FEUnsaturatedSlope RainfallInfiltration

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Technical Note

Finite Element Method–Based Analysis of an Unsaturated

Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration
I. N. Hamdhan1 and H. F. Schweiger2

Abstract: This study presents results from the finite-element analysis of a well-instrumented and well-monitored 11-m-high cut slope in
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Zaoyang, Hubei, China, subjected to rainfall infiltration. This analysis requires simultaneously computation of the deformation and the ground-
water flow with time-dependent boundary conditions (fully coupled flow-deformation analysis). Based on the available data, the hydraulic
parameters required for the applied Van Genuchten models were estimated. The agreement achieved in pore-water pressures and groundwater
levels between measurement and analysis using the FEM can be considered very reasonable for the full time period monitored. DOI: 10.1061/
(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0000239. © 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.
CE Database subject headings: Unsaturated soils; Slopes; Rainfall; Infiltration; Pore water; Water pressure; Finite element method.
Author keywords: Unsaturated soil slope; Rainfall infiltration; Pore-water pressure; Finite-element method.

Introduction Zhang et al. (2004) presented analyses showing that under

steady-state conditions, the intensity of rainfall expressed as a
Slope failures in unsaturated soils are often induced by rainfall in- proportion of saturated hydraulic conductivity is the main parameter
filtration. The characteristics of water flow, change of pore-water that influences matric suction near the ground surface. However,
pressure, and shear strength of soils are the major parameters under transient conditions, the intensity of rainfall, the saturated
related to slope stability analysis involving unsaturated soils that hydraulic conductivity, and the water storage function are the pa-
are directly affected by the flux boundary condition (i.e., infil- rameters that affect the matric suction profile.
tration, evaporation) at the soil-atmosphere interface. Generally, An analytical parametric study has been carried out to investigate
unsaturated soil slope failures happen most frequently during rain the effect of hydraulic properties and rainfall conditions on rainfall
periods. The infiltration of rainfall will increase the groundwater infiltration mechanism in single- and two-layer unsaturated soil
level and water pressure and decrease matric suction of unsaturated system (Zhan and Ng 2004). The results showed that the effects of
soils. the desaturation coefficient and saturated permeability on the pore-
Ng and Shi (1998) investigated the effect of numerous rainfall water pressure response are more significant than the effect of water
events, initial groundwater table, and boundary conditions on storage capacity.
transient seepage and thus slope stability in unsaturated soils using A full-scale field study was completed on an unsaturated soil
the FEM. Infiltration of rainfall caused a decrease in matric suction slope in the Hubei Province of China (Ng et al. 2003). Artificial
and an increase in moisture content and hydraulic conductivity in rainfall and in situ monitoring were conducted in this field trial.
the unsaturated soil. The intensity and duration of rainfall, initial These data, presented in the following sections, are compared with
groundwater table, and hydraulic conductivity are the parameters results from finite-element (FE) calculations based on a fully cou-
that significantly influence slope stability analysis. pled flow-deformation analysis with time-dependent boundary
Cai and Ugai (2004) investigated the effect of hydraulic char- conditions. Unfortunately, not all the required parameters for the
acteristics, initial degree of saturation, and intensity and duration of numerical analysis have been available, and therefore, some as-
rainfall on water pressure in slopes. The results show that these sumptions had to be made based on engineering judgment.
parameters had a significant influence on the water pressure in slopes
and thus on the stability of slopes under rainfall infiltration.
Instrumentation and Monitoring

Lecturer, Dept. of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Monitoring Area
Bandung 40124, Indonesia; formerly, Ph.D. Student, Computational Geo-
technics Group, Institute for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, The monitoring area is in a semidry area located in Zaoyang,
Graz Univ. of Technology, Graz, 8010 Austria (corresponding author). Hubei, China. The average annual rainfall is about 800 mm, and
E-mail: indranh@itenas.ac.id 70% of the rainfall is distributed from May to September. The sur-
Professor, Computational Geotechnics Group, Institute for Soil Me- face of the slope was well grassed, but no trees were there.
chanics and Foundation Engineering, Graz Univ. of Technology, Graz, 8010
Austria. E-mail: helmut.schweiger@tugraz.at
Note. This manuscript was submitted on October 24, 2011; approved on Soil Profile and Properties
July 6, 2012; published online on August 9, 2012. Discussion period open
until March 1, 2014; separate discussions must be submitted for individual Borehole investigation was carried out around the monitoring area.
papers. This technical note is part of the International Journal of Geo- Soil sampling, a standard penetration test (SPT), and dilatometer
mechanics, Vol. 13, No. 5, October 1, 2013. ©ASCE, ISSN 1532-3641/ tests (DMTs) were carried out in the boreholes. Fig. 1 illustrates the
2013/5-653–658/$25.00. soil profiles and geotechnical parameters obtained from the boreholes


Int. J. Geomech. 2013.13:653-658.

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Fig. 1. Soil profile and geotechnical parameters from the borehole around midslope (data from Ng et al. 2003)

around midslope (Ng et al. 2003). Typical properties for the clay are Table 1. Typical Properties of Expansive Clay (data from Ng et al. 2003
summarized in Table 1. and Zhan et al. 2007)
Soil properties Unit Value
Field Instrumentation and Artificial Rainfall Simulation Classification
Field instrumentation and artificial rainfall simulation tests were Percentage of sand, Percentage 3%, 58%, 39%
carried out in a monitoring area 15 m wide and 31 m long. The in- silt, clay
strumentation included jet-fill tensiometers and thermal conductiv- USCS classification — Silty clay
ity sensors. The layout and locations of the tensiometers are shown Specific gravity Gs — 2.67
in Fig. 2. There were three rows of instrumentation for pore-water Dry density kN=m3 15–16.2
pressure and piezometer level monitoring: R1 at the upper part, R2 at Flow characteristic
the middle part, and R3 at the lower part of the slope. It followed Saturated permeability ks m=s 10210 to 1027
from previous studies that recorded responses in pore-water pressure Air entry value kPa 30
using jet-fill tensiometers and thermal conductivity suction sensors Natural shear-strength
gave reasonably consistent results. parameters
Rainfall was artificially produced using a specially designed Effective cohesion c9 kPa 16.7
sprinkler system that consisted of a pump, a main water-supply pipe, Effective angle of Degrees 28.7
five branches, and 35 sprinkler heads. This sprinkler system could friction f9
produce three levels of rainfall intensity (3, 6, and 9 mm/h).
Continuity Equation
Unsaturated Groundwater Flow In transient groundwater flow, the hydraulic head changes with re-
spect to time. Changes are usually the result of a change in the
Darcy’s Law boundary conditions with respect to time. The continuity equation
for transient conditions is
The coefficient of permeability in an unsaturated state depends on    
the saturation of soils. The relative permeability krel is defined as the k sat  ∂pw
=T rel k =pw þ rw g 2 n S 2 ∂S ¼0 (2)
ratio of the permeability at a given saturation to the permeability in rw g Kw ∂pw ∂t
the saturated state. Hence, based on Darcy’s law, the unsaturated
flow in the porous medium is

krel k sat   Hydraulic Models

q¼ =pw þ rw g (1)
rw g Hydraulic parameters of the groundwater flow in unsaturated zones
(above the phreatic surface) are described by the soil water char-
where q 5 specific discharge (fluid velocity); k sat 5 saturated per- acteristics curve (SWCCs). The SWCC describes the capacity of
meability matrix; rw 5 water density; g 5 vector of gravitational the soil to keep water at different stresses. There are many models
acceleration ð0, 2g, 0ÞT ; and =pw 5 gradient of the pore-water that describe the hydraulic behavior of unsaturated soils. Van
pressure that causes groundwater flow. Genuchten (1980) presented a set of closed-form equations of


Int. J. Geomech. 2013.13:653-658.

hydraulic characteristics of unsaturated soils that is based on the h  ðgn 21Þ=gn i2
capillary model of Mualem (1976). The Van Genuchten model, as krel ðSÞ ¼ ðSe Þgl 1 2 1 2 Segm =ðgn 21Þ (6)
employed in this study, introduces the relation between saturation
and suction pore pressure head fp Alternatively, a model for the SWCC based on adsorption,
cavitation, and double porosity as presented by Frydman and Baker
  h  gn igc (2009) could be employed, but this approach is not followed in this
S fp ¼ Sres þ ðSsat 2 Sres Þ 1 þ ga fp (3)

fp ¼ (4) Matric Suction Profile
rw g
The matric suction profile in an unsaturated soil generally depends
where Sres 5 residual saturation, which describes the part of the fluid
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on the soil properties as given by the SWCC, the soil permeability,

that remains in the pores even at high suction heads; and ga , gn , and
precipitation or evaporation rates, and boundary drainage con-
gc 5 fitting parameters that have to be measured for a specific
ditions, including the location of groundwater level.
material. In general, at saturated conditions, the pores will not be
completely filled with water because air can get trapped, and the
saturation in this situation Ssat will be less than 1. Numerical Modeling of Unsaturated Soil Slope
The effective degree of saturation Se is obtained as
In this section, the results from the FEM will be discussed. The
S 2 Sres mechanical and hydraulic models used in the analysis are the Mohr-
Se ¼ (5)
Ssat 2 Sres Coulomb failure criterion and the Van Genuchten model, respec-
tively. The analysis was performed using the FE software Plaxis
and the relative permeability krel ðSÞ is (Brinkgreve et al. 2010).

Fig. 2. Cross section of instrumented slope (data from Ng et al. 2003)

Fig. 3. Geometry, FE meshes, and boundary conditions


Int. J. Geomech. 2013.13:653-658.

Geometry, Finite-Element Mesh, and Material Properties Boundary Conditions
The height of the slope is 11.2 m with a uniform slope angle of 22° The initial groundwater level was defined based on field monitoring
and a 1-m-wide berm at the midheight of the slope. The geometry from piezometric measurements (Fig. 3). The groundwater level at the
and FE mesh used are shown in Fig. 3, and 1,894 elements with beginning of monitoring at the R1, R2, and R3 locations are assumed
15-noded triangles have been used. as steady-state conditions; i.e., before rainfall occurs, a steady-state
The international soil classification system USDA series was flow calculation based on three measurement of groundwater level at
used for determining the hydraulic data for the analysis because R1, R2, and R3 monitoring locations was performed. A rainfall with
they were not directly provided by Ng et al. (2003) and Zhan et al. intensity as depicted in Fig. 4 was applied on the slope. The min-
(2007). The SWCC based on the USDA series and the experimental imum and maximum pore pressure heads are assumed to be
data can be fitted with sufficient accuracy. Soil parameters for the 20:5 and 0:1 m, respectively. The water is supposed to run off if the
Mohr-Coulomb model and hydraulic data of clay used in the analysis water level comes above the ground surface at a level 0.1 m, and
are given in Table 2. evaporation is supposed to stop if the upper part of the ground has
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become unsaturated at a depth 0.5 m. The left and right boundaries

Table 2. Soil Parameters for Mohr-Coulomb Model
were assumed to be free boundaries, and the lower boundary of the
model was assumed to be a closed boundary.
Soil properties Unit Value The initial suction of the model is assumed to increase hydrostat-
Mechanical parameters ically above groundwater level until the surface. This assumption leads
Unit weight g kN=m3 15.6 to the initial degree of saturation, as shown in Fig. 5, corresponding to
Elasticity modulus E9 kPa 10,000 the chosen SWCC (clay soils). R1, R2, and R3 are three rows of in-
Effective Poisson’s — 0.35 strumentation for pore-water pressure (soil suction) and piezometer
ratio n9 (groundwater level) monitoring. It is acknowledged that owing to
Effective cohesion c9 kPa 16.7 environmental boundary conditions, other assumptions with re-
Effective angle of Degrees 28.7 spect to initial conditions are possible, but this has not been pursued
friction f9 here.
Hydraulic parameters
Saturated permeability ksat m=s 5:50 3 1027
ga 1=m 0.80
gn — 1.09
Fig. 6 show the changes in pore-water pressure in response of
gl — 0.50
rainfall measured by the tensiometer and calculated by the FEM in

Fig. 4. Intensity of rainfall during the monitoring period

Fig. 5. Initial degree of saturation


Int. J. Geomech. 2013.13:653-658.

the R2 monitoring location. R2-T-0.6, R2-T-1.2, R2-T-1.4, and R2- location. With the small rainfall intensity on the last day of the first
T-1.6 are the tensiometer measurements at 0.6, 1.2, 1.4, and 1.6 m rainfall period, the pore-water pressures decrease rapidly, followed
of depth, respectively. These figures show that after several days of by a small decrease during the no-rain period. The same tendency
rainfall, the pore-water pressure increases (suction decreases) until occurred in the second rainfall period. The pore-water pressure in the
the end of the first period of rainfall and then decreases again lower three control points began to increase on the first day of the
during the no-rain period. After one day of the second period of second rainfall period, but the pore-water pressure in the upper
rainfall, the pore-water pressure increases again until the end of the control point started to increase on the second day of second rainfall
second period of rainfall and then decreases again after the rainfall period. On the last day of the second rainfall period, the pore-water
has stopped. The results from the FEM agree very well with the pressure decreased gradually, followed by a small decrease during
observations, especially at a depth more than 1 m below the ground the no-rain period.
surface. Some cracks and fissures were observed to 1.5 m below the In the R3 monitoring location, during the first rainfall, the pore-
ground surface that will influence the result at these positions, but water pressure at all control points (0.6, 1.2, 1.4, and 1.6 m deep)
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this is not considered in the analysis. began to increase rapidly on the first day of the first rainfall period. This
Fig. 7 shows the change in pore-water pressure in response to the is caused by the position of R3 monitoring location at the lower part of
rainfall in the R1 and R3 monitoring locations. In the R1 monitoring the slope with a small initial soil suction; consequently, the soil suction
location, during the first rainfall, the pore-water pressure in the lower will dissipate almost in the same time at all control points during the
three control points (1.2, 1.4, and 1.6 m of depth) began to increase rainfall. The pore-water pressures at all control points started to de-
on the fourth day of the first rainfall period. On the other hand, the crease gradually after the first rainfall period was stopped. The same
upper control point (0.6 m deep) showed the pore-water pressure tendency also occurred in the second rainfall period.
starting to increase on the third day of the first rainfall period. This A similar agreement between measurement and analysis could be
indicates that the combined effects of three days of rainfall only achieved for piezometric level changes, but they are not discussed
dissipate the soil suction above 1.2 m deep in the R1 monitoring here because of space limitations.

Fig. 6. Measured and FEM-calculated pore-water pressure changes in response to rainfall at R2 for four different depths: (a) 0.6 m deep; (b) 1.2 m deep;
(c) 1.4 m deep; (d) 1.6 m deep


Int. J. Geomech. 2013.13:653-658.

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Fig. 7. Pore-water pressure changes in response to rainfall obtained from FE analysis: (a) R1 monitoring location; (b) R3 monitoring location

Conclusions Frydman, S., and Baker, R. (2009). “Theoretical soil-water characteristic

curves based on adsorption, cavitation, and a double porosity model.”
The comparison between an analysis performed with the FEM and in Int. J. Geomech., 9(6), 250–257.
situ measurements of a field trial investigating the effect of rainfall Mualem, Y. (1976). “A new model predicting the hydraulic conductivity of
unsaturated porous media.” Water Resour. Res., 12, 513–522.
infiltration on a slope showed good agreement. Small differences are
Ng, C. W. W., and Shi, Q. (1998). “A numerical investigation of the stability
probably caused by cracks and fissures observed in particular at up of unsaturated soil slopes subjected to transient seepage.” Comput.
to 1.5 m below the ground surface that are not considered in the Geotech., 22(1), 1–28.
analysis. Response in pore-water pressure from the observed and FE Ng, C. W. W., Zhan, T. L. T., Bao, C. G., Fredlund, D. G., and Gong, B. W.
analysis generally showed a 1- to 3-day delay related to initiation of (2003). “Performance of an unsaturated expansive soil slope subjected
the rainfall event. The combine effects of the first three days of to artificial rainfall infiltration.” Geotechnique, 53(2), 143–157.
rainfall were much more significant than the effect of the ongoing Van Genuchten, M. Th. (1980). “A closed-form equation for predicting
rainfall or the second rainfall event. the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated soils.” Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J.,
44(5), 892–898.
Zhan, T. L. T., and Ng, C. W. W. (2004). “Analytical analysis of rainfall in-
filtration mechanism in unsaturated soils.” Int. J. Geomech., 4(4), 273–284.
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Int. J. Geomech. 2013.13:653-658.

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