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Bidang Studi : Bahasa Inggris Hari/ tanggal :

Guru Bidang Studi : Kelas :

Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, d, or e !

1. Let…introduce myself, I am Alfa. I'm from Pekanbaru. ( introduction)

a. Mine
b. Me
c. I
d. I’m
e. My

2. Complete the conversation below. ( introduction)

Fatir : My name is Fatir. I’m …… Nice to meet you.

Lucci : Hi fatir. You’re sixteen years old. We have same age. Nice to meet you to.

a. From jakarta
b. A new student
c. 16 years old
d. A boy
e. 17 years old

3. How would you congratulate someone who wins a competition ? (congratulation)

a. Happy graduation.
b. Congratulations on your succes.
c. Happy birtday.
d. Succes for you.
e. Congratulations for winning the competition.

4. Which of the following is NOT a way to congratulate someone. ( congratulation)

a. See you leter!
b. Happy graduation!
c. Congratulation on your birthday!
d. Well done!
e. That’s great!
The following text is for questions number 5 and 6 ( introduction)

Name : Muhammad Alif

Date of Birth : Bandung , 06 january 2002
Address : patimura street, number 10 Bandung
Hobbies : reading and swimming

5. Alif’s hobby is……

a. Traveling
b. Volly ball
c. Sleeping
d. Swimming
e. Playing games

6. When was Alif born?

a. In Bandung
b. In Patimura Street
c. 15 years old
d. On 06 january 2002
e. On 16 february

7. The following sentence are expression of response congratulation….

a. Fantastict
b. Well done
c. Thank you
d. That’s great!
e. Amazzing

8. Gibran : Have you started the assignment yet?

Kasih : Yes, but I haven’t finnished it.
Gibran : Why don’t we work on it together?
Kasih : Ok, let’s go to the library.
Where will they go ?
a. Class
b. Kasih house
c. Canteen
d. Teatre
e. Library

9. The sentence below are the expression of intention, except….

a. I would like to take a shower.
b. Would you like a cup of cofe?
c. I’m planning to get married soon
d. I’ll go for a vacation
e. I’m going to renovate the house
Question for number 10 to 12

Identified the noun phrase in the sentence below.!

10. I tried to solve the puzzle.
a. To solve the puzzle
b. I
c. Solve the puzzle
d. I tried to
e. tried to

11. My father is a very well trined driver.

a. Trained driver
b. Well trained
c. A very well trained driver
d. My father
e. Is a very well

12. We must appreciate his patience.

a. We must apreciate
b. Apreciate his patience
c. Must aprecieate
d. We must
e. His patience

13. Michelle… begin medical school next year.

a. Is going to
b. Will go to
c. Go to
d. Going
e. Is gone

14. We are from Indonesia. One of music of … country is Angklung.

a. Us
b. Ours
c. Our
d. We
e. They

15. Ibu ku akan memasak nasi goreng nanti malam.

Translarte to English!
a. My mom are going to cook fried rice tinight
b. My mom make fried rice tonight
c. My mom is going to be fried rice tonight
d. My mom will cook fried rice tonight
e. My mom won’t to cook fried rice tonight
16. Anggun : You look Happy today.
Fadla : yeah I have the choses as the best student.
a. I’m sorry to hear that news.
b. I don’t think so.
c. That a good idea.
d. I want you to be happy.
e. That good. Congratulations.

17. The expression of compliment is…..

a. Great! You’re really a good dancer
b. Excus me
c. It’s nice of you to say so
d. Thank you
e. Congratulation for your win

18. I would like to…… you toour wedding next month.

a. invited
b. invite
c. inviting
d. inites

The following dialogue is for question number 19 to 20

Galih : I haven’t told you good news, right?
Resti : Yes tell me!
Galih : My boss offered me a promotion, and I took it.
Resti : Are you serious?
Galih : Yes, I’m really excited.
Resti : That’s great. Congratulations!
Galih : Thank you, I appreciate that.

19. “… and I took it”

The underlined qord refers to…
a. The order
b. A good news
c. The offer
d. The appreciate
e. The money

20. What are they talking about?

a. Resti achievement
b. Galih’s news
c. Resti’s job
d. Galih’ boos
e. Galih’s promotion
21. Gilang is going …… with my younger brother in padang bali next time.
a. To play
b. To plays
c. Play
d. Played
e. To playing

The following text is for questions number 22 and 23.

Dear Habib
We want to congratulations on your birthday today. It is such a pleasure to see your
birday. Here is little gift we chose to remind your birday. we hope you always healty.

Sincerely yours,
Ragir and friends

22. Wich sentence in the text is showing congratulating expression?

a. It is sucha pleasure to see your birthday
b. Here a litle gift for you
c. Gift we chose for you
d. We want to congratulations on your birthday
e. We hope you always healty

23. What Ragil and friends hope?

a. They hope always healty
b. Stay healty
c. Keep healty
d. They hope healty
e. Always healty

24. When we do Compliment others. Except.

a. On daily basis
b. When someone has done her / his best
c. If you notice something new about someone’s appearance.
d. whent someone sick
e. when you visit someone’s house for the first time

25. Arrange into question in vassive voice.

are – in – Alaska – eagles? - found
a. Foun in are eagles Alaska?
b. Alaska found are in eagles?
c. Are in eagles found Alaska?
d. Are in alaska found eagles?
e. Found eagles are in Alaska?

26. When – be – served – tea – wiil ?

a. When be served tea will?
b. Will be served tea
c. When will be served tiea?
d. When will tea be served?
e. When be will serven tea?

27. Your sister … happy if send them a gift on he birthday.

a. is
b. are
c. will be
d. going to

28. Umar : Are you going to go to the University of Texas to get your Doctorate?
Bila : I don’t think so
Umar : Why, have you been accepted to any other school?
Bila : Yes, I have received news of acceptance from LSU, University of Tennessee,
and Harvard.

What are they discussing ?

a. Where the woman will go to school
b. Who can get accepted to the most school
c. School of Doctorate programs
d. The University of Texas
e.Where the woman will go to school

29. Waitress : What would you like tea?

Oliv : …… a piece of cheesecake, please.
a. I like
b. I don’t want
c. I’m planing
d. I wouldn’t like
e. I’d like

30. I …. Rich someday.

a. Will be
b. Will
c. Going to
d. Am
e. Have been

31. Will you … the suspect tomorrow?

a. Arresting
b. To arrest
c. Have arrest
d. Arrest
e. Arrested

32. “Thank you very much for an enlightening and stimulating presentation.”
a. Motivating.
b. Inspiring.
c. Remarkable.
d. Comprehensive.
e. Demanding.

33. Gilang : What your hobby, kayla?

Kayla : …..
a. I like singing and drawing
b. I want to be a teacher
c. I like fried noodle very much
d. My favorite sport is judo
e. My favorite color is red

34. Fahri : …
Umar : I’m in class X A.
a. What your adres?
b. Where do you to school?
c. What class are you in?
d. What your age?
e. How do you go to scholl

35. They went to the zoo with some friends of…

a. Yours
b. His
c. Mine
d. Theirs
e. Her

36. Zaki ang Valdo will not…. In speech Competition at school next week.
a. Participate
b. Participation
c. Participating
d. Participates
e. Participated

Question for number 37 – 40

Sella : “ I heard ou won the first prize for your short story…..”(37)
0Wulan :” …..”(38)
Sella : “As your friend I’m ….”(39)
Wulan : “Thank you.”
Sella : “You deserve it because it’s a very good story.”
Wulan : “……”(40)

37. …..
a. Really!
b. What are you doing?
c. Very proud of you
d. Thank you
e. Congratulations

38. ….
a. That’s a pity
b. Congratulations
c. I’m very proud of you
d. Thank you
e. Very proud of you

39. …..
a. Thanks
b. Very proud of you
c. Sure
d. Thank you verry much
e. Really

40. …
a. Well done
b. Thank you
c. That’s good
d. Really!
e. Thanks
1. b. Me
2. c. 16 years old
3. e. Congratulations for winning the competition.
4. a. See you leter!
5. d. Swimming
6. d. On 06 january 2002
7. c. Thank you
8. e. Library
9. b. Would you like a cup of cofe?
10. a. To solve the puzzle
11. c. A very well trained driver
12. e. His patience
13. a. Is going to
14. c. Our
15. d. My mom will cook fried rice tonight
16. e. That good. Congratulations
17. a. Great! You’re really a good dancer
18. b. invite
19. c. The offer
20. e. Galih’s promotion
21. a. To play
22. d. We want to congratulations on your birthday
23. a. They hope always healty
24. d. whent someone sick
25. c. Are in eagles found Alaska
26. d. When will tea be served?
27. c. will be
28. b. Who can get accepted to the most school
29. e. I’d like
30. a. will be
31. d. arrest
32. b. inspiring
33. a. I like singing and drawing
34. c. What class are you in?
35. d. Theirs
36. a. participate
37. e. congratulations
38. d. thank you
39. b. Very proud of you
40. b. Thank you

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