce
Weapons 1 crate M 25 gc Average Purple 1 gal / 4 L S 24 gc Rare
Armours 1 crate M 50 gc Average Red, iron 1 gal / 4 L S 4 gc Average
Sweeteners 30 gal / 120 L M 4 gc Average Safflower 1 gal / 4 L S 4 gc Average
Grains 40 bushels L 4 gc Abundant Yellow 1 gal / 4 L S 4 gc Average
Flour 240 lb / 120 kg M 1 gc Plentiful Vermillion 1 gal / 4 L S 16 gc Rare
Exotics 100 lb / 50 kg M 15 gc Rare
Fish 240 lb / 120 kg M 3 gc Plentiful Weapons Qtt. / TU Size / TU Cost Avail.
Salt 240 lb / 120 kg M 8 gc Average Weapons 1 crate M 25 gc Average
Luxury Foods 100 lb / 50 kg M 20 gc Scarce Shields 15 pc M 15 gc Plentiful
Pottery 240 lb / 120 kg M 2 gc Average One-handed Weapons 20 pc M 20 gc Average
Livestock varies L 10 gc Average Two-handed weapons 6 pc M 15 gc Average
Ales and Beers 30 gal / 120 L M 1 gc Average Bows 20 pc M 20 gc Average
Woolen Goods 1 barrel M 2 gc Average Crossbows 10 pc M 25 gc Average
Metal Goods 1 barrel M 10 gc Average Muskets 10 pc M 25 gc Rare
Ores 2k lb / 1 t L 3 gc Average Pistols 30 pc M 45 gc Rare
Gems 1 casket - 10 gc Rare Arrows/Bolts 250 pc M 6 gc Average
Wooden Goods 1 crate M 2 gc Average Shot 2400 pc M 20 gc Average
Leather Goods 1 barrel M 5 gc Average Gunpowder 1k lb / 500 kg M 200 gc Rare
Natural Products 1 barrel M 4 gc Average
Perfumes 1 gal / 4 L S 5 gc Rare Armours Qtt. / TU Size / TU Cost Avail.
Illegal Goods 1 barrel M 40 gc - Armours 1 crate M 50 gc Average
Light 10 sets M 30 gc Plentiful
Medium 4 sets M 80 gc Average
Heavy 1 set M 40 gc Rare
Oils Qtt. / TU Size / TU Cost Avail.
Oils 20 gal / 80 L M 8 gc Scarce
Almond 20 gal / 80 L M 15 gc Rare
Hazelnut 20 gal / 80 L M 5 gc Scarce
Olive 20 gal / 80 L M 8 gc Scarce
Safflower 20 gal / 80 L M 2 gc Average
Sesame 20 gal / 80 L M 13 gc Rare
Sunflower 20 gal / 80 L M 4 gc Common
Walnut 20 gal / 80 L M 5 gc Scarce

Sweeteners Qtt. / TU Size / TU Cost Avail.

Sweeteners 30 gal / 120 L M 4 gc Average
Honey 30 gal / 120 L M 12 gc Average
Sugar, brown 30 gal / 120 L M 8 gc Scarce
Sugar, raw 30 gal / 120 L M 6 gc Average

Grains Qtt. / TU Size / TU Cost Avail.

Grains 40 bushels L 4 gc Abundant
Barley 40 bushels L 3 gc Abundant
Buckwheat 40 bushels L 5 gc Abundant
Chick Peas 40 bushels L 15 gc Rare
Lentils 40 bushels L 12 gc Rare
Millet 40 bushels L 5 gc Abundant
Oats 40 bushels L 2 gc Abundant
Rye 40 bushels L 5 gc Abundant
Rice 40 bushels L 20 gc Very Rare
Wheat, Thrashed 40 bushels L 5 gc Abundant
Ulric's Tome - Compendium Trader's Compendium

Flour Qtt. / TU Size / TU Cost Avail. Metal Goods Qtt. / TU Size / TU Cost Avail.
Flour 240 lb / 120 kg M 1 gc Plentiful Metal Goods 1 barrel M 10 gc Average
Barley 240 lb / 120 kg M 1 gc Plentiful Tools/Utensils 1 barrel M 10 gc Average
Buckwheat 240 lb / 120 kg M 1 gc Plentiful Pots/Pans 1 barrel M 5 gc Average
Rye 240 lb / 120 kg M 1 gc Plentiful Ingots, Lead 360 lb / 180 kg M 13 gc Average
Wheat 240 lb / 120 kg M 1 gc Plentiful Ingots, Iron 240 lb / 120 kg M 14 gc Average
Ingost, Copper 240 lb / 120 kg M 17 gc Average
Exotics Qtt. / TU Size / TU Cost Avail. Ingots, Silver 24 lb / 12 kg S 24 gc Rare
Exotics 100 lb / 50 kg M 15 gc Rare Ingots, Steel 24 lb / 12 kg S 21 gc Rare
Chillis (dried) 100 lb / 50 kg M 10 gc Rare Ingots, Tin 240 lb / 120 kg M 20 gc Rare
Coffee 200 lb / 100 kg M 20 gc Very Rare Ingots, Gold 24 lb / 12 kg S 480 gc Very Rare
Tea 100 lb / 50 kg M 15 gc Very Rare
Tobacco 100 lb / 50 kg M 25 gc Very Rare Ores Qtt. / TU Size / TU Cost Avail.
Tobacco, Cigars 100 pcs S 5 gc Very Rare Ores 2k lb / 1 t L 3 gc Average
Tobacco, Cigarettes 1200 pcs S 5 gc Rare Lead 2k lb / 1 t L 8 gc Average
Tobacco, Herbs 100 lb / 50 kg M 10 gc Average Iron 2k lb / 1 t L 12 gc Average
Saffron 1 lb / 0.5 kg - 10 gc Very Rare Copper 2k lb / 1 t L 1 gc Scarce
Paprika (dried) 100 lb / 50 kg M 5 gc Scarce Tin 2k lb / 1 t L 4 gc Rare
Silver 2k lb / 1 t L 2 gc Rare
Fish Qtt. / TU Size / TU Cost Avail. Gold 2k lb / 1 t L 1 gc Very Rare
Fish 240 lb / 120 kg M 3 gc Plentiful
Shellfish 240 lb / 120 kg M 6 gc Plentiful Gems Qtt. / TU Size / TU Cost Avail.
Eels 240 lb / 120 kg M 5 gc Plentiful Gems 1 casket - 10 gc Rare
Cod 240 lb / 120 kg M 3 gc Plentiful Gems, Cabochons 1 casket - 5 gc Scarce
Flatfish 240 lb / 120 kg M 4 gc Plentiful Gems, Cut 1 casket - 50 gc Very Rare
Gems, Uncut 1 casket - 25 gc Rare
Salt Qtt. / TU Size / TU Cost Avail.
Salt 240 lb / 120 kg M 8 gc Average Wooden Goods Qtt. / TU Size / TU Cost Avail.
Mined Salt 240 lb / 120 kg M 6 gc Average Wooden Goods 1 crate M 2 gc Average
Evaporation Salt 240 lb / 120 kg M 10 gc Rare Charcoal 1 crate M 1 gc Average
Firewood 5 crates L 2 gc Average
Luxury Foods Qtt. / TU Size / TU Cost Avail. Furniture 1 crate M 1 gc Average
Luxury Foods 100 lb / 50 kg M 20 gc Scarce Lumber 190 ft³ / 5 m³ L 10 gc Average
Chocolate 100 lb / 50 kg M 25 gc Very Rare Paper 5000 sheets M 10 gc Scarce
Jam 240 lb / 120 kg M 15 gc Average Religious Icons 1 crate M 4 gc Average
Oysters, live 100 lb / 50 kg M 25 gc Very Rare Timber/Logs 190 ft³ / 5 m³ L 7 gc Plentiful
Fish Roe 100 lb / 50 kg M 5 gc Average Tools/Utensils 1 barrel M 2 gc Plentiful
Venison, preserved 240 lb / 120 kg M 2 gc Average
Preserved Meats 240 lb / 120 kg M 1 gc Average Leather Goods Qtt. / TU Size / TU Cost Avail.
Cheese 240 lb / 120 kg M 5 gc Average Leather Goods 1 barrel M 5 gc Average
Cheese, quality 240 lb / 120 kg M 25 gc Scarce Clothing 1 barrel M 5 gc Average
Containers 1 barrel M 5 gc Average
Pottery Qtt. / TU Size / TU Cost Avail. Saddles 5 pcs M 7 gc Average
Pottery 240 lb / 120 kg M 2 gc Average Parchment 240 sheets S 6 gc Scarce
Ceramics 240 lb / 120 kg M 2 gc Plentiful Vellum 240 sheets S 12 gc Rare
Stoneware 240 lb / 120 kg M 2 gc Average
Porcelain 20 lb / 10 kg S 4 gc Very Rare Natural Products Qtt. / TU Size / TU Cost Avail.
Natural Products 1 barrel M 4 gc Average
Livestock Qtt. / TU Size / TU Cost Avail. Amber 1 casket S 1 gc Scarce
Livestock varies L 10 gc Average Ivory 4 Tusks M 20 gc Rare
Cattle 1 pc L 15 gc Average Whale Oil 30 gal / 120 L M 1 gc Plentiful
Chickens 24 pcs L 1 gc Plentiful Ambergris 1 lb / 0.5 kg - 30 gc Very Rare
Horses 1 pc L 14 gc Scarce
Pigs 2 pcs L 5 gc Average Perfumes Qtt. / TU Size / TU Cost Avail.
Sheep 4 pcs L 6 gc Plentiful Perfumes 1 gal / 4 L S 5 gc Rare
Incense 1 gal / 4 L S 6 gc Rare
Alcohol Qtt. / TU Size / TU Cost Avail. Myrrh 1 gal / 4 L S 5 gc Rare
Ales and Beers 30 gal / 120 L M 1 gc Average Scented Candles 1 barrel M 2 gc Average
Spirits 30 gal / 120 L M 6 gc Scarce Musk 1 gal / 4 L S 10 gc Rare
Ale, Strong 30 gal / 120 L M 2 gc Plentiful
Beer 30 gal / 120 L M 1 gc Plentiful Illegal Goods Qtt. / TU Size / TU Cost Avail.
Brandy 30 gal / 120 L M 10 gc Average Illegal Goods 1 barrel M 40 gc -
Kislevite Kvas 30 gal / 120 L M 5 gc Scarce Contraband 1 barrel M 30 gc -
Rum 30 gal / 120 L M 7 gc Scarce Chaos Artifacts 1 barrel M 75 gc -
Wine 30 gal / 120 L M 3 gc Average Weapons, smuggled 1 barrel M 50 gc -
Wine, quality 30 gal / 120 L M 9 gc Scarce Monsters 1 pc L 50 gc -

Woolen Goods Qtt. / TU Size / TU Cost Avail.

Woolen Goods 1 barrel M 2 gc Average
Clothes 1 barrel M 2 gc Average
Rugs 1 barrel M 1 gc Average
Sheepskin 1 barrel M 1 gc Plentiful
Ulric's Tome - Compendium Jewellery

Jewellery Wood Bronze Silver Gilded Silver Gold Enc

Armband 1s6p 15 s 1 gc 4 gc 12 gc 1/4
Bracelet 1s 5s 10 s 1 gc 5 s 4 gc 1/10
Brooch/Pendant 6p 4s 5s 1 gc 2 gc 1/100
Earrings 6p 6s 10 s 1 gc 5 s 2 gc 1/100
Locket 1s 10 s 15 s 2 gc 3 gc 1/100
Necklace 3s 1 gc 1 gc 3 gc 7 gc 1/50
Ring 6p 3s 5s 15 s 2 gc 1/100
Torc/Crown 2s 1 gc 1 gc 15 s 6 gc 10 s 20 gc 1/2
1d100 01-35 36-65 66-85 86-95 96-100

Gemstones Uncut Cut Gemstones 1d100 Uncut Cut

Agate 1s 5s Agate 01-06 1s 5s
Amber 5s 10 s Obsidian 07-12 1s 5s
Amethyst 2 gc 10 s 3 gc 10 s Pearl, Com. 13-18 15 s
Chalcedony 15 s 1 gc 5 s Rock Crystal 19-24 1s 5s
Chrysoberyl 1 gc 5 s 2 gc Amber 25-29 5s 10 s
Diamond 10 gc 14 gc Quartz 30-34 2s 10 s
Emerald 8 gc 12 gc Lapis Lazuli 35-38 5s 15 s
Garnet 15 s 1 gc 5 s Onyx 39-42 5s 15 s
Hematite 1 gc 2 gc Pearl, Colour 43-46 15 s
Jade 1 gc 15 s 2 gc 10 s Tiger's Eye 47-50 5s 15 s
Jacinth 4 gc 10 s 7 gc Malachite 51-54 10 s 1 gc
Jet 1 gc 2 gc Spinel, other 55-58 10 s 1 gc
Lapis Lazuli 5s 15 s Zircon 59-62 10 s 1 gc
Malachite 10 s 1 gc Chalcedony 63-66 15 s 1 gc 5 s
Moonstone 1 gc 10 s 2 gc 5 s Garnet 67-70 15 s 1 gc 5 s
Obsidian 1s 5s Tourmaline 71-74 15 s 1 gc 5 s
Onyx 5s 15 s Chrysoberyl 75-77 1 gc 5 s 2 gc
Opal, Black 9 gc 13 gc Hematite 78-80 1 gc 2 gc
Opal, Common 4 gc 15 s 6 gc 10 s Jet 81-83 1 gc 2 gc
Pearl, Coloured 15 s Moonstone 84-85 1 gc 10 s 2 gc 5 s
Pearl, Common 5s Jade 86-87 1 gc 15 s 2 gc 10 s
Peridot 6 gc 10 s 8 gc 15 s Spinel, Blue 88-89 2 gc 3 gc 10 s
Quartz 2s 10 s Amethyst 90-91 2 gc 10 s 3 gc 10 s
Rock Crystal 1s 5s Opal, Com. 92 4 gc 15 s 6 gc 10 s
Ruby 8 gc 10 s 12 gc 10 s Jacinth 93 4 gc 10 s 7 gc
Sapphire 8 gc 12 gc Topaz 94 5 gc 10 s 7 gc 10 s
Spinel, Blue 2 gc 3 gc 10 s Peridot 95 6 gc 10 s 8 gc 15 s
Spinel, other 10 s 1 gc Emerald 96 8 gc 12 gc
Tiger's Eye 5s 15 s Sapphire 97 8 gc 12 gc
Topaz 5 gc 10 s 7 gc 10 s Ruby 98 8 gc 10 s 12 gc 10 s
Tourmaline 15 s 1 gc 5 s Opal, Black 99 9 gc 13 gc
Zircon 10 s 1 gc Diamond 100 10 gc 14 gc

Sample jewellery: 50 Pearl Necklace 37 gc 10 s

Silver Moonstone Earrings 5 gc
Gilded Silver Crown with 5 Large Emeralds 66 gc 10 s
Gold ring with 10 small diamonds 16 gc
Wooden bracelet with 5 obsidian figurines 1 gc 6 s
Silver Necklace with a small topaz 4 gc 15 s
Bronze Locket with a black pearl 1 gc 5 s
Wooden ring with an uncut rock crystal 1s6p
Ulric's Tome - Compendium Incomes

Incomes Daily p Weekly p Monthly s Yearly gc

Peasant 7 9 10 12 45 54 60 72 15 18 20 24 9 11 12 15
Rich Farmer 12 15 20 25 75 90 120 150 25 30 40 50 15 18 24 30
Innkeeper 17 20 35 40 105 120 210 240 35 40 70 80 21 24 42 48
Shopkeeper 17 20 30 45 105 120 180 270 35 40 60 90 21 24 36 54
Mercenary 18 25 30 50 105 150 180 300 35 50 60 100 21 30 36 60
Financial Clerk 18 30 40 60 108 180 240 360 36 60 80 120 22 36 48 72
Craftsman 20 35 50 70 120 210 300 420 40 70 100 140 24 42 60 84
Fence 20 35 60 150 120 210 360 900 40 70 120 300 24 42 72 180
Doctor 40 65 90 125 240 390 540 750 80 130 180 250 48 78 108 150
Artificer 125 215 300 420 750 1290 1800 2520 250 430 600 840 150 258 360 504
Lesser Noble 215 300 420 500 1290 1800 2520 3000 430 600 840 1000 258 360 504 600
Wizard Lord 250 380 510 675 1500 2280 3060 4050 500 760 1020 1350 300 456 612 810
Greater Noble 1200 5400 9600 15000 9600 43200 76800 120 k 3200 14400 25600 40000 2000 9000 16000 25000
Poor Com. Good Best
A workweek is 8 days. The income of the 7th and 8th day is spent working for tithes, taxes etc. and are excluded.
After Expenses Daily p Weekly p Monthly s Yearly gc
Peasant 0 1 2 4 0 6 12 24 0 2 4 8 0 1 2 5
Rich Farmer 4 6 9 13 24 36 54 78 8 12 18 26 5 7 11 16
Innkeeper 7 9 20 25 42 54 120 150 14 18 40 50 8 11 24 30
Shopkeeper 7 9 16 30 42 54 96 180 14 18 32 60 8 11 19 36
Mercenary 8 13 16 30 48 78 96 180 16 26 32 60 10 16 19 36
Financial Clerk 9 17 24 40 54 102 144 240 18 34 48 80 11 20 29 48
Craftsman 9 20 30 45 54 120 180 270 18 40 60 90 11 24 36 54
Fence 9 20 40 100 54 120 240 600 18 40 80 200 11 24 48 120
Doctor 25 40 60 85 150 240 360 510 50 80 120 170 30 48 72 102
Artificer 85 150 225 315 510 900 1350 1890 170 300 450 630 102 180 270 378
Lesser Noble 150 225 315 375 900 1350 1890 2250 300 450 630 750 180 270 378 450
Wizard Lord 175 275 375 500 1050 1650 2250 3000 350 550 750 1000 210 330 450 600
Greater Noble 930 4290 7650 12000 7440 34320 61200 96000 1700 11440 20400 32000 1550 7150 12750 20000
Poor Com. Good Best
Ulric's Tome - Compendium Hiring Costs

Hiring Costs - 8d/week, before Tax and Tithes (around 25%)

Craftsmen Year Month Week Day
Poor 34 gc 2 gc 15 s 13 s 4 p 20 p
Common 59 gc 4 gc 17 s 23 s 4 p 35 p
Good 84 gc 6 gc 18 s 33 s 4 p 50 p
Best 117 gc 9 gc 13 s 46 s 8 p 70 p

Mercenaries Year Month Week Day

Poor 30 gc 2 gc 10 s 12 s 18 p
Common 42 gc 3 gc 10 s 16 s 8 p 25 p
Good 50 gc 4 gc 3 s 20 s 30 p
Best 84 gc 6 gc 18 s 33 s 4 p 50 p

Servants Year Month Week Day

Poor 14 gc 1 gc 2 s 5s4p 8p
Common 17 gc 1 gc 8 s 6s8p 10 p
Good 20 gc 1 gc 13 s 8s 12 p
Best 25 gc 2 gc 2 s 10 s 15 p

Doctors and Specialists Year Month Week Day

Poor 67 gc 5 gc 10 s 27 s 40 p
Common 110 gc 9 gc 44 s 65 p
Good 150 gc 12 gc 10 s 60 s 90 p
Best 210 gc 17 gc 10 s 84 s 125 p

Entertainers Year Month Week Day

Poor 12 gc 1 gc 5s 7p
Common 25 gc 2 gc 2 s 10 s 15 p
Good 75 gc 6 gc 4 s 30 s 45 p
Best 150 gc 12 gc 10 s 60 s 90 p

Labourers and Peasants Year Month Week Day

Poor 12 gc 1gc 4s8p 7p
Common 15 gc 1 gc 5 s 6s 9p
Good 17 gc 1 gc 8 s 6s8p 10 p
Best 20 gc 1 gc 13 s 8s 12 p

Artificers and Engineers Year Month Week Day

Poor 210 gc 17 gc 4 s 4 gc 4 s 125 p
Common 360 gc 30 gc 7 gc 4 s 215 p
Good 500 gc 42 gc 10 gc 300 p
Best 700 gc 58 gc 14 gc 420 p

Watchmen and Soldiers Year Month Week Day

Poor 15 gc 1 gc 5 s 6s 9p
Common 25 gc 2 gc 2 s 10 s 15 p
Good 35 gc 2 gc 18 s 14 s 21 p
Best 45 gc 3 gc 15 s 18 s 27 p

Henchmen by XP Loot Share Year (400d) Week (8d) Day

600 - 20 gc 8s 1s
1'200 1/4 40 gc 16 s 2s
1'800 1/2 60 gc 24 s 3s
2'400 1 80 gc 32 s 4s
3'000 1 100 gc 40 s 5s
3'600 1 120 gc 48 s 6s
3'600+ (per +600 XP) +40 gc +16 s +2 s

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