06 - Walk After Your New Nature - DAVE ROBERSON

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06 - Walk After Your New Nature

we found out that Norman seven was a none regenerated man particularly was talking to the

but spiritually dead man that was with them received the law of the Ten Commandments

because it was Spirits me Daddy could not keep it

the Apostle Paul speaking hypothetically forever juice dead

I had not known sin

play The Lost of said that you're not coming

he said then when the loss of doubts will not cover it he says it woke up all manner of
concupiscence in me for without the law sin was dead meaning

especially dead man doesn't know he's a spiritually dead man until

the law came along and told him to stop being what he was and that's when he found out he
could not

an enrollment date there was a change of Covenant cuz I and the Roman 70 cried out and says
hoo hoo to release me from this body of death and he answered his own question by saying
thank God to Jesus Christ my Lord

any sense there is therefore Now And archiving it therefore no condemnation to them that
are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit

can we find out in this terminology every time and Romans 8 Paul used the terminology not
after the flesh but after the spirit

did that the fluctuation between Romans 7 and 8 that statement after the flash is talking
about it spiritually dead man under the law and can keep it

after the spirit is talking about after the born-again new nature that we received which freed
us from sin

what he makes this statement there is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in
Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit he's talking about that I'm

beardslee dead man couldn't keep the law and us to have our covenant now that's been born

now four years do you know most people that preached this after the spirit after the Holy
Spirit and it's capitalized F here

but it's really not talking about walking after the Holy Spirit even though later on he
introduces the Holy Spirit within our new nature
who comes to help our weaknesses and enforce that new nature but outside of that new
nature he has nothing to work with dough that terminology after the spirit is talking about
walking after that new nature that new creation that you have become that set you free from

I'm picking it up with his first verse and remember every time you see the terminology after
the flash if it switches back to Romans 7 is talk about the Jew under the law that it's the
terminology Flash

there is therefore now when we take when no condemnation them in Christ Jesus who walk
not after the flesh but after the new nature of of your spirit that set you free from sin for the
law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus made me free from that loss and in death

but what the law could not do that its weak through the Flash

but what Paul said I spiritually dead in the good I would do I could not I'd not known thin had
God said that stuff to not cut it still be good I do I could not do he says the evil that I would not
I end up doing

that third verse when he said for what the law could not do that is weak through the Flash

God sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh and B sacrifice for sin

or send he literally condemned stand in the flash will how'd he do that while we received a
new nature to the law of the spirit of life that Frieda from the power of sin and condemned it
in the flash meaning we don't have to walk after it anymore when he says then did not have
dominion over you are none of his friends that your sickness and poverty and oppression and
these things have literally lost the minion over you they do not have the power to Reign Over
you anymore and that new nature and you cost

but when the Holy Spirit come he's come to help our weaknesses cuz he supplies that's a
prayer language they come to bring the power of God for miracles but it was your new nature
that frees you from sin if the Holy Spirit could have freed anyone from Sand you would have
read all the Old Testament Saints and Abraham's bus but he couldn't for anybody from Saint
did the word when my spirit was regenerated but before Jesus rose from the dead there was
no law of the spirit of life so he could not do that work

well when he set me free and regenerated my spirit that happened to my spirit the holy spirit
is one person he's a third person in the godhead I'm another I'm born again man and I received
a new nature in my spirit that happened to me

who created it in me but that happened to me and that's what that me free

and you must understand Jesus walk 30 years

with the same nature as his spirit that you now have in yours then he died spiritually then
resurrected again but for 30 years he walked with that life of God in him that you have in you
now and he did not send

and at 30 years old that's when he received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and went out then
begin to minister and Power

the baptism of the Holy Spirit applied the power now because he brought that language with
him he prays for our infirmities or weaknesses as we yield ourselves to him who strengthens us
to that new nature but one more time it was the new nature that set you free from sin and cos
that then to lose its dominion over you it's the new nature the new nature it's what he gets
behind and enforces in your life when you want to be free if you start justifying send then Holy
Ghost can't do anything you take the ability away from him to do anything for you he can't do
anything without the devil made me do it will as long as you give the devil more power than
your stimulus new nature and the Holy Ghost ability to enforce it then the devil's going to walk
over you cuz you can he made me do it in the Holy Ghost is standing there since he just said he
has more power than I do

will my second chance is there more powerful than me no they're not

James Loftis Dominion

Ben has lost its Dominion so what do you say

he said the fourth verse again that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us who
walk not after the flesh but after the Senate has reinforced say this again for what the law
could not do the law he's talking about here is the Ten Commandments that describe the
nature of God for what the law could not do that it was weak through the fact that wanted us
to walk in that God sent his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh and forth in condemns them
in the flex by a sacrifice for sin condemned send in the flag by giving us a new nature that can
now keep the law that the righteousness are right standing of the law before his birth says
might be fulfilled in us who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit

what he talked about the righteousness of the law he wasn't talking about the sacrifices and
killing animals that kind of think she was talking about the right standing of the law that will
not covet bear false witness like no other gods that part of the right standing of the lock takes
a new nature to fulfil can now be fulfilled in US

who walk not after the unrwa generated flat but after the do nature

the new nature with you everything glory be to God or every time I teach you the second I get
so free


all right just gets excited for the 5th birthday is invaded after the flash do mind the things of
the fact they did an unregistered regenerated they have the lawn can't keep it

then Rises up and forces remind under subjection and they said that that I would not do I end
up doing Paul said they better after the flash new mind the things of the flesh that that would
not that's what I end up doing that which I would do I end up not doing wife or they did after
the fact they do mind to things are the flash their mind is brought under subjection to that lost
in the death but they better after the spirit of a that a walk after that new nature especially
when it's been enforced by the Holy Ghost he said they better after the spirit they do mind or
their mind is brought up the subject into the things of the spirit so they're not forced into send
anymore you don't have to send any more then lost its Dominion

for to be carnally minded or spiritually dead and your mind under control of that that death
nature for to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life in peace because
the carnal mind is enmity against God for did not subject to the law of God neither indeed can
it be the day that are in the flash that I'm regenerated man that received the Ten
Commandments can't keep it they cannot please God
but he went on to spend the night first I did before we start getting Technical and we're going
to hang around here a little while he could but you're not in the flash but in the spirit well
that's funny when you got up this morning and cut yourself with that electric shaver

yeah a little bit

felt like I was in the flag

he talked of the positional truth here he still dividing Romans 7 and 8 and Paul got to find
Tunes surgeon that the lawyer standing between the two cabinets and arguing why you were
set free

but now he's given the position of trust but I tell you one more time then blocked it the
minion if you're born again you don't have to stand unless you want to

I tell you one more time

it does but you're not in the flesh but in the spirit

what qualifies me to be in the spirit if so be that the spirit of God dwell in you then he goes on
to tell you what Spirit he's talkin about Lizzie talkin about the Holy Ghost no he's not one more
time I'll explain the big ass

in the original break the word for spirit is the same as for the spirit of man or the spirit of God

the only way the translator can tell the difference if the way the word is used in the sentence
structure ring still here here in this 9 verse again but you're not in the flesh but in the spirit
with what qualifies me to be in the spirit is to be the spirit of God dwell in you which Spirit the
Holy Spirit know which one you're born again Spirit yeah why how do you know the second
half of the 9th verse now if any man have not the spirit of Christ now he's talking what spirit of
God that he's talking about it's the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead when God
Quicken him from Death To Life

that raised Jesus from the dead when he quick and you together with him from Death To Life

no I'm not in the flash I'm not a nun regenerated man that received the log can't keep it but
I'm in the spirit what qualifies me to be the end of spirit to be like 12 what's the spirit of Christ
is it the Holy Ghost know Jesus has its own Spirit everybody and himself he gave to the time to
have life within himself and when you were born again this done gave to you two have life
within yourself do you have Adam Spirit know do you have the spirit you inherited from Adam
yes you did do you have it any more no more you don't have the spirits of this world anymore
you have the spirit that is of god that you might know the things that are freely given to you by
God because you have been born again

what qualifies me to be in God to be in Christ I'm not in the flat he says but in the spirit

it'll be a god while and now qualifying not many men have not the spirit of Christ he is none of
here to spare to cry by the transportation this one man Adam sending into the world

and death by can and and that all have sinned and the whole human race and Heritage
spiritual that from him and I don't have Adam human spirit

I have my own but now you've been born a black man Adam the second Adam

you don't have Jesus to Spirit in his Humanity

you have the spirit of Christ now just like you used to have the spirit of the first man Adam it's
your own Spirit but it hasn't been born again Quicken from Death to life and now you're no
longer in the flash that's a nun regenerated man whose mind is under the control of can
therefore he can walk after nothing but then my mind now it's under subjection to my new
nature so I am not forced into Santa and the good that I want to do it's what I end up doing


dub to me I know some of you that you've been through some Flash episodes lately hardly
think so

so I'm with you in the flash today

well there is there is in our Christian language

when we talk about that little boy you were really in the fact other words there was
something that had more of an influence on you than Christ

would I ever be caught in a situation like that

God forbid

maybe but would you ever admit it God

but there is a Christian lingo the yes sir you know how to get in the flash can you get in the
spirit you know and sometimes when you're in the flex you don't feel like that new nature is a
whole lot stronger within the flash but I'll tell you

before you choose to believe what the word says for surface value you not going to get very
far cuz your feelings don't mean to sense to God

and you may be all messed up at the first thing you're going to have to accept that you're free

after you accept the fact that you're free the Holy Ghost has nothing to work with your life's
going to be messed up the rest of the time

he wants to enforce your new nature to give you strength to come out of those things

in fact you you could do it even without the Holy Ghost he's actually come as the power of
God but he has come to help your infirmities that power will work in word as well as at work
but you have to give me something to work with when you're running around saying without
and you know I just know know know anything that I'm doing wrong I want to do that wrong
more than I want to do right and I'll tell you about great one more time

this is how great or let's just say you're addicted to talk to you know I like to use smoking as an
example but not more than anything else

I know how strong that is what smoking is it's a sedative and it's not

things that alter your mind and loosen your hold on the devil Issa

if those things are bad drugs and things alcohol things like that marijuana

any kind of dog that alters your mind and causes you to lose grip on reality loosens you up to
the devil and you keep fooling around like that you'll take you all over again
but nicotine is it that if he usually does if you got some problem that's pretty deep you know
pretty deep problem in that problem starts at the surface it's a whole lot easier to have a
cigarette send it back where it came from

that's a whole lot easier and sometimes the problem can be real deep we just feel like you
can't face it's in. Understand all that

it is long as you are doing what's going to cause you to be set free and you know that speaking
the words praying in the Holy Ghost and worshiping God is going to text you on a collision
course with your deliverance the less they up on that path your deliverance is up here and
you're walking here but you come to know that you know that you know you're free here so
you start doing the thing it's going to cause you to intercept with your miracle and if you don't
do those things that causes you to intercept with your Miracle which is worship got speak his
words no time to think and you really don't believe you're free when you start doing the things
that'll intercept with the miracle that's because you believe you're free so when you start
doing those things every day that will cause you to get free whether it was on your freedom
lines to in on your freedom lights for 30 32 ft on your freedom line it doesn't matter if every
day you do if you do what

you know the word says that you're free eventually you're going to intercept your Miracle the
here's the grace of God long as you're doing what you're supposed to do everyday his grace
will work with you back here as though you didn't have the problem

do this nice birthday

because you're not in the flash I know it I know it was there to know truth not anything to hurt
your feelings you not in the flash but in the spirit what qualifies me it's going to be the spirit of
God dwell in you have to do it I'm not in Rome in seven I'm roaming day for Benny men have
not have not that spirit that was quick and your human Spirit was quick and then brought from
Death to life I've been quickened together with Christ hallelujah and amen have not the spirit
of Christ he's not ahead and send the 10th birthday present of Christ be in you as far as I'm
concerned the bodies dead because it's an hour for as far as I'm concerned the body's been
declared dead and other words it does not have the power to Reign Over that new nature
anymore if Christ has any of the bodies declared dead because it's and now it may try because
you don't have a glorified body yet but he's promising you right here right here they didn't
miss lost its hold

does not have the power to Reign Over You if the if Christ me and you he is he is he's in me
the body's dad because it's end with your spirit just not talk about the Holy Ghost here Health
capital f b talk about your human Spirit your human spirit is life it is entered into that life and
what time the golden god kind in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus life unless I have a new nature
that freed me from sense the power plant has changed because that new Nature has freed me
from sin the body's been declared that because I wasn't even though in my unblur 5/10 can
still want to rain in it he does know it's been declared dead by the new life that's coming to
your spirit every time it raises its head I want you to know that that new life that genuine Spirit
has more power than what your body is generating

so your minds going to go with your new nature and you going to walk out of it then not into

glory be to God forever I love this next first gets very interesting
back in again

you might as well know when you fact

you know it has everything to do with this birth to her because the position your body's been
given by you knew Nature's dad

you waiting on a glorified body

why you waiting on that one this one has a positional truth to uphold it's been declared dead
in the same way praying in the Holy Ghost enforcers to position your spirits been declared
fasting enforces the position your body's been declared as far as its ascendancy over your
spent what you said if your body giving you a coil of a lot of trouble just kicking a little bit of
fasting it'll execute that positional truth your spirit soar David move in on the scene and you'll
faint fasting moves God instead of you

Addison doesn't move God

news you break the hold the dominant your flag has over your spirit when your spirits are as
God's going to come why how she'll leave who spared not even own son till he not with him
freely give you all the things you think he's the one holding back he doesn't cut his nose off to
spite his face he wants to heal you save you and save everybody around you a whole lot more
than you do

you think you have to motivate him and just saving your friend

come on

come on some of you stay can we come early

good thing the next one's a lot of work, but I'm not that conqueror yet he's talking about yeah
and if somebody doesn't start talking about it you never will be

you want a scary thought

here's a scary thought

you next 5 years leave the same as your last by

well you just one step away from the deep intersectional groanings of the trailers

it's a deal I thought it was pretty good until we come here

maybe in that little life you used to live you weren't doing anything much for God

then I'll send you Salman do everything for God and the devil comes along and says I'm going
to stop this before it gets started and I used to have many good place cuz they never tried

every time you raise your head up now hit me across the devil wants to stop us he's really

the scary thought is living the next five years the same as you live the last five and I'll tell you
right now

you think that right choice is fall off on that God is all Sovereign and all this about Jubilee and
then it's Benny and I'm generally so what what is he going to do all the sudden start saving
your flaky relatives cuz he decided to
he could have saved your flaky relatives he did it last last generation last time do you think
God just went into the Dark Ages cuz he needed some rest


Google when did we enter into Jubilee

when Jesus sat down the right hand of the father gave the church the power

Captain set for you been at it ever since well I just think God's going to suddenly start moving
and saving my relatives Hayes and I'm really irritated at God because I had a lot of relatives the
last century that went to hell because it didn't feel like moving and then how come he's always
been feeling like moving

what do you think you're going to sit in the same fail you you said in the last 5 years and fall up
under a ripe cherry tree in the blessings of God starts falling off all the sudden cuz he feels like

they left this gospel it's up to you but he said it's finished he's got over to every child of God
everything he could possibly get over to him and every generation every decade to save the
person next to it was never a god withholding he's the one that spared not his own son not
you he doesn't work like I feel like moving this generation x generation I don't. Just tell him
that church they weren't praying they weren't so nobody gets the glory for it but God, really
mad and he lets them in my relatives go to hell when he could have fell on them

can fresh in Christ being you the body is dead because of sin

and the reason it's been declared dead cuz your spirit is life because of righteousness he's
taking the scent out of it and give you a new nature and it stronger it's stronger so it's
enforcing a position of defeat and death concerning Sands and the body

I thought but if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you he that raised
up Christ from the dead shall also Quicken your mortal body see the explanation of the 11th is
an explanation of the 10th verse

he said Christman to the bodies dead that's been declared dead because it's in a positional
truth why because the spirit has come to life because of righteousness so your new nature
stronger than the Flash 11 versus an explanation of the 10th first

but if the spirit of him that raised Jesus from the dead dwell in you is don't you understand me
that raised Christ from the dead also will also Quicken your mortal bodies by what by stairs or
that born-again spirit that that from Death to life from Death to life and your human spirit that
spirit that raised Jesus from the dead

is it dwells in you it will Quicken your mortal bodies meaning that new nature that it's
generating still sufficient to generate the life to enforce the position that your body has been

but you think that and that's why there's next birthday

therefore brethren we are dead or not to what

or debtors not to the flash to live after the Flash

I don't have to live after I'm not in debt owed anymore I'm not implying cuz the Same Spirit of
him what is the spirit of him the spirit that is of him is the spirit that is of god and it is of Christ
now that in him was life and the life was the light of man that light that was in Christ is the first
man to be born spiritually alive in 4000 years

and that life became my light when I was clicking together with him and raised from the dead.
That's the spirit of him the spirit that dumped him the spirit of God that quick and Jesus from
Death to life if the spirit of him and it's now dwelling in me

and it is quickening my mortal body do that new nature and floor thing the position my body's
been declared which is Dad there for I'm no longer in debt to the flash to live after the flash
because that new Nature has cancelled the flesh is that it cannot declare war against my mind
and forced me into send anymore because the Same Spirit of him that raised Jesus from the
dead raised me and I've been born again

Hallelujah I just got to look at that project a little bit

now the spirit of him the spirit of him is the born-again spirit that was in Christ when he raised
from the dead but it's all God as God had life within himself he gave it to the son to have life
within himself that was the spirit that was of him he gave to the humanity of Jesus his Spirit to
have life within himself and Jesus gave to your Humanity your spirit to have life within itself
that's what the whole first chapter of John Sebastian in him was life the life was the light of
men in that light shines in the darkness the darkness comprehended it not want Darkness
here's the whole world millions of people on it but there's not one spiritually live man on the
whole planet presently

guess this is one single candle burning in all that Darkness one spiritual alive man on the face
of this planet and his name is Jesus

that life was the light of the world to become the sons of God.

So the spirit of him that is the spirit of him that I raised Jesus from the dead

if it didn't you and your born again and he Quicken your mortal body he supplies the life that
you need through that life to go against your body and execute the positional truth it's been
declared which is Dad and cancelled your debt to the fact that you don't have to walk after it


sometimes I feel like it

if I was to be thoroughly honest with you and would be anything else

to hindsight I would have to say I can look back and tell you

the utmost confidence that any time I held on a little bit longer he came

anytime I conceded

I can say I can honestly say I had the strength to hang on and I elected not to do it

the right now I want I want to look at this eleventh versus a little closer cuz you've you've got
to understand what happened to you
you've got to go to the 6 chapter

you'll notice system versus a Corsa

most versatile We Don't Preach in the teachers that they were going to teach through the
word of God

you have there's a lot that you usually end up leaving out you don't understand

but this second chapter was one of the only picked a few isolated versus from time to time
because it was some passages in there I didn't understand it really wasn't sure of him later
when this chapter begin to open up to me I finally understood what he asked me

but until my teacher is able to take a Chapter or verses and illuminate them in me that's why I
was so long preaching but I'm preaching now even though

some of this have said on for three years and just start teaching on some of it two years ago
and now now have been released to teach on the rent

dipsticks chapter I wasn't really sure about some of the verses in it until the last 6 months

but since my teachers illuminated me and I thoroughly understand them now as relief to
teach and all that did was get the added one more Dimension I'm just one more level of
freedom to this Born Again experience that I've had Hallelujah Jesus 11th first Hallelujah are
you having a good time

where is she begins with six in one then what should we say that and he disses conclusion
now to the Romans the 5th chapter the information is given in it is going into conclusion now

in the 20th verse of the fifth chapter he says more over the law and heard that the offense
might have bound but where sin abound Grace much more abound

what he was saying then Paul said I had not announced and said the loss of that until not
come it makes of the good I would do I could not in the evil that I would not do I end up doing
so they were spiritually dead man that covered the face of this Earth transgression the one
man sent it in the world and spiritual death bite then

he said that God gave the spiritually dead men the law so that the sin would have bound

so here he gets a bunch of spiritually dead man the lawn mowing that couldn't keep it he did
so all that I wouldn't have known send said loss of that for not coming so naturally when he
gave them the law and the game were talking about the ten commandments

calculation Senators what service the law it was added because the transgression still the
same to come Jesus tomb the promises were made now that part of the long was talking about
the ordinances and the sacrifices and levitical priesthood cuz if they were trying to press her
because of transgression not able to obey God and he gave them not only the law and the Ten
Commandments but he gave the levitical priesthood because they couldn't keep it

play slaughtered animal instead of men facing the death penalty because of transgression

it's bothered animal Solomon dedicates the temple 122,000 cheap 22,000 dachshund with 48

gasoline tankers in blood

and could knock Purge your Consciousness Within


I think he said the law in there that the thin might have bound because suddenly when their
sin nature was exposed and they tried to quit they couldn't so-called send you a bound go on a

well it's in that light that he kicked into this next chapter the 6th after 3 when he says what do
we say that that we continue in sin that Grace might have bound he answered the phone quest
in the second row she said God forbid that when he uses God forbid that's a very very strong

God forbid how's the weather there dead to send live any longer they're in no you not that
shows many of you were baptized into Jesus Christ was baptized into his death


just for a moment

back up into this

5th chapter again to the Sabbath first

the seventh birth of the fifth chapter he says for scarcely for a righteous man with one die yet
peradventure for a good man some will even Dare To Die

God commended by Mercy this was mercy God commended his love towards us that while we
were yet sinners Christ died for us that's the difference between mercy and Grace

we were lost we didn't have nothing to reproach to God with you and he came and
commended his love towards us by an act of Mercy died just in case you wanted to get saved
you could have something to bargain with when you approached God just in case he
commended that loved and died for us when we were yet sinners that's his Mercy

at these Mercy

just in case you wanted to get saved you can pick his blood up and approach to God and he
left you a hand just in case indifferent Lisa Murphy and Grace is Murphy was executed when
we were outside of the promise is locked he had mercy towards is he didn't have to be the
difference wouldn't that ingrate is Grace take him who accepted the mercy documentary
family gives him a text with some Authority and gives him an inheritance and cold forever
that's Grace I'm a son I used to have a covenant with Abraham Covenant with full film

now I must run

my kids do not approach me with a contract to raid the refrigerator

they don't quote nothing they just say I'm your son they go in and get it


so what does he say but God commendeth his love toward us and US towards us in that while
we were yet sinners he died for us much more than being now justify this is blood we still be
saved from wrath through him for if when we were in a meeting and we're running around in
our state
if we were and he died we were reconciled to God by the death of his son and they want you
going to hold back much more being reconciled can we be saved my life in him was life life was
a lie to me or not going over back to know where we left off now you not know you not as
many as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death now you have to
understand here are the whole world was in there in the life of God was in this one man in him
was life he's the first man to be spiritually alive and then then by an act of Mercy he died he
died for the whole world took us in the moment you accept what he did

then you're baptized into his death and he has paid the penalty of ten for you so that you can
also be resurrected into his life cut out loud

I've been baptized into his death

so I can be resurrected into his life and watch what has happened

third verse know you not that to a minions were baptized into Jesus Christ was baptized into
his death there for we are buried with him by baptism into death that like is Christ was raised
up from the dead by the glory of the father even so we also should walk in the newness of life
out of that do nature that he has given to ask if we have been planted together in the likeness
of his death we should be also my God in the lightness of his resurrection no wonder he said if
Christ me and you Bob he's dead because of saint but the spirit gives life because of
righteousness and then the six birth is 6 verses where we were heading now

knowing this that our old man is crucified with him now and we say one of my old man's dad
just exactly what are we talking about when we say that

my old man's been crucified with him Galatians he said I've been crucified with him yet I live
but he said it's not high anymore it's Christ liveth within me what Christ was living with inmate
once again it isn't some Come Holy Spirit that come from Christ he's not talking about the Holy

it says I was crucified with him and so therefore the penalties for send that I had come in with
fulfilled in him as my substitute so I was baptized into that day I was crucified with him yet I
live now but it's no longer I because the old man is dead the old man it's what was destroyed
and I left behind I've been crucified with him yet are there any longer it is Christ it is that born-
again spirit that he came out of the Grave with now then send me in the life I now live in this

I live by the synagogue for him Powers Meets Body free from sin

he says knowing this was supposed to know this that our old man is crucified with him and
what has he contacted what is he saying he said my old man is crucified with him because look
when he goes on to say that the body of sin might be destroyed that henceforth we could not
curse him but he did is dead it's played from since he said the body of sin was destroyed what
body was he talking about he said my old man was crucified with him why that the body of sin
might be destroyed in the word destroyed you're very strong word know now what is my old
man that's that's what we have to constitute hear that that's what we have to reconcile why
was my old man everybody runs around using it now old man it's not just that he'd destroy

no longer I that live but Christ liveth in me he's not just daddy's been destroyed so who is my
old man who defied with him

that the body of sin might be destroyed with the body was possessing defense
who was my old man because in the destruction of my old man the body is 10 look destroy
well that's not in about your physical body

no it's not

my old man that was crucified with him if it was it was the old nature that once resided in my
spirit that was the old man and the reason that he was destroyed is the embodiment of the
encasement of the sin was destroyed so now my body can't make me send anymore so
whatever was destroyed with the power plants that I couldn't read that that was the old man
is my old man was destroyed my old man was crucified with him that the body has thin might
be destroyed but it was destroyed that's what later on here he said and then she'll not have
dominion over you for your not under the law not under that Covenant anymore you're on the
great. Absolutely lost its dominions why my old man was destroyed the Same Spirit of him that
Spirit of Christ

right from the dead that the father quick and Jesus with the same Spirit of him that quick and
Jesus raised him from Death to life from Death that I'm no longer in that to walk in after the
flash body and stand was destroyed because my old man was crucified with him

the body is dead was destroyed because it was the encasement of Stan whatever part of me
how's the old nature was absolutely obliterate it was all I had. It's not in me anymore

my new nature is in me

that's what the Holy Ghost will get behind Hill conquer you so long when you and the new
nature and I only go to the new nature Concord you so he'll know he wants the world and he
says now the whole world's in doctors now that you've conquered you sold there's nothing in
this world has its any stronger and you are so go get the I want the world I want the world I
want a man saved and I want you to go to it I don't have enough money I borrow your poverty
I want the world I want you to go do it when I get the I want the world I want you to go to and
you don't answer you and you see my checkbook lately I don't want the world I don't want you
to go do it he treats me like he doesn't have enough sense to know that what he said is the

but I can't well okay okay Holy Ghost says hey hey father the father

this is why my friend people like Hitler Stalin and Lenin mass murder on two hundred million
people can get born again on their deathbed and enter into heaven and you say that's not fair
so Heaven has an inquiry and they said they was a man that live like that all there was a man
that killed all those people but I record says here that this man paid the penalty for he sends
who when did he do that when he accepted Christ was baptized into his death and Jesus
suffered the penalty for sin forever man that accepted him doesn't matter the strength of this
and he died for every man the old man that killed two hundred million people was destroyed
in the new man is only a few moments ago and he says he has no past he has no record and
he's only a few minutes old and he hasn't been allowed in heaven because the

Jesus is free As You Are

the old man was destroyed

so he's dead free from sin

let me tell you something any remnants left over they just went with it I'm regenerated flat
one day the trumps going to sound that's going to be over that mean while you reward its back
on where on the body from the first man Adam having a spirit from the first man Adam but
being a reconciler on this Earth and get as many people saved as you can go to heaven your
reward is based on how much of that flesh you overcame and what he gave his Hallelujah
vacation is over

all right my friends

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