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Colegio Superior San Martín


Tecnicatura Superior en
Desarrollo de Software

Prof. Julieta Canalis

What Is Computer Programming?
Computer programming involves
developing lists of instructions -
the source code representation of
software. These instructions manipulate
different types of objects, e.g., numbers,
words, images, sounds, etc.

Programming involves activities such as

analysis, developing understanding,
generating algorithms, verification of requirements of algorithms including their
correctness and resources consumption, and implementation of algorithms in a
target programming language. Source code is written in one or more programming
languages (such as C, Fortran, JavaScript, Lisp, Python, Ruby, Smalltalk, etc.).
The purpose of programming is to find a sequence of instructions that will
automate performing a specific task or solving a problem.

A programmer, computer
programmer, developer, coder,
or software engineer is a person
who writes computer software.
A computer programmer
creates the code for software
applications and operating
systems. After a software
developer designs a computer
program, the programmer writes
code that converts that design
into a set of instructions for the computer. He or she tests the program to look for
errors and then rewrites it until it is error-free. The programmer evaluates
programs, makes updates and adjustments as needed.

Adapted from:

Introduction to software
Software is just instructions written by a programmer which tells the computer what
to do. Programmers are also known as 'software developers', or just plain
Nothing is simple about software. Software
programs can have millions of lines of code. Even
the process of starting software goes by many
different names in English. Perhaps, the most
correct technical term is 'execute', as in "the man
executed the computer program." Some other
common verbs used to start a software program are
'run', 'launch, and even 'boot' (when the software in
question is an operating system).

Software normally has both features and bugs. When software has a bug, the
program can crash and terminate with a confusing message. This is not good. End
users do not like confusing error messages such as:
Site error: the file /home7/businfc6/public_html/blog/wordpress/wp-
content/plugins/seo-blog/core.php requires the ionCube PHP Loader to be installed by the site administrator.
Sometimes when software stops responding you are forced to manually abort the
program yourself by pressing some strange combination of keys such as ctrl-alt-
[…] Software programs are normally written and compiled for certain hardware
platforms. It is very important that the software is compatible with all the
components of the computer. For instance, you cannot run software written for a
Windows computer on a Macintosh computer or a Linux computer. Actually, you can,
but you need to have special emulation software or a virtual machine installed.
There are two basic kinds of software. The first is closed
source or proprietary software, which you are not free to modify and improve. An
example of this kind of software is Microsoft Windows or Adobe Photoshop.
The other kind of software is called open source software, which is normally free to
use and modify (with some restrictions of course). Examples of this type of software
include most popular programming languages, operating systems such as Linux,
and thousands of applications such as Mozilla Firefox and Open Office.
Adapted from:


1. Extraer del texto frases sustantivas con las siguientes características:

 Un determinador + núcleo
 Un modificador + núcleo
 Dos modificadores + núcleo
 Un determinador + un modificador + núcleo

2. Indicar si los núcleos de las frases extraídas están en singular o en plural.

3. Traducir al español las palabras y frases resaltadas.

4. Leer el texto y mencionar en español:

a. La definición de software.
b. Los 4 términos que se suelen utilizar para referirse a “iniciar” un programa.
c. Los dos tipos de software mencionados, sus características y ejemplos.

Actividades: "What is a Computer?"

l. Extraer y traducir frases sustantivas con las siguientes características:

Un detenninador + núcleo
Un premodificador + núcleo
Dos premodificadores + núcleo
Un detenninador + un premodificador + núcleo

2. Leer el texto y responder en español:

a. ¿Qué es una computadora?
b. Definir hardware y software.

3. Unir las siguientes palabras y frases extraídas del texto con sus significados:
hard drive (or hard disk)
central processing unit (CPU)

a. el cerebro de la computadora
h. componentes fisicos que forman parte del sistema de computadora
c. programas que pueden usarse en un cierto sistema de computadora
d. información que se presenta a la computadora
e. resultados producidos por una computadora
f dispositivos de entrada fijos en la CPU
g. Sección que contiene programas y datos mientras se ejecutan y procesan
h. Dispositivo magnético que guarda información
1. entradas en las que se puede conectar un dispositivo externo

Python is an interpreted, multi-paradigm programming language written by Guido van
Rossum in the late 1980's and intended for general programming purposes. Python is
characterized by its encouragement for elegant code. Python is used as the main
programming choice of both Google and Ubuntu.

Java uses a compiler, and is an object-oriented language released in 1995 by Sun
Microsystems. Java is the number one programming language today for many reasons.
First, it is a well-organized language with a strong library of reusable software components.
Second, programs written in Java can run on many different computer architectures and
operating systems because of the use of the JVM ( Java virtual machine ). Sometimes this
is referred to as code portability or even WORA ( write once, run anywhere ). A lot of
computer science theory books written in the past decade use Java in the code examples.
So learning Java syntax is a good idea.

JavaScript is an interpreted, multi-paradigm language. It is basically a language meant to
script behaviors in web browsers and used for things such as web form validation and AJAX
style web applications. The trend in the future seems to be building more and more complex
applications in JavaScript, even simple online games and office suites.

C# is a compiled, object-oriented language written by Microsoft. It is an open specification,
but rarely seen on any non-Windows platform. C# was conceived as Microsoft's premium
language in its .NET Framework. It is very similar to Java in both syntax and nature.

Adapted from:

1. Extraer y traducir frases sustantivas con distintos modificadores e indicar si los
núcleos están en singular o plural.
2. Leer el texto y mencionar en español al menos 2 características de cada lenguaje
de programación mencionado.

Pros & Cons for Home Use: Inkjet vs. Laser
Inkjet printing creates a digital image by dropping spots of ink onto
paper; laser printers produce digital images by scanning a laser beam
across photoreceptors. So which is the best option?

Inkjet Printers

 They are more convenient printers for photos and image-heavy

documents. Inkjet printers do a better job of blending smooth colors.
 Inkjet printers have a lower start-up cost. They are less expensive printers
and use cheaper ink cartridges.
 Inkjets can print onto many types of paper, including glossy photo paper,
textured stationery and even some fabrics.
 They have more useful cartridges that can be refilled and reused, which
reduces waste and saves money.
 They are smaller, lighter printers and easier to maintain than laser


 More expensive inkjet ink.

 Inkjet ink is water-based, so prints are more susceptible to water damage.
 Ink cartridges need more frequent cleaning.
 They are slower devices compared to laser printing. Higher volumes are a
challenge with inkjets.
 Inkjet printers for home use have low-capacity paper trays of around 50-
100 sheets.

Laser Printers

 Laser printers can print faster. High volume users will notice a bigger
 Laser printers produce better, sharper black text. They also handle small
fonts and fine lines in a more favourable way.
 Laser printers are the best choice to handle high-volume print jobs.
 Although they're more expensive printers, laser toner cartridges print
larger amounts relative to their cost and are less wasteful.


 Although toner is cheaper in the long run, there are higher upfront costs.
 There are more frequent toner leaks.
 Laser printers handle a smaller variety of paper or printing materials.
 Home laser printers can handle simpler graphics, and smooth
photographs are a challenge.
 They are bigger and heavier printers.

Actividad “Inkjet vs. Laser Printers”

1. Encontrar y traducir al menos 6 frases sustantivas con adjetivos en grado

comparativo y superlativo.
2. Mencionar en español al menos 2 ventajas y 2 desventajas de cada tipo de
3. Traducir las siguientes palabras y frases:

Image-heavy documents
Ink catridges
Water damage
Laser printing
Low-capacity paper trays
High-volume print Jobs

Learning About Operating Systems

An operating system is a generic term for the multitasking software layer that lets
you perform a wide array of 'lower level tasks' with your computer:

 the ability to sign in with a username and password

 sign out the system and switch users
 format storage devices and set default levels of file compression
 install and upgrade device drivers for new hardware
 install and launch applications such as word processors, games, etc
 set file permissions and hidden files
 terminate misbehaving applications

At the heart of an OS is the kernel, which is the lowest level, or core, of the operating
system. The kernel is responsible for all the most basic tasks of an OS such as
controlling the file systems and device drivers.
The most popular OS today is Microsoft Windows, but there are different types of
Windows OSs as well. Each Windows OS is optimized for different users, hardware
configurations, and tasks. There are many more operating systems besides the
various versions of Windows, some perform better tasks than others. Free BSD,
Solaris, Linux and Mac OS X are some good examples of non-Windows operating

An OS must have at least one kind of user interface. Today there are two major kinds
of user interfaces in use, the command line interface (CLI) and the graphical user
interface (GUI). Typically speaking, GUIs are intended for general use and CLIs are
intended for use by computer engineers and system administrators. […]

Adapted from:


1. Extraer 2 frases sustantivas con adjetivos comparativos y dos frases

sustantivas con adjetivos superlativos. Traducirlas.
2. Responder en español: ¿Qué es un sistema operativo y qué te permite hacer?

Actividad "What's inside a PC system?"

1. Encontrar y traducir frases sustantivas con distintos modificadores e indicar si los núcleos están
en singular o plural.

2. Leer el texto y responder en español:

a ¿Cuáles son los principales componentes de la CPU?
b. ¿Qué significa ALU y qué función cumple?
c. ¿Cuál es la función del reloj del sistema?
d. ¿Qué tipo de memoria es temporal?
e. ¿Qué tipo de memoria es permanente e incluye instrucciones necesarias para la CPU?
f. ¿Qué es la placa madre y qué contiene?

3. Traducir los siguientes términos extraídos del texto:

a. A complex electrical circuit
b. High-speed units of memory
c. Random Access Memory
d. The power and performance of the computer
e. Memory chips
f. Features
g. Network capability

Actividad "The eyes of your computer"

l. Extraer y traducir frases sustantivas con distintos modificadores:

Adjetivo en grado positivo

Adjetivo con "ing"
Adjetivo con "ed"
Caso posesivo
Sustantivo adjetivado

2. Leer el texto y responder en español:

a. ¿Qué dispositivo ingresa texto e imágenes de una página impresa?
h. ¿Cómo almacenan fotos las cámaras digitales?
c. ¿Qué función cumple una grabadora de video?
·- --- - ------- ------·--- -----·- -

The eyes of your computer

Whatdoes a scanner do?-· Photógraphs are stored
Asdnher'sies·irriagés and.c:onverts the printed text or in the carneras rnernory
card befare _being sent
pktures into electronic cedes that can be understood
to the computer. Sorne
by the cornputer.wíth a flatbed coiour scanner, the
cameras can also be
paper withthe irna:ge �s placed face down on a. glass
connected to a prínter
. sCreen, as with a photocopler.Beneath the g!ass are the
ora TV set to make
· • ffghting and measurement devlces. Once the scanner
viewing lrnaqes easier.
'.jsaciiváted, ítreads the Image as aseries ofdots and
Thls is usuaHYthe case
then. generates the d igitized lmaqe thatis sent to the with carnera phones -: ·
córnputer and stored as a file;
- rnobíle phones.with a
fhe usingthree
scanner operares by mtating Iamps, built-in camera.
�ach of which has'a dítferent coíoured filter: red, green
�nc:l blue.füer�sulting three separare lrnaqes fil§.
What doesa camcorder do?
, combined lnto one by appioprtate software. A camcorder, or digital video camera, records moving
pktures and rnnverts them into digital data that .QD
be stored and edited by a computer with special video
editing software.
Digital video cameras are used by home users to�
{,�\r o.J6W 1'i'íl'.N� 6'')if ¡5)'ü)�§1i5l'i'ci'í\r tÍ'i'
cornputer art and video
They are also u sed
to send live vídeo
images vía the
Internet. In thís
t�k�spl1oté:>s eledronicalfy and �rts casethey arecalled
_ ldata (biQáiy cedes made up of l s and web cameras, or
e.thefühi fourid in a traditional camera; webcams.
JPéc:idl Hght-sensitive sHícon chip.


A. Identificar las frases sustantivas en las siguientes oraciones:

1. The use of computer technology affects every field of life.
2. Laptops take less space on your desk or in your office.
3. It has a smaller monitor and keyboard.
4. Many organizations are using computers for the records of their customers.
5. Computer is used as a great educational tool.
6. Students have access to all sort of information on the Internet.
7. However, the use of computer also creates some problems in society.
8. Creating a computer program is like composing music.
9. The most obvious type of system software is the computer’s operating system.
10. You have more formatting choices with a Word processor.
11. The mainframe computer is the largest type of computer.
12. The ILOVEYOU virus is the most dangerous computer virus.
13. The worst computer virus causes a lot of damage in real life.
14. They infect the world’s Internet-connected computers.
15. The virus will mail itself to the top 50 people in the user’s email address book.
16. A computer science student created a virus that uses the system resources to propagate
itself to other machines.
17. The larger tablets are a better option for work.
18. Smaller laptops and tablets are more similar machines, but they are heavier devices.
19. Laptops perform more intense tasks and have better specifications.
20. The choice between a laptop and a desktop depends on the users’ preferences.
21. Besides, people use computers for paying their bills, watching a movie or playing
computer games.
22. Different tasks are performed automatically by using computers.
23. Computer programming involves developing a set of instructions.

B. Extraer frases sustantivas en las que el núcleo esté modificado por:

Un adjetivo en grado positivo: _____________________________________________
Un adjetivo en grado comparativo: __________________________________________
Un adjetivo en grado superlativo: ___________________________________________
Un sustantivo: __________________________________________________________
Un caso posesivo: _______________________________________________________
Un adjetivo con “ing”: ___________________________________________________
Un adjetivo con “ed”: ____________________________________________________

C. Extraer 3 frases sustantivas en las que el núcleo esté acompañado solo por pre-
D. Extraer 3 frases sustantivas en las que el núcleo se encuentre solo.

Posmodificadores de sustantivos

Identificar frases sustantivas con distintos posmodificadores y traducirlas:

1. A storage device is a device capable of storing data.

2. A programming language is a formal language containing instructions for a
3. The ILOVEYOU virus is one of the most virulent computer virus created by men.
4. The worm targets computers with Microsoft IIS web server installed.
5. Sasser is a Windows worm discovered in 2004. The effects are incredibly
disruptive, with millions of computers infected, and important critical infrastructure
6. A software developer is a person concerned with facets of the software development
process, including the research, design, programming, and testing of computer
7. JavaScript is one of the most prominent programming languages used today.
8. Ruby is a flexible programming language allowing users to alter its parts.
9. A software engineer is a person responsible for the design, development, testing and
evaluation of software.
10. Runtasty is a nutrition app containing more than 40 recipes. It has a wide selection
of filters available for your dietary needs.
11. Sprinkles is a photo app including filters for your selfies.
12. Clips is Apple's recently launched video editing app designed to add elements to
your videos.
13. FaceApp is a photo app used to apply filters that change age, gender, and facial
14. There’s a revolution in personal transportation, with new technologies enabling all
sorts of innovations in mobility.ReachNow is a BMW-operated service offering on-
demand vehicles.


1. Encontrar frases sustantivas con distintos posmodificadores y ubicarlas

en el siguiente cuadro:





2. Leer el texto y responder en español:

A. ¿Qué es Whatsapp?
B. ¿Qué es Telegram?
C. ¿Qué características ofrece Morecast?

Best Android Applications


WhatsApp is a chat app installed on over one billion smartphones. It’s a messenger
app accesible all over the world. And it has great user experience.


Telegram is a messenger app similar to Whatsapp, although its number of users is

lower. It is one of the best alternatives to Whatsapp. It is an app used on multiple


There are plenty of weather apps available that are more accurate and better than the
apps pre-installed on your Android device.

MORECAST is our current favorite weather app at AndroidPIT because it has one of
the prettiest interfaces. It's also one of the most advanced apps featuring options
such as weather comparisons for two cities, and accurate weather information for a
particular route or journey.


1. Trabajar con el texto “The Different Types of Computer Viruses” y el texto de IOT
Agenda. Identificar y traducir frases sustantivas con distintos posmodificadores.

2. A. Leer el texto “The Different Types of Computer Viruses” y realizar las

siguientes actividades:
a. Elabora una definición de virus de computadora.
b. ¿Cómo se propaga el virus?
c. ¿Qué sucede cuando el virus se reproduce?
d. ¿Qué daño ocasionan los virus de sobreescritura, los virus de acción
directa, los Troyanos y los Hijackers?

2. B. Traducir los siguientes términos extraídos el texto:

e-mail attachments
file downloads
host files
login details
up to date

3. Leer el texto de IOT Agenda y completar el siguiente cuadro con las características
y los usos de cada tipo de computadora:

Microcomputadora Mainframe Minicomputadora Supercomputadora



A computer virus is a program designed to harm or cause harm on an infected

computer. Its spreads through e-mail attachments, portable devices, websites
containing malicious scripts and file downloads. A computer virus attaches itself to
the host files and always activates whenever you open the infected files involved.

The virus can replicate itself and then infect the other files on your computer and
cause more damage. Below is a list of different types of computer viruses and what
they do.

Macro Viruses

These viruses infect the files created with some applications or programs
containing macros such as doc, pps, xls and mdb. They automatically infect the
files with macros and also templates and documents that are contained in the file.
They hide in documents shared through e-mail and networks.

Memory Resident Viruses

They usually fix themselves inside the computer memory. They get activated every
time the OS runs and infect other opened files. They hide in RAM.

Overwrite Viruses

These types of viruses delete any information in the file infected, leaving them
partially or completely useless once they are infected. Once in the computer, they
replace all the file content but the file size doesn’t change.

Direct Action Viruses

These viruses mainly replicate or take action once they are executed. When a
certain condition is met, the viruses mentioned will act by infecting the files in the
directory or the folder specified in the AUTOEXEC.BAT. The viruses are generally
found in the hard disk’s root directory, but they keep on changing location.

Directory Virus

They infect the computer’s directory by changing the path indicating file location.
They are usually located in the disk but affect the entire directory.

Multipartite Virus

These type of viruses spread in many different ways. Their actions vary depending
on the OS installed and the presence of certain files. They tend to hide in the
computer’s memory but do not infect the hard disk.


This is a program similar to a virus and has the ability to self-replicate, which leads
to negative effects on your computer.


Trojans can illegally trace important login details belonging to users online. For
example E-Banking is very common among users, therefore, it increases the
vulnerability of tracing your login details whenever your PC is working without any
strong powerful antivirus installed.

Email Virus

This is a virus spread via an email. Such virus will hide in an email and when the
recipient opens the mail, it will infect the computer used.

Browser Hijacker

This virus can spread in many different ways such as a voluntary download. If
infects certain browser functions in form of re-directing the user automatically to
certain sites.

The many types of computer viruses analyzed and their effects are very harmful
and can completely damage your system. Always make sure your system is up to
date and has an antivirus software installed. The antivirus program protects your
computer and all the files containing personal information.

Adapted from: “The Different Types of Computer Viruses”,


A microcomputer is a complete computer on a smaller scale and is generally a synonym
for the more common term, personal computer or PC, a computer designed for an
individual. A microcomputer contains a microprocessor (a central processing unit on a
microchip), a memory in the form of read-only memory and random access memory, I/O
ports and a bus or system of interconnecting wires housed in a motherboard.

The term microcomputer is synonymous with personal computer (PC), or a computer

dependent on a microprocessor. Microcomputers are designed to be used by individuals,
whether in the form of PCs, workstations or notebook computers.

It is a very large and expensive computer capable of supporting hundreds, or even
thousands, of users simultaneously. These are computers similar to
supercomputers. In some ways, mainframes are more powerful because they
support more simultaneous programs. But supercomputers can execute a single
program faster than a mainframe.

It is a mid-sized computer. In general, a minicomputer is a multiprocessing system
capable of supporting from 4 to about 200 users simultaneously.

It is the fastest type of computer analyzed. Supercomputers are very expensive
and are employed for specialized applications requiring immense amounts of
mathematical calculations. For example, weather forecasting requires a
supercomputer. Other uses of supercomputers include animated graphics, fluid
dynamic calculations, nuclear energy research, and petroleum exploration.

Adapted from:

1. Ubicar las frases verbales en negrita en Presente simple en el siguiente

Frase verbal Traducción




2. Leer el texto sobre los mejores buscadores de 2021 y mencionar al menos 3

características de cada uno.

Top 8 Best Search Engines (of 2021)

Search Engines allow us to filter the tons of information available on the internet and get
the most accurate results. And while most people don’t pay too much attention to search
engines, they immensely contribute to the accuracy of results and the experience you
enjoy on the internet. Do you think Google is the only search engine? You’ll be surprised
to learn that there are other outstanding search engines.
1. Google
It is the most popular search engine covering over 90% of the worldwide market, Google
boasts outstanding features that make it the best search engine in the market. It has
cutting-edge algorithms, easy-to-use interface, and personalized user experience. The
platform continually updates its search engine results and features to give users the best
2. Bing
Microsoft’s Bing is the second-most renowned search engine in the world. It has some
unique features that may excite users. For starters, the search engine filters result in
different tabs such as ads, images, maps, videos, and news. It also gives users the chance
to accumulate points, which they can later redeem on Microsoft and Windows stores. It
also performs flawlessly on all browsers.
3. Yahoo
Most people don’t know that this web portal is still popular, and it is said to be the
eleventh most visited site according to Alexa. Yahoo features an impressive interface,
clean results and an impressive catalog of websites.

Adapted from:

What is TikTok and how does it work?
Everything you need to know

TikTok is a social app used to create and share videos. Many videos are music-focused,
with creators using the app's vast catalogue of sound effects, music snippets, and filters
to record short clips. But there's an untold number of videos to discover, with varying
topics. If TikTok sounds familiar, it's because there are many apps similar to it.

TikTok has surpassed Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat in monthly

installs in the US Apple App Store and Google Play Store. TikTok has over one billion
global monthly active users - 63 per cent of which are between the ages of 10 and 29.
Women on TikTok also outnumber men in the US.

The basic function of TikTok is that users can film videos lip-syncing, dancing, or acting
out sketches. Videos - or TikToks - are up to 15 seconds long, but they can also connect
multiple clips for up to 60 seconds of total recording. Users also upload longer videos
recorded outside the app. TikTok also has video editing and customisation tools. Users
have access to a library of songs, effects, filters, and sound bites to add to their videos.

Adapted from:



1. Extraer y traducir al menos 2 frases sustantivas con distintos posmodificadores.

2. Extraer al menos 5 frases verbales distintas en Presente Simple, indicar si están en caso
afirmativo, negativo o interrogativo y traducirlas según el contexto.
3. Leer el texto y responder en español:
a. ¿Qué es TikTok y qué características ofrece?
b. ¿Qué pueden hacer los usuarios mediante el uso de esta app?

Apple Inc., formerly Apple Computer, Inc., is a multinational
corporation that creates consumer electronics, personal
computers, servers, and computer software, and is a digital
distributor of media content. The company also has a chain of
retail stores known as Apple Stores. Apple's core product lines are
the iPhone smart phone, iPad tablet computer, iPod portable
Apple Inc. media players, and Macintosh computer line. Founders Steve
Jobs and Steve Wozniak created Apple Computer on April 1,
1976, and incorporated the company on January 3, 1977, in
Cupertino, California.
For more than three decades, Apple Computer was predominantly a manufacturer of
personal computers, including the Apple II, Macintosh, and Power Mac lines, but it faced
rocky sales and low market share during the 1990s. Jobs, who was ousted from the
company in 1985, returned to Apple in 1996 after his company NeXT was bought by
Apple. The following year he became the company's interim CEO, which later became
permanent. Jobs subsequently instilled a new corporate philosophy of recognizable
products and simple design, starting with the original iMac in 1998.

With the introduction of the successful iPod music player in 2001 and iTunes Music Store
in 2003, Apple established itself as a leader in the consumer electronics and media sales
industries. The company is now also known for its iOS range of smart phone, media
player, and tablet computer products that began with the iPhone, followed by the iPod
Touch and then iPad. As of 30 June 2015, Apple was the largest publicly traded
corporation in the world by market capitalization.

Actividad “Apple, Inc”

1. Clasificar los verbos subrayados en el siguiente cuadro y proporcionar

una traducción según el contexto:

Presente Simple Pasado Simple Traducción

2. Explicar en español lo que sucedió en los siguientes años:

1976 – 1996 – 1997 – 1998 – 2001/2003

The Case of the Killer Robot

This scenario is intended to raise issues of computer ethics and software engineering.

It is based on:
Richard G. Epstein's "Case of the Killer Robot",
Online Ethics Center for Engineering,
National Academy of Engineering

This simplified version of the case-study just considers the actions of a team of
programmers and their managers, leading up to an incident in which someone died. The
original is much longer, and also looks at the actions of journalists, investigators, expert
witnesses, politicians and lawyers after the incident.

The Incident

Bart Matthews worked as a robot operator at Cybernetics Inc. He was killed last May
when the robot he was operating (a Robbie CX30 industrial robot, built by Silicon
Techtronics Inc.) malfunctioned and started to wave its "arm" violently. The robot arm
struck Matthews and killed him almost instantly.

The Fatal Programming Error

Randy Samuels, formerly employed as a programmer at Silicon Techtronics Inc., wrote

the particular piece of computer program responsible for the robot malfunction, and was
charged with manslaughter.

The evidence against him includes three similar handwritten formulas. Each formula
describes the motion of the robot arm in one direction: east-west, north-south and up-
down. Comparing these formulas with the actual program code written by Randy
Samuels, it is clear that he misinterpreted the formulas.

Project Management

Randy Samuels and others who worked on the Robbie CX30 project at Silicon
Techtronics Inc. were under tremendous pressure to finish the software by January 1 of
this year. Top level management warned project staff that "heads would roll" if the
January 1 deadline was not met. There was an enormous amount of friction between
robotics division chief Ray Johnson and the Robbie CX30 project manager Sam

20 extra programmers

Twenty new programmers were added to the Robbie CX30 project on June 12 of last year.
This was just several days after the stormy meeting between Johnson and Reynolds. The
new hires were a disaster. They were inexperienced and disoriented with the development
of the project.

The Software Development Process

The Robbie CX30 project was controversial from the beginning. Two groups, committed
to different software development philosophies, nearly came to blows during the initial
planning meetings for the Robbie CX30. At issue was whether the Robbie CX30 project
should proceed according to the "waterfall model" or the "agile method"

The Interface
An expert in the area of user interfaces was asked to help police reconstruct the accident.
He concluded that it was the interface design and not the flawed software which should
be the culprit in this case. What follows is a part of his report.

This evaluation of the Robbie CX30 user interface is based upon Shneiderman's 'eight
golden rules' of interface design. The Robbie CX30 operator interface violated each and
every one of Shneiderman's rules. Several of these violations were directly responsible
for the accident that ended in the death of the robot operator.

The robot console was a PC with a color monitor and keyboard but no mouse (due to the
dirty conditions of the workplace). This console was embedded in a workstation which
included shelves for manuals and an area for taking notes and for reading manuals.
However, the reading/writing area was quite a distance from the computer screen, and the
operator's chair was poorly designed and too high relative to the console and the
reading/writing area. This placed much strain on the operator's back and also caused
excessive eye strain.

The operator interacted with the robot and made an impact on its behavior by making
choices in a menu system. The main menu consisted of 20 items -- too many, in my
opinion -- and each main menu item had a pull-down submenu associated with it. Some
of the submenus contained as many as 20 items -- again, too many.

In addition, the use of color in the interface was very unprofessional: There were too
many colors in too small a space. The contrasts were glaring and the result was severe
eye strain in just fifteen minutes. There was also excessive use of screen flashing and silly
musical effects when erroneous choices or erroneous inputs were made.

Summary and conclusions

While the software module written by Randy Samuels did cause the Robbie CX30 robot
to oscillate out of control and strike its human operator, a good interface design would
have allowed the operator to terminate the erratic robot behavior. Based upon an analysis
of the robot user interface using Shneiderman's eight golden rules, this interface design
expert has come to the conclusion that the interface designer, and not the programmer,
was the guiltier party in this unfortunate fiasco.

Adapted from:


1. Encontrar en el texto verbos en Pasado Simple y ubicarlos en el

siguiente cuadro:

Regulares Irregulares Traducción

2. Leer el texto y responder en español:

a. ¿Qué incidente relata el artículo?

b. ¿Quién es Randy Samuels y qué error cometió?
c. ¿Qué dificultadas se presentaban en la gestión del proyecto?
d. ¿Qué características tenían la interfaz y la consola del robot?
e. ¿A qué conclusión llega el autor del texto?

3. Traducir las palabras y frases resaltadas en el texto.

What does the future hold for the PC?
By David Howell July 09, 2015 Future tech
What will your computer look like in ten or twenty years?

The computer evolved from the

desktop behemoths of the early
PCs to masses of computer power
that you hold in your hand.
Desktop PCs, notebooks, tablets
and smartphones now all coexist
together, but are clearly on a
converging trajectory.

Computers are not simply isolated pieces of IT we use. With the burgeoning ideas of the
Internet of Things, computers will simply disappear into our environment.

Andy Hardy, EMEA MD at Code42, says: "The iconic image of a 'computer' in the
traditional sense – the idea of a tower that sits underneath a desk connected to a monitor
– is outdated. Today, our computers are as mobile as we are. This concept of an electronic
device carried with you wherever you go will not go away anytime soon."

Jon Wrennall, CTO in the UK and Ireland at Fujitsu, further commented: "The way we
view computers is already blurred. Most things from washing machines to fridges, to cars
and watches have computers in them.”

"This will continue to the point that we and certainly our children will be perplexed with
the concept of sitting at a keyboard with a screen to use the internet, buy things or control
our environment."

The idea that tomorrow's computer will have a level of intelligence that enables them to
interpret our needs and not simply follow instructions has been developing for some
years. Gartner calls this 'Cognizant' in its paper 'Hype Cycle for Human-Computer
Interaction' which has four stages:

1. Sync Me: Apps, content and information are made available across devices and shared

2. See Me: Data is continuously collected about users and their devices to gain an
understanding of users' context.

3. Know Me: Understanding users' wants and needs, and proactively offering products
and services based on pattern recognition and other machine learning approaches.

4. Be Me: Developing intelligent apps and services that act on users' behalf.

Gartner explains: "At the moment, most activity is around the first two stages. As big data
and the Internet of Things (IoT) become more pervasive, the vast amounts of information

produced will enable complex systems to become more 'intelligent,' offering brand new
opportunities in the latter two stages.

"This won't be without challenges or risk, however. Critical issues that will have to be
addressed include consumer privacy, quality of execution and becoming a trusted

Adapted from:

1. Indicar si los verbos en negrita están en Presente Simple, Pasado Simple o
Futuro Simple y traducirlos según el contexto.
2. Leer el texto y completar las siguientes oraciones con la información
a. La icónica imagen de la computadora
Hoy las computadoras ______________________________________________.
b. Gartner explica que a medida que la Internet de las cosas
c. Temas cruciales para abordar incluirán

3. Responder en español: ¿Cuáles son las 4 etapas que describe Gartner con
respecto a la interacción entre el hombre y la computadora? Explicar
brevemente casa una de ellas.

Google says it won’t use new ways of tracking
you as it phases out browser cookies for ads
PUBLI SHED WED, M AR 3 - Megan Graham@ M E G A N C G R A H A M

Google on Wednesday clarified its plans for targeted advertising, promising

not to use other ways to “track” users around the internet after it ends support
for cookies in Chrome by early 2022.

The company said in a blog post it will only use “privacy-preserving

technologies” that rely on methods like anonymization or aggregation of
data. Google announced plans in January 2020 to end support for third-party
cookies, which fuel much of the digital advertising ecosystem, in its Chrome
browser within two years. The blog post from David Temkin, director of
product management for ads privacy and trust, said “Today, we make explicit
that once third-party cookies are phased out, we will not build alternate
identifiers to track individuals as they browse across the web, nor will we use
them in our products,” the Google post said.

Cookies are small pieces of code that websites deliver to a visitor’s browser
and stick around as the person visits other sites. They can be used to track users
across multiple sites to target ads and see how they perform. Google said last
year it should end support for those cookies in Chrome by early 2022 once it
figured out how to address the needs of users, publishers and advertisers and
come up with tools to mitigate workarounds.

Temkin said in the post that other providers “may offer a level of user identity
for ad tracking across the web that we will not — like PII graphs based on
people’s email addresses. We don’t believe these solutions will meet rising
consumer expectations for privacy, nor will they stand up to rapidly evolving

regulatory restrictions, and therefore aren’t a sustainable long term investment,”
the blog post says. “Instead, our web products will be powered by privacy-
preserving APIs which prevent individual tracking while still delivering results
for advertisers and publishers.”

Adapted from:



1. Indicar si los verbos en negrita están en presente, pasado, futuro

simple o si son verbos modales. Traducirlos según el contexto.
2. Traducir las palabras y frases resaltadas en el texto.
3. Leer el texto y responder en español:
4. ¿Qué anunció Google con respecto a las cookies?
5. ¿Qué dijo David Temkin sobre el tema?
6. ¿Qué son las cookies y para qué se usan?

Tiempos verbales continuos
Leer las siguientes oraciones y encontrar verbos en presente, pasado o futuro
continuo. Traducir las oraciones.

1. Microsoft is also enhancing the digital inking capabilities in Office. And for
gamers, Microsoft is introducing a new technology called Beam into both
Windows 10 and Xbox One. Beam will allow viewers to interact in real-time with
a player who is streaming a game.
2. If you are looking for the best apps, there are good Android apps available.
3. Owners of iPhones and iPads will find that some older apps will not be working
any more.
4. Microsoft explained exactly how existing games will be running better on an
Xbox One X without a 4K TV.
5. Microsoft is promising that some older games should still run better.
6. Samsung confirmed yesterday that it was working on a smart speaker.
7. Hackers were attacking technology companies with Avast’s CCleaner. What
companies were they targeting? They were infecting machines at Micosoft, Intel
and other top technology companies.

Web inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee
warns of widening digital divide
Rory Cellan-Jones - Technology correspondent

The creator of the web says coronavirus has highlighted the importance of internet
connectivity as a basic right.
Sir Tim Berners-Lee says too many young people do not have internet access
and the digital divide has is widening due to the pandemic.
He called on governments to invest to provide universal broadband by 2030.
"We can't afford not to do it," he wrote in his annual letter to mark the anniversary
of the world wide web.

'A lifeline'
Sir Tim first conceived of the web while he was working at the Cern particle
research lab in 1989.
He says over the last 12 months, it "has proven to be a lifeline that allows us to
adapt and carry on". But, he says, one-third of young people do not have any
internet access and many more lack the quality of connection needed to work or
learn from home.
In an interview with the BBC, he said that as the web became more powerful, the
digital divide had grown wider.
[…] The computer scientist is calling for an acceleration of the push to bring fibre
broadband and better mobile connections to rural areas.
"It should be a much higher priority of both businesses and government," he
says of his home country.
On Tuesday, the Secretary of State for Digital, Oliver Dowden, said the
government was working "tirelessly" with broadband companies to extend
access to hyperfast broadband. "Two years ago, we were about 7% [of premises
with] gigabit-capable broadband. We're now up to about 30%, and I'm confident
by the end of the year that we'll get to 50%.

"I will be prioritising the hardest-to-reach places, and we will be setting out a
broadband action plan in about a month or so." […]

Adapted from:

1. Clasificar los verbos en negrita según el tiempo (presente, pasado, futuro),
el aspecto (simple, continuo) o indicar si son verbos modales. Traducirlos
según el contexto.
2. Leer el texto y responder en español:
a. ¿Qué dijo Berners-Lee con respecto al acceso a Internet y qué les pide
a los gobiernos?
b. ¿Cómo se abordará el problema según Oliver Dowden?

Social media and censorship in China: how
is it different to the West?
China has disrupted WhatsApp in a censorship drive ahead of the
government's Communist Party meeting next month.
It has only been accessible through virtual private networks (VPNs) at times -
but even some of them are being blocked. Other social media platforms, which
people in the West use every day, are also banned in mainland China. Instead
they're replaced by other ones which the government can monitor.
So what social media platforms are Chinese people able to use?

Instead of WhatsApp: WeChat

WeChat started as pretty much a direct replica of WhatsApp, but it's now used
for a lot more than just messaging and calling. People are using it to pay for
things, do your online shopping and play games.
It was created by Chinese company Tencent and there's also a feature where
you can record a message which is then picked up by a random person. But
the price its Chinese users pay for using it is that all their information is being
shared with the government.

Instead of Twitter: Weibo

Twitter has been blocked in China since the government believed it was
helping to organise a protest in 2009.
But it's used differently to Twitter as people post more about their personal and
family lives rather than argue about politics.

Instead of Google: Baidu

Baidu provides a lot of the same services online as Google, which is also
banned in China.
And like Google, it's investing a lot into AI and self-driving cars.
But the Chinese authorities are investigating Baidu, along with Weibo and
WeChat, in an attempt to bring them under even more control.

Adapted from:


1. Clasificar los verbos según el tiempo (presente, pasado, futuro), según el aspecto (simple,
continuo) o indicar si son verbos modales. Traducirlos según el contexto.
2. Mencionar al menos 2 características de cada una de las aplicaciones que se usan en China
en lugar de Whatsapp, Twitter y Google.

Concerns over biased algorithms grow as
computers make more decisions
A new report suggests ways to improve the technology and its accountability.
Shara Tibken - Feb. 23, 2021 1:00 p.m. PT

Technology is increasingly taking the place of

humans in making decisions. When the US
started distributing COVID-19 vaccines late last
year, an essential question emerged: Who should
get priority access to the shots? Stanford
Medicine, part of one of the country's top
universities, instead built an algorithm to
determine the order.
The only problem with letting a computer decide who should get the vaccine first is that
its "very complex algorithm" was built on faulty assumptions and data. The algorithm
prioritized medical workers over a certain age without taking into account that many older
doctors weren't regularly seeing patients […]. Stanford quickly scrapped its
algorithm and worked to vaccinate its front-line employees.
[…] Stanford's vaccine debacle is only one example of the many ways algorithms can be
biased, a problem that's becoming more visible as computer programs take the place
of human decision makers. Algorithms hold the promise of making decisions based on
data without the influence of emotions. In practice, algorithms aren't always based on
good data, a shortcoming that's magnified when they're making life-and-death decisions
such as distribution of a vital vaccine. The effects are even broader because computers
determine whether someone gets a home loan, who gets hired and how long a prisoner
is locked up. Often, algorithms retain the same racial, gender and income-level biases
as human decision makers, said Greenlining Institute CEO Debra Gore-Mann.
"You're seeing these tools being used for criminal justice assessments, housing
assessments, financial credit, education, job searches," Gore-Mann said in an interview.
"It's now become so pervasive that most of us probably don't even know that some sort
of automation and assessment of data is being done."

In its report, Greenlining presents three ways for governments and companies to ensure
the technology does a better job. Greenlining recommends that organizations practice
algorithm transparency and accountability; work to develop race-aware algorithms; and
specifically seek to include disadvantaged populations in the algorithm assumptions.

Adapted from:


1. Clasificar los verbos subrayados según el tiempo (presente, pasado, futuro),
según el aspecto (simple, continuo, ) o si son verbos modales.
Traducirlos según el contexto.
2. Leer el texto y responder en español:
a. ¿Para qué inventó Stanford Medicine el algoritmo mencionado y qué problemas
b. ¿Para qué se usan los algoritmos y por qué se dice que son injustos?
c. ¿Qué recomendaciones brinda el Instituto Greenlining para mejorar los

Tiempos perfectos
1. A security company has issued a warning after its software was compromised by
malicious hackers.
2. Piriform told users that a version of its CCleaner software had been available in August
and September.
3. Piriform's owner, Avast, said it had managed to remove the compromised version before
it had done any harm.
4. There are thousands of Xbox fans who still haven’t upgraded to a 4K TV.
5. By September 12th, Apple will have launched the much-awaited smartphone of the year.
The company has already sent invitations to the event.
6. Facebook has declined Pakistan government's request to link all accounts with the users'
mobile phone numbers.
7. Indian brand Lava has expanded its product portfolio with the launch of its first laptop,
Helium 14. The company has launched the same in association with Intel and Microsoft.

How game worlds are preparing
humanitarian workers for high-stakes
by David Chandross, The Conversation

The pandemic has bred a greater

dependence on online
technologies for work and social
engagement. Immersive
technology such as that used in 3D
video games, virtual reality and
augmented reality can be designed
now so that the person
experiencing them is transported
into a socially rich online world.

This began with the design of massive online role playing games and it
continues with other platforms for living in an altered digital reality with
purposeful activity, such as the platform Second Life.

During pandemic shutdowns, online role playing gamers have still had access
to extensive social connections with many people in virtual worlds. Players
communicated free of charge, with hundreds of other people on the real-time
voice server Discord. The combination of an immersive 3D video game and real-
time voice communications created a reassuring space when the external world
was cut off. But game worlds are not just for recreational community. This form
of immersion has now reached the medical and humanitarian fields as well.

Building game world simulations

A game world is an alternate world that can transport users to virtual worlds. This
means that in corporate, academic or life coaching settings, people can also
learn and practise extending their skills in virtual space. […]

Game worlds for medical and aid workers

Currently, the World Health Organization (WHO) is building such simulations.

By using a 360 camera we can record any emergency department in the world,
then translate that into a 3D model which can be viewed on a desk top or enlarged
so that the user is standing inside that virtual reproduction. The WHO Learning
Academy is building code to admit simulated patients, each one with its own life
path. Virtual lives can be saved by managing the flow of patients during a mass
casualty simulation. The software can predict how many minutes can be saved
by careful triage.

Game worlds can be more fantastical and oriented to increase people’s
enjoyment of learning, particularly when the subject matter is complex. The UN
office for Disaster Risk Reduction and the UN World Food Program
have produced video games for learning about the respective issues they
respond to. Currently with the World Food Program, our team is building a fully
immersive exploration game. We are working on building a game world for UN
staff that will help them learn how to protect the most vulnerable populations and
how to be accountable in their field work. […]

Scholars across the field of digital media are now creating a kind of fusion of the
the human nervous system with technology. What this means is that the boundary
between one and the other will become imaginary, for example, in the instance
of doctors using remote technologies to conduct medical procedures.

But the larger meaning is that as virtual reality continues to mature, we will
gradually live more of our lives in digital space. We've seen many examples of
this through the pandemic, including new uses of Zoom and social media to
replace the workplace and face-to-face contact.

Adapted from:


1. Encontrar y traducir frases sustantivas con los siguientes modificadores:
Adjetivo en grado comparativo: ____________________________
Adjetivo en grado superlativo: _____________________________
Caso posesivo: __________________________________________
Sustantivo adjetivado: ____________________________________
Adjetivo con ED: ________________________________________
Adjetivo con ING: _______________________________________

2. Clasificar los verbos en negrita según el tiempo (presente, pasado, futuro),

según el aspecto (simple, continuo, perfecto) o indicar si son modales.
Traducirlos según el contexto.

3. Leer el artículo sobre los nuevos usos de los videojuegos y la realidad virtual
y completar las oraciones en español con la información ausente:
a. Durante el aislamiento por la pandemia, los jugadores online
________________________________________________. Los jugadores
se comunicaban_________________________________.
b. En contextos corporativos, académicos y de capacitación las personas pueden
c. La Organización Mundial de la Salud está construyendo dichas simulaciones.
Al usar una cámara de 360 grados
__________________________________________________________. La

Academia de Aprendizaje de la OMS está construyendo
d. Los académicos dentro del área de los medios digitales están

Modo imperativo
Remove virus (Easy Removal Guide)
Omniboxes is a browser hijacker that once installed it will change your browser homepage and
default search engine to

Omniboxes homepage enters your computer after you have installed a freeware software (video
recording/streaming, download-managers or PDF creators) that has bundled into their installation
this browser hijacker.
You should always pay attention when installing software because often, a software installer
includes optional installs, such as this browser hijacker.

Always opt for the custom installation and deselect anything that is not familiar, especially optional
software that you never wanted to download and install in the first place.

How to remove (Virus Removal Guide)

This page is a comprehensive guide, which will remove from your Internet Explorer,
Firefox and Google Chrome.

STEP 1: Remove browser hijacker with

The AdwCleaner utility will scan your computer and web browser for malicious files, adware browser
extensions and registry keys, that may have been installed on your computer without your knowledge.

1. You can download AdwCleaner utility from the below link. ADWCLEANER DOWNLOAD LINK
2. Before starting AdwCleaner, close all open programs and internet browsers, then double-click on the
AdwCleaner icon.
3. When the AdwCleaner program opens, click on the “Scan”. AdwCleaner will now start to search for
the “” malicious files that may be installed on your computer.
4. To remove the “” malicious files that were detected in the previous step, please click
on the “Clean” button.
5. AdwCleaner will now prompt you to save any open files or documents, as the program will need to
reboot the computer. Please do so and then click on the OK button.

STEP 2: Clean up the various Windows shortcuts that have

been hijacked by virus
This infection has hijacked your browser shortcuts, so in this step we will need to manually clean them
by removing the argument.

1. Search for your browser shortcut (Desktop, Taskbar or Start Menu Shortcut), then right click on it and
select Properties.
2. In the Shortcut tab, in the Target field, remove the argument.

STEP 3: Remove virus from your computer

with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free uses industry-leading technology to detect and remove all traces of
malware, including worms, Trojans, rootkits, rogues, dialers, spyware, and more.
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware works well and should run alongside antivirus software without conflicts.

1. You can download download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware from the below link.
2. Once downloaded, close all programs, then double-click on the icon on your desktop named “mbam-
setup-consumer-2.00.xx” to start the installation of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.
3. When the installation begins, you will see the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Setup Wizard which will
guide you through the installation process.
4. Once installed, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware will automatically start and you will see a message
stating that you should update the program, and that a scan has never been run on your system. To
start a system scan you can click on the “Fix Now” button.
5. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware will now start scanning your computer for the virus.
6. When the scan has completed, you will see a screen showing you the malware infections that
Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware has detected. To remove the malicious programs that Malwarebytes
Anti-malware has found, click on the “Quarantine All” button, and then click on the “Apply Now”
7. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware will now quarantine all the malicious files and registry keys that it has
found. When removing the files, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware may require a reboot in order to
remove some of them.

Installing Oracle Database 12c on Windows
This tutorial shows you how to install the Oracle Database 12c software on Microsoft Windows
along with a default instance of an Oracle Database that contains example schemas.

The Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) is used to install the Oracle Database software. During
the installation process, OUI will start the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA)
which can install a precreated default database that contains example schemas or can
guide you through the process of creating and configuring a customized database.

If you do not create a database during installation, you can invoke DBCA after you have
installed the software.

Hardware and Software Requirements

Before installing the software, OUI performs several automated checks to ensure that your
computer fulfills the basic hardware and software requirements for an Oracle Database
installation. If your computer does not meet the requirements, an error message is displayed.

Downloading the Oracle Database software

In this section, you will be downloading the files required to install Oracle database on a
Windows environment.

Open a web browser of your choice and navigate to

Click the Downloads tab.

Click on the latest version of Oracle Database 12c (x64).

In this OBE, we install Oracle Database 12c. Accept the license agreement and click the files
under Oracle Database 12c Release ... for Microsoft Windows (x64) to download.

Log into your Oracle web account. If you do not have an Oracle account, click the "Sign Up"
link to create one. Then choose the location where you want to download the .zip files.

After downloading the files, use the default built-in extraction tool provided by Windows, or
tools such as 7-zip to extract the .zip files. In this OBE, we use the built-in extractor to extract
the software files.

Right click winx64_12c_database_1of2 and select Extract All...

Choose the folder of your choice and click Extract. In this OBE, we extract the file to
the F:\windows_db_12c\winx64_12c_database_1of2 folder.

The file must be extracted into the same folder where
the first file was extracted. Right click, select the Extract
All... option and specify the same location where the first file was extracted. In this OBE, we
extract the files to the F:\windows_db_12c\winx64_12c_database_1of2 folder.
Click Extract.

Install Ubuntu desktop

1. Overview
The Ubuntu desktop is easy to use, easy to install and includes everything you need for your
organisation, school, home or enterprise. It's also open source, secure, accessible and free to
2. Requirements
You'll need to consider the following before starting the installation:
 Connect your laptop to a power source.
 Ensure you have at least 5GB of free storage space.
 Have access to a DVD or a USB flash drive containing the version of Ubuntu you want to install.
 Make sure you have the most recent backup of your data.

See Installation/System Requirements for more specific details on hardware requirements.

3. Boot from DVD
1. Put the Ubuntu DVD into your optical/DVD drive.
2. Restart your computer.

A few moments later, after the desktop has loaded, you'll see the welcome window. From here, you
can select your language from a list on the left and choose between either installing Ubuntu directly,
or trying the desktop first.
5. Prepare to install Ubuntu
After choosing to install Ubuntu from the welcome window, you will be asked about updates and third-
party software.
 We advise enabling both Download updates and Install third-party software.
 Stay connected to the internet so you can get the latest updates while you install Ubuntu.
 If you are not connected to the internet, you will be asked to select a wireless network, if
7. Begin installation
After configuring storage, click on the ‘Install Now' button. A small pane will appear with an overview
of the storage options you've chosen, with the chance to go back if the details are incorrect.

Click Continue to fix those changes in place and start the installation process.


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